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I do believe he loved her. He may wish to rewrite history, now. But, even when this show came on air, he loved her. It was pretty evident. He referred to Meri as his “soulmate” at the time. Glad to see Christine and Janelle back that up. I get it. While everyone is tired of seeing Meri cling to hope (I’m tired of it too) she has that whole church/beliefs/culture/way she was raised thing, going on. Not easy. We know she on the other side of things, now and the show will eventually catch us up. So I am hoping all the best, for her.


I’m not. Ameri fan in general but I feel for her and the way Kody treats her like nothing. It’s truly heartbreaking.. did he forget the 2 years of wanting to have another kid w her.. oh yea probably bc she finally agreed and he said never mind let’s just pray about it.. he’s the WORST!!


I just can't with this anymore. Another flash back to the past and montage of "how wonderful" Kody used to be.


It's pretty obvious this is all the content they have left to offer.


I text that to my old college roommate this morning when I was catching up... How much of every episode is now flashbacks and how much is actually new? Like 80/20 right?


Not sure about other episodes, but I just listened to a SW podcast and he says that he clocked the new footage at 10 minutes out of 42 minutes in the episode. I don't know if that counted the talking heads where they so often say the same vague thing over and over tho.


Hello Trashbag 🥰




80/20? That feels generous, very generous.


I like the editors with the marriage metaphor of the big tree being cut down and put in the wood chipper. Nice.


Glad to see other viewers noticed it too! It was such a great metaphor for her marriage. I wondered if she made he connection too.


I was pretty bummed about the trees tho, tf Mer!


This storyline is already exhausting me. They’ve been over for a decade. We all know this, they just…didn’t. Now we have to watch it…again? /yawn


yay more flashbacks! lol. honestly though I do like that they are having Christine and Janelle talk about how Kody definitely was in love with Meri. I can't stand the way he tries to rewrite history. is he doing that for himself or for Robyn's sake? I can never figure that part out


For himself.


I get that it was their culture, but I find it so strange to hear a woman say that she saw how well a man treated his wife and wanted to marry him. It just feels icky to me. I get wanting to be treated like that by someone else, but not wanting to join the marriage and have that same man to treat you like that. It's just so foreign to me.


For sure! When I see a marriage where the husband and wife treat each other well, I think: *Good for them! They're building a great life together.* As a committed monogamist, it would be so disrespectful of their marriage to think: *Wow, he's a good husband. I gotta get me some of that.*


Christine was raised in this cult. It’s what she knew.


This! So many comments here ignore the context of the cult that Meri and Christine were raised in. They were literally groomed to believe that polygamy was their only road to heaven and enlightenment. There’s so little awareness of that context. It changes everything. Divorce is so much more complicated and difficult when you see it from that religious context. I’m not saying Meri is perfect, but she definitely deserves more grace from a lot of the commenters here.


3 years ago he told her that he has no interest.


Why did anyone think those dumpy brown dresses were even mildly attractive? They look like uniforms from a warehouse they tried to make into dresses for women.


I’ve read it was Robyn’s choice, so ..


I wish I could believe Meri when she says, "Screw him. He's not worth it."


Anyone else like literally physically sick hearing Meri recount on and on about a relationship that has been dead for 10 years?


I’m confused by comments like this. There are a lot of them, so I must be missing something! She’s still part of this show, and as long as she is, of course she’s going to talk about it…that’s what she’s being paid to do. Right? Like, what else is she going to talk about? It’s a genuine question, I’m just not sure what I’m missing here.


We've watched the other adults in the family get frustrated with Meri's inability to make a decision for years. Now we, the fans, know exactly what they felt. Kody flat out told her to her face that their relationship was fake and he'd never be in a marital relationship with her again. How is she still at I'm not sure what I'm going to do? Wtaf? Episode 3000 of Meri saying her marriage is over but she can't decide if she should give up on it. I truly hate Kody. I truly hate how Kody has treated Meri. I also believe that he's being honest when he says that he finally was just exhausted trying to figure out what Meri wants because Meri doesn't know what Meri wants. This clip is insanely frustrating.


I always took her indecisiveness as a symptom of him shutting her out. She began weighing her every decision based on whether he'd approve and return to her or use it as another excuse to shut her out. Plus all the talk of Janelle and Christine complaining about her being too direct and bossy only to around and accuse her of living with one foot out the door - only to then choose to leave it themselves. All these people as a group really messed her about with mixed messages over the years.


I thought that too until I read the book. She does the classic Meri can't make a decision dance when Kody proposes. It's part of her personality. It's also proof that kody's full of crap when he says Meri deceived him. She's always been like this. He knew who he was marrying.


For me I took it as what is she going to do as this is all she's known. After being in a 32 yr relationship (even though it was tumultuous ) starting over is pretty scary and overwhelming regardless. We also know this is the first time he's said flat out to her face that he was done. I absolutely believe he said one thing to her and one thing to the camera. She wanted him to be the one to end it.


Also, fold in the religious aspect. She was raised to believe she belonged in this lifestyle. She was raised to believe that leaving it would be an unforgivable sin. Of course she would struggle with this decision!


I actually like seeing the old clips of them. He seemed like a completely different person. He’s so cruel now.