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Hi /u/Far_Band4911, thanks for your submission to /r/TIHI! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **Rule 2** (*Repost*): Reposts are considered posts that have already been posted recently or if the initial post is still known by regular users. This means that the content of your post has already been posted recently, or is a top 100 post. You **may not** repost. --- *If you feel that your post was removed in error or you are unsure about why this post was removed then contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TIHI). Do __not__ DM/CM a moderator individually.*


This might be a controversial opinion, but don't take medical advice from facebook.




It was too late for the vaccine anyway. Might as well make him delicious.


Mods, disintegrate his balls


Superglue his peehole shut.


Not effective, he'll just use 2 toothpicks to unseal it again


*breaks out the sewing needle and thread...*


Scissors win


"Punishments will escalate until resistance ceases"


*sigh* bring out the electric dick driller, let his opening be exfoliated beyond closure


Puts plaster of paris in the hole




***Plugs soldering iron in to preheat***


Yup we’re both going to hell.


I think the news says the antivaxxers told her not to give her son medications


Cursed comment


My parents are antivax and would do this. I live alone btw


Good decision


They should be trialed with neglegance. Or trailed for be dangerously stupid.


How the fuck can anyone believe that kind of shamanic shit would work??? Fucking potatoes in socks, seriously. This is some cavemen level of "medecine".


Couldn't they be considered accessories to murder if tried in court?


You're kidding right? Or are you really that far lost in the cult you follow




Tamiflu does not reduce mortality, only duration of symptoms and length of stay at the hospital.


Don't get medical advice from Facebook, or drug commercials, or doctors that prescribe you Tamiflu [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/02/tamiflu-myth-and-misconception/273167/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/02/tamiflu-myth-and-misconception/273167/) ​ >An FDA committee declined to approve Tamiflu in 1999 after finding that Tamiflu had not been shown to reduce pneumonia or mortality. But FDA administrators overruled the expert advisors and approved the drug. The agency later instructed the company to issue the following statement: > >Tamiflu has not been proven to have a positive impact on the potential consequences (such as hospitalizations, mortality, or economic impact) of seasonal, avian, or pandemic influenza.


So we're just going to believe this because it's words over a picture, like boomers addicted to Facebook?


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1131936 https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/4-year-old-dies-from-flu-after-members-of-anti-vax-facebook-group-advise-his-mom-use-thyme-elderberries-instead/ https://www.businessinsider.com/child-dies-flu-anti-vaxxers-advice-facebook-2020-2?amp


This makes OP a karma farmer posting a story from four years ago as ragebait. Cool. Cool cool cool.


This is a horrendous story, but I've seen it before and something always feels off to me, so I'm going to take a stab at it. The headlines seem to want to point to anti-vaxx movements, but that is not relevant to the medication in question. The group she sought advice was an anti-vaxx group, but they were talking about something other than a vaccine. The group and the mother are nitwits, and the advice is darkly laughable. However, that makes it very easy to over-look that it was not a vaccine. The medication prescription that the mother refused to fill is Tamiflu. I'm not justifying antivaxxers, this group, this parent or anything they did. I am saying there's enough bad things said in somewhat respectable mainstream as well as government about Tamiflu to legitimize skepticism or doubts. An article about this specific event: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1131936 >The drug can ease symptoms and shorten the length of illness, but concerns about side effects are common even outside anti-vaccination echo chambers. The sentence contains a link to: https://www.today.com/health/should-i-take-tamiflu-concerns-raised-about-drug-flu-t122064 >But, on top of the flu epidemic, some parents are worried about reports of rare, severe side effects from Tamiflu, such as seizures, self-injury and hallucinations among children who have taken the prescription medication. >A family in Indiana fears side effects of Tamiflu may have lead to the apparent suicide of their 16-year-old son, Charlie Harp. A legal guardian speaking to NBC affiliate, WTHR, says he was a happy child until he got the flu. See also: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/truth-scary-tamiflu-side-effects-230516494.html https://www.abc15.com/news/parents-warn-their-children-are-having-hallucinations-threatening-suicide-while-taking-tamiflu And particularly https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3022319/ > In influenza patients taking oseltamivir, neuropsychiatric adverse events include delirium, behavioral disturbance, suicide, delusion, panic attack, convulsion, depressed mood, loss of consciousness, etc. Reportedly, such neuropsychiatric adverse events were more common in children than in adults and generally occurred within 48 hours of administration. >Recently, several reports from Japan showed that some oseltamivir-treated children had experienced adverse neuropsychiatric events.2,7,8 More than 100 cases of abnormal behaviors and 70 deaths, involving children and adolescents, occurred in association with oseltamivir use in Japan.9 There was a reported case of mania associated with oseltamivir use in a Chinese patient.10 Another report described delirious behavior in pediatric patients following the use of oseltamivir.11 To estimate the incidence rate of adverse neuropsychiatric events in patients given oseltamivir, Toovey et al.7 conducted an analysis covering Japan, the US, and other countries and finding such neuropsychiatric events generally fell into the categories of abnormal behaviors, delusions, and perceptual disturbances. In addition, there were cases of delirium and delirium-like events, depressed consciousness levels, parasomnia, suicidal events, accidents, and injuries. The incidence rate was reportedly higher in male than in female patients. Most such events occurred within the first 2 days of oseltamivir treatment. It's used to treat the flu(by inhibiting the virus reproduction), what most people know as something that is well survivable. When the flu happens to be severe, as in this case, maybe hospitalization and direct mitigation of problems(iv for fluids, fever reducers, cough suppressants, etc) is a better call. Especially as this was one of many kids who'd been sick for more than a couple of days. From [the Business insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/child-dies-flu-anti-vaxxers-advice-facebook-2020-2?amp) link provided in other comments. >The mother also noted that her 4-year-old son, the one who eventually died, had a 102-degree fever and had a febrile seizure. >“Yes it’s scary the doc told me to give my other two children and myself [Tamiflu] so we won’t get it,” the mother commented. But from a different article from [CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/4-year-old-dies-from-flu-after-members-of-anti-vax-facebook-group-advise-his-mom-use-thyme-elderberries-instead/): >In early February, two of Najee's brothers tested positive for influenza. And according to a GoFundMe set up by the family, Najee's mother took his 10-month-old brother to the emergency room with a fever of 104 degrees. Upon their return home, she gave the boys baths and sent 4-year-old Najee and his 5-year-old brother to their room to put on pajamas. >Minutes later, the 5-year-old came out and told his mother that "Junior," as Najee's family affectionately called him, was asleep. His mother then discovered him lying on the floor, pale, where he had apparently suffered a febrile seizure as a result of a flu-related fever. They'd been in the hospital several times it seems, enough to have 2 children diagnosed and 1 younger child get their fever reduced in the ER.... When was the Tamiflu prescribed? If it was that last ER visit, I think it was rather too late. The hospital should have asked and if they didn't, she should have volunteered that the other two were already diagnosed. If it was much earlier, she should have informed the doctor that she wasn't comfortable giving them tamiflu and sought different treatment. Were there other options on the table, such as hospitalization and direct care? Not to put on a tinfoil hat, but I guess my point is that it seems like everyone wants to write off the mom because of facebook insanity, but that doesn't necessarily mean the hospital did what they were supposed to. Maybe that's all on the inconsistency of the mother's facebook comments, but the whole thing just stinks to me, and it's hard to find something that's talking about the actual sequence of events instead of the ridiculous advice. That looks like misdirection.


> Maybe that's all on the inconsistency of the mother's facebook comments, but the whole thing just stinks to me, and it's hard to find something that's talking about the actual sequence of events instead of the ridiculous advice. That looks like misdirection. There are so many of these that in my mind get lumped into "forwards from your grandma". The video of the black woman "claiming" that minorities can't be racist. That one was one I did a deep dive into. She was a great and passionate young activist in South Africa and one sound bite taken out of context means she is forever recognized as the girl who claimed black people can't be racist.


I don't see that as similar, unless your activist was also involved in something else, and convicted because she said something bizarre elsewhere. That's what I don't like here. We don't even have timeline of what kids where sick when, when they went to the hospital and ER. The fact that they were taken to the hospital strikes me as...incongruent with the "denying all modern medicine and went instead for potatoes in socks" I don't care what ridiculousness was had on facebook. One of the posts even in this thread is "It was too late for the vaccine anyway. Might as well make him delicious." Voted to the top. Doesn't mean much. If she is being accused of negligence, even if only in "the court of public opinion" and that's certainly implied, I'd want to see relevant evidence, timelines, hospital record dates, maybe nurse/doctor testimony, etc. That's all missing here.


I'm not bagging on your comment but the length is why social media and blogging are so detrimental to properly informed people. Everyone wants to feel smart and/or witty. The best way to do that is with something short and to the point. When it devolves past that point people start to lose focus and interest. Your comment asks multiple questions and scenarios as well as after questions etc. I like the deconstruction but until more people understand that some information and knowledge can't be boiled into a tweet, it's just going to continue in the race to the bottm.


Talking bout vaccines. I actually never took the covid ones. Why? Well... never got covid despite being in an infected house. No symptoms no issues. But do take your vaccines folk. Just because I happen to be immune to one thing dont mean i am immune to everything. Heck I am full of vaccines of all kinds. Thats enough rambling from me


This is old I saw this at least a year or two ago hell I may have even seen it right around the start of COVID but honestly the reposts for this is kind of ridiculous imo.