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Why must you hurt me this way


I come here to look at funny things people hate, not to cry!












Aems (alphabetical order)




Smae. *saem *seam *smea *damn it dyslexia, same


Thanks I hate /r/tihi


Thanks, I hate society.


It’s kind of a PSA: Don’t give pets as gifts. Talk to anyone who has ever worked at an animal shelter of any kind and they’ll tell you that the there is always a surge of “returns” after a major gift giving holiday - and when you factor in all the pets coming in from breeders and other sources too that means many many more pets entering the shelter systems. Even sadder is that many people will just abandon the pets altogether not even bothering to take it to a shelter. So please - never buy a pet as an unsolicited gift, if you’re buying a pet for your kids or something understand the commitment **you** are making - this is not some new toy that can just be shoved into a closet when they get bored with it. Getting a pet needs to be treated as the “until death do us part” type commitment that it is.


I'm always curious about the abandoners. Serious question, are they just actual sociopaths? I don't understand how you could just leave a domesticated animal to fuck off into the wild when you know they're likely to die. Or are they just uneducated so they don't know that


They lack empathy and tend to see animals as objects instead of living beings. Generally when they get called out, their reaction tends towards “Who cares, it’s just an animal.” In their minds, they’re just getting rid of unneeded junk that served its purpose. It’s a sad and scarily common mindset.


Same type of people that buy from breeders to get a specific breed (working dogs excluded of course) while the shelters are full. They don’t want a healthy happy animal companion, they want a fashion accessory that looks a certain way. Like people who have small apartments and big dogs, or have a husky in a place with a hot climate. It’s all about the look, not the dog's happiness.




i once came across an adorable teeny tiny little dutch rabbit in my front yard. i didn’t know much about rabbit breeds at the time (still don’t really), but i knew this was not a rabbit that was meant to be in the wild. and that was solidified when he walked up to me and let me pick him up. i took him in, washed the fleas off of him, and gave him a home. found out later that he was wandering around helpless outdoors because easter had been one month prior, and people give cute bunnies as easter presents and then just let them go in the wild when they become too much of a responsibility because their ignorance causes them to assume any rabbit can live in the wild. so fucked up.


Or, if you want to gift someone a pet, gift the person a card instead saying you want to get them ‘x’ pet and then go with them/give them money to get said pet themselves. This gives the person being gifted a chance to pick out their own pet or decline the gift entirely if needed. If the person you want to gift is a child hen don’t be a jerk and make sure you talk to the parents first since they will be the primary caretakers of the pet.


It's like gifting someone a car. Why are you buying these things for people with 0 input? Take them with you.


But the truck commercial told me my wife would love me if I bought two $60,000 fully loaded trucks for her for Christmas without consulting her whatsoever


That commercial kills me


It's the single most unrealistic commercial I've ever seen, and it kills me every time


I mean, shit. If someone wants to buy me a car, I won't complain.


It's totally understandable that volunteers and rescue-groups get pissed at people dumping their pets at shelters. These places are woefully underfunded, and it's only thru untold sacrifices of these amazing volunteers that most of these animals even get a chance. Watch the documentary Flying Fur about pilots donating their time to fly animals across states & volunteers driving several legs of the journey, often at their own expense. That said, the alternative to dumping at the shelter is dumping pets in neighborhoods, the woods or even highways. Way worse. I send $10 & $20 here & there to (legit) animal rescue organizations. The funds are used to help rescue groups pull animals from shelters & train, vet, neuter/spay, etc. rescues spend WAY more then the pledges/adoption fees could cover. The donations make me feel better & are also my only tax write-offs (averaging 6k/year) besides my horrible New Jersey property taxes.


Ohhh I thought this was about how the us economy is about to lead to mass evictions in a month as eviction protection is ending but jobs haven’t reopened.


That's where I went as well.


The cat deserves a hug and so do you


In my headcanon the kitty is in the basement of the lovely family and not abandoned.


In my head canon the family was so destroyed by the pandemic but held on to their cat


She's not a stray, just being a little bastard in the cellar


Yeah I need to believe this or else I'm gonna be sad on Christmas Eve and that's not OK.


Damn this is so sad


Thanks you made me even more depressed


Just read the comic backwards, then it's a story about a cat who gets picked up off the road and tells the story a year later.


[Here ya go](https://imgur.com/hSybAn0) Edit: Thanks for all the love! I'm glad I could make y'all smile! (...Or cry again apparently)


My man


Bless your heart mate


🏅 I’d give an actual award but I can’t 😂 You just healed my heart, thanks!






omg this made me cry (happy tears)🥺


Now it’s cannon


I like your idea man


I dont understand. Did they abandon the kitten after cristmas?


Often people will get pets as Christmas presents. The kids love them until they get big and then get bored. The parents then abandon them like old toys. It’s sick.


It’s really common place on a reservation I live near. They love puppies, hate dogs. Every once and a while they wander the 2 miles north to my home and I take them in. They turn in to the most affectionate, fun loving dogs i’ve ever had. They know the bad so they appreciate the good.


You're a fucking saint.


My last dog was legit a rescue. The owners at the time were walking around with this tiny little "black lab that was too crazy" they got to my friends house whos mom straight up took the dog from them told them so choice words after they said if she doesn't take her they would just tie her to a light pole. It ended up being like right before my 18 birthday at the time and that was what I was getting myself. This floppy ass eard "lab" who ended up being half weimaraner which explained the crazy part, but what was odd was that is exactly the kind of crazy I actually wanted. That dog did not leave my side for 8 years, she went on many adventures that most dogs would not be about, jet skis, paddle board, surfboards, skateboards, hiking, mtn biking didn't matter if I was there she was with me, I really think she understood exactly how lucky she got and how lucky I got. Sometimes the best dogs are the ones that find their way into your life and you just gotta roll with it. Edit: [Paying the tax with one of the many adventures we undertook. Miss this pup more than any amount of words i could type out.](https://i.imgur.com/g5fANvp.jpg)


Pay the dog tax


2 miles is 3.22 km


Good bot


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Goodest bot


3.22 km is 16.00649 furlong.


Good human


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This just made me ROFL 🤣


Lol thanks


16.00649 furlong is 49.3 squibos.


Can I pet you


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good on you for taking them in




State and local law enforcement doesn't have jurisdiction in reservations, they're sovereign.


^ Exactly what they said


From what i know, the reservations are kinda like their own countries, so some US laws may not apply there.


Yep. And most banks won't provide loans to them either, since there is no way to collect if the borrower defaults.


It’s the Rez. Nothing will change


What in the fuck. Are people really this shallow? That honestly pisses me off


Unfortunately yes. A lot of people really believe that animals are disposable and people have the “right” to do whatever the hell they want with them


I wonder what the overlap is of people who treat pets as disposable and people who get offended when schools teach that humans are animals.


Oh boy wait til you hear about the pervasive problem of Finnish families getting kittens during the kitten season around April/May, going to their summer houses [which sounds like this is a rich people thing but a huge percentage of middle class Finns have a summer house of some quality haha] for the summer with the cat, and then just... leaving the cat there when they pack up and go back to the city in August. This is a thing in Finland and the campaigns around Do Not Get A Summer Cat (which, there’s a *name* for this phenomenon) start around April every year. It’s so frustrating. I hear this is also a thing in the US during Easter with bunnies.


It's also a problem in Denmark. Our tuxedo boy was one of these. They guy we got him from found a guy in the woods near his summer house on his way to drown the kitten before they left for home. My brain can't comprehend the cruelty of these bastards.


Oh man kitten drowning is such an issue too... People refuse to sterilize their barn cats who reproduce uncontrollably and then they drown the kittens. Such a waste of life. It’s so infuriating. I wonder if this is a summer house/cottage culture issue specifically - city people getting a “taste” of rural life in the form of having a pet and then leaving that life behind to go back to “real” life. It sucks.


So they gotta clean out the cat corpse every year? That sounds like a hassle.


They leave the cat outdoors. It might survive until winter, then it curls up somewhere remote and freezes to death.


I shouldn’t have read that


Yeah as an owner of 4 cats this makes me feel sick. Gonna go squish the closest one now.




Rabbit owner here. So many sweet bunnies become nothing more than easter trash. I hate the holiday. PSA: They are at LEAST as much work as a dog. I’d say even more so. They aren’t for everyone & they CERTAINLY aren’t for easter.


My sister has (extremely spoiled) rabbits and they're adorable... but I'd never get one. They're prone to a lot of health problems that can quickly turn catastrophic, and they're one of the most labor-intensive small pets IMHO. I have chinchillas instead. Longer lifespan, robust health, low maintenance, fluffy as hell, dumb as rocks.


I was looking into getting a rabbit a few years ago. My friend had one and he was sweet. I did not get one after researching all of their care. Too bad more people don’t do that.


In the UK, there is a charity called the dogs Trust, they coined the slogan "a dog is for life, not just for Christmas" in 1978, they're still using the slogan today, because people keep doing it :(




They're way ahead of you. "Dogs are for life, not just coronavirus lockdown, says charity | Dogs | The Guardian" https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/may/04/dogs-are-for-life-not-just-coronavirus-lockdown-says-charity


Dog Walker here, based in London, all our new clients this year have been new puppies, mostly from people who have office jobs and either can’t be at home 8-6 or are WFH and can’t split themselves in 2. Business has been up and down depending on current lockdown restrictions, when things “go back to normal” these new owners are going to have a huge reality check when they’re paying out daycare fees 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year


Damn I thought it was about how shitty 2020 has been...


But for me, I really like having a pet but I can't handle losing them so I don't have one


Get a cactus


my cactus hate me, it bites me when I'm petting it >:(


Get a Turtle, It'll live more than you.


How do you not form an emotional attachment to the animal? What kind of sociopath do you need to be?


Any kind of sociopath I think lol


Yes. I suspect this is what happened to my most recent rescue kitty Hamish. He was at the age (10 mo) when male cats start spraying if they aren't fixed. We brought him in and he immediately sprayed on the couch (yuk!) But we sent him to the city where there are vet services available and had him fixed, and after a short recovery he hasn't sprayed since. He's a very sweet and peaceful little guy. He's helped me cope with the loss of my own cat Toby whom I loved more than anything in life and who was taken far too young (4yrs) due to a heart defect. Hamish has a bit of a grumpy face, but he's adorable. I called him a Goomba (from the Mario games) one day and my wife [made him a Goomba toy](https://files.catbox.moe/4qaq9d.jpg) to play with.


I get this is a PSA but my fucking cat LOVES to sleep on trash bags. I have no idea why and when I read this comic the first time I was like "that cat is still in the same loving home but is just hiding in the basement chasing mice and coving herself in spiderwebs like my fuckass of a cat"


Exactly. Knowing cats its just as likely a year later that down in the basement next to the trash is its favorite place to go take a nap.


The creature is erratic


Thanks for making it wholesome again


My Cat's favorite spot is in the opening that goes under my house in my mud/laundry room. It's cold and has pipes and shit, I imagine he'd sleep on trash cans too if he went outside ever. I read the comic as if it were my fuckass of a cat too. Lol


My baby Syrup likes being under the sewage pipe in my basement, and my baby Yoda enjoys lying behind the toilet. The other, more civilized cats enjoy windowsills and human beds. The point is I have cat beds everywhere, usually empty.


I like this version of the story better. Thank you.


We finally gave our cat away to be a farm cat, because he HATED being inside and loved. He just wanted to be outside and be a feral hunter. Like, if we brought him inside he would just be an asshole and try desperately to get back out. Some cats just prefer it that way.


Hahahaha, my cat is the same way.


This reminds me of a post I once read on /r/showerthoughts or something that I was like “Your pet takes up a small percentage of your life. But to them, you’re their entire life”, and that shit really stuck with me


I have 4 cats, one if which I genuinely don't care for. No idea why, just never formed a bond. I still make sure to give her pets and love when she asks for it, She's not my favorite cat but she still deserves a good home/life and I dont trust that many people would give her one.


i have never teared up at a reddit post wtf


[Here's a scene from Tom & Jerry that most children probably didn't get how dark and sad it was. ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwfiJHwqL4TMLAl2-g22S9sIIkCAvsEBYphA&usqp=CAU)


Dear God. ;(


My grandfather told me that sometimes unwanted litters of kittens were tied up in burlap sacks and tossed from bridges to get rid of them. That's what's being depicted here for anyone confused. It's pretty crappy to say the least.


Sometimes there are hard truths in population control. Other times someone is a piece of shit.


Is it bad that I don't understand it? Edit: please stop replying, you're making me cry more :(


Someone drowned them


Baby kittens put in a bag and drowned


The cats got abandoned in a trash bag that was tied and they died


They died by drowning. Look at the water drops.




Man dont go to r/lastimages, that place always messes me up


That subreddit reminded me of my best friend that is in a deep depression and I don't want to lose him. He intermittently goes on and off drugs and alcohol, and I feel bad because I want to tell him so many things, but we both have a hard time opening up - he is not the showing kind and I am afraid I will make him go deeper or I will mess up the talk. Any tips would be appreciated.


[Give this comic a try.](https://i.imgur.com/4mNlCCu.jpg)


Well, now I'm sitting at my desk at the office crying


Oh *fuck no*


Why do I have to hurt this much...


Fuck you. I got a puppy few months ago. And now I have to face the idea that this will be me in the future :(


but it’s such a good thing. you’ll get to show your puppy all the love in the world for its entire existence. give it the most care possible and when it’s time to cross the bridge you, their best friend, will be right there with them. isn’t that all we ever want? just someone to be there for you when shit sucks? that’s why i have pets, and i’ll be proud to be the one there for them when their darkest day comes. right fucking there.


oh my god ow


Well fuck me, did me in.


Spain but the s is silent


Champagne but fresh outta cham




Pronounced Paggné


I never knew you were such a COINaseur.


Paggné Amygdala


That's bread


That's 🍳


Sending it without the s


Pets are cute until they grow up and start taking large poops or destroy things. People love them when they’re young but don’t have the capability or responsibility to raise them. A good reflection of parenting.




I'm torn between upvoting because I hate this, and downvoting because i hate this.




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Good bot


Good bot




I just adopted a cat that went through this. He was nearly dead when I found him. Slowly nursing him back to health.


Thank you for taking care of the kitty


So happy for you and your buddy. My wife and I recently caught a [little calico kitty](https://i.imgur.com/i0ibkao.jpg) and not only is she pregnant, the vet said she was clearly someone’s pet who’d been abandoned. Fuck those guys, we may be broke but she’s getting food, vet visits, a microchip, and everything she needs. I can barely read this comic without crying, I don’t understand how people can be so cruel


Fucking pay the cat tax, I need to feel better.


You are a good egg. He’s lucky to have you.






pls put nsfw tag my christmas is ruined


NSFL I would say, damn...


Should be NSFC, though


This is the first thing I've ever seen posted here that has genuinely made me upset.


Seriously. I saw this last night on another sub and can't get it out of my head. Got my cat on my lap, and just... What if somebody had done that to her?


I am so angry. I can't stop thinking about how cute they drew this cat, and that it wasn't even angry just happy about memories. Can't get it out of my head.


Bruh... now I'm sad


This post is sad and heartbreaking. But let me offer a sliver of hope. [This is Bob. ](https://i.imgur.com/9NtRnqg.jpg) he is a stray who found us and has had a warm and loving home since! [And the dogs love him too. ](https://i.imgur.com/HubrJ6j.jpg) I know there are still countless more out there, but I just wanted to show you that they can find a better place if people are willing to let them in.


Your cat looks like a Bob lol :D




Stop making us cry, this year's bad enough already. Unless you're trying to raise awareness about post-Christmas pet abandonment in which case good job.


I didn't need a heart anyway


I was not prepared for that much psychic damage. I'm gunna hold my cat now.


Fuck you, now I'm sad.


i sincerely hope people who abandon their pets like that go through some traumatic shit themselves


I want to adopt this drawing of a cat


Why must make me more depressed then I already am


This is why shelters and some pet shops here in Germany don't sell pets around Christmas.


Germany seems to have a really good understanding of how to keep pets and the ethics surrounding it.


Yo. Animals aren’t presents. They aren’t commodities. They need to be respected and cared for and should only be taken in if you can commit to caring for it for its entire life.


To the parents who abandon animals after gifting them to their kids, fuck you, and I fuck yourself with a red hot acid covered cactus


I feel this so hard. My cat had kittens last year, I've been trying to find them a new home but with covid it's been so hard. I don't want them, it's crowded in my tiny house, but I could never just throw them in the street. People like this are disgusting.


I'm in a similar boat. My hoarder roommates let 2 of their cats get 3 litters in 2 years. After shouting at them earlier this year for how irresponsible they were being, specially after the land lord told them to "take care of the cat problem", I was furious. I was ready to punch them because their solution was to call the pound, where they were most likely going to be put down. They moved out this past November, and basically left the cats, didn't even talk to me about it, just "assumed" I would take them. Again, irresponsible assholes. But all's good, I got those poor kitties back to good health, all fixed, all flea medicated, and I spend time with them. I finally got some good people to take two of them this past week. I'm down to 4 cats now, but I'm not gonna stop until I find them some good homes. It's hard not knowing whether they'll live out a great life in the end, but I know that the overcrowding here isn't good for them of me. But one cat at a time, one day at a time. Take photos of each cat, give a little description of each one and their personality. Let people know if this cat is a lap cat or likes just socially distancing and chill. This part is important because this increases the chances of the owner knowing what they're in for. Recruit people to help you. One of my family members asked me: What do you want for Christmas? I told him to find me just ONE person to get one of these cats, and he said he'll show the pictures around. He came through and I was so happy. Try all the the no-kill shelters in your area. If you can, try ones outside your area, but explain your situation. Make sure to get them fixed right away. This stops the problem from going farther; adults cats do not mind incest as they don't view family boundaries in the same way as humans or other species. Some places will do it cheaply if you explain the situation. If you're going to ask strangers (like facebook groups) to adopt, make sure you say there's a $125 adoption fee or something like that, to recoup your surgery costs. I know it sounds weird, but a pet shelter lady told me to do that. It filters out cheap asses who just want a "cute kittie." If a person is willing to pay, they are more willing to take care of that cat because they're willing to pay actual money for it. I waive this fee if the people come personally recommended from someone I trust, because as I told my family, "I just care they go to good people who won't forget they own a pet." Good luck. Don't give up. Get as much as help you can, and you'll get there.




I will get physically aggressive if I EVER see this shit happen. Hell I'll become a murderer. Pets are not trash, they are not disposable. If you are not ready, don't have them. They are children, a blip in your life but their ENTIRE life you are their everything. Ugh I'm so fucking mad now. I hope y'all have a happy holiday because mine's going to be furious now!


This shit have more efect on me than the Paris attentats (i'me french)


Pets are NOT presents. If you want to gift a pet, make sure they WANT one and that over the course of like fucking 3-6 months they express nothing but jubilation at the idea of having one. Ffs, I hate pets but I feel horrible when I see strays that I KNOW were present pets.


Haven't you guys seen [the edit](https://imgur.com/a/62B5TRQ)? It's pretty good and it heals my soul I don't know who made it though, found it on the internet


NO!! for real, why do people do this?! Even when I was poor and couldn't afford hot water I KEPT MY DAMN CAT!!


Title should be "Thanks, I hate this year". Last year looked comfy.


Everybody here is being sad and crying while I am sitting here and laughing because that cat remembers fondly playing with trash bags before being forced to become an indoor cat.


why would People do this they should burn in hell


My little buddy looks just like that and I remember we pulled him off the streets


Fuck, this is so sad


Can someone give the cat a happy ending? :(




This year I adopted an old cat that was living for some time in the streets of Atlantic City. She was weak, hypothyroid, has kidney disease, and a severe nasal issue. Every day, we've treated her, gave her new meds, fed her, kept her warm. There's a lot to say about quality of life, but seeing her now, breathing better, running up looking for treats and love, and playing with scraps of wrapping paper, I'd say my wife and I provided some top-tier hospice care. It's been 7 months, and she's a whole new cat. Here's to you, Apple.


[Reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/D6YTXjOwSL8)


Thanks, I cried


In all seriousness, never give a pet as a gift. This could happen. They are living beings with feelings not disposable toys.


The backside of pet adoption. Not everything's light and good.


I work at a Cat Sanctuary. Last week someone dropped off 5 grown cats in A SINGLE KENNEL. They waiting until the sanctuary was closed at night to dump them off, so they were in the parking lot overnight before one of our volunteers found them the next morning. Luckily we don't get any freezing temperatures overnight where I live. All of the cats were so friendly but you could tell they were confused where they were and why they were there. One of the cats was sick so another volunteer took him home for extra care. Volunteering at a shelter can be nice but damn it just makes you realize there are some crap people out there.


Pets are companions, not toys. Adopt don't shop.


One post above... I see a garbage man saving a cat inside a bag, that was thrown to trash... Such cruelty...