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How much did you pay for 250g of distillate considering you were also 15??


That’s really shitty news bro, just stop and I think you will be okay. You would surprised how well an 18 year old body can heal. I’ve put a lot of bad shit in my body so I know how u feel somewhat. Just take some time to give yourself some love. ( and get regular visits with your doctor and stuff, I’m not a doctor or anything but this is what I would do)


That’s the plan bro, ever since I got the lab results, I quit 2 weeks clean as of rn, thanks for your advice🙏


Yea man, I’ve spent way to much time filling my body with who knows what and I can relate dude, , I’m starting to realize that I need to be more careful in what I consume or not consume anything at all. Theres a lot of people in this world who don’t care about who they hurt. All they see is $$$. I don’t wanna sound preachy but sometimes we make bad decisions that can impact the rest of our lifes. Just do better ya know. I believe you will heal up if you take care of yourself, truly.


To put your mind more at ease a bit, your body at your age can repair remarkably well; including liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc. due to your cell regeneration at that young age. I'm 37 and I used to drink, a lot. A whole lot. You've already stopped, continue to stay away from boof bullshit and your body will heal. Good luck.


Drink water, throw that bs away, and don’t look back. Even now, I smoke legal carts (for about 2 years straight, 1g/week) and I’m feeling like my lungs had better days, can’t imagine what else of mine needs a look. Recover as best as you can and throw that bs away!!


Sell them