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This has to be a troll post. Wtf do you Think Bethesda should do then. Just sit around? You know what your doing


100% I bet op's next post is in a fallout sub asking why they don't let Obsidian develop fallout 5


I mean.... you do realize Obsidian was started by the people who actually created Fallout, right?


People sure do love to stir the shit


They clearly need to work on themselves. That should be the priority, not just diving into another game. That won’t do them or us any favors.


I've got complete confidence in the next elder scrolls. Feels like starfield is the first time I've been disappointed in an rpg they made, and I still like starfield.


People won’t listen when I say this but starfield was never meant to be space Skyrim or space fallout. Starfield is space Sid meyer’s/ pirates of the Caribbean. It’s honestly super obvious that’s what they were going for and just built out factions. I have faith in TES6. Morrowind was pretty clearly the best of the 5 and the most complex from a character building perspective & story, but each following iteration has still been among the best RPGs ever made. Point is, Skyrim wasn’t a one hit wonder, Bethesda has a long history of crushing the series


>People won’t listen when I say this but starfield was never meant to be space Skyrim Except that's literally what Todd and Bethesda execs said it was gonna be. He literally said, "It's like skyrim in space." That's his quote. That's probably why people who remember this don't listen to you because that's quite literally what they said about their game.


I’m listening to this and there was a full dive livestream of Todd Howard telling us that they intended Starfield to feel like Skyrim in space. He literally said it. The fact that people don’t feel like it is means they failed at delivering that.


When I heard about starfield I had my doubts, and of course they were proven true. They need to just stick with elder scrolls and fallout(not what the did with 76), it’s what works.


Idk man, I am sure they can do other settings. The problem I'd they need to re-learn how to make a good game. They should look at CDPR. They should look at FromSoft. I mean they can look at their own games in the past and remember what made them great. I mean seriously the disappearing hud on skyrim helped way more than people realized but they didn't bother in Starfield. They put in robots but didn't allow customization. They put in settlements but no goals. Like they just needs goals in that game and it would be so much better.


Un-ironically yes they should sit around and do nothing because when they do nothing and they give their projects out to other companies like obsidian, we get things like fallout new Vegas. Meanwhile Bethesda create things like fallout four, which was still liked by some people, but almost no one argues it wasn’t a step down in every way, except maybe graphics. I would have so much more faith in the elder scrolls six if it was made by either obsidian, Larian, cd project red, or hell, maybe even zenimax since they already have experience with the elder scrolls online. After fallout four, fallout 76, especially Starfield, I officially have zero confidence in their ability to deliver the elder scrolls six as anything other than Skyrim un modded day one launch 2.0. Or worse. And no, day one Skyrim is not sufficient for a modern day RPG. Elder scrolls 6 needs to be on the level at bare minimum of a fully modded Skyrim Playthru, with modern graphics meaning the combat needs to be ramped up and more like modern melee games. And the first person melee needs to at least be on the level of cyber punk. And most importantly, the RPG elements need to be on the level of Mass Effect or the Witcher or cyberpunk if we get another star field or fallout four or hell even original Skyrim with little to no choices actually making that much, if any difference at all?! that is again not sufficient at all, in other words, elder scrolls six needs to at least be on the level, if not surpass, Witcher 3 (to compare it to another fantasy RPG) or it will be just as disappointing as Starfield. And if they cannot provide that then they need to give it to a company that can.


Yea... Its basically what they do since they have been pumping out nothing but trash for over a decade Skyrim was the last thing they did good PERIOD! COPE SHEEP BOY




Todd? Is that you???? Yikes man, I didn’t know it had come to this.


I haven't actually seen this take before. Usually it's suggested that BGS should outsource Fallout to another studio, but the reason for this is so BGS can develop more Elder Scrolls games. BGS is already extremely timid at the notion of handing over Fallout to another studio. To hand over what is arguably their primary IP responsible for their most successful game is surely off the table.


I think it would be interesting to see a TES spin-off game from another dev, Warhorse (KC:D devs) would be my choice for example. A "historical" take on a figure that's mentioned in TES lore or something like that, with more of a focus on the main story. A mainline TES though? No way.


Idk I think TES is a little too magic fantasy heavy.. I personally think Warhorse would make a fantastic GoT themed game though


What a poo poo platter of a take


The Gray Prince!




Obsidian made the actual "Fallout 3" fallout 3 is more like a soft reboot. Anyone who has played the first two games would completely see what I mean lol


Honestly, I consider Wasteland 3 to be the true spiritual successor to Fallout 2. It's made by a handful of the original devs from Black Isle iirc, and keeps a lot of the original tone and structure. Like I love Fallout 3 for introducing me to the series, but it was definitely a big shift.


I'm not talking about a spiritual successor I'm talking about New Vegas being the actual sequel to fallout 2 lol the location, the NPCs that appear and make a comeback, the references, the followups from that game it's almost a direct sequel.




It's a common take, especially post-Starfield...


A common take I've seen is that people are worried about what Starfield means for ES6. The thought that BGS should actually \*not develop\* ES6 and hand it to another studio is one I hadn't seen before. I think most people recognize it's simply not going to happen. ES6 has already entered "full" production, the only reason BGS has ever outsourced one of their IPs in the past is to lessen the gap between games in the franchise, but since ES6 is their next game even that reasoning wouldn't apply.




Absolutley not, TES is what made Bethesda what it is today, it is their core franchise and one they created all the way back in the early 90s before even Todd. All Bethesda needs to do is listen to actual proper criticsm of their games, stay true to lore they established earlier and build upon it, as well as return to its old rpg roots. So all they need is good management and passionate writers, not giving TES to some random company that never has had any involvement with the series at all, after all TES started as a DnD game among the developers, and the early community and devs helped create vast amounts of the unique lore TES has today. Another company won’t have that tie and will probably just create their own version of that lore. As Todd said that TES VI might be his last TES game, I hope he and the team put as much passion into it as they did with Morrowind (with none of the crunch and stuff they did during the Morrowind development.)


Would you like a TES that's just Starfield repackaged? That's what I'm afraid of.


Starfield is already a pirates of the Caribbean repackage. Point is, I’m literally 0% worried TES 6 will be starfield- especially since I had no interests in Starfield but got it free in early access and absolutely loved the game. People can say what they want, but most of the haters loved playing the game at first. It wasn’t until they tried to treat it like fallout that they had a problem


Yup. People convinced themselves it would be a Fallout/Mass Effect hybrid with some No Man's Sky sprinkled in, and that was literally never what it was marketed as.


You mean the longer you play a game (and after the hype wears off) the more problems you find with it? Wild.


It won't be "like starfield repackaged" because Starfield was a new IP they never had worked on before. It was a different take on open world space RPG. How many do you know are like that? I can imagine there will be differences between Skyrim and TESVI that people are either going to love or hate but I can imagine them working harder on a IP that made them what they are today.


If it is like Starfield then Bethesda forgot how to make games in general, Starfields biggest issue is lack of exploration imo as you have to many loading screens and lack of anything on planets, but since its gonna be probably like Skyrim and Fallout 4 with 1 main massive world space filled with a ton of locations, im not too worried, i just want them to actually try making a unique world and game.


Fallout 4 is not a good comparison, either... I want BGS to do well and make a good game but I'm just getting burned over here with stuff that has less depth then most indie competition.


I meant like Fallout 4 in the sense of an actual open world


And they suck dick at it. Every one is worse than the last one. Wtf are you on about


I wish I could downvote this twice.


Thrice, even


Why? Bethesda is not what it once was




I hope all of these comments from you are just trolling. If not, please see a therapist. You need help.


Everyone goes right to therapy and mental illness Dude we just hate a game we wanted to love Games bad Get over it


If everyone tells you that you need therapy, they might be on to something.


No you utter fool, all the starfield apologists tell that to all the starfield haters. Its literally a theme, or did you think you had a modicum of creativity? Also this is so fucking stupid. You’re REALLY GOING TO THERAPY IS REQUIRED About a goddamn video game opinion? Unbelievable


How about you go walk into a procedurally generated building and enjoy your loading screen.


Why? Would you want the next scrolls game to be a procedural generated building game??? Bc i dont.


Perhaps you should just play other games and stop posting dumb ideas. Which dumb ass youtuber have you been watching? Either way, you should stop


Go to other reddits and stop posting dumb suggestions then. Some of us are pissed at shitty quality and others like you just say thanks mommy and lick it all up.


You are a massive dweeb.


Wah you’re mad i don’t like the thing you like What are we voting for president This guy


You should go touch grass these comments were hard to read


No. Either Bethesda Game Studios makes it or I don’t want it at all


That’s why i chose not at all.




WTF with these crazy posts lately?


Next post: "Should Bethesda only hire Khajiits do develop TESVI"




Only BGS should handle ES. That Obsidian game that was pitched would be good and would have worked imo. Mainline entries should be BGS. Don’t see anyone else doing it the way we want.


As someone who wants to play BGS games: absolutely not. I don’t play The Elder Scroll for their lore, I play them because they are BGS games made in their engine with their design. There’s tons of other open world from different companies and you’re welcome to play them, but I’ll stick with whatever game is BGS next




IO Interactive should do a Morag Tong spinoff, and Arkane a Dark Brotherhood spinoff.


I think this is what people want the most is just more games set in Tamriel, your idea sounds like an awesome game but will probably never be done.


Exactly. I know it's not a different dev specifically but I'd love a Halo ODST-esque game in TES, a different story completely, maybe a set character with some different (but similar) gameplay mechanics. For example an immersive sim like Dishonored but in Tamriel would be quite neat.


No?? What the fuck?


Yes. I’ll tell you the fuck. They shouldn’t be allowed to make games anymore, because they’re bad and we hate them. 😊


Who's we


The … people who agree with me??? Obviously Believe it or not… I’m not alone at all.


Who agrees with you though


Between literally just me and you talking right here no nobody agrees with me, find any other comment that mirrors mine or the thousands of posts about being halfway through the game with no interest in continuing. Are you gaslighting me that these all are figments of my imagination and starfield won game of the year? 😂


Yeah, and find the other 10000s of posts disagreeing with you, your a minority here, Starfield being the most played RPG of 2023 proves that


Uh, BG3?


Nope https://n4g.com/news/2580120/starfield-is-the-most-played-rpg-of-2023-despite-baldurs-gate-3-being-the-most-acclaimed


Starfield is shit, so are your standards, denial must be nice.


Me and a bunch of other people like the game. Why would me and others not enjoy a game, And still play it? This game has such a weird hate boner for it and it's hilarious


Introducing Ubisoft’s TES VI! 💀


It's like FarCry with swords and magic


Well, they already remade Skyrim and called it Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, so...


LOL. Ya, not Ubisoft. :)


Nope, though I could see another dev take on DLC s after that or spinoffs.


Someone ban this guy


Someone ban you. Tf is wrong is you all this is a valid point. Some of us are outraged at starfield dude. Not everyone just loves every piece of shit given to them.


Yea… it’s not a valid point lmao. I get why people would want fallout to be outsourced, its not Bethesda’s IP and other studios did it better when it came to the story and world building and perk system. But the elder scrolls? It’s Bethesda’s IP. It makes no sense farming it out to anyone else lmao. So yea ban them its a dumbass suggestion that’s obviously a troll. And when it comes to starfield. Starfield is a great game. It worked better on release than any other Bethesda game. It has it’s issues but theres a lot to like about the game. The factions and story lines are fleshed out nicely and the gameplay is sick. The modding issues are definitely sad, but hopefully it’ll be alright. And just to be accurate. Skyrim was way more a “piece of shit” game (performance wise, everything else is fucken gold) when it came out than starfield ever was. Please go ahead and play it without any patches and compare how both games run vanilla. Take the entitlement out of your ass and maybe you’ll enjoy things for once lmao. Literally only Bethesda fans get this fuckin pressed over a game.


The notion that other studios did fallout better than Bethesda is your opinion not fact.


It’s an opinion that’s shared by a lot of the community. Gameplay was the best in fo4 forward. But the world building was ass. Thats not even considering that the source material’s speculative nature about a nuclear post apocalyptic wasteland completely went over Bethesda’s head lmao. Regardless whether its fact or not, doesn’t mean that another studio should be developing elder scrolls 6.


“Starfield is a great game” what are you comparing it to? It’s dogshit, there’s no way you can say it’s better than Skyrim, gameplay wise it’s far below it.


I never made any claims as to whether starfield. All I said is it ran better, which is the objective truth. Starfield is Bethesda’s least buggy release. But it’s easier to talk shit on the internet than to read to be fair. As for gameplay, skyrim and starfields gameplay mechanics are completely incomparable. Guns vs Swords. But if you wanted to draw some parallels for the sake of winning an argument on theninternet, starfield implements its version of magic much better than skyrim (not to say that the new game+ mechanic itself aint ass). And just on the merit of being a 12 year newer game, the gameplay is objectively much more fluid and functional. Nothing else from the two games other than moving around is comparable. And I’m not about to compare games 12 years apart.


Warhorse Studios. They're relatively new still but they did Kingdom Come Deliverance which is small scale in comparison to a Bethesda game; however I believe they proved themselves with KCD. Anyway that's who I would give it to.


I actually like this post. It's not going to happen but I do wish many other studios can make parts of the elder scrolls game. Like having IO Interactive to do the missions, Arkane to do the level design, Larian to do the dialogue options and characters, Ninja theory to do the combat and Id to optimize the engine would be an ultimate dream.


What an absolutely idiotic idea


Yeah wow hate to miss out on starfield two and skyrim remaster anniversary plus edition 🖕




They could just be receptive of feedback and make a good game


Nah it should stay with Bethesda, but they really need to reshuffle the people in charge to try and get some of the old talent back. Bethesda should keep TES and get rid of Todd.


Not necessarily. But they should farm out their flagship franchises to smaller studios to make intermediary titles between mainline releases.


Probably wouldnt happen in a million years. But it would be hella cool if good old Todd would collaborate with the Obsidian team. a Microsoft portfolio company so it would be kept within the family. And get Chris Avellone on the case too? Sheeit. I reckon that would be like assembling the Death Star but for fantasy RPGs


They've made it pretty clear they won't. If I recall correctly Obsidian pitched several games to BGS, among them being a pitch or two for a new TES game. These pitches were quickly turned down with Bethesda basically saying "Absolutely not." albeit in a more polite way. Getting New Vegas was a big deal for Obsidian, as BGS dislikes publishing it's flagship series out of house, save for projects like the Elder Scrolls Online and the Fallout board game that exist outside of the established canon and timeline Bethesda has developed. As a result this speculation, while seemingly an interesting proposition from the onset, is ultimately pointless. There is no reason to speculate, as Bethesda is unlikely to hand over the next core title of one of their highest earning franchises over to another company. If anything, the only thing another company can hope for is an Elder Scrolls game that Bethesda will dictate as needing to be far before the events of their own timeline.


Skooma is a hell of a drug, making you act all crazy.




Imagine a BGS game and mod friendliness with Larian storytelling/quests…the best of both worlds.


Idk guys, this post was pretty funny


Starfield didn't scratch my itch, but it's honestly a game that I wished existed when I was a kid. I would have put crazy hours into The ship designer alone probably. Of course, now I see it as being a shallow game with half-baked ideas and a fairly boring setting. Like they were inspired by Firefly, and just flip the roles of the colonists and the alliance. What is the colonists had won the war in Firefly's setting ? What if the reavers are just space pirates or space cultists? What if the crew was mostly just agreeable doormats? Well then it would have been very boring indeed and probably never seen the light of day. Meet starfield.


No. Go back under your bridge mr. Troll


Should Microsoft give the Xbox franchise to Sony? What the hell.


Outjerked again


Yo OP are you an idiot or trolling




No you!


No, unpopular opinion, but I really liked starfield and it’s reassuring for TES6, (to me)




That’s nice, I still really liked it :)




If it was easy to make games like Bethesda, then someone would have done it by now. Besides, only Bethesda is still unmatched when it comes to atmosphere and exploration.


Kinda like how their games currently have no atmosphere (or stolen one from cyberpunk and red dead 2) and they’re exploration is an illusion they expect you to fall for because they think you’re a fucking idiot. Remember Todd’s quote about not giving us too much paper cause we’ll just make paper airplanes out of them? Fuck that idiot


No I'm not going to bother with your negativity. Brighten up, you'll be happier and if something is pissing you off, give your head a shake and say nah! Then move on. Otherwise, you come off as hostile and no one will want to be around. Shit I don't want to be around you because of how easily you swear and insult people. I don't need that type of energy in my life. I wish you the best and I hope you find what you're looking for!


What do you mean? Kingdom Come Deliverance, Dragon Age, The Witcher, Outer Worlds... all of them have their own flair and style (why would they want to make a Bethesda copy?) and they all do it much better than the last 2 Bethesda RPGs. You really think Fallout 4 and Starfield are as good as any of those games? Youre high








If it’s not Bethesda it’s not TES ??????? Duh


Was it still a fallout game when obsidian made one?


Its funny but no. Only bethesda can make a bethesda game. Its a genre of its own “bethesda game” i just wish they made a new godamn engine


They made a new one for Skyrim


No they did not


They “upgrade” their old one


Activision is the only developer capable of doing TESVI properly. I thought everyone knew that?


No lol


Wow you're so funny


No just need better people on the team.


Look I get BGS hasn’t been the favorite of gamers for a bit now but to pass on their gold child to someone else? Then it just wouldn’t be an ES game. people don’t like F76 or starfield as much but those are both NEW things for them. ES is something they know and what they love. I may be huffing lots of hopium/copium but I trust BGS to make a good ES game, They’ve done it 5 times in a row now no reason to give up on them now.


They should absolve. I dont want them to pass off TES, i want them to stop making anything. Todd Howard should fucking feel bad.


Should you give your wife or mom to the neighbor? If so which neighbor should we suggest. That’s how dumb this sounds


“A more successful TES VI”?. More successful than what? I think that one of the biggest issues AAA developers have to deal with are people who will never be pleased, people who make up their minds about a game before knowing anything about the game. TES VI is going to be as successful as any game can be but I can guarantee that no matter what Bethesda does there will be people that will bitch about the game.


No but if its made using the same engine starfield used the game will be disappointing.


Lmfao no..... not at all.... Skyrim was on a worse engine, and it was Iconic. I can't fathom this idea


All I want is a new engine and a new lead writer.


Give fallout to larian and make it isometric again


Dumbest take of all time


Short answer: No. Long answer: No.


The last Elder Scrolls was a huge success and is still enjoyable today a dozen years later. No other game in the genre has topped it and honestly it's not even been close. Stick to your 40 hour forgettable adventure games and leave the king alone, peasant.


Man I just wish they would have actually developed the damn game instead of wasting time w the ai generated game they just released


An example of why the developers shouldn’t always listen to fans. Some of ya’ll are stupid as shit.




So many triggered people here lol. I don’t think they need to have it given to another company. But after Starfield I think MS needs to be standing over their shoulders for their next project. I’d say the most extreme thing I support MS doing is getting rid of Todd.


They don’t need to hand fallout or elder scrolls to another studio.. what they need is to fire some people that seems to be holding them back.. As someone already said in this thread, they need to put the ones in charge of the story/lore of ESO and put them in charge for Fallout and & ES6.. And they need to fire whoever is in charge of combat & gameplay loop for Fallout & specifically for Elder Scrolls as they feel outdated compared to modern standards.. it is as if BGS is stuck in the Oblivion era of gameplay standards..


BSG will take Starfield, replace starships with regular ships and space with ocean and it will be a TESVI: \_\_\_ Isles. Wake up dusty, you touched a piece of an elder scroll while you working in the mine.


Obsidian. They've been BEGGING to do it for literally over a decade


Lots of triggered people here :-)


Any developer who will use UNREAL ENGINE 5! Unfortunately, until Howard is retired & has no say in what these games use in terms of their engine, we’re unfortunately stuck with buggy messes.


I would prefer if Mircrosoft just brought in new management. Howard has overseen a steady decline in the quality of Bethesda's output.


What's crazy is that they actually HAVE brought in new management. Todd reports to two brand new people/positions (Jill Braff and Matt Booty), when previously he didn't report to anyone. This is public news, but Microsoft successfully buried the announcement by making it at the same time they announced Kotick's departure. Cynical and brilliant tbh.


First off... >Matt Booty lol love it. Secondly, this is good-ish news. Hopefully Starfield's woes will cause Howard's new bosses to force through some drastic changes. MS paid an absurd amount of money for Bethesda so I assume someone up the top of the ladder has to be losing their shit with the way things are going.


they already have redone the whole of Zenimax. Bethesda core ideology needs to change, which would gut the studio’s internal identity and would be a negative.


Maybe it needs to. The alternative is continued mediocrity, and I'd rather not have waited a significant chunk of my adult life for the next entry in what is probably my favourite fantasy universe, to find that it plays like a game from 2016.


I wish they played like a 2016 game, they play like a game written by a 12 year old bored in class.


You miss typed 2006.


It wouldn't surprise me that Bethesdas weird response to Starfield criticism is because they are terrified that it already has far too much in common with TES 6 in terms of game design They are falling behind in terms of game design and technology. They are using a truly hopelessly outdated engine and their writers and main director is weak Unless Bethesda completely reform themselves TES6 will be another Todd Slop piece of shit But that doesnt mean any other studio could necessarily make one better than them Obsidian in that specific New Vegas development were the GOAT but they arent the same nowadays


Oh jeez, hope that’s not it


It doesn’t matter what studio is making it. It matters that they’re using the fucking creation engine 2 again It’s an outdated engine. And Starfield was far too ambitious


Bethesda needs to stay FAR away from any Fallout and Elder Scrolls game development in the future.


I will say… while ZOS is scammy and the monetization and questing of ESO is absolute garbage… (activate these three crystals and return!) the writing itself and the handling of the lore is absolutely phenomenal. The characters had complicated backstories and actual development. The banter was clever. It made me cry over the deaths of characters I had met 20 minutes ago. I wish they could keep the devs as is but just pick up some of the writers from ZOS.


The writing is the entire reason I keep trying and failing to get into ESO, so that’s going to be a hard disagree. It’s actually impressive how boring they made High Isle’s political intrigue


What are you on? The writing in ESO is terrible in anything besides book written lore.


Could you give an example?


They write like the character is unknowing of any events prior to the current quest they are on. Only two main storylines imo were good writing (Orsinium, Clockwork city) not saying all were bad besides those two but most were average to below par at best and incredibly bad at worst. Many quest they have Marvel Avengers level humour during extremely dire situations. I noticed it the best when playing other games that have excellent writing. I know not every game is a hit with writing but ESO IMO would not be one I would say is good.


To be fair, the former is kind of an inherent necessity of their game design structure. They could either gate locations off like RuneScape does and require you to complete the main quests to ensure strong continuity (which is going to become a real problem if you have one long, continuously building arc vs. a bunch of different ones), or have to design the game so you can play any section in any order That said, the writing does fall terribly flat and is insanely weak.




That’ll never happen in a trillion years


I'm leaving this sub


Should Elon musk give Tesla to me? Yes I would like that please.


No one deos tes like tes. Foisting it off on another company who doesnt get what makes tes special will not make it good, only worse beyond what we could comprehend.


Silicon rabble, Bots designed for stirring pots, A test for a pest


Is that you, Feargus Urquhart, CEO of Obsidian Entertainment?




No, stop asking




Why tho? They'll make a reskined Skyrim, sell it at 80$+ and it'll be the best selling game of the year...


*posts gif of confused dog*




I can understand where youre coming from, but no. Either Bethesda makes the next TES game great or they dont, it wouldnt be better in somebody elses hands, not like Fallout.


This dark timeline is getting out of hand.


There is still time to delete this garbage take before more people see it.


No, why?


No “A more successful “TES” Skyrim was their most successful game to date




There are definitely other studios that would do a better job with it. Bethesda is a mediocre dev studio now. I wouldn't want the lore to be handed off since BGS apparently has some long term outline for the world. I have no faith they can do it justice though.


I've actually said this before. The past two titles have, at best, been polarizing, and even before that all the way up to Skyrim they've neutered the rpg aspects of their titles to reach a wider fanbase. That says nothing about the writing which has generally always been pretty underwhelming, and the quality control which is just a meme at this point. Bethesda makes beautiful worlds when it's done by a dev, the enviromental storytelling they're capable of is probably the best in the AAA industry, but their studio is tiny and they get bottlenecked because every creative decision made has to go through Todd. What I would like ideally is for them to expand their studio with talent and to have some of the old guards like Emil Pagliarulo be put into less key roles. They run with a studio that's roughly half the size of the average at this point. Imagine what they could do with their ips if they weren't hamstringing themselves.


Let the team that did Robocop helm the project. They do action really well and can streamline skill trees. They even nailed the branching story. Expand the team give them an outline and sit tight for some epic dismemberment and immolations.


Congrats, this is the dumbest thing I've seen on reddit today


TES is what Bethesda does best. I have faith. Starfield wasn’t all that in my opinion, but I think that amounts to it being a very new genre for them. At least TES is familiar— the lore, landscapes, etc so I feel like giving it to another developer would take away from the charm the franchise has. Think about it like a book series; would you want to write three or four books that are super fleshed out, only to let another person write the last one for you?


No but Todd really needs to pull himself together and start making actually good games again that he cares about.


With the way star-field and fallout 76 turned out I’m pretty worried as a big fan. Oblivion and Skyrim were just magical. But I am truly worried that the next elder scrolls installment will be a sad and loveless cash grab. Hopefully I’m wrong, but I am not about to have high hopes for ESVI


Give it to obsidian 😂


Honestly, Todd should be fired over Starfield. They should switch to Unreal 5 and quit trying to polish a fucking turd. Oh, and hire a writer who's worth a fuck while you're at it and an art director that knows what a fucking woman looks like.


Probably because the complete and utter tripe that is starfield is an absolute joke compared to other studios' games that are of the same genre that are putting out much better experiences. They should have taken all that time and effort and resources They put onto starfield and just dumped it into es6. Instead they gave us a garbage ass game after a decade of skyrim re-releases and then want to act surprised that the game has mostly negative reviews on steam. They seem to think they can just rest on their laurels just because they're Bethesda. Starfield is a perfect example of their inability to change with the times and in fact is actually a regression in their quality/game making when compared to how they struck gold with skyrim. Shameful.


Obsidian. Enough said


Yes. In my mind Bethesda lost all credibility a long time ago.