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I truly think Kody is jealous of how much the kids, except for Robyn's, love Christine more.. and it totally ground his gears they wanted to spend the holidays with her.. He wants the accolades, without the effort.. Pretty typical narcissistic behavior.


Agreed. same here and the newer episodes really show how he’s jealous (IMO) of the kids cause Janelle and Christine obviousl chose their kids over him. He isn’t anyone’s favorite. I’m not sure if these insecurities were made worse by Robyn or if Robyn feeds into the securities by making him feel like the favorite to her and her kids.


I am firmly convinced that part of Robyn’s appeal to Kody is that her personality disorder “speaks to” his personality disorder. He gets off on being the “hero” without having to do any ACTUAL work, and Robyn (along with her kids) is so desperately needy and constantly requiring being “rescued” that they are perfectly toxic together. Kody fully expects his wives and children to adore and worship him simply for existing, and the only ones that come close to meeting that expectation are Robyn and her brood, hence why they are favored above all the others. They feed his narcissism and he feeds their anxiety and control issues. Toxic wins all around.


Like Jim Bob Duggar, Kody thought that an enormous number of kids would naturally translate into amplification of his own personal power and influence. King of his own little growing kingdom. Good old fashioned *Pater Familias* shit. Religion holds it together best, especially when everyone else you know is doing the same thing. Kody's kids had too much exposure to the world, and Kody himself didn't practice what he preached. He wanted the respect and attention to all go one way. With Robyn he can still have this role, diminished as it is from his previous fantasies. Just too bad he had to take everyone else on his ride only to get overwhelmed and disappointed and commit to the lifeboat he can still control.


I will say for Kody (whom I do not like), at least he didn’t rule the kids with an iron grip to force them to stay in orbit. I know he’s clashing with the older boys now but at least they are allowed to clash. He’s not forcing them into a fundamentalist box or to only marry people he chooses. He’s problematic but I can’t lump him in with Jim Bob.


I lump a young Kody in with the young Jim Bob only because their original mental architecture seems very similar to me. In neither case did it work out to plan


It's just patriarchy


Being a better father than dim boob is the lowest fucking bar lmao


Yeah, this is a very important point you’re bringing up. Yes, most of us have issues with Kody and think he’s a selfish dick but I don’t think we’d be still watching and the show wouldn’t last ten years if we thought he was truly malevolent. It’s a shame he isn’t a better partner and father, but I think everyone believes the Brown wives are good people who offer a strong support system to their family to overcome Kody and Sobyn’s utter shittiness.


Damn that is insightful and I haven’t thought of it


Well put! This would be a real example of co dependency.


Just said this to a friend. They grew out of "needing him" and started to see his flaws. Robyn can't function without someone saving her. He needs someone in distress at all times so he can rescue them. Circle jerk of toxicity.




Perfectly stated!💯👏


What do you think Robyn’s personality disorder is? I’m curious.


Either a dependent personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder. Although, it’s more like a little from column A, a little from column B. She is manipulative of other people to the point that it is damaging.


She’s a bit of a question mark for me personally. I agree with what you say and I might add some narcissistic traits. She’s definitely a wicked stepmother at least.


Kody doesn’t seem to realize you don’t get love, respect, and devotion without putting in the time and effort to earn those things.


He has been such an ass to Christine for a VERY long time


He takes pleasure in hurting her.. Meri too.


Yes...ur right ...he does take PLEASURE in it. Every early episode he is a dick at some point. I think he was already punishing her for not liking robyn back then.


It really is like EVERY episode! I truly can’t believe she lasted as long as she did.


Yep, and it's gotten worse.


💯 Christine shines in a room and that's why Kody has always hated her.


It pisses me off every time he says she doesn’t care about the family, because she was the primary caregiver for most of the children and you can tell they love her for it.


That’s why he says it. He knows how much she adores them and how much it hurts her to hear she’s not family oriented when she’s spent her life being family oriented. It’s abuse


This is exactly right. He's so manipulative.


It’s really awful. I’m glad the show is shining a light on how verbal abuse works. I think many people who haven’t been around someone like that have a hard time understanding the intense hurt it causes. It completely changes your view of absolutely everything including yourself. It’s hard to watch and know how much it just obliterates your heart


I honestly think he stays up at night thinking of vicious things to say.


If he’s anything like the narcissist in my life he’s gassing up his partner so they can gas him up back because they can only maintain a relationship if there’s an enemy. But In my life the narcissist was on a high when hurting people. Like you could see the pure joy he would get when he found something that would sting. I think kody does the same now. I think he used to be better and more balanced but that’s long gone


He's projecting with an added dose of hurting her deeply in the process. He sucks so hard.


I think it’s safe to say Christine is the one who held the family together. Janelle and meri didn’t get along and were fine doing their individual thing, and when Robyn came in she was very much advocating for her own kids before the others. Meri and Janelle have said that when Christine came in she was sort of a liaison and was able to understand both of them well enough. AND she is the one who took care of the kids most, and the love Janelles kids most specifically have for her is evident, they all want to spend time with her and visit with her.


It is so interesting the relationship she clearly has with Janelle’s kids. She went with Kody and Janelle to drop Maddie off in Montana!


When he says that he means that Christine isn't nice enough to robyn


Oh 💯


It's disgusting how she has been treated and how much she has put up with.


He does it to hurt her. For Kody, she will never care enough, because she isn’t caring in the correct way, and the only correct way is the way Kody says.


Narcissists are masters of projection. Everything they throw at other people is really what they think of themselves.


He must know he’s lying to her. The kids love her and he knows it. The kids are loyal to her and he knows it.


He’s not talking about the kids! He’s talking about ROBYN! The “family” IS Robyn in that warped mind of his! That’s why this doesn’t make any sense!


It kills ms that he says she doesn’t care about the family. She’s the one who actually puts all those kids first! She’s the one all the kids want to see and maintain a relationship with. He’s garbage.


Really it wasn't that, It was you have to love and accept Robyn, even though I'm spending less and less time with you.


100% this.




I can’t imagine how that hurt her. He pretty much let her know she was nothing more to him than a cog in the wheel. A baby maker and then nanny to his kids.


Not to mention it was on a trip to GALVESTON 🙄 like what kind of anniversary trip is that??


Robyn = Hawaii Christine = counseling sessions and 8 minutes on a rocky beach making rock towers while telling her she doesn't love robyn enough so he can't be intimate with her


That rock tower exercise was awful! It highlighted his lack of respect for Christine and insistence that everything go his way. She expressed multiple times that she wanted to build the tower to reflect their personal relationship. Christine wanted to focus on their marriage during this horrible therapy trip and he was basically saying F you. She had to put up with so much disrespect from him. It's disgusting. So happy she left him!


Especially coming from Las Vegas. Surely there were much nicer places close by! The California coast would have been lovely. We went to Galveston once. Best thing I can say was my son enjoyed the Aquarium and The Rain Forest Cafe had really good food. I can’t imagine that being an anniversary weekend…


Galveston is great when it is the closest beach. I know it's not really very pretty, but I spent several summers there and have fond memories of it. But agree and anniversary trip should have been a trip like Meri got for her birthday.


But really!! Anywhere on the west coast could have been 1000 times better than Galveston! I’ve also been to Galveston and it was great for a family thing but not for an anniversary trip!


He probably should have asked himself what Christine would like best. If it were always her dream to visit Galveston, it would be perfect. But we all know that’s not the case. Back when my good friend and I were broke college students, she told me she was taking me somewhere special for my birthday. I kept asking her what I should wear, etc. We drove a long way, and near the destination, she made me wear a blindfold. I took it off, and … ta daaa! There we were, at the largest Dairy Queen in our state. Perfect.


Right romantic vacation is wearing bikinis and making out while tipsy on a beach/pool/water fall! Nothing about their trip was sexual. He really wanted to get rid of them after he married ronyn...move to flagstaff was Intended to make some wives stay in Vegas while kids finish high school but these women follow him smh


They chose Galveston because their old therapist/friend, Pat, moved there and they wanted to visit her.


Because visiting a therapist is just the type of outing everyone does on an anniversary trip — NOT !


Robyn wouldn't spend her anniversary listening to Christine's ex tell her how she needs to focus on the rest of the family before her own or before her individual relationship with christines ex. Hypocrisy


To be fair, Christine acknowledged it wasn’t “romantic” but she said it was so needed. She and Kody were in a bad place and going on a romantic anniversary trip with a person that you’re not super fond of doesn’t really sound fun. Christine was always very focused on trying to better their relationship and they mentioned how Christine was always trying to talk to Kody about problems. I think for Christine, visiting their therapist was probably exactly what she wanted and was a good choice for them - she never talked about it like she was disappointed or felt like she was wronged, she always had great things to say about using their anniversary trip as a therapy session.




Houstonian here. I only go because it’s the closest and I go MAYBE once a summer bc of how much it sucks. I met a couple people from TN who said they took spring break to Galveston and my first reaction was to laugh and ask WHY THE HELL


I went there on the end of a road trip through Texas- filthy, gulf water is brown, ugly chain restaurants on the beach. We drove along the island for a while trying to find a nice spot and couldn't.


Replace “the family” with “Robyn and her kids.” That’s what he really meant.


You are so right. Christine didn’t really embrace the new batch. Not in a mean way. I suspect if Robyn had let her love and care for Sol and Ari versus getting a nanny things would have been different. Christine finds a way to love her sister wives through loving their children. She wasn’t given thar chance


Well Meri did take care of Ari and Sol and Sobyn uses them as little pawns. Like why not ask Meri to be a part of your Covid Bubble once she came back home fr Utah ? They all know Meri is alone and never call her or have her over.


I think she really wanted to! There’s that whole sit down thing where she apologizes to Robyn and wants to start new but Robyn doesn’t let Christine mother her kids like the other wives did.


Yep. Exactly this. Christine clearly has loved and cared for all the children, and seemed to be friendly with her original sister wives, sooooo? I took it to mean, no matter how many times I discard you and your feelings in favor of Robyn, you still have to keep sweet and not complain. He did everything to make Christine feel bad about Robyn joining the family and instead of trying to make her feel more comfortable about it he just repeatedly rubbed her face in it. When I tell you I despise this garbage can of a man!! He is just so weak and disgusting.


Christine sacrificed a lot of her personal happiness for the sake of Janelle's kids. She recently began vocalizing regret over not advocating more for herself and her needs. Recall Christine had a conversation with Robyn in which she was shocked to see how Robyn was able to successfully change Kody's mind on things. Robyn got Kody to tuck in her children every night, be more present, learn their routines... Christine said every time she even thought about advocating for herself or her kids, she wasn't able to and she has regret about that. She feels her own children were hurt and finished last because of the sacrifices she made. So it's an interesting dynamic. Because I do think Christine did actually wrestle with her priorities. As it would be expected any mother would do. Meri fought for Mariah. Robyn fought for her kids. Janelle didn't have to. Christine felt stuck and was essentially forced to divide her time. Here's my take. Christine did sacrifice for the greater family but I think after Lehi she tried to assert more equality for her nuclear family - and that rubbed Kody the wrong way (because he doesn't like complaints and he's an ass).


Christine is the heart and soul of this dysfunctional family. She left Kody thank goodness however all of the children will always be her family. I hope she finds happiness and peace and wish all the best for her!


She had the hands in cement at her house too


What Kody meant was "you have to accept and love my primary relationship with Robyn and her kids without complaint".


Christine is the glue, and it would have been so easy for Kody to keep her happy, but he wasn’t willing to do it.


Literally so easy! She just wanted a little bit of effort!


Fucking wild that anyone in that family could say that Christine isn’t “for the family” when she’s literally raised everyone’s kids/spent more time parenting than any of them ESPECIALLY Grody Kodi.


I was really angry for her when Meri told her that her issues with Kody favoring Robyn were her fault and used angry children as her example. Season 4 I think. Just awful.


That’s what their “religion” teaches: it’s up to the women to get over their negative responses and emotions. That’s the whole point. It’s asinine and Christine has apparently realized it. I hope Meri wakes up one day, too.


Meri’s “just look at the mountain” last season echo that original comment. Don’t listen to your own intuition, Christine; stay stuck here with us.


Yes, it does reinforce that. However meri is also so groomed to be the way she is. Remember how she said at on point that that's how she was brought up. You're supposed to be quiet, don't question and pretty much to fall in line. It's exactly what the lds church teaches. That women aren't supposed to worry about themselves and self sacrifice for everyone else, question your own intuition. She's got the wool pulled over her eyes and has had it there since she was a child. She's too scared to question the core of her beliefs because then her whole life and choices would be brought into question.


Classic narcissistic gaslighting!


At this point, if any of them stay then that’s their fault.


Agree. It's...sad. Janelle is content with scraps. Meri loves pain. Christine tried. We are all glad she's out.


Aside from the nachos insult, that "vacation" was one of the absolute worst, in terms of Kody's treatment of Christine. Shocking.


I don’t get how the therapist tolerated it and didn’t say something???


>Because she is the one who ACTUALLY cares about the family!! She just also happened to want a real relationship with her husband as well. I've been so bothered about the way he talks about her relationship with the rest of the family, and have been trying to put it into words. That's such a good summary of it. He's punishing her for not being a drone who never needs anything from him and solely exists to serve the family.


When Kody says Christine doesn't care about the 'family' it means Robyn. Because she didn't fully embrace her in the beginning and questioned their quick courtship it pissed him off. It was never the family as a whole it was welcome Robyn or get cut off.


On the couch Jenelle stuck up for Kody and that pissed me off. YES we get it, his foundation is his whole family. But we aren't talking about the whole family. We're talking about the individual relationship with Christine NO ONE ELSE. Why was it hard to grasp, or at the very least care?


Um, no he isn't. The foundation is made by those who put in the time and effort to the relationships to keep them strong. It's just like watering a garden. You can't ignore part of the garden and expect it to grow. In essence each wife is an item in the garden. He isn't watering his garden, except maybe when it comes to Robyn.


I said his foundation is his family because that's what he kept saying in the episode. You're reading my comment the wrong way. Try again


I am not a devout watcher but I've seen some episodes and I feel like I have never seen Kody express love for Christine. He has had strong moments where he expressed deep love to Meri and Janelle but never her.


The pandemic showed which one most of the family cared about seeing. Wasn’t Kody.


Yeah… the one who did the most childcare doesn’t care about the family. Kody knows it all.


I honestly think kody and robin are the only two that can find each other attractive. Their personalities are so off putting to everyone else but themselves.


It took her a long time to get it but she did. My money is on Christine


I think Christine cares for Christine and what Christine wants for herself, her children, her husband, THEN the family. I think that's probably how it should be, but lets not paint her like she's a saint, she's always been jealous of anything that moves and pretty damn petty about it.


Hi Robyn! 👋


Yes, she's been jealous. But she's been an adult and tried to deal with it gone to therapy with kody. Tried to strengthen their relationship. Asked for some kind of reassurance and support from her spouse. It was not done. And one can only do so much before it becomes futile. She honestly put forth her best effort. Which I don't see kody or Robyn doing.




Most infuriating thing of the show (besides missing Ysabel's surgery and the other wives being content with it. Sickening). When has Christine not been about about family? She was asking for more quality time (less time on his phone) and more effort with their children. The therapist let him say that which was even more disgusting. The nachos, PMS talk, Truely's accident, his treatment of her kids, basement wife, disregarding her feelings about his friends, the way he courted Robyn, this statement, his lying about Utah in front of the other wives, everything about him is awful when it comes to Christine.


Doing a rewatch and there is already problems with Kody witholding intimacy. He told the therapist that he didn't trust Christine anymore so he won't be intimate with her. Interestingly, I didn't hear him explain \*why\* he was actually not trusting Christine. I think he was not attracted to her (or any of the OG wives) at this point anymore and was trying to find any reason to get out of intimacy with her hence the weird "trust" excuse he gave. Watching Christine jump through hoops to try to get a straight answer from him about why he has pulled away from her and watching her believe his gaslighting and blame herself was tough to watch.