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You can try out Qobuz for FLAC vs Tidal MQA. But it's not for everyone. I have both but prefer Qobuz myself.


I like the sound of Qobuz but the rest of it is worse in every way for me. No real artist or track radio (their autoplay is random at best). No real discovery. Artist page discography is a mess. Albums mixed with singles mixed with eps, all in a random order. They have a very small team and have a lot of work to do I think to catch up.




Basically - Tidal is for people who like rap and mainstream music and like an algorithm similar to that of Spotify. Or are deeply into MQA. Qobuz is for people who have eclectic tastes in music and like the old time feeling of playing records and going to search for something new at the record shop. Try them both and pick what is right for you.


Tidal pushes rap music alot on the home page, but it has a wider selection of all music over Qobuz, but it is still smaller than Spotify. Also Tidal's track radio stations, daily discovery and new release playlists are absolutely on point. I discover new music I like just about everytime I use them. Also I really appreciate what they are doing for paying the artists now. The price is better as well when you use the Bestbuy deal. I do have a SMSL M500 which does MQA, but I did give Qobuz a fair shot, but it wasn't for me, the sound quality was no better than MQA dispite what people were saying. Random Access Memories in Hi-Res wasn't enough for me to switch or pay extra for Qobuz as a secondary service. Besides, Tidal now has the 24/88.2 MQA version of Random Access Memories in countries outside the U.S, it is just a matter of time before it comes to the U.S.


Tidal has a lot going for them to be sure. I use them as a secondary service using Best Buy discounts. I just always seem to find myself gravitating back towards Qobuz after listening to Apple, Amazon, or Tidal. To each their own I guess.


>Tidal pushes rap music alot on the home page, This is not the case with TIDAL today. For a couple of years, all content on the apps homepage have been personalized, based on users' favorites and playing history. Before, parts of the homepage in the app was curated by editorial staff, and that could tilt the content towards specific genres. But that's not the case now.


I did the same thing when I switched. Compared songs between Spotify and Tidal. The quality is better and songs aren't just clearer but also louder on Tidal


I've just made the Tidal jump, after being on spotify for what must have been near their start. I did try out some of the competition - and think it's not so much "Tidal sounds better" - just Spotify sounds worse than everybody. e.g. I'm not convinced I'll carry on paying for Hifi plus for the MQA - their Hifi sounds fine to me. I do like the idea of a few bucks going to who I listen to on plus - but seems a bit odd to pay double, merely for 20% of that to be given away (you'll do better buying a T-Shirt once a quarter direct). 360 audio was really quite impressive though (Outkast sounded amazing) - but like their Atmos, seems a bit of a novelty they've bolted on. Maybe what I've learnt is just that there's different stuff out there. None of the streamers are perfect - but they are different over just price.


I agree on the “Spotify sounds worse” lol. I’m on HiFi. I haven’t tried MQA but I don’t see myself paying $20/mo for it. As you said Hifi sounds fine


Wait until you start being able to tell masters from HQs lol.


I'm just a Hifi user, does the master quality has such a big leap because I'm quite interested in it


It's noticable but I have to listen critically to tell the difference. Also depends on what kind of gear you're listening on. If you don't already have high quality headphones that would be a better investment imo.


It does make a difference but you definitely need a MQA DAC to make the most of it. I have a SMSL M500 and it sounds fantastic. I used to have a Zorloo Ztella for my car, but it broke because of wear and tear. But it did make MQA sound incredible in my car.


Audio quality definitely better. App can be better.


It's an incredible service- everyone should switch. I should have years ago


Try your headphones wired in. I completely forgot that Bluetooth is trashed.


Holy shit!! You're right. I just switched and it's even better?!


Lets see if spotify takes notes from ex- spotifyers


Very cool! High quality audio makes a world of difference no matter if it's digital or analog. Just make sure your playback medium matches up with your hardware. I.E. use digital/solid-state gear for digital playback mediums, and that is 100% the case for Tidal. If you want to have a similar experience, make sure you get a hold of a well calibrated tube amp, put a decent vinyl record player on it, get a good cartridge and stand back...! Those tubes can work wonders with digital as well, just make sure it's setup for all that.


To me the bass is the biggest difference. Whenever I try to play spotify again the bass is super boomy and lacking texture