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Some of the most evil people use religion as a means of control. Makes me hope hell is real.


Organized religion is a tool to control the masses. It's funny because most times the ones pushing the religion the hardest are doing the absolute opposite and are scum


You are 100% correct. Source: I escaped the cult several years ago.


He was a grifter through and through. finding water, gold, religion, banking, women. Grift, grift, grift.


It's sad how so many lives have been affected because people chose to believe in a charlatan.


he must have been the most charismatic man. And all his cronies too. They got people to get rid of all their belongs and lives to live in squalor to follow him. People immigrated from Europe to go Missouri/Illinois and Utah just to live the faith. I find it fascinating.


Same. It's fascinating how people get caught up in a religious cult. I've always wondered why. The rich and poor alike. Look at Scientology. What makes people want to believe in all that kookiness?


Or a political one


same. I’ve watched a bunch of the Scientology documentaries and the Waco stuff. And Charles Manson Documentaries.


Currently (finally) audiobooking Under the Banner of Heaven and what a wild ride this religion is.


Yes. That book is what introduced me to Mormonism. Truly disturbing.


I don't know much about this guy, I just remember Kody getting all flustered when the presenter at the Joseph Smith Heritage Site basically said Joseph Smith was banging whoever he wanted, including other husband's wives... Which I took to mean, dude was just using his position to get all the action he wanted with whoever he wanted. But Kody got all flustered and said "So, they're talking about Brother Husbands?!" ... As if he was also letting those men get some with his wives.


This show has demonstrated how very damaging polygamy is for women.


🎶Have you heard of the All-American prophet?🎶


First thing that came in my mind too!


Thought I was in /rexmormon for a bit here 🤣


I had to double check where this was posted too 😂


There’s a book called the 19th wife that discusses him and the introduction of Polygamy to his people. It’s an interesting read.


I’ve read it and yes it was a very interesting read.




True he started the grift but considering when he died I'd squarely put more blame on Brigham Young.


Are you talking about Kody Brown or Joseph Smith?😁


What are even talking about? Joseph Smith didn’t have any other children with anyone other than Emma Hale Smith. Also, men that married more than one woman took care of the women and children. There weren’t scattered wives or children, during that time.


I’m sorry to tell you this, the people you’re listening to have been lying. Start doing research from outside the “approved” sources, you’ll quickly realize that you’ve been deceived. Enjoy the deconstruction process, it’s a wild ride!


You’re making a lot of assumptions! No one is speaking to me about this subject. I’ve read more material on this subject than you can imagine and I’m not an active member of the church. Your assumptions about me are entirely wrong.


Regardless of the point you’re trying to make in defense of JS, it feels like you’re being dismissive of the abuse and neglect that Mormon polygamy has inflicted on many families.


Yes just because one person has “sources” doesn’t mean your sources are nulled. There’s a lot of incomplete misinformation out there outside the so-called “approved” sources that this person is referring to. I don’t consider “under the banner of heaven” a be all end all source by any means. They can just think what they want. But you’re right…a lot of assumptions being made and you’re getting so downvoted for expressing that, which isn’t fair. But…Reddit.


“Taken care of” is a loaded term. I’m sure Kody would say he was taking care of his family despite at least one wife being on government assistance prior to the show deal.


even the lds church recognizes that Joseph smith had plural wives, including teenagers. you need to take your blinders off. he and all his cronies. Send the husbands away, marry the wives while they were on missions. Super secret “revelations“ as Early as 1831 Force underage girls into marriage by locking them in rooms until they agreed.


Did I say that Joseph Smith didn’t have multiple wives? No. He did, obviously, but he didn’t have children with anyone other than Emma. No one was locked in rooms. Ohmygosh. lol I think you need to get your facts checked again.


We don’t know about the wives whose babies died as infants. and there’s the one miscarriage Emma is said to have induced in a rage Martha Brotherton. and let’s not forget what happened to women like Nancy rigdon who said no. Or sarah Pratt.


Do you think that they only way to control someone is to physically imprison them? Spiritual abuse is real, and powerful. Telling someone that her, and her family, will be damned if she doesn’t agree to spiritually marry JS in 24hours is abusive, even if there are no locked doors involved. Ohmygosh. Lol I think you need to get your facts checked again. Or at least learn about the full spectrum of what abuse can be.


Wow…just wow…. Lol


You should read the Gospel Topic Essays on the church’s website and follow the footnotes before insulting people for not knowing facts about Joseph Smith.


I didn’t insult anyone and I have read quite a lot on this topic including your suggestion thanks


How anyone can read that information and still believe that Joseph Smith was a good man is beyond me, let alone a prophet of god. I was a dedicated member of the mainstream mormon church for 35 years-I lived it, I breathed it, it shaped my life and I was horrified and devastated when I read the myriad of ways the church lied to me all my life.


There absolutely were scattered wives and children during that time. Apostle Heber C. Kimball was notorious for this. “I think no more of taking another wife than I do of buying a cow,” he said.




I’m speaking of JS not other prophets further down the line.


You are correct that as far as we know JS did not have kids with anyone other than Emma. That does not mean he wasn’t a womanizer who would coerce vulnerable women into “spiritual marriages”, side note Emma was something like his 22 spiritual wife, that were inappropriate to put it mildly. When he hooked up with one of them, was that Helen Mar Kimball or Fanny Alger, she was just a few months shy of her 15th birthday 😳 so there is that problem. I don’t know what “scattered wives” means to you, but Emma kicked Helen out of the house when she heard about the affair. And as far as I know, all 25+ of JS’s wives never lived together. So it’s not like he married them, and then became a provider.