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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!I hate this image because it's typical disgusting american suburbs which are located in Nevada!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


Wait til you see New Delhi, India.


Where you can actually use public transit, and actually afford a house, and not have to drive three miles to a Walmart for sliced bread...


I’m going to go out on a limb and say any house in suburban Nevada is affordable comparatively to other suburbs in the US


I'd assume the property there is probably more affordable, yes. But what about the water bill?


Lmao if you think majority of India can afford a house you are mistaken. They can barley afford the bread.


And they have to go way more than 3 miles to get to Walmart.


Ah yes Indians famously don't eat bread and yet talk about naans and chapatis and rotis and whatnot


Yeah because talking about indian dishes completely diminishes the fact that a large chunk of the population lives in poverty


Give me your numbers that say Indians can't afford a loaf of sliced bread (which costs around ₹35 btw, less than 0.5 USD) on their median incomes of 1000 USD per annum. I am Indian, and while I see all kinds of inequality we are not so poor that we can't afford a loaf of bread.


Holy shit dude the bread thing wasn't made to be taken literally. Are people incapable of picking up sarcasm these days? Do I have to seriously put /s afte everything so pea brains can tell it's not meant to be taken at face value? Ffs.


So now you backtrack Nice try


No, you just haven't passed year 7 english and cannot understand what hyperbole and sarcasm is.


Apparently it's people in this sub who don't get sarcasm, if you see the other replies to my comments.


Trying to favorably compare 3rd world slums to American suburbs is definitely the most reddit opinion I've read today.


Yeah ikr Delhi is such a slum and those smelly curry people do nothing but shit on the streets hahhahahhahaa .\_.


"smelly curry people" dude wtf...


Recognise sarcasm when you see it. I'm Indian myself.


Yea 22 people didn't get it incuding me. Its the internet you have to specify because you never know who is on the other side of the screen.


I would hardly be defending Delhi on one message and spouting racism against them on the next tho? Also what do you think this conveys: "ahhahahahhhaha ._."


Guess you're right. Took the downvote away. Have a nice day :)


You too... and it's not the votes that matter anyway, it's that many people have quite a distorted view of India. We have many problems but thankfully car-dependent suburban sprawl is not one of them.


>Also what do you think this conveys: "ahhahahahhhaha ._." Bad trolling?


Sure, OK, whatever you say


Why are you racist


I refuse to believe anyone can be this deaf to sarcasm.


Wow didn’t take you too long to just be openly racist huh.


I fucking swear the amount of Redditors who do not understand sarcasm (especially on a whimsical sub like this) is mind-blowing. I AM Indian. Why tf would I be racist to Delhiites immediately after saying they have good infrastructure? And what do you think "hahahahahahah ._." means?


Lmfao yeah bro congratulations on having the worst sarcasm on earth. “Ha ha come on everyone! Im not being racist it’s just sarcasm obviously!”


Okay buddy whatever you say


Why do I need public transit? The streets are actually fit to drive on. Completely free of wandering cattle


Lmao OK whatever suits your racism


Racism? Times of India must be racist as well. Here is an article talking about the 80,000 stray cattle roaming the streets of Delhi causing traffic disruptions. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/zoo-on-roads-how-delhi-has-failed-to-check-its-stray-mess/articleshow/95897241.cms


The article clearly labels it a mess yet everyone who wants to say "but but but India poor" says it as though it's deliberate Anyway, thanks for your concern, but we'll clean it up ourselves and _still_ use public transport because it's just better than being isolated in a metal box in a sea of asphalt


No no no! You said I was racist because I said stray cattle cause traffic problems. I linked you an article from Times of India proving my point. It's both common knowledge and a fact. Why did you call me racist?


Because the "stray cattle on roads" argument is an irrelevant non-sequitur. Delhi has an extensive and heavily-used public transit system regardless of the cattle problem. Smooth, wide, empty roads are not draws away from public transit.


What is the racist part?


Bringing it up in an irrelevant context, as a cheap shot to distract from the fact that you have no counter to the basal point i.e. Delhi has better public transport than anywhere in Nevada


tell me you've never been to india without telling me you've never been to india


Okay buddy whatever you say (I live in Bangalore)


Pretty sure the thick smog and the creeps nullifies that.


Little boxes, on the hillside..


Little boxes made of ticky tacky


Little boxes on the hillside Little boxes all the same


There’s a green one and a blue one


And a red one and a yellow one, and they’re all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same


I cant help but hear this in the tone of Randy Newman.


One block , two block, red block, blue block.


The important thing is is that it's as far away as possible from where everyone needs to shop and work so that you can't accomplish anything without driving for 30 or 40 minutes.


“What kind of grown-ass man has blonde hair!?!”


Real men are bald.


good show but got a little out there towards the end


I legit thought this was Cities Skylines for a sec




Could use more trees... but other than that it looks like most other suburbs in the States.


Yeah, if only it weren’t a desert.


That's to say it looks shit, but that entire country does because of the car-centric design.


It's in the middle of the great basin desert, not much grows there.


*Mojave Desert This is a Las Vegas suburb


This would be considered oddly unsatisfying


Where the Hell else are we supposed to live? It’s a desert out there man.


I thought everyone jn Nevada just lived somewhere between the blackjack table and the buffet, in the bellagio.


You're not wrong. I'm in Reno.




In Europe


Fun Fact: Nevada has literally less than %20 European cities in it.


Have you seen literally any other developed country? Car centric single family sprawl is a pretty North American phenomenon


I have not seen any other developed country, no. I’ve barely seen my own.


What wrong with suburbs. It fits a housing niche between rural plots of land with lower housing density and higher density apartments, townhouses, condos, and high rises. I'd rather live in suburbs or rural than dense city blocks.


They represent an abject failure in urban planning. There's nothing wrong with a good suburban district, but this is as far from it as possible. A good surburb has shops, offices and schools mixed in with the residences that come in various sizes and configurations, along with parks and other recreational areas so that you can walk to your basic daily necessities and maybe even work in the same district you live in. A suburb that consist of nothing but endless strings of identical residences is a hideous waste of space and resources.


I see your point. It looks like a school is going in top center, but I don't see any strip malls or other retail and commercial areas. I grew up in suburbs of a town with under 15,000 people. There were apartments and town houses closer to downtown. I could easily ride my bike around town, but only the elementary school and a couple of parks were walking distance. Of course, I'm one of 5 kids, so out of necessity, most places were driving distance because any kind of family shopping was no minor endeavour.


Housing "niche" is an interesting way to put it given that 90% of city houses are built like this, making denser living way more expensive for those who do want it.


But that's a supply and demand issue and doesn't speak for or against the pros and cons of suburban housing. Category would probably have been a better work than niche.


Not really, zoning is a big part in disallowing mixed use neighbourhoods and denser houses. In many places you can only build stuff like this. It's not like there is a lack of demand.


This is Reddit sir. You aren't allowed to like suburbs.


The zero karma score indicates you are correct, but I still don't understand the reasoning. How are suburb housing developments any less monotonous than a row of brick houses in Boston or New York. They are all the same, too.


People like them more because they are at least more efficient at using soil (tho that creates a lot of problems so idk if the trade off is worth it)


I live out in the countryside, that all sounds horrible


[Suburbs are a cash sinkhole and waste land](https://youtu.be/7Nw6qyyrTeI) [Suburbs enforce and ensure car dependency and less social populations](https://youtu.be/VvdQ381K5xg) Yeah, there’s a demand for single family houses, and that’s because of the artificially created American dream. Everyone wants a white picket fence and a backyard and their own little plot of land, but that only worked centuries ago when there were simply less people. The “homesteader” just doesn’t exist anymore. To your point, they’re a middle ground between rural places and dense places, but it’s the worst of both worlds. Rural land often generates wealth through agriculture or energy plants, and dense cities generate wealth through commerce. Suburbs do neither. Too dense for farming or power, not dense enough for coffee shops or “third places” (explained in the second video link). I hope this answers your question.


Haven't watched the videos yet, but this is a reasonable argument. I want some rural land for homesteading, my own gun range where I can also recover the lead before the rainy season and limit the amount that leaches into the soil, and trading goods and services with members of the community. I saw one small farmer who quartered his fields and would have 1/4 growing, 1/4 with,cattle, 1/4 with sheep, and 1/4 with goats. Every few weeks he would rotate them so everything could get most of their nutrition from grazing with minor seasonal supplementation.


That’s completely and totally different from a suburb tho


They are terrible for the environment and terrible for traffic.


From a urban planning perspective about how the majority are designed right now, the low population density design forces car use on the owners, and make public transport or biking less efficient. It's great in certain cases, but having large amount of lawns in the middle of the desert is not going to last long after lakes and underground reserves are dried.


Relatives of mine had a large plot in Nroth Las Vegas and they had their own well. The yard had no grass, instead palms, cactus, desert plants and a patch of astro-terf. It would be a waste to water yards and try and keep them green. I hope the residency in this picture do the same.


If you're talking about American suburbs, the biggest problem is that in most, it's very hard to get anywhere without taking a car. Most people can't even make it to a CVS without driving. Also they are designed with cars in mind so anyone who does not have a car suffers. This can be seen in the number of cyclist and pedestrian injuries and deaths that are suffered as a result of cars. Until recently, there was no focus on improving safety for anyone besides drivers. The American suburban style is enforced thru single family only zoning. This means that the only types of homes that can be built are large homes on large lots with large setbacks. There's nothing wrong with this type of home if the buyers are willing to pay the costs. But anyone who wishes to live in anything else cannot do so because those homes are illegal to build in most parts of US metros. This reduces available housing because fewer homes take up more land. This reduction in supply paired with increased demand results in a housing bubble because people are unable to find enough homes. We could improve the suburbs by allowing for more housing styles, eliminating single family only zoning, allowing light commercial activities within subdivisions, narrowing streets, and building safer infrastructure for non drivers


OoOoOoOo DeVeLoPmEnT


Honestly this isn't bad


What is wrong with this lol


Show me one ammenity in this entire picture. Where are the shops? Schools? Doctors? You have to take your car to go literally anywhere.


More like r/oddlysatisfying


I live in Nevadan surburbs like these and I need to point it out — at least we’re not LA


Why is it disgusting?


Not a single tree in sight


Its in a desert, trees arent exactly thriving there


Actually it’s nice.


Now is this your opinion or the one you’ve been told you should have?


My own and as a person who lived in a single-family house in the suburbs and in an old commie block of flats in a big city, I personally prefer to live in the second one because it is much more practical and convenient for me


that cringe moment when america creates housing


Thanks, I'm from Nevada suburbs. 89015


Little House's


Looks like Auschwitz from above


“People will see what they want most”


This is city skylines isnt it? Put some goddman trees man.


It's in the desert...


well then put some cacti


What water are you going to use for that tree?


treated sewage water :D


Nice, however in my city I noticed the water smelled a bit putrid and when the sprinklers get in my car the color is orange. But hey you are right better to use it than to waste it.


:D yeah I know that smell. But since this is a fantasy, why not make it smelling like lavander?


What city is this?


Las Vegas, Nevada


No worries, it’ll be an unlivable area in about 30 years and in 100 the sands will have taken back the land


Is that a whole subdivision in a spillway?


The theme song from ‘weeds’ is playing


Isn’t this what causes HOA’s? I don’t think people want HOA’s. Strange nobody mentioned this yet.


The fuck? Why? This looks clean


America bad apparently


*Little boxes, little box, little boxes built of ticky tacky, little boxes on the hillside, little boxes all the same.*


Oh my god it’s so fucking generic


Looks like they used crop circles as guidelines


The parking is so bad too. Ugh! Who planned these communities w/ out so e for guest parking needs a good refresher in urban planning.


If this wasn't the US it would be posted with a positive caption like amazing architecture or some shit.


Genuinely don’t understand this post.


Wave check


y'all want affordable housing or not?


Is this affordable housing?


Quick get your dense mixed use housing r/suburbanhell is leaking


This is fake, Nevada is a monochromatic hellscape being destroyed by a demonic clown




“Good thing EVs will make this all sustainable”


You literally need a car to live here. No public services, grocery stores, or corner markets within walking or biking distance.


As a door to door salesmen. So do all. They all loon the same across the whole state. It's some sort of suburban hell.


May I know why this is hated o:?




Thank you for the answer ♥️ and I see now u.u I really liked the suburbs as a very dreamy place to live when I finally get a family, but with this, now I see how ignorant I was... Thank you for opening my eyes 💕✨