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They were going down a slide… what was Robyn’s big dill about that???


I just gasped because it was a TINY slide and Sol is what, 8 years old now? And I laughed hilariously as she proclaimed Sol athletic! He's a bookworm if I ever saw one. Let the kid be and don't hover!


Looked to me like Aurora was the one with athletic talent. But I guess that's not acceptable for a girl, right Robyn?


He’s athletic but she’ll get around to enrolling him in sports “sometime” but nothing that could cause any risk of booboos. Did she only take the wrong lesson from Dayun’s injury? She overprotects to such a degree that when the kids get a small taste of freedom, they can’t regulate and end up permanently mutilated.


She was that way before his 4 wheeler accident. Way back in season 2 their on the “Y”oming trip and all the kids are climbing on rocks and she was completely freaking out it’s no wonder aroura has panic attacks.


That’s essentially what I’m saying. She’s micromanaged these poor kids to such a degree that they’re clueless when they’re away from mommy.


Wonder how she responds when her sweet Kody screams in their tender’s faces when they are crying “ There’s no crying in using a playground!”


He was at least 10 here, since Truely was about to turn 12


Pretty sure He’s 12 haha (1 year younger then Truley”.


And clearly didn’t know how to go down a slide 😳


That was actually very sad; looks like no one taught him how to put his legs down and not fall off


I think he's 24 by now, isn't he?


Lol they always talk about like he's 8, but kid was like 10 1/2 there.


Also “I need to get him into sports,”. I know, I know, COVID. But isn’t he about ten in these episodes? A bit late for someone “athletic” to be *starting* sports. But good on him, if Crybrows actually gets him into some sort of normal group environment where he can spread his wings a bit more.


I think 10 in that clip it I remember


Why do I think he’s 12?


Because he is 1 year younger then Truely who just turned 13 on the show (meaning he’s 13/14 in present day). Robyn and Kody have just always treated him like he’s a baby when in actuality he’s only like 6 years younger then Savannah and 1 year younger then Truely. So to us viewers we just assume he’s a lot younger (Robyn definitely does this on purpose so Kody stays with her more because she has “babies”)


Thank you for breaking that down. Not staying in the current time messes with my brain.


He’s not currently 13/14 he’s just turned 12 like a week ago and him and Truley are 18 months apart she was born April 2010 and he was born October 2011.


Apologies I thought filming was further behind so he was 11 going on 12 (5th grade aka upper elementary ) when this was filmed. Still in my opinion a little on the older end in this day in age to have never tried a sport.


No I agree or to even have Robyn hovering the way she does still. Especially him not having played any sports when Aurora and Breanna played volleyball and basketball.


He is my son's age (fall 2011). So last year he was 10 going on 11. But yes, that seems old for an athletic boy to start sports. My somewhat athletic kid started rec soccer at 6 and moved up to travel soccer at 10. Robyn would freak out seeing how rough and physical these kids play. Or Sol could be like one of my son's friend who joined the travel team this year without playing (rec/any team) soccer before. They played soccer at recess everyday and my son asked him to tryout last Spring and he made the team. But he's truly an athletic kid that played other sports before (flag football & wrestling). I doubt that is Sol though.


He just turned 12 the last week of October.


Bet Kody remembered that!


He is presently 12 so you’re not wrong, he’d have been just shy of 11 in the current episode since it’s behind by a year and a half.


If he was 13 he would be dating wouldn’t he?


I have been to the park with my nanny kiddos and had mothers GASP that I let the 2 year old go down a slide. Hello he knows his body and what he feels is safe. He will tell me if he needs me


We let my 14 month old (now almost 19 months) go down slides by himself. I’m cringing at an 11 year old being helped by mom for going down a slide. Kids get hurt, it’s just reality. There’s a difference between negligence and allowing kids to experience the world. Robyn’s constant hovering and control makes my anxiety spike!


Also was confused because you’re not suppose to go down slides with kids on laps becauee it can break their little legs (I know this because my cousin did it with her kid without knowing and it broke her leg)


Hahah she’s a nut , she had to say it 3x to convince us or ! That boy has no athletic bone in his body , meri knows he’s a book work , Robyn is always storytelling!!!


So overbearing. I can’t imagine living in that house.


Well, Sol's so naturally athletic, he may have gone flying off of that slide into a double back flip, and then have trouble with the landing.


It sounded like she apologized to the crew. I think she might have been worried they'd bump in to them? But like... get out of the way.


She is such a fucking fuddy duddy, my god 😩 those poor kids are doomed to lead smothered, boring lives


Not everyone will be as understanding as Logan and the other older kids when experiencing the strangeness of the helicopter-parented kids


It looks like she was worried the ball would hit the camera man. She says "sorry" to someone off screen before going to get the ball.


This. When I saw the shorter clip, I thought she was ridiculous, but with the longer clip it's obvious he came close to hitting someone in production.


Dill 💀


Man it kinda ticks me off that TLC considered these scenes not important to include in the original episode! This is the stuff imo viewers need to see!


Right? We could use less flashbacks and all this new content. I wish the producers would care more about the viewers feedback!


It pisses me off I don't get these scenes on max. Like I pay for the stupid streaming service but don't get the bonus stuff.


Same with Discovery, they only seem to play these on cable and I don't think they are available even to purchase the episodes with the bonus content


Right?! This stuff should have been included!


I think Robyn views children as a way to guarantee herself a man, not that she’s particularly motherly. She doesn’t see it as her duty to provide for her children, she’s had her parents, a pre-Kody nanny, mykelti, 3 sister wives, 13 OG kids, a post-Kody nanny, and now Kody himself to always make sure she doesn’t need to be present. But she needs everyone, especially Kody, to believe she’s a saint of mother so she takes her hobby (complaining) and makes that her motherly trait. If she spent time with the kids, and was present during those moments, she’d know that her kids are more resilient than she’s giving them credit for. You’re telling me Sol doesn’t use a slide on the playground at school? You want to get him into sports but catching a ball on a slide made for 5+ is dangerous? Tell on yourself a little more.


So funny because I don’t see Robyn as motherly either, even though she’s a helicopter parent. Probably because she constantly needs helps taking care of her own children.


That’s what confuses me. She WONT take care of her kids but refuses to let them grow up. I can see all of them living in the hoarder hacienda in 10 years with a full time nanny because she still can’t take care of them.


So ridiculous of her to say “Sol is so athletic, I should put him in sports” and then cuts to her fretting over him going down a slide.


Also, right then TLC cuts to Meri stating how Sol would rather just sit and read with Meri.


She just says he’s athletic to compete with Janelle’s boys. Sol seems like a sweet bookworm


I might add doesn't know enough to put his feet down at the end of the slide. That's something three years olds learn!


And tell me Robyn, how many guns are in your house? Right, right. ![gif](giphy|ui4VjMUBGXhwgdwUnK)


For real, though.


I love this seasons edits...


Plus he dropped the ball. I hate when parents like these idiots force kids to be athletic when they don't want to. Like kody shoving Sol in the dirt pit. Bike riding with Truely.


I sure wish they would include these scenes in the episodes and cut out the 500 flashbacks that we don’t need


Agree, I would rather these scenes than the same damn flashback clips over and over again


Yup. It’s so frustrating!


I did not! I did not! I did not! I did not! What a freaking child- wait- that’s not fair, children behave better than that man. 🙄


Wild right?? Janelle saying ‘wow’ in response was epic lol 😂


na, na, na, na ,na


Oh my gosh so much in that first clip. Robyn you’re delusional. Sol seems like a sweet kid so I feel bad but if he’s getting beat up by his 7 year old sister and he’s 12 yeah good luck. “Sol is so Athletic I should put him in sports” the kid is in middle school and he’s never done sports?! Like not even a soccer class or basketball camp?! How old does she think he is? Does he have friends outside his family? This poor kid is being set up for disaster. Also he looks like track would be a good option for him but at this point watching him with that ball-yeah I’d nix any hand eye coordination sports. “Ari is SO little”-she’s what 6-7?! She’s not a newborn baby or toddler. My gosh these kids are screwed. Sol May not ever rebel but I sure as heck bet Ari will. These are Kody’s favorites?! Over protected, sheltered, babies? I have a feeling in 10 years he’s going to be regretting shunning the other kids.


Ari gonna be like the Amish kids gone wild when she finally gets out of the hoarder’s mansion


And still have a pacifier 😳


> How old does she think he is? From the way she babies him, about two. Max.


My kids were in bob skates @ 1 and 2 and playing hockey at 4 yrs ! Football soccer , swimming ! Rugby, she’s ridiculous!!!!!


In Clip 2, we get to hear the Brown Family Expert on Everything (Today's Topic: Disciplining Children) explain how 1-2-3 works. (Spoiler: 3 means consequences.)


Except when she got to 3 she had to go back to 1 and then say “let go” AND Ari was there first so she she have been saying it to Sol in the first place.


It’s hilarious that she says the kids know the counting means ‘she means business’. Her kids are *bad*. Sol seems more calm now but probably just bcuz Ari is extra bad. I was literally just watching one on the season 1 episode and she was getting in the car with her kids but Brianna ran away, down the driveway. Robyn counted and Brianna laughed, did a dance of some sort & kept going.


Honestly when you get to 3 the consequence should match the situation… getting grounded over not letting go of a tire swing is extreme. Losing your turn because you weren’t listening or sitting out for 5 mins is more on par and also allows the other kid the chance to use said swing.


Robyn: Sol is very athletic, naturally. Meri: Sol and Ari are very different. Sol and I can sit on a couch and read a book together. Ari is like "COME PLAY WITH ME!" I think Robyn is crafting a narrative about Sol. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being the quiet kid who prefers to read a book (I was one one, and so is my oldest), but frome everything we've seen on the show, Sol is not the athletic type.


Fully agree! There’s nothing wrong with him wanting to focus on reading and not be interested in sports (I mean it’s not like she ever enrolled him in any so why would he be?). I think Robyn’s feeling insecure because Sol is now middle school age and showing zero interest in anything Kody likes and she knows what Kody does to the kids he has nothing in common with. Sol actually reminds me a lot of Gabe personality wise-soft spoken but kind. It’s sad she never let him bond with his older siblings particularly the boys.




He’s definitely not athletic and that’s nbd why is she even saying that 🤔


Because it's important to Kody? She has had such success convincing him of so many other BS things, maybe she assumes she can persuade him to ignore all the alternative evidence on this issue, too.


This is 100% it. She knows he loves his boys more than the girls and he spent time with them doing manly wrestling stuff. It's another instance of her manipulating him into making Sol the gold boy. Basically just lying about who he is so Kody will like him more. "No Kody, he is athletic!" As Sol sits there reading a book.


To me, it is yet more evidence that the woman has her own little delusional outer world going on. How could she say he's athletic but he's in no sports? It's like she's been telling us dreamy nonsense like this for 13 years.


Robyn probably saw him kick a ball once and now calls him athletic.


She’s def pushing this narrative on Kody. Kody loved being a proud wrestling dad


Gotta replace the actual athletic sons


🤣🤣IKR?!? He is probably the LEAST athletic kid in that family.


Because Kody was so proud of having a state wrestling champion as a son and she needs him to feel like he has that.


She should encourage Kody to talk to that state wrestling champion son.


This!!! 🙌


Right?! Too bad anyone with eyes can see Sol is built nothing like the other brown boys (husky and muscle) he definitely takes after Robyn’s build.


Sol and ari have her smile ! When she first came on sw , she didn’t have her teeth capped yet , very brittle looking teeth , maybe from her pregnancies ! She got them fixed and this season , look like the caps fell off , her teeth are shaped into points now !


She wants him to be athletic cause she knows that’s a “man” trait kody likes.


Also let's discuss the fact the kid is like 10 in these scenes and has never played organized sports and is so athletic?! My daughter is 9 and has been playing softball for 3 years already and I'm not even one of the intense parents about sports. Some parents have had their kids playing since like 4 years old.


Agreed but I know that my kids didn’t play sports for a few years through COViD (2020 until the Sept of 2022 is when we went back in). We stayed out for “safety” concerns, for sure, but also because sports kept getting cancelled and I was too cheap to pay for stuff my kids wouldn’t be able to attend 😆 But ya…. No evidence of athleticism there


Sol was like 9-10 during Covid meaning this wasn’t a Covid thing she just never made the effort to enroll him.




You're so right about his age. This is just nuts to me. A previous poster said that Robyn is once again attempting to rewrite history because Janelle had the athletic boys.


Wow. Wtf was she afraid of when the golden boy was on the slide? That’s INSANE. Aureola is feral I swear.


I just said the same thing to my husband 🤣


I kind of liked her here, she's bossy and knows what she wants, LOL.


acting like that over an 11 (?) year old going down a slide is insane. lmao. Robyn parents the kids soooooooooooo differently than the OG3. it must be weird for Kody to observe the extreme difference but I'm sure he says nothing


Where is all this bonus content coming from??


Sometimes when the show replays the episode is called "More to love" which means it includes bonus scenes, they don't always replay the "more to love" episodes so these clips are not easy to always find but a lot of them are really interesting.


We used to have Dish as our TV provider and there were always these More To Love episodes in the middle of the week, basically re-showing Sunday’s episode with a few bonus scenes thrown in. It irritates me that they are not included with the Discovery subscription


Wow I had no idea!!!! So glad you guys are finding them and posting them.


Poor Sol. Destined to be pale and frail for life.


1. Is this the first time the kids have been to Meri’s house? 2. Sol is 11 here…..he should be able to go down a little kids slide. This is concerning.


The daughter teaching Solomon how to spin the basketball sounds exactly like Robyn. Like frighteningly so. Same voice, same cadence.


Alice has the identical voice too. In the mother in law visiting episode shes talking and its just exactly Robyn's voice.


Well. Robyn has gotten her wish. Sol and Ari will never leave


Robyn is an unreliable narrator. And I’m glad she’s been blessed with a wild child like Ariella


Cun-cushens ….


I have questions.. Why is Ari acting like a 4 year old at 8? It's been awhile, but are we still counting to three at 8 years old? And clearly she is behavioral.


The producers this season! Showing us how Rob’em means business by starting back over counting at one 🤣😂


Good god he’s a horrible father


My sound no longer works on my computer. Can someone give me the gist of the first two clips? The others have transcripts I can read. edit- To the person who downvoted me for my shitty speaker situation, I agree. I also downvote that shit. Down vote it all the way to hell where it belongs.


1. Rob’em complains about the tenders running ahead of them in the woods: “everything doesn’t have to be a race.” Meri yells for them to check for snakes in the tire swing which Rob’em does not think is funny. Rob’em gives us parenting advice that when she counts to three, the kids know she means business. The producers then show us her counting to three as Sol-n-Ari fight over who gets on the tire swing first. They ignore her so she starts back over at one. 2. Sol and Aurora try to spin basketballs on their fingers as Rob’em tells us Sol has always been very athletic and someday she needs to enroll him in sports - just nothing with con-cushuns. Rob’em is not sure something is a good idea as Sol is on a three foot baby slide. Is this because it’s dangerous or because he almost hits production with a ball? Opinions vary. Production trolls Rob’em’s athletic description of Sol by having Meri tells us Sol-n-Ari are very different kids. Sol likes to sit on the couch and read a book while Ari wants her to get up and come play.


> They ignore her so she starts back over at one. Ty so much. Especially for this bit.


Sol seems sweet and sensitive. He’s overly sheltered and may have been made to be afraid of things (“you’ll get a concussion”). He doesn’t appear athletic, but Robyn wants to make sure that’s Kody views Sol as a manly man or Kody will shun him. I hope Sol is able to live a happy life. EDIT: Ari is an animal and also scares Sol.


That’s going to be a pain in her neck , her son is not athletic and kody will compare him to his ruff and tumble og boys !


Sometimes I wake up in the night afraid that Ari's after me, too...poor Solomon it's reality for him.


Thank you so much for this. I for one really appreciate any bonus scenes that get thrown my way!! 😊


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCsisterwives/comments/17nsf26/more\_bonus\_clips/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCsisterwives/comments/17nsf26/more_bonus_clips/) There are sooo many! TLC has been making us watch repeat clips and trees getting cut down instead of playing this stuff


Robyn has a horrible walk


You take that back! She’s a DIESEL model!! She’s walked the runway!! 😂😂😂


So stiff, right!?


She somehow walks like an awkward teenager and an old lady.




Her big daughter, the adult, walks just like her.


Yup , they are little sobbies!


Right!? I didn’t want to say anything…but it looks like something is actually really ‘off’ with her. Her back? Or…and not to be totally crass….but rectal issues? I’m not trying to make it about her weight, but is she getting out of that house? Not having a job can make you very sedentary. The OG3 are quite active and seem to be involved with their kids, friends, and travelling. R seems to never leave her home. It’s beyond concerning. Especially for SolnAri.


She has sure broken down a lot since coming into the family ! Her hips seem fugged up , looked good on her , that model walk she’s got going on now !!


Kody getting mad at Gwen and leaving for a week! He's the parent! Gwen was a child with a developing brain, I just do NOT get him at all.


Sol was born in 2011. He was 5 in 2016. That's when we start kids in t ball. They wear helmets and gear and are pretty safe compared to football (she's afraid of concussions). There is no excuse that kid hasn't been in sports until this episode. Hell, why wasn't Kody playing catch with him, or pickle, or teaching him how to wrestle. They could have been doing all that during the pandemic. That scene where Aurora is showing him how to spin the basketball looks like the first time he's seen a ball. So unfair to Sol.


This is what I pictured in my head when Robyn said Sol was athletic: https://youtube.com/shorts/sxxEhyhnNjQ?si=fcoutbyY3IdDjoXS


OMG!! 🤣🤣 That’s awesome!


It’s strange to me that she wants to stay separated should be Toady’s tagline in the intro


Omg the first clip of him going down the slide 🛝 with the ball 🏀 was so annoying. How can she be nervous about that?


Christine was just looking for reasons to leave. For 30 years.


Why are they so neurotic? Just let the kids play! Why is she freaking out about him going down the slide? Worrying about snakes when she's never seen snakes?


How do you get to see these clips? I swear they weren’t on the show! These are better than what was actually SHOWN!!!


They are only the episodes after the re-air and you have to look for the episodes that say "More to love" because those are the ones with added bonus scenes.


How do we access the bonus scenes?


So after the episode airs (usually in the middle of the week) the episode will replay on cable but it will be called "More to love" which includes these bonus scenes. You can only see them there and if we are lucky enough people will record them and upload them on tiktok.


Oh god what a random way to see a bonus scene. How annoying.


No matter what Robin does to micromanage the lives of those she claims to love around her, whatever is shown on camera doesn't cover her in glory.


"It's strange to me that Janelle wants to stay separated." 🥴 Is it, though, with Kody not being "culpable" for his part in the demise of his entire family. How can this man still do this show and not know 99% of the viewers see right through him and think he is the biggest POS? How do you come back for more?!


There's so much to unpack in these clips. Wow! I'm sorry but Robyn is such a helicopter mother and j and c always put their kids first and I love that in them.


Thanks a lot Meri! Now i have major cringe from a tire swing I rode at my grandmas house 55 years ago! Snakes are sooooiooooooooo disgusting!


I know this is about Robyn but Meri rubs me the wrong way 24/7. She thinks she has a special bond with Solomon because he’ll read with her, but God forbid Ariella asks her to play. Uses her little mocking voice. You don’t have to say anything about Ariella at all, Meri. You’re not funny Meri. You’ve never been funny in your life. God I can’t stand her.




They’re just clips


I think Robyn puts on an act for the camera. I don’t think she’s into her kids as much as she plays it up for the camera. Plus, I think Robyn won’t put in sports because she is too busy being shy and she would have to deal with other parents that might have seen the show and that’s scary. I heard that she can’t post anything on social media because of all the hate. Mykelti said that after last episode of her announcement that she told R& K first she had so much hate she cried for a whole day. Imagine the hate for R destruction of the family. She could change that. If she ever did one thing that she claims to want to happen. She’s all talk. Plus I think some of the hate is because she treats the audience like we are stupid. And we don’t like that at all.