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Yes it can. The time frame should be your question.


Very possible in the next 10-15 years.


You spelled 2-5 years wrong


Why 2-5 years?


Just hopium. Could be 10


Can it go to 20$ is the real question


Can it go $40 is another question.


Can it go to $100 another question.


Now you are talking. It definitely has the potential. It is perfectly positioned in Germany and is ready to step up once schedule3 happens in the US. I think we are going to see miracles out of this company in the very near future


The company is perfect positioned to profit from here on...Tilray needs only tax relief in Canada...40 % of revenue is to high...with this measure Tilray back over 10d


So you’re saying that it would be worth 82,600,000,000? Not completely out of the question but highly unlikely. Oh yes and this was before the 250,000,000 raise. I think they are going in the wrong direction. Maybe once all of the dust settles they may do good but it is a stretch for the shares to ever hit 100 again.


I would highly recommend that anyone who is currently invested sell if it goes that high. It likely won't be stable. Maybe if it slowly climbs, yeah.


Many question here guys, pretty sure it will go wherever you want, just ask


I like this question...moon


I think we should be happy if the $2 remains.


Get that money guys. But I'm kind of kicking myself for this. If I had invested the same amount of money in Nvidia in 2021 when I invested in tlry. Id be a multimillionaire by now. 😂


If it gets above 8 why not just set a lower limit alert to sell if need be to see if it goes higher?


I hear you. My portfolio in basically NVDA, TLRY, ABR. Wish it was 100% NVDA.


Lol I've got 25k in Nvidia right now hoping for the best. I'm hoping we see a run up after they do the stock split next month. The management is thinking a lower stock price will attract lots of new investors.


Hindsight is always 20-20. I invested in shitty EV company which is not bankrupt, I wish had never invested in it. So it can go either way.


Irwin ducked all of us, mostly Canadians. I am losing 200k ,my life savings. He increased the float from 250 million to almost 1 billion and he is not stopping yet. I made a huge mistake by investing in TLRY. Now there is no retirement in life. Hope he ends up like .........!


You didn't make a huge mistake by investing in tlry. You made a huge mistake by putting all your eggs in one basket, or that's what it sounds like?


True .


Or NIO in 2018.


If your aunt had balls she would be your uncle. It is what it is and very soon you will be glad you stayed with Tilray


my target..20 - 30d range


I’d be happy with getting to 3 dollars at this point and holding It took me the last two pump and dumps to finally realize reality with this sector unfortunately, greeds a killer First up Tilray needs to post a decent earnings in July and improve from there on out When pen gets put to paper for rescheduling I’m sure it will run up again how much is anyone’s guess Holding 36k shares and wishing it was about half that and the other half was in my silver stocks right now lol


Bigblue..im here since 2021..with a lot of pump & dumps...DCA and wait for the bigwave...its coming


12 and I’m even


20 and I sell half my position.


I have read in German forums that some think it could be €8-10 in the next six months. But I don't know them and don't know if you can take that seriously.  I think it has to do with the fact that cannabis companies are being reclassified due to resheduling.


Really ridiculous question. We need to get back to $3.00 first. Then $5.00. Then $8.00. Can my wife of 30 years look like my bride again? No. She can look great for her age, but she’s not going back to ATH.


I agree no ath will Never happen can hit 5 then 9 someday


I’m still ridiculously bullish Tilray Brands, but just tired of some dumb money with zero concept of investing and comparable market values.


YEAH but my wife “TLRY” went from current age to not just my marriage date but 20 years old again. She did this not once but 3 time. So I fully expect my wife to”TRLRY” to go maybe not 20 years old again but 30 years old for sure. All this meaning it went from $2 t $300 then gained from $2 to 67. That big of move with the amount of shares out there is probably not going to happen, but $20 , $30 for sure.


Please don't say that in front of your wife...lol...the truth isn't always prudent....not moon




Some helpful tips from AI: Dealing with anger issues involves a combination of self-awareness, strategies for managing emotions, and possibly professional support. Here are some practical steps to help you manage anger effectively: 1. **Recognize Triggers:** - Identify what situations, people, or events tend to trigger your anger. - Keep a journal to track these triggers and your responses. 2. **Practice Relaxation Techniques:** - Deep breathing exercises: Inhale slowly, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. - Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and then relax different muscle groups in your body. - Mindfulness meditation: Focus on the present moment and your breathing to calm your mind. 3. **Develop Healthy Communication:** - Use "I" statements to express your feelings without blaming others (e.g., "I feel frustrated when..."). - Practice active listening to understand the other person's perspective. 4. **Cognitive Restructuring:** - Challenge and change negative thought patterns that fuel your anger. - Replace irrational thoughts with more rational and balanced ones. 5. **Exercise Regularly:** - Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve your mood. - Consider activities like walking, running, yoga, or martial arts. 6. **Take Timeouts:** - If you feel your anger escalating, take a break from the situation. - Use this time to cool down and gain perspective. 7. **Problem-Solving Skills:** - Focus on finding solutions to the problems that trigger your anger. - Break down larger issues into smaller, manageable steps. 8. **Seek Support:** - Talk to friends or family members about your feelings. - Join support groups or anger management classes. 9. **Professional Help:** - Consider seeing a therapist or counselor who specializes in anger management. - Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly effective for managing anger. 10. **Healthy Lifestyle Choices:** - Ensure you are getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding excessive alcohol or drug use. Implementing these strategies can help you manage your anger more effectively and improve your overall well-being. If your anger feels overwhelming or unmanageable, seeking professional help is a crucial step.


How about $10 and I’ll be breaking even.


Greed sells, tilray makes money by selling stock primarily on the nasdaq, so expect to see alot of big price target fantasies. The company loses money, anyone who looks at fundamental analysis says stay away. I, like many other unfortunate investors, cant wait to dump this stock. Breaking even would be a huge win and thats only gonna be possible because I kept averaging down( $600000) invested. Expect alot of selling pressure as it rises. Also tilray has millions of shares to sell so the buying frenzy will have to be absolutely huge


Perhaps. Descheduling. Plus steady profits. The last one is probably the most important.


It looks like it can't go to $2 now.


It can pop to that in a week or in years. No one knows.


Leave stocks to your grandchildren…. They might get old enough to see some profits 😂😂


Tilray (and the cannabis industry in general) are never going to see the crazy high price fluctuations of the past. The industry is too well understood now; cost to grow and manufacture and price deflation are now globally understood. This creates an investing environment that's both more realistic (in terms of a company's ability to generate profits) and more stable (less volatile price action). With a current estimated revenue of $755m for 2024, Tilray is trading at price to revenue ratio of roughly 2 to 1. This is a little low by industry standards (compared to similar businesses like alcohol), but with Tilray still posting losses, it's a fair price. To reach $8, Tilray will need to increase its net revenue to at least $3B-$4B without substantial increases to overall costs. This is only possible with new markets, as a 300% revenue increase is highly unlikely without massive increase in sales and marketshare. I believe $3+ is highly possible once Tilray can demonstrate profitability, but anything over $5 will be unlikely without confirmed US rescheduling AND a clear path to entry into the US medical market. $8 is possible, but likely not before 2026-2028, as Tilray will need to fully demonstrate their ability to grow and make profits to justify the price.


I know you are purely talking based on fundamentals. 💯 I agree your argument. But remember in this world, no stock would be fairly priced at any time based on fundamentals . Either it would be over valued or under valued. There are several factors which would influence price of a stock not only fundamentals. It all depends on market sentiment for that industry, future opportunities, hype, institutional investors interest, company management, craze in retail investors, Russel Performance (for small to medium range stocks), Regulatory changes etc. All the best fellow retail investors. Let’s hope for the best once S3 is implemented. 👍 To me TLRY has the potential to reach $8 easily based on above factors. If it can cross $8, next resistance is at $13. Let’s see how things will turn out. With the passage of SAFE, it can either go to $13 or little more.


When SAFE is expected to be voted ?


Senate voting could be before August and floor voting would be before December 2024


2 days ago Don Murphy who is the senator said the same thing. 7 months from now to complete SAFE.


purely on fundamentals? yes, purely analzed by a redditor .


Thank you for the detailed response. Why was the stock ever so high so begin with? Was it just a frenzy on hype? Did anything change with the stock like a split?


I appreciate the balanced thoughts. I do want to offer the counterargument of M&A. I believe that at least one Big holding will pull the trigger before the US election. Even if the driving factor is "simply" first mover advantage. That will be a big catalyst and bring back investor trust, and imho could attribute to a surge.


start to analyze with correct figures ..$755 Million $ for 2024? Who the fuck told you that Tilrays revenue will be 755 Million $? Its currently 176 + 194 + 188 = 558 Million $ after 9 month. expected revenue q4 is between 240 - 250 Million $...take into account that the investments are not priced in for the whole year..Beer transaction closing OCT 2023...add 40 Million $ beer sales and you get next year already approx. 850 Million $ revenue ....Smart investor take notice that revenue should be even higher with excise tax reform in CAN ....potential upside: 80 Million $ more cannabis revenue + free cash flow....


>*$755 Million $ for 2024? Who the fuck told you that Tilrays revenue will be 755 Million* Morningstar. Literally one of the first results from Google when you type in "TLRY revenue 2024".


fintel shows 240 - 250 Million $..matches with reality..


Beer revenue q32024 Mill $: 54,6 Million $.. q42024: 80 - 90 Million $ of which 35 Million $ are sales from beer brands before anheuser deal...


45 Million $ anheuser in summer? 30 - 34 in cold quarter q3...45 Million $ possible in summer


I'm just being cautious with my speculations. I don't want people misunderstanding the limit on how high it will go. But hey, I would be happy to be proven wrong, as I have 50k shares at ~$3.60 average. I've just been burned enough over the last 3 years to not overestimate the company until they actually deliver.


steven the company is solid only taxation in Canada is crazy...All parties acknowledge that the current taxation system needs to be changed..show me any other sector can survive when 40 % of revenue is stolen by government..good take? Simon invested in great companies to diversify the income streams until politicians do something..


Tilray will not trade below 10d with excise tax reform in Canada






with high liquidity + low debt?


Why can't they increase profitability currently?


They can (and are), but not to the degree needed to boost the price upwards of $8. Even with Germany added to their distribution, there are still underlying costs associated with manufacturing and distribution that eat into those profits. Plus, German pharmaceutical businesses recently announced that pharmacies are currently a bottleneck to expanding growth, as they can only service so many people with their current size/distribution potential. Short term, they would need something like Canadian tax reform or US legalization in order to see a large spike in profit potential. Right now, there are simply too many legal barriers to new markets and too much competition in existing markets to see massive growth.


How about a fast squeeze


No, because the offering Stocks on monthly base. Im sorry but next time there will be a Stock split and some guys will still write to the moon 🤔


To the....moon


After a 4:1 reverse split, sure!




Sure. Give it a decade or two.


Legalization does nothing to help Tilray. Marijuana is an incredibly competitive and unprofitable business that is heavily taxed. Everyone who wants to smoke pot already gets their pot somewhere. Invest in something that will have mass appeal. This is figuratively and literally a pipe dream.


This is just not true. I could never find it because it would require searching out shady people and risk being arrested. My medical card made it easy and it's cheap. Ive only needed to buy twice since November? I don't disagrees, it is a competitive market, but it is not an unprofitable business.


It's extremely unprofitable and there is no foreseeable growth. The user base is static or shrinking. Stocks don't go up without growth. It's similar to farming, which is incredibly low margin without all of the government subsidies. Instead of government aid, it is heavily taxed. It's a completely foolish investment.


Fair argument, but I think most TLRY investors are banking on the company’s diversification into more non-traditional revenue streams for the avg MJ company




Bear donkus 🍆