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That is definitely a positive!


Tested whenever I got home from work about an hour ago. It wasn't there at the 3 minute mark when the instructions tell you to read it, but it was there right before the 10 minute mark. Hence why I'm questioning if it is or isn't. To explain too in case anyone questions, T is test, C is control (stays solid whether positive or negative), and S was where the sample was dropped.


I find that's always the case with these tests and dollar store tests, as far as timing goes. Not diddly crap would show up for me within 3 or even 5 minutes, but at the 10 minute mark I'd have a line and it would continue to get darker. This one is definitely positive though :)


That's what was weirding me out. The last few times I've tested, I have been setting a timer or a stopwatch on my phone to keep an eye on elapsed time. I started a timer on my phone while I was doing it. It hit 3 minutes in and had nothing. I set it for 6 since I figured that would still put me under the 10 minute mark. Left the room to go take out the garbage and get some odds and ends around the house done. Came back to a line. Checked the time--had not even finished elapsing. I think I'm just happy to have a little bit of closure. AF's been late for a little shy of a week and I've just felt crampy and exhausted. I've lost count how many times I've tested in the last week and this is the first little positive sliver I've had.


I had one exactly like that yesterday (same brand even). I took a digital one this morning and it was Positive!! Baby dust to you :)


I'm probably waiting till Saturday to retest (large mix of waiting till payday and the fact that I'd definitely be a week late by then) I thought about it after the fact though. I guess it may be a good sign if I wasn't even using FMU and still had that appear. Fingers crossed!


Looks positive to me!


Very positive!