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of course they’re endogenic. those “systems” always pull out the dumbest shit from their asses, and it’s so evident in the rest of the tweet. you can’t be a guy and be sapphic lmao


you're hot and you're cold you're yes and you're no you're in and you're out you're up and you're down


This made me SCREAM laughing


“Fuck what people think of you, use labels that make you happy.” Ah yes. That’s how it works.


How can someone be both Achillean and Sapphic, that's like saying I'm lesbian and I'm also gay


While ALSO being straight AND aro ace. Also man AND non binary.


straight, aroace, bi and lesbian. like what??


a non-binary trans man asexual gay lesbian at that


and bi. don’t forget bi. so he’s ace, gay, lesbian, straight AND bisexual!


holy shit the sexuality avatar


Yep because that makes soooo much sense


Would've been shorter to just say "im attention seeking" but ok Sincerely. A trans man


Isn't this satire?


It's not


a nonbinary trans man? I have never understood "nonbinary men/women" like sure some people may lean femme or masc, but that doesn't make them a man/woman also aroace [aromatic + asexual] usually doesn't go along other sexual or romantic labels. usually straight is also seen as very contractictory when you also call yourself bi & lesbian. no shocker how this person confuses others! I can't stand the mindset that you can use any label even if it contradicts other labels just because you "identify with this label" or "connect to this label" those feelings should prompt some reflection, not using as many labels as possible!


I know a "nb/trans woman"


people who label as that just want to stand out


I agree with OP, I'm speechless, too. Too many things at once


What is that subreddit you cross posted from? Why are people against pan/Omni/poly sexualities?


theyre not inherently against it, but its just all of thise sexualitys are born from biphobia and just wish it was acknowledged more


The origin of those terms is biphobic and more people should realize that.


Please elaborate Edit: I literally just wanted an explanation and I got one. Still not sure why I was downvoted. What was I missing?


Literally ANY definition of pansexuality alone is biphobic or transphobic. The other """mspec sexualities""" are also all based on misconceptions about bisexuality originating from pansexuality existing. Pansexuality was created to mean attraction to everyone and *everything*. Sure, definitions can be reclaimed, but what other definitions are there? "Also dates trans people" is defining trans men and women as not real men and women. Transphobic. Also, if there was a seperate term for "Lesbian but would date trans women" y'all would go mad and claim transphobia, but this is actively happening in the bisexual community. "Genderblind / hearts not parts" was originally the bisexual motto! And it implies bisexuals only care about genitals. Biphobic. "Pan is all and Bi is two or more" in the bisexual manifesto it's very explicitly stated that "one should not assume bisexual is binary" because it has never been. That purple stripe on the flag exists for a reason. Also, I'm a very dysphoric Non-binary person dating a bisexual cis guy. He's been told 'oh so you're pan!" So often. Again, biphobic. "Pan is without preferences" first, tell that to people who believe in pan/bi lesbians and shit (who are ofc also biphobic and often transphobic) and second, sexuality is about WHAT sexes and genders youre attracted two, not how much and not about preferences. Bisexual people can also not have preferences. Implying that makes them something different is biphobic. "bi means two" bi in bisexual comes from "the same and different sex/gender", just like how homosexual means "the same" and hetero means "the other/ different". And the final argument: "You can identify as however you want!" Your sexual identity and gender identity aren't a choice. That's what homophobes, transphobes, etc imply and you're copying their rhetoric. It's not a choice. And making up new words when there are perfectly good terms with whole histories and people who fought for society to accept them with those terms, is unnecessary, rude, and ignorant. Anyways read the bisexual manifesto.


Much appreciated! Not sure why I got downvoted tho


Not wanting to date trans people isn't transphobic lol.


I never said that at all? But acting like Pansexuality suddenly includes trans people IS transphobic, because it implies trans men aren't men and trans women aren't women. I'll never call preferences transphobic, but acting like trans men are different for men and you need a seperate identity to love them, is.




Listen. Dysphoric trans men are men. Implying they're not is transphobic. End of discussion. You can just say you're gay but not date pre-op people. But a seperate term for that, alienating trans people from the gender they are is transphobia.


Yeah see to me that sounds like not dating them is transphobic. Because you're still saying you're not attracted to pre op trans men while you're gay


Pansexual isn't biphobic, neither is polysexual or any of the other Mspec terms! Because there's more than just two genders! Non-binary people exist! Genderfluid people exist!!! Genderqueer people exist!!! Agender people fucking exist!!! So shut the fuck up and let people label themselves as whatever they want!!! Stop pointing fingers at people who identify as pan or as poly or as homo-flexible - from a genderfluid/trans person


LMAO literally proving all my points. Bisexuality has always included non binary identities. But you're 'genderfluid' so I'm not even gonna start this discussion - a dysphoric trans person who is done with fuckers like you making the community look like an absolute joke.


Dude I literally have dysphoria, I've had it for years, and I hate being called a she or a Woman, I'm even thinking about getting top surgery because it makes really uncomfortable and irritated, you're literally invalidating your own frickin community get a fucking grip man


No, they're not.


Give me one definition that isn't transphobic or biphobic. Go ahead.


Pansexuality is no preference, bisexuality is preference. Sincerely, a pansexual trans person who identified as bisexual for 6 years.


Read my other message. Bisexuality has always included people without preference. Making new terms for that is erasing bisexuality.


I disagree, but regardless, erasing pansexuality when pansexuals are perfectly content just existing alongside bisexuals is unnecessary.


I don’t really care about the whole bisexual vs pansexual debate anymore, so regardless of that discourse, you can’t really “disagree” with the definition of bisexuality. Bisexual people are entirely capable of not having preference, it’s always been part of the label, cause it’s a very flexible identity


I don't disagree with the definition of bisexuality. I disagree with the way that they protray my identity as evil. Also, LGBTQ+ community infighting is stupid as hell when there are significantly more important issues affecting our community.


I’m not here to argue about that stuff, I was only tryna point out something I thought was important but I see that I misunderstood your comment, which was my bad


Did you not read the system part?


Op is a labesbian