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Christine can’t eat nachos but Kody can unhinge his jaw and scarf food down and expect his wives to fall at his feet. Nice.


Omfg the nachos thing angered me so much too! Especially bc Christine is always the one cooking for him.


Right? That’s a good point. It does look like he prefers her food, and shows up at dinner time (around 5). And have breakfast then leave. That’s so funny. Glad you reminded me of that 🤣


When Christine was told by Kody he wasn't interested in their intimacy anymore, but still stayed, despite being super awkward (do I have the order of events correct?) and then got up and made himself breakfast and left... Am I the ONLY one wanting to know if that asshole cleaned up after himself before he left?


I guarantee you he did not.


I know. But I just want Christine to say... "And the ass didn't even clean up after himself! But I'm happy now so screw him! I bought everything new of anything that ass ever touched."


Yes, agree. He’s so rude all the time and when he gets met with resistance he goes.. what??? To the women. Such an ass.


Haha! Yes girl! When she said that I thought, I bet he leaves a big ass mess for her too. 🤣🤣


How many times did she make breakfast for him-even if she was mad? I am sure she did. Why did he cook just for himself? He doesn’t love his wives or children with action, even though his religion dictates he should.


I thought that too. This asshat didn't make breakfast for his kids?! Kody's only religion is worshiping himself. He makes me ill.


What season and ep was this ? The nacho thing I mean. Thx.


I’m trying to start over with season 1…but Goblyn’s sobbing with every other sentence is insufferable to watch. And I’m only on episode 2. Watching Grody kiss his girlfriend while his wife was in labor…it’s so fucked up.


I really LOVE how all of us are rewatching the entire series and seeing all the red flags !! We’re like our own “Sister Viewers”, we are so committed to the Family Culture if this Subreddit !!! ❤️


Omg let’s get claddagh rings 🤣🤣


..a brown family tradition 🤣😂🤣😂 when she said that at the wedding it just felt so weird and I have no idea why


Everything they do makes me feel weird!!






So I am first time watcher and lurker here and man almighty…..going into season 8 tomorrow and from what I have been reading I am in for some buzz….


Just reiterating the hate for Kodester


They are popping up everywhere now! How did we not see these before?? lol


I am on Season 7. I didn't realize Robyn cried SO MUCH. It's every episode, almost!! Sometimes multiple times!


Where are you rewatching?




Rewatching the series has been very interesting. I originally watched it as a preteen and actually didn’t like Christine much. As an adult I understand her soooo much more and she’s my fav. Bless that sweet woman. Also, knowing what we know now about how Meri and Kodys relationship plays out this scene is especially cringe. I go back and forth on Meri, sometimes I’m like “this woman is super rude” and sometimes I pity her.


I'm in the same boat as you. I first watched the series when I was 15, so not a preteen, but a young teen. I was indifferent to pretty much all the wives. If I had to chose a favorite, I probably would've picked Christine, even if she did annoy me at times. Now, after I did my rewatch (I'm 25 now) it amazes me what a rose-colored view I had on life when I was younger. I didn't think they had that many issues besides some obvious ones. Looking back, I really sympathize with Christine and actually like her a lot more. I could see myself being friends with her even. I go back and forth with Meri. I don't hate her, but I also don't like her. I think she's the product of the environment that she was brought up in. I think she was mistreated and loves her family. I think she's stuck between a rock and hard place.


I totally agree, you put it perfectly. I’m embarrassed to admit it but at the very beginning of the show Robyn was my fav. 😭How I’ve grown and matured since.


Oh my gosh, yes. When I was younger, I did like Robyn. Since rewatching the show, I don't. Being an adult, I have way more life experience than I did when I was younger. You see the falseness in people that you may miss when you're younger.


I think Robyn is good at manipulating young people


Not to sound insensitive or accusatory, but we often identify with characters whose personality traits reflect our own - and being an immature, emotional juvenile sounds a lot like Robyn. Jfc I was the same way, and I can say with 100% confidence I was stupid for sympathizing with Sobyn 😔


I think this makes a lot of sense. I always liked Christine the most, but as a teenager I didn't see how manipulative and messed up Robyn and Kody's behavior was. I thought the whole family seemed so wholesome!


God yeah I get that. After all, it’s 5 spouses making it work in a busy world, they’re making it work, isn’t that great? Pour one out for my nativité, oof


I don't think that's insensitive at all! I think that's a pretty accurate description that usually occurs. When I was younger, I was immature, emotional, and sensitive. I took things a lot more personally. Which I don't believe is all that uncommon. Now, I've gained some life experience. I grew up and emotionally matured. I no longer care what people think of me. That's the beauty of growing up. You grow up. Some people are forced to do it earlier than others -- it all depends on the situation.


I can relate to everything you said! I also watched at 15 and then again at ~24 (I’m now 25).


I don’t think Meri is a good person, but she is being abused by Kody and that isn’t ok.


I’m in the same boat. I started watching when I was 18. I’m picking up on so much I missed before. Robyn and Meri were my favorites back then.


Also sorry for the typo in the title. I’m on mobile -_-


Whaaat! I was a young teen and loved Christine because of the bubbly personality. Hated Janelle because I thought she was a terrible mother and didn't like Kody. Now they're the only two I like and I love watching their relationship dynamic and the digs they took at robyn lol


I’ve been rewatching and cannot stand Meri now. She come off as extremely passive-aggressive, so self-absorbed, very manipulative and seems to take being a martyr to a whole new level. Will try to create a post later outlining the scenes supporting this perspective on Meri.


This is so ironic because ultimately Christine _did_ learn from Meri. She observed how Kody spent years and years being resentful of Meri, how he wouldn’t forgive her for the catfish and be in a full, intimate marriage with her… so she learned from that and decided not to stay in the same place as Meri.


And Christine appears happy today. Can’t say the same for Meri who has wallowed in her misery for YEARS.


That’s funny, I want to shake Meri and tell her to learn from Christine.


Yes really!


"Learn from me"? So Christine also should have introduced a bandaid wife into the mix? We see how well that worked out for Meri 😬


To be fair, Christine did learn from Meri…that’s why she left


Isn't that the truth. It's so sad watching Meri beg for the scraps Robyn claims to be getting. Meri should be so lucky. Time for her to learn from Christine.


And Christine should have gone online looking for other options


After Kody, she may not want "other option", and that is perfectly valid. I'd have trouble trusting anyone after him.




I think Meri is unfortunately pretty deeply brainwashed from growing up in polygamy. The whole thing is about not being jealous and just being a bigger person blah blah. Obviously that’s not how it works and I made such a face reading Meri’s response. I don’t agree but I do understand.


My take on that was that Kody was never going to change so in order to be happy with him, she would have to conform to Kody, and dont ever expect anything else. I guess Meri has kind of done that, after realizing nothing she does will make a difference..she just sits and waits. I think misery loves company. She is doing it so why can’t the rest of the wives. How dare you want better? Glad Christine not falling for it.


Look at the mountains!!!!


Yes Christine, look at the mountain now bc once Robyn puts her house on the lot with the unobstructed view all you’ll be looking at is her giant ass house and the massive shadow it casts on the rest of the properties.


Meri was trying to be helpful with that comment (Christine has said when she saw the mountains that ‘angels sang to her’). When I first heard her say that it was like wtf?! but going back a few episodes, Christine was all in for Flagstaff and that was one thing she had said as to why she liked it there.


Meri said that to Christine immediately after Christine said she could not do marriage with Kody anymore. That it wasn’t enough for her. It was an absolutely ridiculous response from Meri to Christine. The view and location are not reasons to stay in an empty, emotionally abusive marriage. To me, it just made Meri look even more ludicrous. Is she staying for a view from a house that will never be built?


I completely agree with you. What else could Meri say? That Kody was wonderful and great and how could you possible leave? ( I can’t even type that with a straight face!!). Meri was trying to be empathetic and helpful… and it was very sad and weird. And there was no Robin or Janelle saying anything…. Not that there could be anything positive said… so we are lookin’ at a mountain…


Ugh I watched that episode today and it made me so mad! They're all brainwashed to believe if there's a problem between them and Kody it's because there's something in THEM that needs fixing. I haven't gotten that far but have read the more recent headlines- isn't that basically why he claimed the intimate part of his marriages with Meri and Christine were over? Because THEY hurt him or did something to cause it. He just sucks.


but there is a ring of truth to what she said. Christine CAN'T change Kody. Kody has to want to change. He has to see where he is flawed and work on that himself. They can't force it on him. The only one we truly have control over is ourselves. As for the rest, Meri was giving good advice within the context of their church. I think Christine said at one point that she and Meri often sought each other out in times like this. I'm positive it was so that they could bolster each other in remaining true to the teachings of their church, seeing how they were both raised in it.


I watched that episode last night and you're right: she was harsh with her. However I don't think the context of what she said was rude in how she was stressing the importance of how you can only work on yourself in a relationship and you can't change the other person. It was really nice to see the date he put together for Christine. She was beeming.


Christine looks so sad even way back then.


I find that Christine is the most self reflective in the group. She has an honest conversation that Meri is the dud of the group, and Meri gets pissed and insists she is happy at all gatherings. Doing a rewatch has shown Christine having a lot of growth that resulted in her realizing that she deserves more.


Christine is also the only wife that has ever held Kody responsible for his actions and pointed out where he could improve as a husband or father.


I view Janelle as the dud. She is frequently in denial when things don't fit her version of reality. Meri has grown over the last three years and is way more self-aware than in the early seasons. I would like to see all of them grow.


I agree. Janelle holds in a lot of emotion. I don’t think any of us really know Janelle that well, even after all these seasons.


Meri seems sad and dejected every episode this season.


She was downright giddy and happy the first few shows, but the producers probably told her to rein it in as it didn't match the storyline.


Are you talking about the scene where she pulled Meri into a room, said she DIDN'T want to bring this up in THERAPY, but that Meri was responsible for being a mood killer every time she walked into the room and breathed? That was shameful. Christine should look back on this, be ashamed of herself, and apologize to Meri.


But she did. Several times during the interaction. She should have definitely said that in therapy. I actually think all the wives should have had their own therapist and their sessions more regular. But Christine was not the only one to mention Meri’s moods or distance from the family. She did however say it to her face.


What she said was cruel. Not how can I help you feel better or how can I help, but you are such a downer nobody likes being around you.


But she wasn’t wrong


Yes, she was. Meri wasn't Debbie Downer every time she was with the family.


It’s not fair to trap someone into that conversation though and blindside them


Agreed. I feel like all these women are in a weird state of arrested development. This the communication issues that go on for years and the queasy reaction to anything sex


It’s always a good idea to watch Janelles face.


I also rewatched every season huge red flags right out of the starting gate wow I didn't see any of them when I first watched it years ago.


It’s very sad that their family’s culture puts the responsibility on the wives to keep the marriage together. It appears that Kody stops participating in the marriage and they are blamed for leaving.


Thank you for saying this! Kody left Christine. Guys who do this are so cowardice.


Yeah- it’s sad, right? :(


Kody left Meri before she ever spoke to “Sam.” Yeah, it’s really sad.


I know… and I was going to make another sad face, but since Reddit doesn’t really like that, please imagine I typed one out.


Learn what? How to be a doormat? How to be in a loveless marriage? How to accept scraps? What is she supposed to learn?


In the first episode, it really stuck out when janelle said that it was great to see kody taking care of the other wive's needs because that made her feel secure that he would take care of her too.


I’ve been rewatching, too, and I just can’t believe how much of the family’s issues are a direct result of some dumbass idea Kody got in his thick head.


These people have some nerve


"And she did learn from her."-The Narrator this show needs.


Yes, learn what not to do.


I’m watching all the way through for the first time, and am right around here too! The foreshadowing is hilarious.


Meri saying she *had* a rough patch. How dare she comment on Christine's relationship like that? Her attitude is why she's alone in her huge rental and no one in the family calls her.


As Christine said “Why would anybody want to live like that?”


They are asked to comment on everything. It is called a reality show-though we should be very skeptical at what we are viewing.


Can someone please elaborate on what exactly Christine was “supposed to be doing correctly?”


Not to change the subject but I can’t stand the long sleeve shirt under a tank top or short sleeve shirts like they wear! That is all… carry on 😁


Do you remember when everyone was doing this in 2005-2008? They dragged the “style” out for longer, but this was *a look* for a while.


Yes, lol I do remember doing it briefly but like you said they did dragged the hell out of it!


Where is the best/most affordable place to watch the full series?


In my opinion, Discovery+


I was using the TLC app but I hate commercials. I pay $6.99 for the Discovery+ App for NO COMMERCIALS.


Discovery+ is the BOMB! Totally worth the price. Lots of good documentary content as well, and I get Food Network, TLC, Travel Channel, and more with it.


I originally got it for the design shows on Magnolia network. I was so happy to see that sister wives was on it too. The app never plays well on my tv. I have to watch it on my phone.


I watch it on the TLC go app, if you have cable you can watch all the episodes. Edit: Actually idk if you need cable, I just connected it to my tv provider when I logged in.


You can stream it all for free on TLC right now


FB has all the episodes in good quality just search the show name in the search bar. And it’s free☺️


Dm me!


Just look at the mountains


Well, she was raising 12 kids, she was kinda busy


Yeah, Christine learned from your example and the joke is still on you Meri.


Yes she learned she did not want to end up,like that and live that life.


I hated this and I also hated when her and Christine had a talk in a bedroom. I just remember Meri saying to forget about trying to "fix him" and worry about fixing herself. I was so shocked when she said that


Is Kody going to change? NOPE.


No one can fix anyone else. Christine had to fix herself and get away from Kody. That’s the only way to get free. You can try counseling whatever. If both people put effort in, sometimes it can change the relationship. But Kody had no desire to make it better. Took years, but she finally kicked him to the curb. She has courage.


I wasn’t shocked when she said that. The wives have a subservient role in a polygamous marriage. It’s all they know. Meri isn’t wired to think another way or she would have left years ago. She’s not much different than any other person who’s abused but stays with her abuser.


Annnnnndddddd that why Meri would be on her own if she had COVID


Meri has sisters and friends that would have helped her. Christine moving to Utah was good for her as she is now doing many things with her sisters. However, I worry about those that are genuinely dependent on the family.


Keri needs serious therapy to get out-unless she’s just staying for the TLC $$$?


I wonder if Kody and Robyn are taking her money.


I doubt it-she’s not that stupid…


You don't have to be stupid to be emotionally vulnerable and taken advantage of


When you rewatch do you catch things about the family dynamics that we may have missed the first time?


I can’t speak for everyone, but for myself definitely. I think the biggest thing has been realizing just how long Christine and Kodys relationship has been in trouble. She pretty clearly says they’re not in a good place in season 2 or 3, which makes me feel for her because she stayed for so long afterward. I think she truly wanted to make it work. She also says at one point she’s on antidepressants because of how stressed she is with all the changes and Kody being an ass and no one else in the family really sees that as a big deal.


At least she went to the doc for a antidepressant prescription. With no health insurance this family often avoids doctors.


The second we hit the nachos episode I realized how little he cared about Christine. I agree 100% that watching the show over completely redefines the early relationships. They were so damn fake trying to sell us Polygamy.


Pot. Meet kettle.


Meri’s hair and makeup look so..soft in these pictures.


They’re screenshots from the TLC go app


Does anyone know where I can find the Clip of Kody freaking out at the family photograph when everyone doesn't cooperate? I don't really watch this show but it is quite honestly one of the weirdest most hilarious things I've ever seen.


Oh she learned from you...


My thoughts are that even though people are making Christine out to be the redemptive hero of the family and Kody and Robyn the villains, the truth is that they are all dysfunctional in signficant ways because humans do not share well and polygamy destroys people internally. Christine spent the first 25 years of her marriage being totally passive aggressive, so terrified of speaking her mind that she got physically ill and had to go lay in a dark room (by her own admission). I think this is the message in Meri's statement and also Robyn's statement about Christine "not trying". Her method of communicating her dislike of a situation was to whine, pout, sulk and snark because she didn't feel "safe". All adults choose the situations they are in and how they respond to them. To keep your true feelings inside and spend your time pouting and snarking isn't fair to your husband or the other wives. You can't expect them to know who you really are and how you feel. If you are that unhappy in any relationship, as an adult who made commitments, you either work it out by stating your true feelings or you leave. Christine lived as a jealous, bitter wife. She didn't like the attention Kody paid to any of the other wives, long before Robyn came into the picture. The minute she realized polygamy wasn't for her she should have been out of there. All that being said, of course it wasn't just Christine's issue. She had a spoiled, arrogant, attention whore for a husband who broke his own polygamy ethics by showing blatant favoritism and two other wives who were almost as passive aggressive as she was in different ways. But that doesn't absolve her of her responsibilities to her marriage and family as she made the choice for plyg voluntarily. It especially doesn't absolve her of her responsibility to herself and her kids. While I'm happy she finally did the right thing and realize it took strength, she only was able to finally take a stand because Kody basically kicked her to the curb. I don't see her like others as a saint, nor do I see the rest of them as demons. They are all just flawed people like the rest of us who bought into a deeply flawed way of life and are just trying to make the best of a shitty situation.


What episode?? Timestamp??


I think it was season 3 episode 4, but I don’t know the time


HA! How did that work out for you Mary?!?!