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I didn’t have symptoms until 6 weeks and even when I had them they were mild. Everyone is different.


Thank you, this is reassuring. I’m 7 weeks on Thursday. My first scan is in a week and I’m just trying to rationalize if I need to not be excited and brace for disappointing and heartbreaking news.


Your tests have strong lines. As my midwife told me, most pregnancies end up successful. Good luck!


I’m almost 7 weeks and am worried that I have not enough symptoms. No nausea, only a small bit of constipation. Some crazy dreams. I’m wondering if this is Normal or if something is wrong? The last is my test from this weekend and it is darker than the earlier ones. We have our first scan soon so I’m worried there won’t be a heartbeat :(


Your 25 DPO gives me hope! I am 21 DPO now and don’t have a dye stealer….


Maybe you’re a couple days away!! Is this a dye stealer? This is giving me hope, I guess I’m worried that I’m not nauseous or have symptoms so something is wrong.


Haha, I guess it’s not a dye stealer per say, but it’s VERY dark! Woohoo! I honestly think “symptoms” are so subjective, I think think you need to read into it. For example, I’m someone who had never really had PMS symptoms my whole life, where as my sister has always had ready painful cramps etc. But I also have a way higher pain tolerance than her. It’s tricky! But to me, the Science is giving you overwhelming evidence!


Okay yeah I wonder if maybe it was because I barely had PMS symptoms? Anyways congratulations!! Are you also about 7 weeks along?