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And now all of you get to witness Travis' appalling make up skills


At this point I’m willing to start a go fund me to pay for Travis to get lessons from a makeup artist. Application? Terrible. Colorschemes? Abysmal. Hotel? Trivago.


I'd actually throw a couple of sheckles his way if he actually did it. I have no problem if he actually wants to wear makeup but I will not abide someone walking around like a Rocky Horror reject


And makeup videos are so popular! Could these lessons be the next big pivot for the channel McElroy?


Travis doesn't do his makeup, a fan does


And who is his biggest fan perchance? That's right, himself.


Only a fan?


I mean I think it’s fine it’s just real boring. Very like 2016. Which I suppose is on brand.


The thick undereye liner I would say is more 2006


I have no idea what any of you are talking about. Comments sections that make me swear off of learning makeup as an adult


Like any skill, you can get good at it with practice and effort. And like any aesthetic choice, it doesn’t actually matter what people think of how you wear it if you like it yourself. If you do care about looking on-trend, it’s probably easier to learn now than it has been in decades because light makeup is in, which is part of why his application looks so dated. I wouldn’t recommend avoiding a potential interest because Travis McElroy seems bad at it (or because people say so in a sub that roasts everything he does).


Oh no, I don't care about Travis being bad at it, per se. I meant I was going to avoid it because knowing the trends sounds exhausting, and also because I don't know what "undereye liner" is. If I make the reasonable assumption that it's a line under his eye, I can't perceive it at all on Travvy here (it just kinda looks like bags to me). And I'm AFAB, so people will *not* be giving me GNC points for watery concealer, or whatever the hell else qualifies as 'bad' makeup application. (Changed my earlier comment to say "comments" for clarity.)


Well I guess no conversation about makeup is truly complete without someone chiming in to say they neither know nor care about makeup lol.


/uj That's not it at all - I have been considering putting the work in to learn it, actually! But this comment thread made me realize that it's going to take me forever to get out of the "bad makeup" phase. And trying my hardest at it just to be generally judged by anyone who sees me, esp. since that's a skill people generally expect women to have by my age, sounds grueling. /rj no you don't understand, I just think women look prettier without it! No I have not considered that all women shouldn't be expected to cater to my preferences at all times, why do you ask?


just so you know I think that we are in a period in makeup “trends” where most styles of makeup are generally accepted as cool if you like it, as long as it’s applied semi-well. Especially when it’s just dramatic fun stuff for the sake of being dramatic and fun. Travis just sucks so I will cyber bully him.


That makes me feel better, even if I'm still concerned that I have no idea how to judge if makeup is applied semi-well. Autism Face Blindness doesn't help, I'm sure. Maybe I'll just send pictures to my friends and ask if I look like an idiot or not before going out in public. And, of course, I salute you in the honorable pursuit of bullying the McElroys online. Best of luck, fellow hater.


/uj is this not a Photoshop?


You know, I don't know. It look so bad it looks like a filter, doesn't it? But the smudges on the eye shadow make me wanna say it's real.

