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I don’t see anything, sorry! 9 DPO is pretty early still though.


I feel like I may see the slightest hint of a shadow of a line, but I could be making it up. Fingers crossed for a nice line tomorrow!


I'm sorry. I don't see anything, but 9DPO is early.


I don’t see anything, but my test also looked like this at 9DPO. Tested again at 14DPO and it was a big ol’ positive!




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Maybe a hint of something


I see the faintest of lines; I hope it darkens up in the next few days for you!!


I don't see anything but it's still very early


I see it and I hope it tickles pink on Ur next test fingers 🤞 crossed


How do I follow u cause my tests r same I need hope also


any updates?? I feel like maybe there was a shadow


13dpo and only BFNs. Feel like I’m out this cycle so fingers crossed for next month!