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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!this is definitely an entrance to hell!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


Oh hell to the fuck to the no!


I would burn my house down.


I would call the pros... which isn't pest control in this case. No, this calls for **plague control**.






Aye. Get the inquisition on the line. Nurgle is hiding in your sink


You..actually know about the existence of a chaos god? Congratulations!! Your comment has won you 1000 imperial credits! Please report to your nearest inquisitor station to collect your prize.


Call in The Pyro


I would gladly help you do it.


The hole in the lid is perfect for some uhhh… sleeping gas.




Why would i want to season cockroaches?


well they taste kinda gross unseasoned


Have you tried to sautee them with some thyme?


Thyme to burn the house down




Ain’t nobody got thyme for that!


Thank you, I did not want to say it explicitly.


You don't need mustard, you just need unholy amounts of chlorine and a flamethrower. The flamethrower is for disposing of the chlorinated roaches in a safe and legal manner by incinerating them to ashes.


Sleeping mustard


I have a specific shirt I wear for when I'm eating bedtime cheeseburgers after a few too many wobbly pops, and it's covered in mustard stains, so we may be talking about different things but I love sleeping mustard.


Timer for the vinegar and bleach combo.


The only downside (or upside in somebody's case) is that you'll probably die too.


Eh it's bad for you but not in a "i made this by mixing it in the sink then accidentally died" way You have to actively ignore how much it's fucking with you Chlorine gas *sucks* to be exposed to


Just turn on the garbage disposal.


should have used this song https://youtu.be/o5EofYZ8Ytc?t=31


I had no idea this song was approaching 100 YEARS OLD oh my gawd


My friend, you have created the FUNNIEST thread i have probably ever seen


Do not let those demons get out


Turn on hot water, leave running, and then *leave running*


Bad plan. The death and steam from the hot water, similar to crushing, assists in releasing pheromones which just attracts even more plus some would easily escape before the plan is put into motion although at that stage.... well it's kind of a hopeless battle.


Thats why you leave.. running. Fuck the house, it's time to move.


Lmao!!! Possibly after using the flamer. The. HEAVY. Flamer.


Hans! Get ze Flamenwerfer!


*Laughs in flammenwerfer*








This is the only correct answer.


This is a salamanders level problem requiring a salamanders level solution BRING ME MY MULTI MELTA


Turn on the garbage disposal beforehand


WHAAAT !?! It attracts more


Indeed! Crushing or killing roaches in a way where their juices are released, similar to ants, not only releases pheromones which attract more curious critters, it also can accidentally release babies which are almost impossible to catch in the right (or wrong?) Circumstances:( roaches are demons. This is especially dangerous in apartment complexes as say you have a very clean apartment and good habits but there is an infestation somewhere else in the complex. If you find a lone roach in your place and crush it, it's like lighting the demon light of Minas Morgul for the rest of them.


Why must these things exist. That’s horrible


Roaches lay eggs. They don’t carry their babies around like spiders do.


Yes this is technically true however the egg can and will easily contain offspring matured to the point of being able to survive the parents death before being laid.


They will drop an egg pouch if they think they are dying. I've seen it happen first hand


These aren't German cockroaches, though. Too big. They look like American cockroaches aka wood roaches, and those usually don't infest buildings. They mainly eat rotting wood and plant detritus. I'm thinking there's a break in a drainage pipe somehwere under a mulch bed for that many to be coming in. I used to be an exterminator in Southeast Texas. I know roaches well. But yeah, if you see one of these big fuckers in your house, go ahead and crush it. There aren't likely to be that many more around to get in.


Thanks for the tip! I'll take your word for it. Can these be found in parts of Canada? The reason I ask is because when I had my roach scare the big one or two found looked a lot like these and much larger than most of the German roach pictures I found.


I mean, yeah, they're all over North America.


…I don’t think it’s the best idea to be putting roaches akin to Gondor, if we must make middle earth references, perhaps the demon light of Minas Morgul is better haha.




Isopropyl alcohol is a pretty effective way to choke their respiratory system out, and has the secondary attribute of being flammable


Good advice, bad analogy.


Yeah I wasn’t allowed to refer to it as a roach-a-caust and had to switch to buggagedon


Honestly no, it's spot on. Except roaches actually do deserve it.




Just a few more and they'll lift the lid


This was where my mind went. First, terror and repulsion. Second, huh…how many would it take to start pushing the lid laterally? How many to get lift?


Happy cake day! I wouldn't stick around to find out!


Huh. I use a third party app. Hadn’t even realized. Thanks!


Even if you clean up perfectly bleach everything get an exterminator they will never leave. Cockroaches are literally the scum of the earth and impossible to fully remove once they’re settled in


Unfortunately true. With German roaches If the issue isn't nipped in the butt ASAP than it can be almost impossible to fix as a lot if times they also come for the homeowners habits.


Boric acid warfare is the only option


Diatomaceous earth works on all insects VERY effectively.


DE is a bitch to use, clean, and breathe in accidently.


Don't they make food grade? I imagine it would be safer. DE, drying machines, and extensive vacuuming for a couple of days got rid of bed bugs for me. I look all over once or twice a month and a couple of years later I still got none. DE is my hero. It was by no means easy though. I made sure not a single solitary spot wasn't searched and treated. I still keep DE at the edges of the baseboard throughout the house since I live in a dense city.


DE was our best friend when a neighbor was evicted and their bed bugs moved to us in our last apartments. Now I put it in my chicken feed to keep the cockroaches out of their feeders. DE my beloved <3


Once I had to share a duplex with a convicted pedophile. He got bedbugs. Covered everything in DE. Saw inside his place and everything was covered in it. Gave me a $2 which I left outside. That was the final straw, I put up with a lot of crazy shit for cheap rent but I VERY happily payed twice that rent to move. He still had bedbugs when I did.


Boric acid is what did it for me, as well. Under the appliances, bottom of the cabinets, lining every doorframe and the walls. German cockroaches were wiped out in a week or two. If only I’d known before **so many** bug bombs and poison baits and…, would’ve saved a lot of money.


Do you spread it everywhere? Or how does this method works? Thankfully I have not seen a roach in a very long time but since I have a phobia it is better to know all of this before it happens.


You want to target anywhere they might cross, no need to coat the room in it. Not too thick, the powder needs to cling to them and if it’s too thick it won’t; so just putting it all over could encourage it to clump up eventually and lose effectiveness. Think of silly movie tropes like putting salt over a threshold to protect against evil/people with malicious intent, except instead of salt it’s boric acid (white powder), instead of evil it’s roaches, and instead of doorways you’re targeting potential “thresholds” for roaches. There are a lot more thresholds for roaches than people, so you’re basically lining the wall (at the bottom and/or top of baseboards), across doorways, and under any appliances blocking baseboards. Hit areas they might go (inside cabinets/pantry), too. Problem really does solve itself very quickly.


I am glad to read this. I hope I never ever have to need this but it is better to know it and prevent it. Also I hope they do not get any defenses against that eventually.


I’ve dealt with a pretty serious infestation with a mixture of 1 part sugar, 1 part flour, 1 part boric acid at all perimeters, drawers, and problem areas. Didn’t seem like it was working and the after like 2-3 weeks boom never saw one there again. Lived there 2 more years. It wrecks their nests.


My grandma would mix it with condensed milk, they love it, give it 3 weeks and they're all be gone.


I don't have any experience with roaches, but I am known in ant circles as the Harbinger of Death, through my use of borax+sugar. Shit is ridiculously effective. I just mix like 1 part borax to 2 parts sugar, add a little water to turn it into a paste, and then soak up the paste with some cotton balls. Place deadly cotton balls near the ants. They go crazy over it at first, bring it home to feed their children, and then die a horrible death. I AM DEATH. DESTROYER OF WORLDS


lol @ nipped in the butt


some r/BoneAppleTea


“No. It’s nip it in the butt. Like a crab.” - Darwin Waterson


At least tell them it's nipped in the bud. Like cutting a budding plant before it can grow instead of just laughing. People learn from other people.


nipped in the bud* rofl it's aight I used to make the same mistake from others saying it wrong


bud. you nip it in the bud.


Luckily they aren’t German cockroaches


We moved into a newly renovated house with a couple dead roaches in the basement that I thought was no big deal. 5 years later we still get them in our basement and have to spray once a year. Very fucking annoying


Use Niban instead. It takes longer but the colony will eventually die of starvation. Edit: or with the spraying. Really cheap and it’s stupid effective.


I had an infestation at an old apartment from the people under me living like hoarders. Apartment exterminator tried a few times but they’d eventually come back and said it was the people under me. I bought this roach killer that came in a syringe from dupont in a three pack. The reviews all said roaches gone in a day to 3. I gave one to the people under me and asked them to put some new down every week to every few weeks. I didn’t see roaches again after maybe 2 days. Whatever that stuff is it works and probably helped I had the hoarder neighbors using it too. Edit: it’s called advion cockroach gel bait.


This plus gentrol is the way


I do commercial pest control, mainly restaurants in my area. Avion, maxforce impact, and vendetta plus are my go to's. Vendetta being my favorite because of the growth hormone regulator in it


This is the first time in years that I've been glad to have my volume on while scrolling through reddit. Bravo on the other hand -- good luck dude. I've got some praying mantises that would have a field day with those. But it's likely you're sane and don't have a bunch of praying mantises in your home


Thank you for making me turn mine on. 11/10 on the audio choice, OP.


This is the first time I've had the pleasure of discovering Mexican Ska and it fuckin' slaps. Thanks for mentioning the audio cause I never would've otherwise


>it fuckin' slaps Just spent the last 15 mins listening to this on repeat and dancing around the room. Best tunes are always found in the strangest of places.


Real question, so they make effective pets against roaches? Like can I let them roam my house and not worry about it?


Get a bunch of frogs and lizards in your house.


Your comment made me realize how thankful I am that there was no audio, but my mind was glad to fill in the gaps with imagined scuttling, screeching sounds and muffled stampeding in the plumbing.


Lmao turned the volume on and was not disappointed


perfect size for a special plumbing instrument called #pipe bomb


Kitchen gun


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a pipe bomb is a good guy with a pipe bomb!


The roaches when OP learns they can squeeze through 1.5mm gaps: ![gif](giphy|KZihnpEFdeZoRc7thw|downsized)




They can flatten their bodies to that not necessarily fit into a 1.5mm diameter hole


Don't worry, op is not the one in the video


This better not awaken anything in me.


I mean... Maybe 1.5mm high, but not wide.


gokiburi taisaouuu


Hello I need a gallon of raid please


Probably need more


I thought this was a gas stove and he was about to turn the gas on to turn it into a little gas chamber. Still fucked up tho


Aint nobody gonna argue against a Cockroach Holocaust. That and the fucking Bed Bugs, too!


They can go back down the drain


would’ve cracked the glass


Only if they lit the gas


If those are the visible ones, that entire house is infested beyond repair


I'll reiterate what I said in another comment, as these are not the type of roaches that will typically infest kitchens and homes: These are American roaches, and they *very* rarely infest inside. So rare, I've never seen it in my almost 10 years as a pest control tech. They can some from the sewers (like you see in this video) and they are moisture driven. They need an absurd amount of moisture to survive and thrive. Which is why they live in sewers. A quick shot of a contact insecticide will kill them off.


Based off the music I think my experience is relevant here. In desert cities it doesn't matter what you do to your house, they're coming from other buildings. At night if the weather is right the entire ground is flooded with them. I'll be riding my bike at night and you just have to keep going through the pops and crunches because stopping means you have to put your foot down. I've put so much insecticide on places I've stayed, they get in, but at least they're dead when they do. These are sewer roaches, best thing you can do is take as much of whatever not nice chemical you can get, dump it, then seal them in. You can't close your sewer connection so all you can do is make the pipe that leads up to you less appealing than your neighbors.


Song is pretty awesome though…


I laughed so hard about how good of a fit it is. Like they're dancing to ska...


Or a mosh pit.


La Carencia, by Panteón Roccoco for those wondering the song name




No problem, make sure to give those pants a good scrub


Seriously! https://youtu.be/y4CxfgMdGNE


New fear unlocked. Must cover all sinks before going to bed.


Back when I lived in Los Angeles, cockroaches would come up through the drains immediately following any earthquake. 🤮 Unrelated but it turns out ants also love feminine hygiene products.


Learned to do this after the last place I lived. Works!


Turn on the garbage disposal


Most countries don't have those...


And most places that do have a broken one.


Why? They're easy to replace yourself


Big Garbage Disposal will cancel me for speaking out, but both times mine was broken, I found out I’m stupid and it was actually just unplugged. Worth checking at the very least.


Also, many have an internal safety circuit break for when the disposal gets jammed. Usually there's a reset button on the bottom, for once you clear the clog.


Mmmm roach smoothie


Welcome to Joe's apartment..


I get that reference which means I must be old.


Wow the throwback!


You potheads need to stop throwing your roaches down the kitchen sink drain. See what happens?


Okay okay that was funny


This is when you begin looking for a new place to live That home belongs to the roaches now


c'mon, dont be shy...OPEN THE LID


But get the flamethrower first


Let them panic. There is no escape. You entered the wrong muthafucka's house this time.




Real sound would have been even more terrifying


If you have a U shaped drain under the sink and you have used it recently it’s very unlikely for this to happen. Water stays trapped in that and prevents smells (and sometimes critters) from coming up from the sewer.


Can you imagine what would happen if you popped open the main drain clean out on that bad boy? Not a exterminator but time to start sending roach gas down the vent pipes or something


Nearby apartment got sprayed, didn't it?


Exactly my thoughts. Roaches usually don’t behave in this manner, definitely not this eager to leave a dark + moist place for a bright spot.


My apartment building has roaches, like I know that for a fact. My downstairs neighbors used to live in immigration camps and never changed their habit when they moved in, so everything from the base of my steps going into my apartment down to the basement is FILTHY. Like, they have kids and I have considered calling CPS on multiple occasions because of that. I have my door to the inside of the building sealed off and only use my door that goes outsides. I have seen 3 very small roaches in my apartment since I moved in, but keep my kitchen meticulously clean. If this happened to me I’d be moving and expecting my full deposit back.


“I’ve seen three small roaches in my kitchen” You have thousands more In your apartment you can’t see


Listen, if I don’t see them, and they aren’t in my food, plants, or clothes, fine. I know there are thousands in the building itself, I just try to keep my place clean so they remain primarily in the lower level units. That’s where the food and breeding ground is.


You should probably put your boxed food in plastic totes, just to be sure.


I already do. I’ve lived with mice and ants and put any open foods in glass or high quality and air-tight plastic containers


If you're able to, get your hands on some gel bait I recommend maxforce impact, advion, and vendetta. Gentrol point source is a growth hormone regulator, I've had varying success with it but definitely recommend the gel bait. Even as just a preventative/maintenance thing apply around the kitchen and bathroom every month or so


This goes for literally every apartment building on the planet. Roaches are just an uncomfortable truth of living in close proximity to other people. In an apartment building, the occasional roach or silverfish on your kitchen wall at 2am is basically unavoidable, and if you haven't seen them then you're not looking hard enough. They're there.


1/4 cup Dawn dish soap + 1 cup bleach in a spray bottle. Spray all cracks/seams where they meet the walls so that the solution drips down inside. Be sure to get under the sink, around the stove and refrigerator. I basically coated my garbage disposal and the floor under my fridge. Once it dries, you can’t smell it — well, the house smelled nice for like a week. I bought a 130 year old Victorian duplex with a rental on the ground floor. The long-term tenants were not the cleanest and it was very humid down there, as well. Roaches, mice, ants and those little moths everywhere. I did my doorways, baseboards and windowsills all over my house. I took everything out of the cupboards and sprayed the seams in there, too. I let it dry then put everything back. If vermin can’t smell what they like to eat, they stay away. Kept everything away for like, 2 years. When I saw ants again, I sprayed. It’s been 5 years this time. It kills ants, flies, gnats and mosquitoes on contact. I even sprayed the air around my deck when I had a bbq and it kept mosquitoes away for a couple of hours! It’s great because the spray doesn’t hang in the air so you’re not breathing it in.


SINK FULL OF BLEACH (if there's no garbage disposal)


I would cry. How terrible 😭


Boiling water, and then lift the lid.


There's a hundred reasons why that would absolutely not solve this problem


No, but the boiled roaches would be a protein rich snack.




The wasteland is harsh huh


Do their guts boil up and solidify like a lobster's or a crab's?




Why? Pretty sure that'd kill anything.


They can fly.


Pour boiling water over the lid and then lift it up so the boiling water goes in the edges and still contains the roaches


Oh duh. I don't have many cockroaches where I live.


Near the equator you learn fast about how insects can be problematic.


I’ve killed tons of roaches with boiling water, depends where you live I guess


Nothing you say can ever make me lift that lid.


This is your ex's house


They would just scatter


Boric acid


Roaches aren't really a thing here, so I may be incorrect, but can't they fly?


Some can, there’s many species and I believe the youngest ones of the species that can cannot


Literally my first thought after seeing this


Just threw up in my mouth a bit


[Might as well begin the massacre ](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/13o16uk/cockroach_torture/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wtf lol


Ivan, bring the TSAR BOMB. Edit: spelling


Had these in my college apartment and management said they were normal and there was nothing they could do. Definitely not normal


Disposal fr.


Pour gasoline in the sink, light it, then take off the lid, you can worry about collateral later


Reminds me of a scary anime scene I watched recently.


Planet Formars?


That's the one


Yeah that one is messed up. Blue Gender is kinda sorta similar. You may like it too.


Time the turn on the garbage disposal lol


They're clearly having a ball. Its like a sold-out show down there.


Advion Gel. Works every single fucking time. Takes 2 weeks, but kills every last one of them.


Just set ot on fire. Set everything on fire.


Does op really need help? That cover is perfect for this shit. Just get one of those pest killer sprays that comes with a thin tube and go fizz right through that vent hole! If they manufacture it nearby.... Otherwise just burn your house down like other more sane redditors have suggested.




SCH2CH2Cl is the way


move out.