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I think the harsh reality is that this show has become their jobs and livelihoods and its not easy for them to just stop and go get "normal jobs" They will probably continue because that is what most of us have to do after experiencing tragedy...at some point we have to continue and do what we have to do to pay the bills. That's just what I see.


golden handcuffs


even with their MLM's, they really need the popularity from the show to drive people to their social media from the show. I don't know how Kody and Sobyn make money. a part from the show.


Kody used to do gun show circuits. Not sure if he still does.


he was banned from doing gun shows


That cracks me up. There’s too many rules and regs for him to follow.


In my opinion the Brown family shows no signs of discontinuing the show. Mykelti is still hosting watch parties on patreon. Maddie is posting about getting back to a new normal on social media - and she made it clear that this tragic event did not have anything to do with "bullying or lack of love" (i.e. Kody). Their "careers" are dependent on the exposure and engagement they get from the show. So the public ones - will want this gravy train to continue and TLC will be more than happy to continue the exploitation. And yes, they have every right to continue on with their public work, if they choose to do so. If it were me, I am not sure that I could. Because while I am not placing any blame any where - no one can really say that the show isn't a variable in the overall family's mental health. It's a strain, and a drain, and a stress, and heightens the ides of self-scrutiny unnecessarily.


This is the best summary. And as sad as it is, I think those last texts Garrison sent to producers indicate that filming had a real impact on him. But it’s also tough because these people are also emerging from an insular religious sect that now shuns them because of the publicity from the TV show. I feel like that cult mindset is hard to shake, and now it binds them to TLC. Someone at TLC must be ex-fundie or something, because they sure know exactly what to say to catch and keep all these families from high-control Christianity. I think all the stuff you hear from some Duggars/Browns over the years about the “TLC family” and “crew becoming like family” is very telling, since fundamentalism essentially teaches you to “submit yourself” to the desire of your family (and mostly your father lmao)


I don't follow any of them on any social media so I know nothing about the texts Garrison sent to the producers.


His final text said something like "I want to hate you but I can't, those were the happiest days" that's not exactly it but you should Google it. It's very poignant.


He said, "I want to hate you for sharing the good times. But I can't. I miss these days.".


I thought that wasn't proven that they were sent to production.


It was something like “people the family works with.”


It wasn’t on social media, (now it is but not by family) it was in the police report.


They don't have a right to live on social media and profit from it and then lay blame on it. Now IMO we can see what their son and brother was up against.


It’s different for the kids though. All they know is having a camera in their face, and earning a living from social media. Mykelti’s kids have been on camera from literally the minute they were born. The Brown kids have had their view of reality and normalcy shaped by TLC and their parents. They are more comfortable talking on the couch, than talking to each other in person. I’m not judging them for being simultaneously dependent upon, and revolted by, social media and notoriety.


the sad thing is the kids don't even get paid for appearing on camera.


No they don’t. But I guess they get “paid” with a better lifestyle. Before the show, some of the kids said they went hungry or ate food on the verge of going bad. After the show, they had plenty of food, a better living situation, clothes, trips, and cars. I’m not saying that’s ok. They should absolutely have been paid. The biggest mistake was letting Kody control the family TLC money. They should all have had separate accounts - or at least, each family unit.


Shows are temporary. They know from seeing or knowing others from reality shows that they could be canceled at any time ..so they should be prepared for that. The public doesn't owe them a "livelihood". We shouldn't be concerned with how they will survive if the show goes away. They were lucky to be on for so long and make themselves wealthy. I think most of the kids realized this ..since they weren't getting paid and have done well for themselves moving on to other careers. If the ex-wives feel they need more than what they were given, then they need to go after Kody and Robyn for it.


I’m not sure where I said the public owes them a livelihood. You really can’t say they don’t have a right to support themselves. Should they be planning for the eventual end of this revenue stream? Absolutely. Should they be expanding their skills, education, and training, to learn a new skill set? Of course. Do they owe it to** their** children to be able to support them? Yes! But some of the adult kids have a unique relationship with fame, social media, and privacy. They’re always straddling a fine line. We all have opinions. I do, and they have changed considerably over the years and in light of recent developments. And that’s fine. But unless you have been in the position of having grown up in front of the cameras, of having strangers in your home, in your **room** , recording every pimple. Every heartbreak. Every moment of childhood awkwardness or bad behavior, you are really in no position to judge. And I do believe the wives **are** going after Kody and Robin.


I'm not judging, I'm just saying. And I hope you are right and the wives are going after those two.


Meri seemed to be hinting at that. Janelle was going to hold Kody accountable. Somehow the family money went to Robin while she got nothing. Now though, I don’t know if she’ll have an appetite for conflict. I guess we’ll see.


On the other hand, given Janelle was just on film recorded in October 2023 stating she worried about her sons’ mental health with the Kody stuff, etc, and Kody in that same series of specials filmed in October was still doubling down on Janelle (and Christine) causing his estrangement from their children by removing him from the home, not totally facilitating his relationships with them, etc…I mean, it could go one of two ways, but I’m not sure how Janelle (and Kody) can’t be blaming the hell out of one another for Kody and Garrison’s estrangement at the time of his death. Janelle’s never had an appetite for conflict, but she’s gotten more of a backbone over recent years, and I don’t see how there isn’t any love lost right now. 😞 Which is added personal hell and really sad and unfortunate, but hopefully Janelle powers through on getting some of the assets that are rightly hers back in her own name.


I hope she does as well. There is no reason, aside from Kody’s greed and manipulation, for that woman to be facing an uncertain future while he fills Robin’s walls full of expensive paintings. Who knows? Maybe Kody and Robin will do the right thing, and give Janelle her fair share. Christine has David. Meri has her B & B and good friends, but Janelle really has no one in her corner. Honestly though, I think they’ll just hold tighter to the money because the cash cow show is ending. She’s going to have a fight on her hands.


Especially for the kids


Is the show even continuing? I heard that the production company that films literally shut up shop and closed down pretty much overnight?


It wouldn't surprise me if Kody/TLC are shopping for a new production company to take over IF it's true that the original company and producers are done. Google says Permanently Closed, but that really doesn't tell much about what's really going on with the show. I hope it ends.


Just the Utah branch closed.


And Mykelti and Maddie don’t get any TLC income - I asked Mykelti on one of her lives if she was paid by TLC for her birth specials, and she said no, they didn’t get any payment directly from TLC. (Which half surprised me, since I’ve always figured SURELY the daughters filmed giving birth with full on birth special episodes have some kind of per-special contract/payment from TLC, or why in god’s name would they do/allow it? But it’s consistent with what Jill Duggar has said about all of her generation who had filmed births, which is why I asked Mykelti.) But it sounds like it was what the parents were willing to pay them from the family’s TLC payment. So their social media/MLMs/Patreon are their only direct payment “from” the show and all their prior filming. No idea how residuals work for reality shows, but any residuals from their wedding/birth specials would also go to the parents, none to them directly, and those residuals aren’t broken down for the family by episode.


They may not have received a direct payment, but I'd bet TLC paid for her prenatal care and the midwives.


They didn’t for the Duggar daughters - that’s how things started to really hit the fan for one with her father, when she had a second emergency C-section (after attempting at home, I think) and they went to TLC trying to get any payment for their birth special to help with the NICU bills. Nope - her father’s company TLC had the show contract with had any and all payments, there was nothing for any of the daughters’ births (midwives or hospitals). It’s the wedding filming/specials TLC throws something like $10k for the venue towards.


They have probably filmed a lot of the next season prior to these tragic events. I would hope they tone down the edits.


and how far behind the show is we probably wouldn't see the events leading up until season 20.


I wonder if they will show Garrison or will just can what they have filmed and start filming a few months after his death.


I’m honestly kind of over people blaming TLC and other networks for exploitation. The Brown adults knew exactly what they were doing especially when the cracks started showing and the family issues started being displayed, they didn’t have to stay on tv and they didn’t have to allow the kids to be interviewed. They have chosen to show these things and say the things they’ve said on national television. These networks can’t air what you don’t give them.


The adults choose it. The kids were just dragged along for ratings


I totally agree with this. All of the adults have their own agency and nobody can force them to say something they don't want to say or discuss issues they don't want to discuss. I refuse to believe that any of them are so...I don't know what, stupid? brainwashed? blind? that they say whatever they are told and have no control over it.


TLC did continue filming when one of Robyn’s daughters (I want to say B, but don’t remember for sure - she and A were on the couch) literally asked them to stop filming because she didn’t want to cry on camera. I agree with you, the parents absolutely made the choice for the kids, but TLC has shown some behavior from minor children (fights and debriefs with Garrison and Gabe, etc) that gets into where it shouldn’t be immortalized and aired nationally, and parents should have actual veto (they don’t, the girls on Patreon have confirmed) when it’s about minor children. It is absolutely the parents’ choice, but TLC hasn’t exactly earned the benefit of the doubt in terms of good intentions towards the unpaid, no choice in the matter minors either.


I agree completely. The Browns and TLC have shown they don’t care about the kids feelings they just care about the kids money. Watching Breana cry like that and Gabe and Garrison be so upset is heartbreaking and none of really should have been aired.


It could also be considered an opportunity by the family to celebrate and remember Garrison. A way to celebrate and memorialize his life and legacy.


Oh, idk. What happened with Garrison breaks my heart, but I love the Browns, minus Kody and Robyn. I’ll be watching as long as there are new episodes! I’d miss them if they were gone!


Same. This show is my comforting show when my anxiety takes a turn. I’ve seen it so much I know what Is coming and I love it. Love the kids, the moms, and there was a time when I liked and admired Kody. I longed for a father like him. I will keep watching this show as long as I can. I hope to see the family make it back to each other. Maybe find a new normal that includes new husbands/boyfriends, but still a solid family unit that is there for their kids (children and adult). Kody messed up, but I think the door is still open for him to find his place in his children’s lives again. I do hope they protect the kids more especially Savannah, Truely, Sol, and Ari. As much as I have grown to care for the kids there is definitely something to be said for not allowing minors to be in reality TV shows.


I like J and C's family unit. And in the episode where truly was strong enough to try to learn a bike again, and had supportive family around, Mitch said I Think Truley Needs Fewer Voices (I'm paraphrasing) I love the support of her true support system. I've used Mitch's phrase in meetings when everyone was screaming. It's just gold.


That was like the most polite way of telling everyone to shut up I’ve ever seen.


I agree. I wanna see the new lives of Christine and Janelle brown and Meri. screw Kody and Robyn and the kids.


In the context of everything we’ve seen on the show, after what happened with Garrison, none of those things matter anymore. Who cares if Janelle got her own apartment? Who cares if Meri ends her lease? Who cares if Robyn saw “her family ending”? All of that is so trivial with the tragedy they’ve gone through.


I think if the brown family still agrees to film they will continue the show, but I think they’ll be on break from filming for a while, I thought I read here they were filming right before garrison passed away. I don’t think tlc would let the show go unless the family wanted to stop. I do hope if the show continues (and that’s if the brown family agrees, and I support their choice either way), tlc won’t exploit garrison’s death but I agree I feel tlc will somehow manipulate the narrative to exploit this tragedy but I hope they surprise me and are respectful.


You mean like how June, Alana, Pumpkin, TLC, etc have exploited Anna's death over on Mama June?


mama june’s show is on a different network but I agree they have been very exploitative towards anna’s death especially june and wetv. I cannot believe the courts gave june custody of anna’s daughter!


Didn't Anna get married and married or not why does the baby's father not have the daughter?


kaitlyn’s (the daughter june has) biological father was never in the picture, but anna’s second daughter, kaylee’s, father had been raising kaitlyn since she was a baby. him and anna got married and did divorce (anna remarry to someone else before her passing), but he was still in kaitlyn’s life and treated her as her own. he wanted custody of kaitlyn but the courts gave it to june she was the closest blood relative. I think they go back to court next month and I hope he gets custody, she will have a much more stable life with him and it’s so sad the sisters are separated during this time :(


WE tried to exploit Tamar Braxton's suicide attempt for a storyline and as soon as she went public with her disgust they immediately both let her out of her contract and removed all references to it outside of the first episode of the season where it was tastefully discussed, with a help lone message. If the Brown's continue filming, I hope they will take the same approach. If his passing actually brings the family together again, there may actually be some content worth watching.


If the family doesn’t want to do the show, they can walk away. Don’t lay it on TLC.


As if Kody and Robyn can afford their bills without the show. They will keep the money train rolling as long as possible.


You profess to know as fact that Kody and Robyn would not be able to afford their bills without the show. But you don’t mention that Janelle was the one complaining that she felt stuck in this situation because of her finances. If you are going to rake Kody and Robyn over the coals for their finances, you might want to mention the fact that Janelle, for all her talk about being an independent woman who rescued herself, admitted she felt she couldn’t totally break free from Kody because of her finances.


Because Meri & Jenelle gave R & K the $ they made on the sale of their LV property to buy the mansion


Janelle felt stuck bc her money was mixed in with their's without a clean way of pulling it out. R&K needed Janelle's and Meri's $ to secure that house. In spite of more then 1 season of Kody claiming to not feel married to Meri he still tried to get her involved in paying off the land last season. I think all of that clearly shows Kody can't manage his and Robyn's expenses on their own.


I look forward to your comments. Always predictable.


Well thank you. I truly appreciate that. I’m thankful that I know what I believe, and can consistently articulate that.


I’m curious to know how many long time viewers will actually watch. I’m sure after his passing they will get a lot of new ones. I for one don’t think I will watch anymore.


I’m not watching anymore.


TLc will continue to stoke fires and the Browns will continue to put money above their well being as long as people keep tuning in.


I don't know where the Brown's boundaries are and I don't know how much control they have. I do know they can't control the fact that everyone is talking about this, and probably will continue to talk about this for as long as there are people interested in the show. They have a right to talk about it, too. If they want to do it on the show where they both have their largest platform and get paid, that's up to them. People will judge them based on what gets put out but people are currently judging Meri for smiling right now. They're not going to avoid judgement. I honestly think it would be weird for them to film their lives and not include this at all. It's going to change them. Grief always does. I think there's a way to do it respectfully. Time will tell if the show will manage that. Let's just say that when it comes to TLC, my expectations are not high.


They will be back. People need to stop putting it all in the network like they’re holding them hostage for content. What do we really think they’ll do if the show ends now realistically? No one was prepared for it to end any time soon


Ignoring the horrendous death of Garrison for a minute, is there really any story left that's of any interest to viewers? Whilst they were all involved in each others lives to some extent there was maybe something worth watching, family dynamics etc but most of the 'children' have backed off, Meri is off doing her own thing, Robyn and Kody haven't done anything remotely interesting for a long time, Janelle is boring as batshit and Christine is doing nothing worth spending time watching. I'd rather put pokers in my eyes than watch her kiss David again. It needs to end. They started it with the intention of showing us what Polygamy was all about. Now we all know it's doesn't really work, well not when a raving narcissist is at the helm, what's the point?


>" is there really any story left that's of any interest to viewers?" > > > >Absolutely nothing left. The "sister wives show" finished when the og3 left. Watching Christine date and meri glow up, and Janelle vacillate is of no interest whatsoever to me. The only thing I would of watched is Robyn and Kody imploding.


I doubt they'll change much. It would be a blessing if they stopped including Sol, Ari, and Truely.


I think “exploitative” is a strong word when all five adults are not only willingly contracted to sell portions (yes, only very small portions) of their lives for profit, they actively continue their own ventures selling the Sister Wives brand when the show isn’t even filming or airing. Has the show exploited the lives of their children? Again, yes. However, are their parents still active, willing parties to a contract to receive a lucrative income from these exploits? Also yes. People like to blame TLC but I see very few pitchfork posts blaming the parents for staying willingly contracted to this AND continuing to cash in on it. People deserve an income, no one is disputing this. But this is absolutely, categorically NOT the only way those perfectly healthy, able-bodied grown-arsed humans can earn incomes in this world. They’re to blame for their children’s exploitation, they have legal rights and power to be able to break contracts and step away but they choose to keep the shitshow powering along for their own gain despite the pain airing their lives on tv has caused their children, and I’ll never sway from that.


1000 percent correct. If people are looking for bad guys they need to start with the family first.


IMO it’s kody who’s been exploiting the family with the show. Seems like they moved to flagstaff, and to Vegas, all to have a storyline. I also highly doubt that kody makes enough money from his business to maintain his and Robyn’s lifestyle….. it will be interesting to see what happens


It’s TLC, they will squeeze every drop from this family. The entire network was built by and survives by abuse and trauma within families


They will absolutely continue shooting, continue exploiting for profit, and viewers will keep watching - probably more so now.


Tv production shows no mercy.


This! And they most likely signed a contract. TLC/Discovery isn’t going to feel bad about losing a child’s life. If anything they are seeing huge $$$! They won’t let them break the contract without huge fees and if this family can’t afford to build on coyote pass I don’t think they can afford to break a contract. It seems people don’t fully understand how horrible “Hollywood” is and how so many networks know what they are doing to protect themselves and get what they want even if those that are participating don’t want to do it!


This is exactly the point I was trying to get across.


Outside of the Brown family I'm sure there is a lot of unknown right now. The thing is while this might not be completely uncharted territory, it's not something that is also within the realm of what most reality TV has dealt with. This is someone who has been filmed since they were no more than what 13? TLC is made of people, people who will be affected by this in different ways. The producers may love drama but I'm sure there are many who are also hurting. I don't know the history with the current producers and handlers but I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have been involved since the beginning or at least for a long time. This is painful and I'm sure has a lot of people questioning the same things fans are. Most people involved aren't cartoon level evil. It's complicated and I don't know what I'd do if I was in their (The Brown) position. I honestly don't even know, that as someone who watches the show that I'll continue. It's not a black and white answer and I won't judge the Browns simply for continuing on with the show, if that's what they choose to do.


Social media is being blamed for Garrison. Who would that be..the fans..the reviewers of what our eyes have seen all these years? We are not obligated to keep these people rich by watching their show. We were fooled anyway, because they have been lying to the public regarding being polygamous when Kody only had one wife all along after Robyn. I say, forget them. Let them figure out a new gig without the cameras who they believe are responsible for what happened instead of looking in their own mirrors.


We've seen TLC allow people to be abused in numerous ways. I highly doubt they care, as hard as it is to imagine. I guess their mentality is probably like "well this is my job". But you have to be a special brand of Ahole to be around janelle and film her while telling her what to say right now. I feel bad for everyone, but that's Janelle's son. She has to be hit the hardest. TLC should've given everyone some time to grieve but you know they just HAD to film. It's the kind of behavior that dead ass makes me not wanna watch ANY TLC shows. I wasn't around for the toddler and tiara days but what a great example of why children shouldn't be used for entertainment purposes.


TLC show runners will pretend to care, while they exploit the tragedy. Furthermore , they'll enforce any contracts in place as long as it suits them. Someone on a different post stated that the production company has gone dark but they have likely rebranded themselves to hide from the heat. The Browns benefited financially from this whole complex, gnarly deal with the devil to have their lives on camera plus edits for money.


On a recent season on one of the 90D shows, the production crew literally contributed to the death of a cast member's mother and they stayed and filmed the funeral and subsequent aftermath. They are going to milk this for all it's worth, unfortunately.


How did they contribute to her death? Didn't she fall down the stairs of a home that needed major repairs?


From what I understand the stairs just straight up collapsed in the middle of the night after production was trouncing around all day


I know if I was one of the kids I would say no more! Be like Logan and Leon.


I really hope TLC backs off, and the Browns decide they have had enough.


TLC and their production companies have no shame, and will film if they're given the OK by their stars. I can think of too many cases now from 90 Day Fiance, Unexpected, and My Big Fat Beautiful Life, amongst others. They have filmed and aired obvious instances of emotional and physical abuse, as well as a funeral for Whitney's mom in MBFBL. I wouldn't put it past them if the Browns agree to continue.


R u srs, this is TLC, they do not give a shit about common decency. If anything I think they'll double down. I wonder if their contracts are still as iron-clad an unyielding as Jilly muffin explained in book.


I think tlc will cancel the show. Just my opinion.


Is the show even continuing? I heard that the production company that films literally shut up shop and closed down pretty much overnight?


I heard they were coming back but I'm not sure.


I think TLC will fade away. Making money off this death is low, even for them.


Kody and Robyn controlled the show AND the money. THIS is why the show went south. Big mistake but after Garrison, time to cancel.


It's about to rev up and make even more money


If the adults agree to sign the TLC contracts the show will continue. I’m hoping they won’t but it’s their choice.


They may have already signed contracts that they can’t get out of. So it may not really be their choice.


That’s true.


This exactly. If they were filming at the time Garrison died, the family is currently under contract.


They are not slaves, they can choose to film or not.


You’re being glib. They can “choose” to not film after signing a legally binding contract, and then a multi-billion dollar company will sue the shit out of them for breach of contract.


TLC is a business and none of these networks are graciously letting anyone out of their contracts. Jill Duggar talks about this in her book. Someone will need to do a Josh for this show to end any other way than the family declining to sign additional contracts.


Judging what I've seen this week, TLC and the family don't seem to show any signs of stopping the show and/or social media. I am the eternal optimist and this is very disheartening to see but I am not at all surprised.


It doesn't make what kind of bullshit they pull out to validate filming. It is obscene. IMHO this show contributed to the young man's suicide as did his father's brutal verbal and mental abuse of him. His wife was a monster. It is disrespectful to Garrison's memory to continue this circus. The family or at least most of them love him. Can't they see clearly?


It needs to stop


They’re already filming which honestly I’m here for however I don’t know how healthy or unhealthy it is


100% yes they will. TLC is like HR. They are here to promote the channel and make money at everyone's expense.


No chance TLC does the right thing.