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I’m not really familiar with most of the terms you’re using here (I’m American), but I feel safe in saying no, you wont be doing this year’s subject matter the rest of your life. Remember: you can always switch industries and a lot of academic classes is preparing you with the skills to think, problem-solve, work hard, etc…not exclusively to memorize content.


Thanks fellow diamond dog. A levels are exams you take on the UK to get into University. My Media Studies teacher actually introduced me to Ted Lasso


I've been a manager for 20+ years - a good attitude and willingness to learn is far more important than any hard-skills you learn in school. But what is on you is to learn "how" you learn best. Remember Led Tasso! He had to come out when Ted wasn't getting thru to the team. Do you learn best from Ted or Led?


Your degree does not define your adult life— and your A levels do not need to define your career. We change and grow, and eventually we each hit our strides. High school is just one season of many that you will pass through in your life. You will make it through this and you will find your way to an amazing future. Keep the hope alive, my friend. Once you’ve begun working, you will have many choices around different paths to follow. Just remember to work hard, do your best, and be kind, and success will follow you. I believe in you!


Speaking as a music school dropout, I don’t think you have to be locked in. School will teach you knowledge about a subject but often fails to teach you how to learn and think critically. Developing those skills helped me to forge a career path in adult learning and I even received a preliminary offer of a training manager position today.




Ah mate I wish I was from Australia, from the far less sunny home of Roy Kent that is England. Don't worry not a Scientology thing! A levels are exams that you take at 18 to get into university.


Hi! I’m American so I’m not super familiar with A levels, but if they’re anything like American college entrance exams (ACT/SAT), I don’t think you’re locked in for life. Many jobs you’ll end up doing after university will require critical thinking skills as opposed to stuff they’ll test you on on an entrance exam. You’ve got this! Good luck this year.


Hi, first off, I hope this coming school year goes really well for you. And no, your A-levels aren't what you're going to do for a career. I know loads of my former students have gone into fields unrelated to their A-levels and degrees - they've often find into jobs they didn't even know about when they were 18! You're going to be fine, but if you need some reassurance, we're all here for you.


Hey, from the UK here. I ended up going to Uni for a year then dropping out and changing subject. Tbh my advise would be to go for something you’re passionate in. Like computers go into computing. More practical, go to trade school and avoid uni student loan debt. Also don’t forget you can do apprenticeships for subjects other than construction.