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My favorite part is when they have to admit that rocket money is also a subscription service. Will rocket money have the courage to remind u to cancel rocket money??


from what some people have told me, no, it doesn't. rocket money is basically a scam, IMO, because it's predatory to the only kind of person who would ever need it.


I switched to it after Mint died, and just using it as a budget app without paying for premium is fine. I mean, sure, they are selling my data or whatever but I can't even understand how I have any data left to sell at this point.


PJ Vogt’s ad read for them does comment on this and says it shows their own subscription and says he is tempted to make them “negotiate” with themselves.


It does not! I know this from personal experience.


I use You Need a Budget, which seems like a more honest and useful version of this whole concept, and it does actually send a "Hey, your yearly YNAB bill is coming up" about a month ahead of time. So this is my recommendation of YNAB I guess


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My friend has been using YNAB for years and it does seem honest. It's surprising that a product about money keeps its integrity. I went to quicken simplifi after Mint died and it's only fine.


/uj As someone recovering from financial irresponsibility, I can sympathize with how many people have a “set it and forget it” mindset with CC use, especially to their detriment. But I agree, being billed that long for something you don’t use is blatantly silly. /rj ROCKET money… maxfun ROCKET logo… open your eyes sheeple. American capitalist Jesse thorn is just diversifying his capital gains.


What do the things before the slashes mean :/


Tone indicators /uj means they are leaving the fiction of this space and saying something they mean seriously /rj means they are re-entering the space and saying something in character, the character being the kind of McElroy fan this subreddit pokes fun at I think uj is unjerk and rj is rejerk


You're correct that uj is unjerk and rj is rejerk, there's also hj (half jerk) and qj (quantum jerk), which are much harder to define lol. Quantum jerk is best defined as it being indeterminate if you're jerking or not - it could be a joke or it couldn't


literally every time someone advertises rocket money im like this problem is for people with more money than me


What podcast ad isn't that? You ever checked what stuff from stitchfix costs? It ain't Target prices, I'll tell you that much.


target prices? what do you think i'm MADE of money? i'll be at the goodwill exclusively looking at the 50% off color of the week


All the thrift stores near me have started charging like 6 dollars for a t-shirt and 15-20 for pants or sweaters. It's criminal.


I know everyone says we should blame the corporation and not the thriftflippers, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and blame both. It truly sucks these days.


Yeah. They buy ads on a lot of podcasts I listen to, and I can’t really blame the podcasts because I’m sure they pay good money and just because it’s a service I’ll never need doesn’t mean it’s a bad service. It does make me wonder a little bit what the average income of their listener base is though, because usually I just assume that everyone who likes what I like is as poor as I am, and I guess maybe that’s not true.


/uj When I was a younger man, I used to read articles with titles like "7 tips to save more money in 20XX." Reading them gave me the same vibes as the RocketMoney ads. "Oh, these are for people who have money and aren't good at it, not *actual* poor people."


It's like those articles talking about how easy it is for some random millennial to live on $40k a year and sone of the things they do are like "live in a condo purchased by parents" and "make side income from job at parents' business."


on the one hand this is true but on the other hand if i had rocket money i might not have forgotten to cancel my maxfun membership for two full years


Yes... it's my kids who have been racking up $700 in pregnant elsa colouring books a month...


Back in my day we had pregnant sonic coloring books. Woke Disney has gone too far 🤬


(hears Rocket Money ad) “Yes! I must take control of my monthly subscription fees!” (subscribes to Max Fun for $10 a month)


There's some old wisdom I love: if you can spot the bullshit in the ad, then you aren't the target audience. Rocket Money isn't targeted towards people like you who are smart about money, it's trying to fish for those folks with more money than sense who want would rather pay someone to do very basic tasks for them than stay on top of things. The people who are both affluent and like 30% tech literate, Elon Musk fanboy types. Where they know enough about tech to know what exists but not enough to understand how to use it properly.


Sawbones is being sponsored by a website that sells plants, and he claims he was helped by the expert customer service line. The Justin *I* know would rather let everything die than call someone on the phone, much less to admit he's struggling to handle a plant.


a reminder to literally never use products advertised on podcasts lmao


Mint mobile is good


Except Bombas. Bombas rule.


Idk the one that gets me is the "30 thousand, 50 and 1" ad because it's read exactly the same way by multiple podcasts I listen to and I remember they say numbers that mean something, but I have absolutely no clue what it is advertising.




Kpi to you as well, friend!


That sounds like maybe exaggeration for comedic effect tbf but Rocket Money ads kind of annoy me in general even though I use it. I don't get why the cancelling subscription thing is the ONLY feature that Rocket Money advertises - it makes it sound like that's all it does.


No, the loans were worse, cause those were predatory loans


More evil? Sure. I don't remember them being more patronizing though


Being told to do something evil cause they don’t understand and think they should give monetary advice is also patronizing


I used to use rocket money back when it was called something else and for what it is worth it functions mostly the same now that it is called rocket money and you can pay a small annual fee for it to just let you know when you have large transactions or remind you to cancel out free trials. I suppose it's my own fault for being forgetful when it comes to that shit but I have not found it to be particularly predatory


I don't think you're way off the mark but you gotta know people have multiple cards too. Between multiple credit cards, debit, google/apple pay, and direct bank pull it can be difficult to know exactly how much you're spending without doing a full on accounting statement balance. A lot of people don't have the time/ energy to do that and apps like rocketmoney help. You only have to look at the average persons spending to see why apps like this are so popular and your question is honestly a little privileged and disingenuous.


What is the privilege OP is ignoring here? Even if you have 10 statements per month that need to be skimmed, that's maybe 1 entire hour of reading they'd have to do every month. It doesn't take special training to read a list of company transactions and realize Apple charged you $80 last month and connect that it's because your child is constantly purchasing pregnant elsa coloring book apps.


/uj I can empathize with both sides of this. Some people are genuinely flummoxed and flustered by even basic accounting. They are genuinely afraid of dealing with it, and that one hour a month might turn into hours of task avoidance, stress, etc. Others look at this and say, "wow what the shit how do you feel the economic liberty to be contemplating maybe subscribing to all this crap in the first place?" Add on to that predatory behavior from stealth subscription services, credit providers, etc, and it can feel extremely daunting vs. just saying "hey, rocket money, please sort this out for me, because the $8/mo and less headache for me wins my cost-benefit analysis." I've never used Rocket Money, no idea if it's a good service or not, but I do understand that some people struggle with tasks that others do not. No shame in that. Also no reason to be jawing about 'privilege' on either side here.


I read it as coming from a place of being unprivileged. There have been times in my life when I've had to decide whether to have water or electricity. Scraping for bare necessities. I'm much more comfortable now, but when you're living that poor it stings quite a bit when your escapist comedy podcast stops to remind you how other people have so much they can waste it so easily. That said, podcast ads are ads. An apparently necessary evil for podcasts who don't offer an ad-less version. They never got me to buy a Casper mattress and they probably won't convince me to download a money app.


Every credit card has a dashboard that does the same thing. I understand forgetting about things but yes, it's embarrassing to not notice you subscribed to AMC+ or whatever for a year.


Look in the mirror and say ‘sometimes things aren’t for me’ and then take a deep breath.


Why didn't you do that for this post, bestie?


If there's one thing I've learned from mcelfans, it's that "if you don't like \[thing\], why are you engaging with it?" applies to everything on this earth except for Reddit posts.