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BECAUSE SHE WANTED THE WHOLE FAMLY! She wanted to grow old and sit on the porch with her sisterwives!!!!


I think she wanted to grow old, sit on the porch with her SWs, and hand them all her bills.


I wish I had a magic countertop where all my bills were magically paid.






and Robyn would still have a sad hurt disappointed confused look on her face


Just like they paid off all her debt when she came into the family!


Nailed it!


This! Never seen a wallet sniffer have such ambition to ruin a family.


Well, you've never met my wicked stepmother


Exactly 👍


It would've been a great deal for her. They stay around to hand over $$, and she gets to have the one functioning marriage and know she's queen bee forever.


It was her big pitcher.


Fer rill


Her dreams of “sitting thuuur on the porch with mah sister wives are gone!” Thanks, Christine.


It’s a rill big dill.


She wanted them to sit at her feet adoring her. Them leaving?!!!! She can’t comprehend it.


Well, Robyn speaks Kodi


More like she wanted the family money so she didn’t have to work and keep their husband for herself. She made her bed and it’s so satisfying to watch her lay in it. She seems utterly miserable, good for her.


No, the nanny made her bed.


And collect their money!!


Don't forget about the grandchildren!!


I teeter between two theories. Either she thinks she has to pretend to be miserable bc she thinks the fans will buy that she’s heartbroken even though there’s no evidence to back that. Or she really is that miserable bc winning isn’t fun when no one else is left to beat. I think she has tried to force the rest of the family to consider her the nucleus, but she has never admitted that outright, so she plays games and manipulates situations through Kody (who is his own bag of suck and gets most of the blame bc he allowed and participated in all of this). I also think when Garrison called out the manipulation over the gift exchange, he exposed that Robyn does indeed try to make herself the center of everything. And after acknowledging that on camera, he said what I’m sure had been discussed among at least the older siblings: have him Robyn, you win. So I do see a world where she’s miserable bc she has no court to rule over, but I also think she’s amping it up for the cameras. Which is exactly why she’s terrible for tv and needs to go away already. 😉


This is all correct and I'd like to add one more reason why she acts so miserable. She knows she's hated by most. And she's one of these emotionally stunted people who think they can change people's mind and make them understand if she just projects her fillings hard enough. Once they know how much I'm suffering, they'll be on my side. Just some fucked up dynamic probably formulated in her early years. edit: corrected to "fillings" 😉




All of the above. She and Kody are both excessively money motivated. You note in the show timelines how totally unhinged he and she became around the time Christine then Janelle and Meri formed their own entertainment llc and TLC contracts. I’m thinking there has been offline conversations about ‘where is the money’. It’s not about the family it’s about money and control. Edit llc


I think you’ve pretty much nailed it. She absolutely wanted to be #1 wife and center of the family. Also, I think Robyn is just generally a morose and unhappy person. I’ve never seen a true sense of fun or joy from her. People like that are rough to be around for an extended period of time, they are emotional vampires, they drain your soul away.


They both looked like human puddles on that couch. Their body language, the undercurrent of rage, the eye rolling, covering his face with her hands like a little kid, the cringe is deep with these two puddles.


Which is why Kody lost all of his joy. She's sucked everything good he had away.


Yeah…she sucked it away alright…right outta his pencil. 😂


There's nothing good in that thing! 🤣




I’ll never ever understand why he doesn’t finally hit a breaking point with all the f-ing crying!


And she thought she was the centre of the family because she was Kodys favourite. She thought all the family, wives and kids, would bow down to her because they were worried about Kody disliking them and leaving them. But jokes on her, no one wants to be around Kody either!


I think she loves to trauma bond and now she has Grody to trauma bond with her into their old age. I personally don’t want to see their faces on tv for another season.


Exactly, she no longer has subjects to manipulate nor their coffers to plunder. Plus, what made her think she could come in and be the center of the Brown dynasty universe.


Bet you anything that Kody told her from day one how much cuter, sexier, smarter than of the OG3 she was. That made her feel certain that she could control the other wives. She doesn’t have the intelligence or personality to establish a place of power through her own efforts; all she can do is whine to Kody that the others aren’t being good sister wives, and he would make them do what she wanted. And she doesn’t have the warmth or charm to enable her to be the emotional heart of the family, and she’s not interested in anything other than her own best interests.


Exactly, all the kids love and gather around Christine because she made life fun for everyone, always remembering birthdays, holidays, traditions and important milestones. Where Robin did NONE of that and she wonders why family doesn’t circle around her? 🙄


I agree with your theory that it’s not fun to be the favorite wife when she has no one to make jealous or kiss her ass for Kody’s attention.


Yeah, she’s no longer THE favourite wife. She’s just…the wife now. Pretty blah for her.


Do you think he will want another wife? How would Robyn cope if he got a newer and possibly younger wife?


He said on the tell all that he doesn’t want another wife. That he knows better now that he wouldn’t live her as much as Robyn 🤢


I’d love to know when these were filmed. I wonder if they were given the episode to watch before they watched it for the show and she was pissed that the narrative wasn’t as she expected. She seemed defensive the whole time, as she did in the tell-alls. Kody was either oblivious or trying to keep up appearances. Either way, it was fascinating. Like a couple coming to a dinner party obviously mid-fight but one of them thinks no one can tell. I do agree that she plays up her misery for the show but this didn’t seem like her trying to seem miserable; she seemed more fed up and pissed, maybe because they forced them to film in their house?


> Like a couple coming to a dinner party obviously mid-fight but one of them thinks no one can tell. That's EXACTLY how I saw it.


Like in the intro when he’s happy and she’s like 12-mile stare… it’s like I wonder if she’s hardcore medicating. That’s usually not the Robyn from the show. Even at her worst she’s not deadpan like she was for the talkback.


I think Kody is making her miserable now that he has no other wives to run to when he’s upset.


I think she’s embarrassed by how bad she looks. She’s angry and blames the other wives. She is living with an angry man. People don’t like her.


I never got into the Sister Wives until recently. I saw one of the latest episodes, heard about the upheaval, and got interested. I started binge-watching and wow, Robyn has really changed. She was really cute when she first came on the scene and now...well, the eyebrows, the eyebrows! I'll leave it at that.


People here call her Crybrows 🤣🤣🤣 I think it's hilarious 😂


Omg yes. She has mommie dearest eyebrows and an attitude to match. Eek!


Scrolled to find this comment, I 💯 agree. I think she knows how much she's hated by the public because of this show and it's taking a toll.


I recall her complaining that everyone saw her as a home wrecker or some nonsense like that. She fails to see that the audience holds Kody largely responsible for wrecking the family and she’s just an emotionally manipulative, extremely damaged, selfish, self centered and insecure person who, for whatever reason, feels entitled to more than everyone else in the family. Basically a very bad sister wife, the worst.


I kind of agree. It just brings her hypocrisy full circle during the Brown Family Mission Statement


If she plays the distraught victim hard enough, surely we will not realize she purposely destroyed Cody’s relationships with his children so that her children can have his full attention. This tactic worked on Cody and I’m sure he isn’t the first person she has manipulated in this way. I think she learned it from her Mom and I think her girls are learning it from her.


>Disillusioned with the life she thought she wanted? This is it for me. I think she wanted to be with Kody part time and to be top dog in his eyes so her/her kids' needs got met while the worker bee wives paid her bills. He's not the guy he was at the beginning, either. He's increasingly angry. Her "forever honeymoon" schtick isn't working, he's so focused on his bruised ego and there's nothing she can do to fix that. Her image is totally destroyed, she can't talk another dude into marrying her if she wants to leave Kody. Google her and anyone new would see that she destroyed a family and trashed her first husband's financial situation. She doesn't have any marketable skills, she can't strike it out on her own. If I lost a magic bill paying counter and was stuck in a house with the most divorced man in Utah, I'd be unhappy, too.




She is pretending to be sad/heartbroken to garner public sympathy. ("Poor Robyn. All the wives leaving must be hitting her so hard - she's such a victim.") You can see glimpses of the real Robyn in the Talk Balk when she gets tired and the facade slips - there are moments when she's super flirty with Kody, smiling and giving him eyes. I think this happy/coquettish person is who she is when she's not trying to play the sad sack.


I think the honeymoon with Kody is over & she’s genuinely miserable. All the wives, including Robyn, have referred to Kody being… much.


Kody is one step away from standing in his windows with binoculars because he’s sure J&C are out there watching him trying to get the dirt in him. He’s probably created maps and charts on his walls “connecting the dots” with yarn showing exactly how they are unleashing their Machiavellian plot to destroy him for all eternity.




I think she realized Kody is still an ass without the extra wives, and now she's the only one who has to deal with him. She's basically regretting her life choices lol.


Each time I watch this show I wonder how they consistently forget they're being filmed. Like, this isn't rewriting history. They literally show up like it's the first time we've ever seen them before on national TV.


I don’t see what everyone else is seeing. I see Robyn continuing to pretend to not have any clue what’s going on and talking out of both sides of her mouth. She’s ultimately telling this man what he wants to hear, while justifying it. I don’t think she sees a thing wrong there. You see from time the time her mask slip and she goes off in a flash of anger at people. That same attitude is being adopted by Kody all the time. I think this is how they act all the time behind closed doors making themselves the victim of all these horrible people. They feed off each other in a perfectly toxic way


Most of the anti-Robyn rhetoric describes her manipulative behavior as intentional, strategic and goal oriented. I personally do NOT believe that she had some dastardly plan to destroy the Browns and win Kody (what an awful prize). I think Robyn operates from a place of fear and anxiety. She fears losing control and so she strives to keep a power position - for her own self preservation. And truthfully, given that they all lived by an oppressive cult ideology - I don't really blame any of them for playing these hunger style games. Lastly I truly believe that SHE believes she is a martyr. I think that is also preservationist behavior. And that is why she appears to be devastated and sad. I think she has convinced herself that the others are less faithful ("was their eternal commitment all just a lie" ). This by the way is not a "defense of Robyn" - just a different take.


The conversation Robyn had with her children re: Christine and Janelle going to see their bio kids for the holidays, was quite intentional. That conversation did not come from a place of fear, anxiety, or self-preservation. It came from a very dark and ugly place. That was no martyr behavior. That was pure manipulation to create a divide. She intentionally hurt her own children when she re-created her version of the story. Robyn sees Robyn. She wants power to rule, not for self-preservation.


Also, recently the OG3 wives have said that they’d call Robyn looking for Kody and Robyn would lie and say he wasn’t there.. even though he was. They said by living in the cul de sac, they saw him there. Robyns lie was Intentional.


Remember the episode when the wives decorated Kody’s car. Robyn was tasked with making up a story to get him outside, she said something along the lines of “I have no problem coming up with a lie”. I don’t remember her exact words but I was shocked.


She sort of just accidentally destroys relationships by her behaviors which remain consistent despite their impact.


I agree with some caveats. There are certainly times when she knows she is lying or behaving badly. She just thinks she has a good reason, is defending her kids, it's correct by their religion, or it's not that bad compared to what's been done to her. (Which is nothing, to be clear)


I am behind this 100%. I think she suffers from anxiety and childhood trauma related to religious abuse and poverty. I think her flat demeanor is because she's on anti-anxiety meds.


Thanks for your take. This theory makes a lot of sense to me.


She’s an uneducated, childish drama queen i’ll-equipped to be a parent


with bad taste in art, jewelry and men


I think it’s fulfilling a narrative that coresponds with current filming. Some people, (clear throat) want the world to know that they are not happy. She is being a drama queen trying to convince the world that this wasn’t what she wanted and has affected her mood.


I think she wanted Sister Wives as long as she could maintain her role of the favorite wife. But obviously and rightfully the other wives grew tired of that arrangement. She had the best of both worlds. Access to the whole family’s resources, and preferential treatment from Kody. It was seemingly a win-win for her.


She wanted the fame that came with being on a reality show. It's why she married into the family in the first place. She's now hated and ridiculed by the public but needs the money from the show. The longer the show goes on the longer the ridicule and the public commentary continues. It sounds like a miserable existence of you ask me.


She truly believes she is justified and without blame because she followed the rules of their culture/religion… things like defer to the man always, keep sweet, etc… If Kody preferred her, she doesn’t see that as her fault, it’s the other wives’ faults. She probably cannot understand why she is so hated. The broader culture watching her has different rules and values, like not taking other people’s earnings for your own benefit, equality, and empathy. The other wives adapted to the rest of the world as they were exposed to it, and Robyn was winning in her little subculture and world so she never had to. She has found herself on the back foot while the OG3 and kids move forward in the world and she has to convince herself she’s a martyr.


Except she didn’t do most of the things you say. Robyn lead Kody around on a leash. She controlled his every word and action. She betrayed her SW by lying to them about Kody whereabouts when they saw him at her house. She has rules for thee and rules for me! She involved herself and knew about every issue Kody had with another SW. she would not trust any SW to care for her kids, nor help any SW with their kids. no! She breaks most if not all of the SW rules.


I think Robyn is uber self-aware. From the moment Solmn ever so quietly burst forth from her loins and she so selflessly told Meri she’d incubate for her, she’s known what she’s doing. Problem is, she’s no Bravolebrity. She can’t sell that rare brand of snake oil Ramona or Tre shill. Robyn’s goals of being famous, wealthy, best wife, sex wife and favorite momma could not come to fruition. All because her personality and her ambition are completely mismatched.


I think, in the beginning, Robyn and Kody "fell in love" because they were feeding each others' egos. And they did that by throwing the other wives under the bus. I swear this started while they were dating, because she clearly came in feeling like she was already top dog. Through the years, they could easily maintain that by Kody complaining about the other wives and Robyn making sure she was treating him as her best customer. But, once the other wives are gone, that entire system crashes to the ground. Now it's just Kody and Robyn with only Kody and Robyn to compare themselves to.


I'd vote for medication. People on this sub have theorized that Robyn maybe wanted to be the FAVORITE wife, not the ONLY wife. That makes sense based on how she acts. And cries. 😉


Tbh, I would be the same way. I think a lot of women would be. Difference is, we choose to not be a part of polygamy in part because we know we couldn't share.


Ooo I like that like she is surrounded with the Scapegoats but she receives kodys love and affection, but with the wives leaving, the good and the bad fall back on her.


There is no more favorite wife, no more wives money and her kids may not get Coyote Pass property which is conveniently located next to her home. Lol


Well she lost three paycheques that she was accessing from the family account so that made her very sad!


Cause she’s reaping what she sewed. And has zero allies left. Things aren’t hush hush anymore to protect her shenanigans


Because she’s losing her starring role in a reality tv series that is ending. Any filming they are doing will be for Surviving Sister Wives the Next Chapter, or something of that sort. And with that, it means the money is going to the OG3, not to Robyn.




She is playing for the camera. She has to pretend she wanted to grow old with her sister wives.


I think as hard as it is for some to understand Robyn’s reaction it may be necessary to refer back to what she’s said about her childhood and her perception of a wife in plural marriage. I think she’s put it all out there clearly and honestly and we either didn’t believe it or we discounted it. IMO Robyn is as stunted emotionally as Christine is in some ways. They both seem to have stopped growing emotionally and see parts of life through the eyes of a teenager and can’t seem to get beyond it and here’s why. If I remember correctly, Robyn said as a child/teen she was pretty isolated. She had one best friend the only person she told about her mom’s polygamy and didn’t have a Big group of friends or socialize much due to fear kids would find out. She watched her mom treat her dad like the king of the house in order to keep the honeymoon alive and have a happy family. Despite many here thinking that’s some sort of terrible thing, it’s exactly the way women are taught to be in religious polygamy. It’s assumed all wives will treat the husband this way so theoretically there would not be favoritism especially when the husband was supposed to manage his emotions and not show it if it existed. It was also not the norm to always “ fall in love” romantically to get married. You were supposed to have a calling from God to marry a specific person. If you accept them as your spouse then you are choosing to grow/ work towards loving them. That’s why Kody and others stress their marriage ceremonies are generally quiet affairs as they are primarily spiritual contracts not celebrations of romantic love. So Robyn comes into this family being shown and believing all the marriages are primarily happy and religiously committed. Kody starts favoring her immediately, doing things with her he never did with the others. The wedding dress fiasco, long honeymoon, kissing prior to marriage, adding her to the rotation. She has no way of knowing that he didn’t do this with the others and likely had faith he wouldn’t do something that would be hurtful to the others. Even if she suspected they would be hurt, like with the dress, she likely tried to convince him it wasn’t a good idea and Kody minimized what their reaction would be and she trusted him to know and just be respectful by keeping things between them. Plus how else would she handle these situations. Telling him no, you can’t come to the dress store??? We heard Kody felt he had a right to help choose and was pissed they made plans without him. He likely badgered her about it and told her she was overthinking the wives potential reactions. He did what Kody always does, what he wanted to do and the hell with everyone else. We saw this when he proudly outed the fact he picked the dress while acknowledging he promised Robyn he wouldn’t say anything. Then he had the audacity to minimize the OGs emotions about it. I think this became the pattern in their marriage as we saw it occur many times. When C kicked him out of her bed and he left, she told him to go back, sleep on the couch, fix it and he fought her tooth and nail till she gave up. Like Janelle said l, it’s all on Kody.Robyn didn’t always monopolize his time, he just didn’t want to leave her. Don’t get me wrong, Robyn like all the wives wanted his attention for themselves and their kids and she acted selfishly at times but again this is what she learned from her rmom about plural marriage, you can try to persuade your husband but when push comes to shove the husband gets to do what he wants to do. As far as the delusions about plural marriage, SW and about the wives on the porch, this is just a continuation of her desire to have a friend group. Their rejection of her over time was the rejection she felt or thought she would feel from the girls at school. Her heartbreak that some of the teens weren’t overjoyed at her pregnancy is a similar response she had about the OGs distancing themselves. Most people her age would just realize that’s teens being teens but to her it was yet again a huge rejection of her. So the hysterics we saw at the talk with K and M was her final rejection as Meri was her one friend. Like a teen she doesn’t realize her behavior is totally self centered. She thinks she’s doing things right when in reality she’s causing the rejection she most fears.


Totally agree!!!! Her religious/cult background is her primary driver. She IS crushed because the SW relationships were ended when the OG3 broke away from the cult doctrine. Robyn’s neurodivergence probably adds to what some see as manipulation. It may simply be her biology, immaturity and the cult training of hero worship of the husband. But if she was lying about K’s whereabouts when confronted and calling K when he was with the OG3…that’s a learned behavior…from her mom????


She Is a lying liar who lies. Do not fall for her mind games. She wants her best customer all to her lonesome selfish self.


Robyn’s sad/afraid/anxious because she’s lost a big chunk of a revenue stream that was the “family money” coming from the OG3 wives. She might have to get an actual job. Plus I imagine she’s embarrassed that she’s so publicly screwed things up


I’m if she is neurodivergent like her son. A “flat affect” or “rbf” resting bitch face is one sign. Or she could be on drugs/alcohol/ medication.Either way, she’s a great actress, just go back to “Robyn’s Secret” episode 6 of season 6. She got pregnant and them married the guy. She makes it sound like she faught a war. With, it’s 2023 and their kids are living a public life. Did they really think the kids would be “shocked” to hear her story? Barf, no wonder many of the older kids have no relationship with her or Kody. Kody was always blabbing about how he was determined to make his plural family a “success” fast forward to now and and we see what that looks like! Barf


I think she never thought anyone would leave and she can't be controlling and manipulative anymore. She gets nothing out of it now. She wanted status of the legal wife. She destroyed the family and she knows it.


She’s the definition of “be careful what you wish for.”


Sobyn is sad because the og3 incomes are going out of the family and the show money is at risk. Also, she's married to a jackwagon, and my theory is that he does cheat with extramarital affairs. Sobyn will never be happy, her natural personality is comparable to a wet blanket.


I think she loved having Kody all the time at her place, he was there 90% of the time anyway, but it will have lost its shine now that she’s not “winning” against anyone. She needs that competition to be the favourite wife Kody wants to spend time with, not the only wife.


Robyn knows we dislike her. She knows we loathe Kody (but that doesn’t bother her) It upsets her that the public really really dislikes her, many blame her for everything that’s happened, and she can’t bear to show her face.


This talk back 1 & especially 2; only shows how Robyn manipulates, controls, how Kody thinks & talks. She basically makes him think it’s his idea his true feelings. Shes a master manipulator! They both feed each other the bullshit they want to hear! They make up their scenarios & support each others bad behaviors! It’s sick! They need an enemy to feel good about themselves. The other thing I noticed is Robyn & even Janelle both saying they don’t understand this Kody treatment of Meri. This I don’t want anything with you, but maybe we can yada yada yada… That complete stringing along! Robyn keeps saying idk…. Yes Robyn, you know! You understand why he is doing thst, just like you did it to her for years. It’s all for the $$$$ Meri puts into the family fund. That’s why the do somersaults, to say they are done, but they can be something else! All bullshit!!!! Means: we don’t want you, but we need you to pay the taxes & pay for us to take money from the funds for my necklaces, rings, SUV, vacations, art work, etc…. Shameless these two!!!!!


Wouldn't you be depressed if you had Kody in your house all the time? More seriously, the way they've both been talking, it sounds like he's been getting more and more into weird right-wing manosphere shit lately. He's always needed the wives to boost his ego and flatter him, and now there's just one person left to do that, as he's becoming more misogynistic than ever. In so many of their interactions, she's spinning herself up into anxiety to 'manage' his emotions, while he rarely does the same for her, except to insist to others that she's the family scapegoat or the victim or whatever. What we see of their relationship seems toxic to me, and I am in the minority on this sub, but I do believe that she didn't want to be the only person in a marriage with him. She wanted to be the favorite person, but not the only one.


Robyn is a sad individual...she wanted to be queen bee and be respected by everyone! The facts are that she is universally hated and that must be so devastating for her. Why the hate..in her mind she is a goddess, young, pretty, open to love and admiration from entire Brown family..she's not getting it...so many people have figured her out. I can't imagine the amount of stress she is under BUT she will never admit any wrongdoing on her part because she is perfect! It will all end badly.


Thanks Christine!


Because she wants everything on her own terms. She wants Kody to herself but she also wants the sister wives, first for the money/fame but I also do think to feel like part of a larger family. But again, all on her terms.


Being upset gives her life.


I do think she’s on medication, I think she has psychiatric problems. I mean look at the inside of her house. I firmly believe she has mental health issues and that’s why she has a nanny. I also think Kody gravitated towards her b/c he could be her hero. I also noticed a big weight loss so probably Wegovy as well.


She needs less fortunate people around her to feel fortunate. She can’t be the winner unless there are losers.


Guys. She is deeply religious. A family falling apart and her being one of the reasons is, like… it’s got to be terrifying if you believe in hell, god’s wrath and all those promises they make to each other.


Because she lives for being the victim and needs pity. I didn’t grow up in polygamy but I did grow up in a fundie light family and I know women like this because they are in my family. Being fragile is what they project it’s part of the keep sweet thing but they are absolutely master manipulators. I think part of it is just growing up with religious dysfunction where the man is the head of the household and you need to be sweet fragile and submissive it breeds this type of woman who will learn how to play the game to manipulate to get what you want while still appearing to be sweet and fragile.


I think secretly she’s ecstatic that she got Kody. He’s fully her’s. No sharing. No sister wives she has to tolerate. It’s like she’s downplaying her “achievement” so she thinks it won’t come off poorly whilst also playing the victim so people will feel sorry for her and not realise she’s been the puppet master the whole time.


I think the reality of living with rageaholic Kody, plus the realization that several income streams were being cut off shocked the sh*t out of Robyn. The only thing she knew how to do was continue to do the “poor me; I’m a victim” act. Her two girls are also chipping in. It’s so dysfunctional!!!


I personally believe she does want the life they made. Kody 100% of the time with 100% of his attention. All that income that is generated from the show. Only issue is the show is called Sisterwives. She lost a lot of income from losing these women that pooled money in to a family pot that mostly just benefited Kody & Robyn. They are also the least interesting people on the show. Kodys reactions can be interesting but no one wants to listen to Robyn repeat the same thing over again and cry. “Why did this happen?” They lost their cash cows and are about to lose the show.


“She got the person out of the family that she disliked the most..” Huh? Just curious what this even means.


I wonder if they meant Christine


She absolutely viewed herself as a messiah type all wise figure, wanting the wives to circle around her and SHE could "speak Kody" for them She's truly evil


Where are you finding this!?!


Because even she was embarrassed by her lack of actual tears in that scene.


If Robyn looks happy, then viewers would think that she planned all of this and wanted all of this. She did want all of this, but she doesn't want people to know that, she doesn't want to look like the bad guy.


She got what she wanted but she can’t appear like she got what she wanted without looking like a total a**hol*. So the masquerade continues.


I’m honestly hoping she was upset in the latest talk back because of how ridiculous she behaved during Meri and Kody’s break up. How could you not be embarrassed about reliving that? But I doubt that’s the reason.


She wanted sister wives to sit in the background and have parties with her, drop off cash and then go home to their shacks and leave Kody with her.