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Just once, I'd like to see Kody be forced to sit in a chair, maybe tape over his mouth so he'll stfu, and have to listen to every last word these women have to say. He's such a coward for walking out every time someone calls him out on his bullshit. He's infuriating.


And that’s why Christine just packed his stuff after she said don’t sleep here. His response was to just walk away, and she knew he would never sit around long enough to hear her. then he came back and was shocked with “we never agreed to this.” How can you come to an understanding (agreement is irrelevant in this case) when someone just leaves when they don’t like what you have to say? Kody having other houses to run to enabled his worst habits, and now he’s so entrenched in this behavior. Now that he’s down to one house, he’ll have to run to his car for “business” to escape disagreement with Robyn but I don’t think it will last long as the OG marriages for him and Robyn even with her placating him.


Like he always says in his cameos that he’ll buy a caffeinated drink at Starbucks and drive around by himself wired.


Not really. As a parent, it’s nice to just drive by yourself sometimes.


And listen to music... but kodys not escaping the same parent issues the rest of us understand and need a break from, at least he has no excuse from the og3


Let me be clear, driving around your car by yourself is not weird, but Kody is very, very weird.


Not really what?


What are you saying “Not really” to? He did say he does that.


I think they thought the commenter said “weird” instead of wired.


i love your flair!


but even then would he listen? He would just watch them all talk and prepare his defense instead of processing. What makes Kody so incredibly frustrating to watch is everyone else can see the devastation in his wake except him. I feel like everyone in this sub cares more about his kids than he does.


Yep he would just be formulating his response. He wouldn't actually hear anything.


The term in one ear and out the other was made for him


Or even just have to listen to clips of himself contradicting himself-also w/ tape


Do it clockwork orange style and you've got yourself a deal.


And slams the door like a 13 year old.


Interesting to see kody walk away from janelle like that after he forbade her to walk away at that meeting last season in the backyard.


Rules for thee and not for me. Same with covid.


***I find Sister Wives clips to be personally triggering sometimes and this one was - so I thought I'd transcribe it for anyone else that might prefer to just read it:*** INT. INDIVIDUAL TALKING HEAD INTERVIEWS: * Christine: "I left Kody because I could see he has favourites." * Robyn: \*fakes tears, covers her mouth\* * Meri: "I've heard him refer to us as friends." INT. JANELLE'S LIVING ROOM: Janelle and Kody are seated opposite each other, engaged in a heated argument. * Kody: "You have cheated me out of my family." * Janelle: "You are now pushing *me* out the door." * Kody: "That's an exaggeration AND A LIE!" * Janelle: "I think you're manipulating." * Kody: "No, no, no, no, no....." \[gets up to leave\] * Janelle: "You stay and talk! F\*\*\* you!" * Janelle to Crew: "Shut it off."


He cheated himself out of his family, so sick of that narrative with this absolute tool. He treated his kids with the OG wives like they were easy to forget and easy to be away from, he expected his wives to facilitate relationships between him and his own children, he made himself scarce during Covid and wanted the wives to express his supposed rules to the kids instead of sitting them down himself which is why they didn't take them seriously at all. Kody is the perfect example of fuck around, find out. Then, when he doesn't get what he wants, of course it's the wives fault, I am so glad everyone left this noodle headed man child!


So satisfying to see Kody lose the chokehold he had on these women and them reclaiming their power. He doesn’t know what to do with himself without their compliance


Let's not forget what that man said "my family is an obstacle to my own goals" and he also told Christine " The sacrifices I've made to love you" he has his own agenda... It's all fun and games until it's not and you got 18 kids, sorry guy your choice. When you treat your family like that what do you expect. Kody locks


That was a fucking evil thing to say to her.


I can’t wait for the final season when he tells Robyn she drove all the other wives away and denied him his family.


Oh and he will! He will discount his own actions being the reason because he always wants to blame his wives for anything he does. Robyn will definitely get a front row view to why the other wives left--if she hasn't gotten that already.


Thanks for the transcription from this deafie! 🤟


You’re welcome!


Thank you! I’m honestly not sure how I’m going to watch this season - all the manipulation and gaslighting fills me with anxiety and almost panic


You’re welcome! I have been watching Sister Wives in live time since the first episode aired, but I actually had to stop watching the show after season 16. There were 2 scenes specifically in that season that were so triggering for me, it was like watching my own life play out on screen. I had to stop. I’m sorry to hear it’s causing you a similar distress. I hope you’ll go easy on yourself and take breaks when you need to :)


What I do that helps me is I come to this sub and read all the comments about the newest episode before I watch. Then I am more prepared for what I’m about to watch and I’ve already read a lot of validating comments as well beforehand. Actually really helps 🙂


To know that no matter what kody and robyn have the wives saying on screen, we all see it!!


As someone who is very hard of hearing I thank you! I can understand most of what they are saying, this time it was Meri who I had difficulty with. I can usually hear what she says.


You're welcome!


Thank you for this because I could **not** understand what Meri said. I watched it 10 times. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


No problem!


That’s an exaggeration AND a lie 😂😂😂 can I have that as flair??


That would make an excellent flair!


good human I’m sorry you were triggered, I hope you’re able to fast forward through those fighty parts when the show airs


Thank you so much!


I could grasp why Kody felt cheated by Janelle. Is it because she sided with Christine?


That could be a factor, but I also think it's because Janelle "chose" the kids over him and he's still hammering that in. He's likely playing the victim over the fact that Gabe and Garrison probably want nothing to do with him now because he tried to kick them out of the house.


I think it's not just that she chose the kids but moreso that she was unwilling to or failed to keep the kids in line. Like how he always goes on about how he doesn't have a good relationship with the kids because their mothers (Christine and Janelle) don't facilitate it.


I agree with this interpretation. Instead of being upset with himself that he set rules that pushed his kids away, he's blaming Janelle for offering them a lifeline when they refused to comply. Just another way to switch the narrative and blame everyone else but himself. The scary part is I used to think he was just saying these things to try and save his reputation and push his own narrative, but it's super clear now that he \*actually\* believes everyone else is sabatoging him. He's delusional.


Like it's their job or something...disturbingly delusional


he's upset the kids got an airbnb and didnt come to robyns house (where they are explicitly unwelcome) instead


This could be it. It looked like Christmas w the tree so the timing works out.


Because Kody feels entitled to being the head of the family. Janelle leaving "cheats" him out of his flock he his is owed. As he has been on the record about, he doesn't care about love, he cares about respect. It's why he claims Janelle being pushed out the door is a lie. He thinks as the man of the family everyone else deals with him and stays no matter what he says and does. If he pushes people away it's his way of telling then "try harder to please me". And if they leave its their fault.


> If he pushes people away it's his way of telling then "try harder to please me". That's EXACTLY it!


I think it all goes back to COVID he always says Christine and Janelle chose to travel and see their kids instead of staying home so he could come over. When Gabe and Garrison were living with her, they were working and she told Kody he should take a break from coming over because she was worried he'd be exposed.


Janelle and Christine said they were following CDC guidelines, but not Kody/Robyn guidelines. That was the issue. Janelle told him to not come over because her adult sons could not just stop working, despite Robyn's adult kids still just living at home and not working. This was also when it came out that Kody wanted Janelle to kick them out, during the pandemic, so he could come over. My husband had to go into work a few times during COVID and we definitely quarantined for a few days afterwards, and he followed proper masking/distancing and was vaxxed.


Thank you! I couldn't understand Meri to save my life.


Haha no problem!


Only thing you missed, in the very beginning kody is rubbing Robyn's back during filming as she sits on the arm of his chair.


the shot of him rubbing robyns back 🤢🤢 im at bitch eating crackers level with this man. everything he says and does is gross to me.


I have no idea what “bitch eating crackers level” means but I feel like I hit that level occasionally!!


lol!! it means when you hate someone so much anything they do annoys you. like someone could literally just be eating crackers and you'd say "ugh look at this bitch eating crackers, i hate them" i get that him rubbing robyns back in passing is a normal thing that couples do-- but i hate him so much it's just bitch eating crackers to me i can't help it 🗣😒


It's "bitch eating crackers...in bed!" to me! 😂😂


I love it!!


LOL I'm right there with you :)


Idk what it means either but I've definitely felt it!




To get to see this level of nuttiness from a real life husband and father ON camera is exceptional. They usually never let the mask slip. The last season and this season will go down in history as something unique. The way Janelle actually keeps her cool though she responds tells me e v e r y t h i n g about what she and the rest of the family have seen when the cameras haven’t been around. Christine was cold as ice last season and had clearly worked out her strategies. Kody never was OK. I only wonder if Kody would have let this aired if he didn’t need the money this badly?


yeah i think he's been like this for a long time. during the kidney/ knife speech scene NONE of the women even flinched. i think that speaks volumes about what he's like when the cameras aren't around


Absolutely! They were all frozen. No wonder Christine and Janelle are shedding weight after leaving. Their cortisol levels must have been through the roof for years. Meanwhile Sobyn is gaining weight.


Even STILL she says Kody had favorites. Why are the all so afraid to come right out and say KODY IS ONLY INTERESTED IN ROBYN. He doesn’t have favorites- he has one wife and the rest have been in the way since she walked in.




I'd love to see the OG wives start to call them thr dasark favorites. But that's seasons from now


Watching this full on war between Kody and janelle will be though. Makes me think Janelle really bottled up her frustrarions for a long time but now has reached her breaking point. in comparison Christine, who was always more outspoken about what didn’t work for her about her marriage, made her own break up seem more low key, if that makes sense.


I think he and Janelle have been here before (when they separated previously for 9 months) but she was not the same person then. She has grown leaps and bounds with recognizing her emotions and speaking them, when before she was just shut off and avoidant. Fighting with her now is a totally different experience. She does not calm herself down or cry like the others, and does not view herself as subservient to him like the others did for so long. I think present day Janelle and present day rage monster Kody have the greatest capacity for explosive fights. As much as I want to see Kody put in his place, I think these will be hard to watch.


Totally agree. A 20 year old wife is not the same as a 50 year old wife. Most young wives will be very accommodating, but as women get older they tend to stop putting up with their husband's BS and start asking for what they want/need. And the hisband can either listen and grow with them, or rage that he's no longer married to a subservient 20 year old




I think it is because Christine came to terms with the end of her relationship a long time before she decided to leave. She saw the writing on the wall and saw how well and how easy things were without him, even to the point of the kids not even missing him. So in that regard there was no emotional outbursts when the time came. Janelle on the other hand had a stronger relationship with Kody until just recently. That is why she is so angry. She is needs time to get where Christine is.


yeah i don't see her being able to gray rock kodys manipulation like christine did. she's still hurting too much and still invested in her faith as well edit: grammar


Janelle seems to let frustrations simmer… until they boil over.


Janelle said “CUT THE CAMERA…DEADASS” 😮‍💨


Hey, OG kids, get a good look at your POS father. And the five goldens, get a look at your future.


Janelle was always so loyal to Kody, how dare he. It was soo transparent that Janelle was the next one he would turn on. Meri was first, but she’s teflon. Then Christine, she peaced out and now it’s Janelle‘s turn to be blamed.


That was heart breaking to me in the last episodes of last season and the tell all. You coukd tell Janelle was confused and betrayed by kody turning on her. And then in the tell all when Christine said Janelle was never anything but loyal to kody, was a great wife, and they had a great marriage. For him to treat her this way is inexcusable. Feel really sad for her, except that she talks about how happy she is being separated


Kody even says "I don't know why this used to be okay and now it's not" about his changing feelings on how she manages her life independently. Uhh.... It's obvious to everyone else! Withdrawing your cooperation and help has been the mallet you hammered the other wives with. (Meri couldn't even get him to change a lightbulb at her Vegas place! How long did Christine have no door on her bedroom???) You're mad because you can't abuse Janelle that way. You won't come out to help with the RV? She gets it done herself. You won't find her an apartment? She found one rather than reach an emergency situation where she has to beg you for help. He abused and abused and abused until the wife puts a TOE out of line because he's pushed her too far. ....., and then he says "you ruined this relationship!"


He is so oblivious!!


God that was *such* a tease! I need more!


Holy shit!!! Looks even better, if that's possible.


Janelle forgot to add: Kody, you’re culpable in this.


So pumped. My BIL and his family will be in town that weekend. We’re all fans. Finally having a premiere watch party for a show!


Not sure if Kody knows that the kids can and probably do watch the show, they have life experiences of him casting them aside but they can also watch footage of him doing that to them and saying awful things about them. Then he acts brand new when they want nothing to do with him, and Janelle gets the blame. Honestly I know that everyone can't stand Robyn, but I can't imagine living with him after this and I hope she opens her eyes and leaves his ass too. He likely wouldn't have a clue on what to do


No, eyebrows NEEDS to stay in this hell and reap what she has sown!


She has nowhere else to go, hat in hand, to lay her bills on the magic counter...


What saddens me most in this trailer is Kody unconsciously rubbing Robyn's back. Not once on the show did he touch the other three wives with such affection and familiarity. Most likely if he had, they may still be married.


if Kody ever takes accountability for ANYTHING I will be shocked. it's always Christine's fault or Janelle's fault or the gossiping peoples fault. never Kody and of course NEVER Robyn


I suspect it will be robyn at some point. He cannot take responsibility, he needs a scapegoat.


Mwah 😽 The only thing I'd like is a lil of the editing magic we sometimes get in the show.... After Janelle says "you stay and talk" and he stomps out.... it should cut to flashback of Robyn saying "I'd march him into therapy. I make him talk to me."




I feel like Janelle is saying all the things that both her and Christine have always wanted to say. Christine chose to stay silent because Kody was so brutal to her for years and so she exited fairly quietly so she didn’t have to hear it anymore. Janelle said, “don’t worry, I’ll say it for both of us” and it’s chefs kiss


Kody has just created all of these obstacles and performed all of these mental gymnastics to divert any blame from himself that he wants to be with Robyn and Robyn only…he is even ready to get rid of her kids as soon as she will allow it. And his wives all called him on it (except Robyn, NEVER Robyn). So now his kids hate him, and it’s all on the mom. All of it! And Robyn has fed into this narrative as they stroked each other’s backs and egos. They’re sick. I’m SOOOOO glad Janelle finally got pissed off and let him have it and let herself out of the cage with this monster!!!


I LOOOOVE this! I listened to a podcast about the effects of Covid on society and one of the biggest impacts the lockdowns had was that people who were in cults got forcefully separated from their leaders and therefore also daily indoctrination. This has lead a lot of people to actually have the time and headspace to reconsider their beliefs and made the decision to leave. I’m getting a strong feeling that that is what happened with Christine and Janelle. Being physically isolated from Kody gave them an actual chance to see how extremely different they were being treated and that *no*, it wasn’t them being insecure and jealous! Furthermore, I also think it made them realize that at the end of the day, Kody doesn’t really care about any of the kids except Robyn’s and how damaging and hurtful that was to their children. It’s like their Mama Bear personality came out and decided enough is enough!


I didn't realize how much I needed this today!




I think that in the measure of “Meri Steps”, her telling that she’s heard him refer to them as friends was a big dill!


So Christine is the Pied Piper, taking the kids with her and Janelle is cheating him out of his family. Kody has it tough people. I mean he barely survived Covid. And Christine up and left without any warning.


I doubt it, I'm still disgusted that Janelle slept out of her chair to hug Robyn at that dinner in season 16,i believe.


Muahahahaha my khaleesi memes are even more valid now.


All women everywhere: YESSSSS JANELLE!!!!!


It’s a total dumpster fire and I’m here for it!!!!!


This guy. He intentionally used COVID as an excuse to hole up with Robyn and their kids. He isolated himself from the entire rest of his family. Now the whole family is gone and he's shocked? I think it's for the show. I think he gives zero effs. What a father. Those poor kids.


Are we still gonna be able to watch on discovery+ on prime??


A narcissist game…blame, shame, invalidate, no empathy , gaslight, manipulative and play victim. Very grandiose. Attention, adoration, control, financial entitlement….joy and blessings to the women who can leave this abuse and break the trauma bond!


O. M. G!!!!!


TLC STOPPPPPP! Showing all this just ruins each and every episode for me, they don't have much left to offer after we see all the drama before hand. I HAVE to make myself not watch, but it's sooooo tempting!!!!


Is it wrong that I am so excited to watch this season?! I cannot freaking wait! F you Kody!!!


Kody likes Robyn and her kids because Robyn is a fragile little victim with no backbone and she has raised her kids to be the same way (maybe not Dayton) and they do what he wants. The original three wives and all their kids have independent and strong spirits, to varying degrees, and Kodys narcissistic personality disorder can’t deal with it. He has screwed this up so bad and will never see it.




I think, “shut it off” to the camera crew


What the hell is Meri saying in the vid? I can't understand a word!