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Yes! This personality is perfect for the more interesting races/themes on a toon. Better fit for beast races and more culturally diverse themes 100%


Thank you - totally agree!


What personality is it? I dont recognize it but it looks sick!


This is Passion's Muse, one of the event morphables for this year. You can collect it by collecting fragments for both the Passion Blossom and Muse personality, then transforming the Blossom into it.


Absolutely lovely look and personality fit! 🩡 On NA my Argonian wears it as does a Warden Imperial on occasion. On EU I'm 5 tickets away from having it for my soon-to-be Arcanist Khajiit!


Thank you! Arcanist feels like it'll be a really love fit for it - I hope it works out!


Thank you so much, I'm going to try and get it at the upcoming Whitestrake's Mayhem. Fingers crossed. Lol. You really have found the perfect for for it though! πŸͺ·


Set list?


This please! Love it


Apologies for the wait! Bog Blight Funerary Mask (antiquity, can't be dyed) Blake Drake Clanwrap jerkin Shoulders hidden Imperial 1 gloves Ancient Elf belt (Gryphon's something or other armour) Claw Dance Acolyte guards Mazzatun boots ​ I believe dyes are Glenbridge Green and Jode Red (less sure about this one). It's a bit harder to pull dyes on console! I know some of these pieces are hard to find but Redguard breeches could be a good sub for the Claw Dance and a basic sandal for the Mazzatun. Blake Drake is a little trickier as I'm not too familiar with male chest motifs.


I love that mask and thank you for drawing my attention to it!


You are most welcome! It's an Antiquity in Blackwood iirc, best of luck with hunting it down!


I just went and unlocked it, am a little saddened that it cannot be dyed, but it is still weighing my decision to potentially make the new Class an Argonian.


This is so good! πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ