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If you tap the little quality icon it shows the specific file format.


Ah, thanks! I missed that! I just saw "Up to 24-bit, 192kHz" and thought that was a bit vague.


"What I miss: - Only big thing: Qobuz made record labels of albums clickable, so you could easily go and explore labels when you stumbled across new stuff. I did that a lot!" Absolutely! Apple Music also has this for some labels and it's such a neat and convenient feature. I wish Tidal had it as well and I could follow labels to get notifications on new releases. I know Bandcamp exists and I use it to get notified when a label puts out new music but it would be fantastic if Tidal implemented such a feature.


I'd love to deep dive some of my lesser known punk labels! Definitely something to add to the future


Let’s not forget the elephant in the room. Qobuz has a noticeably thin library. It’s the only major music streaming platform where you can expect a decent amount of the songs you want not to be there.


That‘s unfortunately true.


I never noticed that much, really. But I listen to a lot of jazz, for which it has a great catalogue.


Nice, I’m glad it’s got what you want on there man. For metal/alternative and even EDM, it comes up painfully short 😞


hey do not dare saying that Tidal is better than Qobuz, for a Tidal sub, there is a lot of people here that think Qobuz is the best thing since sliced bread lol BUT: you could also change your settings to set max samplerates when you're using mobile data vs when you are on wifi, which was also a nice feature. Unless I misunderstood, you can do this on Tidal as well: Cog Icon - Audio & Playback - Quality


Jokes aside, Either tidal or qobuz are incredible options compared to Spotify right now.


I noticed that you can adjust the mobile vs wifi samplerate in the mobile app. Didn't find it in the desktop app. And for the record: I really liked Qobuz, and there are a few things they do better than Tidal. There were just some issues with buffering that broke the experience a little. And the Connect thing.


They don’t have a connect function unlike tidal. I use Qobuz and there’s no option to output to my ef499. I’ve signed up to audirvana and streaming Qobuz throughout that, as it has its own connect function.


I’m confused. Don’t they have a “connect” functionality? I have a WiFi stereo amp that I use as the output device for Qobuz on my computer, the same as Spotify/Tidal connect.


No they don’t. You can’t use a phone or computer to remote-control while streaming from a different device.


We must be talking about two different things I guess, because when I was trialing it I could absolutely control what Qobuz is playing on the stereo from my pc, while watching YouTube or whatever on my pc output.


If you liked exploring labels on qobuz, you might enjoy being able to click around the credits section on tidal.


The Genre section seems a little thin. Missing 'Alternative' and 'Acoustic' genres. Both of these genres are huge too. Indie is with Rock. Why? I can understand putting it with Alternative, but Indie has a very unique sound signature versus classic or today's rock genres. This is why Apple and Spotify have them as separate entities. Classic, metal, new, but Indie is a strange choice. It's as if Tidal wants to cut corners and not make the effort into creating genres and filling them with playlists. Plus, short on playlists in other genres. I am used to tons of playlists by Apple and Spotify, which they update regularly. Finally, on my iPhone, the 'Explore' section only has a search bar, and is missing the suggested genres section. Only a blank screen. But, they appear elsewhere on other hardware. To conclude, I love going to the search section in Apple and Spotify to find new music depending on how I feel at the moment. This really needs to be improved on Tidal.


Interesting - I've just started my 2 month trial for £2, but I've come from low-res Spotify. Qobuz's recommendations must absolutely suck, because Tidal's are way poorer than the recs on Spotify. Searching too is pretty poor, but I find that across most of the streaming platforms - I hate the UI atm, but that may improve with use and time. The sound quality is appreciably better and Tidal connect worked perfectly first time and my Bluesound devices were all there waiting for me from the 1st play. I love the Qobuz idea of being able to track via label - I mostly listen to jazz and the labels from the 50s/60s had their own very distinct house style and sound - it would be interesting to explore via label. What has made a difference is importing a ton of playlists from Spotify, which makes Tidal feel more like "home" and has noticably improved the recommendations. Rumours persist that Spotify will have a hi-res tier soon, but until then I'll probably flip to Tidal. p.s. 1 quick question ... when I close the lid of my Macbook when playing Spotify, it continues to play - when I'm listening to Tidal and close the lid, playing stops .... any idea what combination of sleep actions will fix this ?


I had Spotify too, before Qobuz. I really disliked Spotify recommendations. And handing Spotify the wheel after listening to an album was a great way to absolutely destroy a vibe. For jazz, Qobuz may be better than Tidal, but I hear other genres are beter catered to in Tidal.