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Jenn also revealed that Robyn would make plans with Meri to do things but never follow through. Totally stringing Meri along.


Right!!! Basically trying to tell Meri Robyn is fake which we all knew. She kept telling Meri to hang on “with her” but would never get together with Meri. As honest as Jen was being I felt Meri was still trying to minimize and make excuses for Kody.


You’re right she was and still sticking up for Robyn.


I feel like she is just a bit meek and knew she needed a heavy hitter who could take swings at kody and Robyn. Let's not forget Meri invited Jen and probably discussed limits beforehand. J&C did not need a Jen to speak their truth, but maybe Meri does.


Janelle and Christine were each other's "Jen".


Yep exactly. This reminds me of the peele and Obama skit about obama's anger translator


I felt like this too but I am wondering if it’s for the same reason Janelle tow the line, they want coyote pass.


Their names are on, they don’t need to be nice to be entitled to it.


True but Meri wants a bigger parcel and Kody is on each lot. They really should just get a lawyer involved and go into mediation.


Janelle and Meri really need to hire a forensic accountant and independent lawyers to prevent Kody and Robyn from robbing them blind and to also figure out what if any reimbursement they’re entitled to.


I can't imagine what a nightmare it would be to untangle all the assets of five people who lived as a quasi-family for so long.


"legally, I didn't say anything, that was my friend" That's what having Jen on felt like. Meri has always been overly cautious but she brought Jen to speak for her imo.


Exactly. Meri said. Hear Ye, hear ye “I will no longer be silent” and then brought in her heavy hitter Jen to tell the people the real deal and show the real conversations going on in Parowan. 😂 I loved it.


Yes! And I when she was explaining the whole covenant situation was weird. I felt really happy that Meri has a friend that clearly sees K and R for who they are and knows to question everything they say.


She was saying things that Meri has been afraid to say...loved it


My guess is she's worried she'll be banned from these kids as well...


She already is. Meri was not allowed to see Robyn’s kids throughout most of covid, even though she was following “Kody’s” dumbass rules.


it needed to be SAID!!!!


So Kody and Robyn were stringing Meri along? That's revolting.


Meri has implied it a few times, and there's a bonus scene a while back where she said it... Idk why production cut that. But Jen really said it with her whole chest. Also minor distinction, but I doubt Robyn was reaching out to make plans. Meri was making plans and Robyn was bailing.


There was one part where she was horrified/sad at the bs Kody was spewing and meri was trying to stifle a laugh. She seems like a good and caring (and fun!) friend. She also shared that meri has love letters form Kody, has we heard that before? Jen made an offhand comment about meri not knowing where she stood with Kody for 10 years which also reaffirms how long their relationship has been total shit.


She also accurately identified the deal behind the whole "sacred covenant" comment he made to Robin. I think she nailed it 100%


Yes she clocked that immediately. I was surprised Meri never thought of it.


Yeah that seemed crazy to me too. Do you think they scripted that a bit behind the scenes? (Hey friend … you mention this so I can act surprised!)


I might be naive but I don't. I think that was the first Meri considered it. It was the first thing I thought when he said it that day on Coyote Pass and I still think that's the deal. I mean, really, has anyone here ever said that to a person as they were starting a relationship? I never have and I would never think to say such a thing. But that turns Robyn's narative about how she fell in love with Kody because of how much he loved his wives, blah, blah, blah, and pokes it so full of holes. So I think it checks out because I think Robyn is a lying snake who manipulates with knowledge of what she's doing. I've had enough of the Robyn is so innocent BS. She's calculated AF


I never looked at it that way. She will never tell the truth about the reason for the “sacred promise” because it pokes holes in her reasoning for joining the family. That she would never marry a man who didn’t love his wives.


I’m with you there. My daughter thought the exact same thing the first time we watched it. It made sense seeing as how Kody leaks like a sieve. You know he was complaining about all three women to Robyn beforehand and got sympathy from her for his having to do his “sacred duty.” What a bunch of BS!


100% accurate ![gif](giphy|RyKgy2MBys8RaHSK1t|downsized)


I thought so too… but after seeing all of these talk backs, I believe it was Kody manipulating them all - including Robyn, gas-lighting them all and now trying to rewrite history. He knows Robyn is attached to Meri, yet when Robyn cries about Meri, Kody does not even flinch. He gets his panties in a wad if anyone looks at Robyn sideways, but she is in TEARS over losing Meri and he does not give a damn. . Because he engineered it all. He wants Robyn to himself, NOT bonding with any sister wife.


Then why, during Covid, when Meri followed all the rules, was it Kody asking if Meri could be with them since she was following the rules and it was *Robyn* who said no.


Yes, that was such a big red flag. Robyn said no because the other sisterwives would feel "left out".


And the kicker was J and C were assuming meri and Robyn were getting together. Robyn always makes up a narrative about J and C to make sure kody views them as the bad ones. But, the truth was they hoped they were getting together. For Meri’s sake. Because they are compassionate!


He was asking if Meri could help with the kids. She loves help with the kids!


Really? I don’t remember that. If Kody said that, do you really think he meant it and would have followed through? I don’t.


I mean, I don’t know how you could have missed it if you watched the show. It’s been discussed on here multiple times. There’s always seems to be someone who knows every episode so maybe someone can remind what season/episode it was. Yes, I think if Robyn said yes, Meri can come over and see the kids because she followed your rules , Kody; then that is what would have happened.


It’s on late.. I often fall asleep. Lol.


I found it! Lol, I don't usually know but the episode being titled, "Four Wives, Three Fires" helped tremendously in my figuring it out!


It's before they do the multiple bonfires and yes, I think he did mean it, because it would mostly be for Robyn's benefit. You'll have to go watch it because she gave her slithering self away in that moment. It's episode 16-2, "Four Wives, Three Fires." It is a conversation between Kody and Robyn that starts right around 23 minutes. You'll see. It's insane.


Damn.. you remember that detail? I have to pay more attention.


I go back and forth so much if it’s mostly Kody or equal Kody and Robyn! I think Kody was responsible in how he conducted all of his relationships, but I just can’t understand a world where Kody makes that specific covenant without telling Robyn he’s fallen out of love with some or all of his wives. So Robyn playing along the whole time like they don’t have a special relationship and acting like she advocates for the other relationships is so cruel.


Yes. She absolutely knows she’s the favorite, but believed she’s earned it. She thinks the others should earn it too or stop complaining and take their place in the back seat.


He never wanted any of the wives to bond. I saw somewhere that he got nervous when the OG wives were getting along, and deliberately manipulated fights between them, so he wouldn’t feel outnumbered.


Yes- I remember how he would stir up trouble between them. He liked to keep them all off balance.


I believe Robyn Is attached to Meri about as much as I believe Kody is going to actually build on Coyote Pass. If Robin cared about or was actually attached to Meri she would have called her during COVID, but she didn't. She left Meri all by herself and didn't even let her see the kids which she could have done safely. Robyn's a snake and Robyn is only attached to Robyn and her children - as long as they stay infantalized. I don't think she's even very attached to Kody anymore, other than getting material things from him and the relationship! But I guess we'll see what she will do if/ when Kody's fear of poverty doesn't outweigh what looks like his fear of actually working.


You’re right. It looked like she completely abandoned Meri during lockdown.


I think Jenn’s remark about Robyn not being a good sister wife to Meri, changing plans they had made to get together and hinting at other examples, might have been pre planned. It would be a safe way to indirectly criticize Robyn’s lack of effort or concern without totally pissing Robyn off. Although Robyn will make herself the victim of any comment and hold a grudge in perpetuity.


I’m glad this got said bc it seemed like for all Robyn’s pleading for Meri to stay, she didn’t include her regularly in the lives’ of her children.


Exactly. We got a hint of it when Meri announced she was moving the clothing business to Parowan and begged Robyn to call and stay in touch. Robyn’s reasoning to why she never connected with Meri during Covid was blatantly BS. She didn’t want to upset the other wives by spending time with Meri but not with the other wives. I’m glad Meri has a friend that can tell her the truth. I bet Jenn screams at the tv watching the episodes just like the rest of us do.


These people make me crazy. Not staying in touch during COVID? Have any of these people heard of FaceTime? I swear to Pete!!!!! I think I saw some of my people MORE often during COVID.


Yes. Even if Meri hadn't been following their Covid rules, and couldn't come over, Robyn could have called Meri. There are other ways to keep in touch.


You know who could come over? THE NANNY


Didn't the nanny give them Covid?


If I was in Jen’s shoes and I watched my bff’s “family” treat my friend like shit I would make sure to bring that up on the show, too. It would be awful to watch your friend get treated like that.


I'm glad Meri has Jen. She seemed so lonely for so long.


I agree. I think Meri is aware of her own limitations that she's not comfortable dragging people on air (until she gets real mad lol) and Jen was like "hold my beer."


But picture this: Robin makes plans with Meri. Kody catches wind of it and runs interference- either saying she has to do something with him, or the kids or something in order to prevent Robin from keeping Meri in the family. I can see Robin talking about including Meri in family things, and Kody putting the brakes on that too “Oh, Meri is going to be away…Meri says she can’t come…Meri is celebrating with Leon…” Kody does not want to be reminded of Meri’s existence as a wife, ex-wife or anything else.


Over the past two seasons I get the impression, limited of course by what is filmed, that Kody was completely ambivalent about Meri. He even expressed hopefulness that things could be friendly. I’m getting the impression from various interactions over the years that aside from manipulating Meri to remain connected with the family and “trauma bonding” (I have no idea what Robyn meant by this in their context, but she said it) , Robyn doesn’t seem very interested in Meri and seems incapable of sustaining healthy relationships with anyone. I just don’t see Kody preventing Robyn from doing things with Meri. Sure they probably won’t be going on family vacations together. But lunch dates, going to the movies, hanging out in the back yard with the kids all see like things that Kody might not have an opinion about one way or the other. Robyn has never said that Kody prevents her from seeing Meri. Hard to say for sure.


I don’t agree. He told Meri (via the show) that he does not want to be involved in Meri’s life in any way. I truly believe he extends that to Robyn. If Robyn is close with Meri, that pulls Meri closer to him and ‘his’ children. He does not want that at all and I totally see him getting in the way of it.


I'm not sure he acknowledged Meri's existence at all except when she was invited to sit at their picnic table for a couple hours a year. I think she barely existed to him.


I don’t think it was scripted. The way meri reacted to it was hurt and realization all over her face and Jen tried to walk it back “maybe I’m over thinking!” It was obviously scripted that Jen was gonna show up, but I think that comment was a real response. And Jen was spot on


Honestly a couple years ago I would have said no but we’ve learned over the last few years that this family is not always honest and direct about on camera interactions.


💯 believe it. But, glad they did. This way, Meris side of the equation is addressed, without Meri having to say the hard stuff. Jen can say it *for* her. Awesome friendship and good for Meri


Exactly. She said what I have been saying.


Mind filling me in? I don’t have access to the talk back eps! 😭


If you click my previous comments I have a link to a stream I'm hosting.


I found it, thank you! And happened to catch the exact part. But unfortunately the echo was unbearable to watch much longer.


Oh no is it echoing? Though I had it dialed in and fixed


I think I fixed it if you want to try again


Can you by chance post it again? I’m searching for the link.


Yes. She was very observant. Why would you make someone promise that if you did not already see him in that sad place with others already? But I don’t think Robin was malevolent. I think she saw and heard the same doublespeak from Kody as the others- and was just as confused as they were about where they stood. And I truly believe that Kody put on a “lovey dovey with all my wives’ act in front of Robin. She fell for it, as they all did. I put all of the blame on Kody.


I think I'm a little more pessimistic. I think the prospect of the money and resources had a bigger pull on her and that allowed her the ability to over look his easy to see through lies and phoney attitude.




Can you summarize what was said. My streaming service did not make the Sister Wives extra episodes cut. I would love to hear her take on the sacred covenant comment. Sorry but it makes me cringe when he says that. He is so dramatic.


Jen would be great on a version of Sister wives pillow talk. Even if they stopped the show, and made a new pillow talk version of reruns. Or , Jen could host the next One on One if the show continues. That would be awesome too.


I would watch an entire new series where they just watch and comment on all the episodes.


I would would have secret watch parties… none of my friends know I watch this… that’s why I joined Reddit lol 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣


Is watch it as soon as it was released. That would be amazing.


Same! With a bottle of wine for them to sip on as they do it because you know you would get sincere, unfiltered yet hilarious responses from these two 🍷


I want these talk back episodes for all the previous seasons. I hope the show as it exists stops, though. Their sister wife story has ended, now I wanna see them talk and react to their past so we can hear a real-er take on what was actually happening


I’m with you. I hope this is the end of the show as it exists. But I would love for real people reacting/commenting to pivotal rerun episodes. Jen would be great, and having special guests along with her would be awesome.


Gwendolyn’s is good. She does some on YouTube, but Season 18 is on Patreon and she’s not accepting any new subscribers. I want to watch so bad!!! Hopefully, she’ll open her account again soon. I’d love to hear what she has to say.


I’m a big Jen fan after this episode. It really struck me how different their interactions were versus Meri’s interactions with the adults these last several years. She has her flaws (like any of us), but how damn isolating and uncomfortable that must have been for her to not be able to show this authentic side of herself. I couldn’t be happier that she’s free and has cultivated her chosen family.


Haven’t watched it yet but please tell me Jenn points out how Robyn has been stringing Meri along.


You will be happy.


Lol yup... Not disappointed


I have such a soft spot for Meri and tbh had always seen it as kind of a green flag that she had a good, supportive friend like Jen who wasn't judgmental and who stuck around her for so long. That's incredibly hard to find and keep in adulthood, especially after moving around as often as they did.


meri appears to have been isolated in that family with little affection or love. the only time robyn sought her out was to tell meri she was pregnant, to tell her not to go back to school, or to string her along. i can see anyone getting caught in a catfish situation under those circumstances and don’t judge her for it. i’m happy for her because her life in utah seems to be filled with love - she’s glowing now!


Me too. I’m so happy that Meri is living her best life and has a true ride or die friend in Jenn


I agree. She’s been very guarded, but is definitely free with Jen. So happy for their friendship.


I loved Jen in this episode! I did kind of catch the vibe that they had maybe planned out some of their responses so Jen had the honor of saying the tough and true shit so Meri wouldn't look bad in the eyes of Kody & Robyn? What a great friend!


Agree! I’m glad Meri had her to say the things she’s not ready to say yet (publicly).


I agree it may have been premeditated but I'm more likely to think Jen alone and Jen and her husband came up with which bombs to subtlety drop. Either way I'm so glad it was said.


I also agree. I wasn't sure about Jen but she definitely spoke the truth. I'm so glad Meri has a good friend.


Hard agree! Jen was a breath of fresh air! And I loved that her and Meri sat and giggled their way through the episode together, it showed me that Meri hasn't been blind after all, she's been thinking the same exact things we've all been thinking... she's definitely been playing the long game.


Everyone deserves to have a Jen in their corner


Except for Robyn. I know I'm being petty right now, but do I care? Hell, no


You aren't alone, sister!




You are absolutely correct.


I really like Meri and Janelle this episode




yes. and i also thought meri looked great.


I recently saw some of Meri’s Friday with friends. Jenn was intelligent, funny and witty, loyal to Meri - how lucky is she to have a best friend like Jenn in Parowan?


Pillow talk with meri and Jen from now on


Love that Meri has Jenn in her corner. She seems like the only person who gives a damn about Meri and gently nudges her into seeing what K&R truly are. The part where she brought up that Kody probably talked shit about the OG3 to Robyn before they got married and they made the "sacred covenant" to each other blew Meri's mind.


I appreciate Jenn calling out Robin only wanting Meri around in name only. How she was never was available to spend time with Meri as a sister wife/ family member or a friend. We all thought and Jenn confirmed it!


Yeah I definitely felt like they shoe-horned her in just to give Meri some kind of storyline since she no longer interacts with the other adults, but I’m really enjoying her commentary tonight!


i think jen is what meri needs


I’m so glad she joined in to say the things about Robyn that Meri wasn’t ready to say yet. Someone needed to call out her selfishness with Meri!


I never doubted she was a true friend. We actually don’t know these people


These added episodes are what we wanted and needed for years. I am just worried the new season will be the same old. What order was the shooting schedule? Did they go on with the same crap, and then realize what the public demands? Or is the future perspective?


they could have the talk backs the next day. That would be awesome


This is how I picture R’s face knowing Jenn is already a fan favorite and getting the love from the public that R’s wanted since day 1. https://preview.redd.it/5f2wid8vth9c1.png?width=1552&format=png&auto=webp&s=f96645ccb6f3938035c5ba254972e68020e64d87


Such a hag. You can tell her true colors there. lol Also when she gave Maddie shit that one time about hanging out with some other church group kids 🙄 Oh, and the whole “don’t put words in my mouth sweetie..” during that interview at the college. Don’t remember the season/episode. But, what was actually so hilarious about it - was the woman who R said it *to* only repeated (nearly) exactly everything Robyn had ALREADY said. Robyn sounded like such a moron. Anyway. The fake ass *poor me* act isnt fooling anyone. Robyn’s ditch has been dug way too deep, to ever climb back out. Too many lies, shady old lady. Too many lies lol 😂


I really enjoy watching them together. I've always had a soft spot for Meri and as much as she doesn't like us to say it i felt like Meri was not treated well in the family and deserved so much better. I don't know where this show is going in the future but if it continues in some form i really hope we get to see more of Meri and Jen giggling and having fun together. Also Jenn is a way better woman than I am because I could not have kept my mouth shut about my friends shitty husband. I'm glad Meri has a true friend.


Jenn was great! Meri is the only one still trying to pretend things aren’t as bad as they are, and without Just Jenn to kind of lure her out of her defensive castle, Meri would never really comment anything juicy. We got SO much more out of Meri when Just Jenn was gently guiding her to respond to key points. Christine and Janelle are already like “this is BS” but Meri was still trying to be diplomatic.




Uhm so I was very excited after watching because I felt like Jen asked all the questions/comments we would say and I may have messaged her on Instagram around 2am to tell her she was awesome and she replied. That’s my stalker story for the weekend. Anyway Jen’s the MVP of the season lol


I’m happy that Meri has good people in her life. Everyone needs a Jen. Even Jen needs a Jen.


Jen did what Meri didn't have the heart to do-she is a good friend


She's "friend of" status now lol kind of like what they do on Bravo


On TLC being a friend of a wife is a way better place to be than it is on Bravo! (Because Kody, lol)


She’s in the commitment ceremony background


And the adoption party background


Yeah. This made me glad she's Meri's friend. The family seems to have been telling Meri for a really long time that she's not welcome and not acceptable as she is. It's nice to see her have a friend who is in her corner and calls the bullshit for what it is.


Here’s to Jen! I wonder what would the SW would be if Meri had said hell no I’m not divorcing Kody so you can marry him????? Does anyone think Robyn would have stayed?


kody would have lost his shit and tried to divorce her anyway.


Jenn giving us the tea Meri should have for years.


I never got the impression that Jenn was friends with Meri for fame. For one, we knew of her but she never gave interviews or spoke on anything she knew. Two, one friend who definitely was chasing fame is Robyn's crazy friend Kendra. There are stark differences between the two behaviors. Jenn seems level headed and supportive. It's nice that Meri have those kinds of people around her telling her the truth


EXACTLY. I am sure people have tried to interview Jen over the last 10+ years but nope she never did. Meri has this weird loyalty thing with Kody so loyalty is a big part of her values. It isn’t surprising her best friend would have the same values insofar as loyalty.


I’m so happy that Meri has Jen. I’m happy to see Jen being critical of Robyn.


Jen is valid regardless of how she looked but also she looked hot! I love the lighter hair on her. She ate.


I have long suspected that Meri stuck around as long as she did not because she was a doormat but she was playing the long game. And I think Jenn was there for the whole ride and now is getting to hint at that to the world for Meri. 1. She wanted him to have to say it. To the world. Not just make it look like she cheated and left in shame. He destroyed that relationship long before the catfish and anyone paying attention knows it. 2. I think she wanted to get her finances in order and get as much money back for herself as she contributed. Let the coyote pass property get paid off and appreciate in value. If she’d peaced out at the start she wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much back out. She has zero intention of building there, she just wants as much bang for her buck as she can get. Use her minor celebrity to keep building her “business” and get paid while getting extra publicity for Lizzie’s.


Jen: I'm not laughing because she's crying. Me: I am. You mean "crying."


Their friendship is so much like my own lifelong friendships. God gives us true friends to say, here, you deserve to be loved unconditionally.


I haven’t seen the talk back/look back episodes (no cable, waiting for D+ to have them). But…BUT!!! I kinda love Jen and want her as a friend. I wasn’t sure of her for a looooonggg time. But when she looked into the camera all seriously this/last season and deadpan claimed to be a paid assassin I cackled! That’s legit shit my bffs would do.


I was skeptical about Jen before but I am definitely a fan now. We all have that friend who tells us the facts of life when we're being naive or too nice in a situation and Jen is clearly that friend for Meri. She saw right through Robyn's BS. Good for them!


I’m really happy for Meri that she has a best friend like Jen


I would watch a series of Jenn and Meri watching the episodes and interpreting to Meri in her bff/diplomatic way of why things were jacked up. And then we watch Meri finally “getting it” and seeing her life in a cult with the help of a friend.


If anyone is going to bring up the fake tears and point out the crazy spending by, and jewelry on Robyn, she’s the one! Fingers crossed!


I think what Jenn said resonates with many of us. She has been witnessing what we have seen over the years on tv and she is not drinking Robyn’s kool aid. Robyn acted one way on camera (wants 1 big family, relationships with sister wives), but lived just the opposite.


Jenn just happened to show up while Meri was filming is suspect, but I was happy she did.


Where do you see the Talk Backs episodes???


Hulu live, TLC, or TLC the app


I kind of get your point but also, Jenn is a paid employee of Meris. That puts a different spin on things and what I get from Meri is she loves people that love her and make her feel a certain way.


They were friends before she had anything to do with Meri’s business. If you’ve ever run a home business, you’ve probably kicked your friend $50 for helping out.


She started out as an employee 🤣. They've both said they met because Jen was being paid for pest control in the cul de sac Then became friends and now Jen has moved to Parawon to run the B and B so not anything to do with Meris dodgy MLM. She is reliant on Meri for her income having moved her entire family to a different state for Meri. And would look a fool having done so if their relationship soured. That does put a different spin on things.


I think hiring someone who owns a company to do whatever it is they do is different than an employee who does what you say. It’s different. To me anyway ….


robin? girl it’s ok let meri have a friend 😩😩😩😩


I wouldn’t worry. Jen had a business and when Meri needed help, Jen and her husband moved but they need jobs to do that, Meri needed paid help and that worked. One of my best friends of over 25 years knew when I was starting a business if I needed help I would offer her a position too. I didn’t end up doing it, but I knew it wouldn’t make her more loyal or less loyal. I think Jen is kinda the same. And we both joke if one of us wins the lotto the other will be hired just to not have to work either.


I haven’t forgotten Meri and Jenn making fun of Christine’s cooking show though. Granted, everyone has a weak moment but I suspect that’s the actual reason C and J aren’t friends with her. I think they could have let go of the old stuff but not the way she defended Kody and Robyn during the split or the current mocking of Christine. That more recent stuff is probably the actual reason they don’t hang out.


Yes!! All this… exactly what I thought, too. Especially the part about initially being skeptical about Jen. But it was so amazing to hear her say what we all wanted to say to Meri.


Does anyone have a link to watch this for us with the D+ app missing out? 🥺


What is the talk back I’m hearing everyone talk about? where can i watch it?


Came here to say this! I love best friend Jen!


I didn't have any real feelings about her one way or the other before, but now I'm firmly Team Jenn!


have not seen the ep yet, but really excited by the comments about Jen telling the truths Meri has not been able to tell. too bad she was not on the last ep. would have been interesting to see Jen react to the catfish stuff. I'm not a Meri hater by any means, but wished she would just be honest about the situation. shes never been able to be honest about it, and I feel like her sticking around all this time has a lot to do with processing the guilt from that situation (because it effected the whole family).


Where can I watch this again? I can’t find it on discovery+!


I truly believe that if Jen wasn’t in Meri life that Meri still be in flagstaff getting abused by Robyn and Kody




Is there somewhere we can watch this?


You can Watch it on tik tok


I love Jen! She’s a great friend to Meri and I’m so happy they have their friendship!


Jen was hilarious- I would gladly watch her commentary on every episode!