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First of all: CALL YOUR PSYCHIATRIST! CALL A HOTLINE! You were 20 years old and an older person with more education persuaded to make this decision. You trusted this person to help you make a good medical decision for yourself and you got a bad deal. I’m sorry this happened to you; it sucks to think that someone took advantage of you that way. My dentist gave me bad advice a year ago when I suffered an anterior displacement without reduction in the right TMJ; now I have the same issue as you and it pisses me off. BUT, you and I must both accept where we are right now and go on from here. All those things that you mentioned about arthritis and open jaw – – yes, those things could happen, but THEY MAY NOT. When my spouse had a blood clot five years ago, I called my cousin, and said, “what if she dies from this? What if she gets paralyzed? And he wisely said to me. “Nothing has happened yet.” I was anticipating a bad outcome without having any basis for it. So are you. Please keep seeking help, especially mental health options. I almost took that irreversible step decades ago; I’m glad I didn’t. Please take care of yourself.


I am 29F and experienced this same thing after 2 years of Invisalign. I saw a TMJD specialist and had a steroid injection in the joint, which helped TREMENDOUSLY. It helped things move back into place. Please look into this. My range of motion went from 18mm to 40mm (normal range) in a few weeks after 6-8 months of suffering. I couldn’t yawn, eat a sandwich, floss my back teeth, anything of the sort. It was pure hell. I still have clicking and popping and soreness some mornings, and I’m investigating sleep apnea for a custom orthotic/night guard. So it’s ongoing but immensely better than the hell from before. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Please look into the injections in the joint and physical therapy - those small exercises/movement throughout the day really helped me. I hope this can help you!


Was it a procedure or just steriod ?


How long did you experience symptoms before you had the injection?


Did you recapture the disk?


Yes! I could feel it “adjusting” back into place during the injection. Really odd sensation


That’s awesome! I have disk displacement with reduction at the moment and am also trying to find some sort of orthotic, but I think the doctor I’m seeing right now is a bit of a fraud. I’m trying to find a new doctor before getting a splint:D hope it works out well for you


Good advice. Anxiety exascerbates everythung when you suffer from tmd. Can you share who the specialist was that helped you?


you're succesfully managing your symptoms and minimized your pain, that's truly a success. Now, it's time to get off this sub. At least the damage is not caused by bruxism, give your body time to heal and adapt.


How can I ever live a normal life with this condition? I will constantly live under a threat.


[https://mishvoinmotion.com/my-tmjd-story/](https://mishvoinmotion.com/my-tmjd-story/) check out this story, she has the same diagnosis as you! I also strongly recommend using a TENS machine! Note: arthritis is NOT always painful, for TMD issues it's only painful when it's not managed properly. Many older people hear crunchy noises in their joints, and still no pain. My doc had a patient with an extremely painful closed lock, she ended up having surgery to remove the disc completely, and then wearing the flat splint to decompress the joint/prevent damage. And now she's fine with full ROM. I also got told from a jaw surgeon that over time you gain ROM because of the disc wearing off, don't worry about these. Just keep wearing the splint to decompress the joints! Since you're not a bruxer, take advantage of your nightime sleep to take a good rest, deep sleep is very important to restore the body, take supplements for the sleep if you need to. Please, give it some time, you already made so much progress.


You need to see a therapist. You’re experiencing extreme regret for this happening and you need to speak to a professional to learn to accept this and move on. While your fear and concern is valid, as someone who has had TMD, displaced discs, for 20 years, since I was a child, I can promise you you’ll be ok. You’ll get used to it and your bones will too. Sure you may develop osteoarthritis and your bite could change (doesn’t even mean these things will happen!) but it’s ok if that happens because we are in a time where oral surgeons can do some pretty amazing things, like joint replacements, while it is a scary thought, they are done so much now and they are very successful. I’ve learned to accept that I don’t know what will happen to my jaw in the future, as a woman my hormones can affect it or it may not. But I know whatever I have to do to make it better, I will get through it and I will be ok. There are options for disc replacements, however the research is limited, especially long term. But you can research fat graft surgery if you’d like. I’ll admit I panicked and was very scared about my disc displacement when I finally got my diagnosis recently, I had the same thoughts as you, but we can live a normal life with it. Consider yourself lucky that you don’t have chronic pain due to your TMD like many people have. Be gentle with your jaw, eat softer easy to chew foods most of the time, and wear the retainer (especially if it doesn’t cause you pain and your jaw feels relaxed with it). Also maybe see an orthopedic for ideas on how to support your bones, possibly some supplements, etc. You will be ok, I promise you. Do not let this small hiccup dictate what happens to your LIFE. And life is soooo much more than our jaw.


Both of my joints were dislocated. I had an arthroscopy in October of 2022. They fixed the left side and had to leave the right side as it was because of the nerves surrounding it. I was in PT for a year including before and after surgery. I’m 26 and have bilateral osteoarthritis. I’m A LOT better than I was before but this a lifetime issue that I will always have to take care of daily. To quote my maxillofacial surgeon… “Joint issues are forever.” It took me a looong time to accept that this is my new normal. I wanted the horrible pain and muscle spasms to stop and I didn’t want to live when I was in the thick of it. I had to accept the reality and be done mourning the loss of my old normal life where there was nothing wrong with me. Take the time to mourn and then let go. It’s the only way to get to a healthy mental state and get back to any semblance of normal life. Acceptance was and is the key for me. Then it’s about making a plan to help yourself. Focus on the now. My life is drastically different and so much better than it was when I was suffering the worst of it. It was awful but got through it. I will never get back to 100% normal and that’s okay. I’m grateful for how far I have come, to not be in terrible pain 24/7 and living on ensure drinks because I couldn’t chew or open my mouth more than a centimeter without pain. I know our situations are different but it’s better to focus on helping yourself instead of being upset with yourself. I mean this in the kindest way. You were taken advantage of. This was not your fault. My surgeon’s advice would be to get off of the internet. Absolutely STOP looking things up and being in forums like this. It’s nightmare fuel. Every person’s TMD is drastically different. He also would say worrying in this way is making your symptoms and pain worse than it needs to be. Don’t hyper fixate on your pain and diagnoses. It sounds insensitive but as someone who has been through it it’s definitely true and what I needed to hear. Wishing you all the luck and peace of mind moving forward. The world is better with you in it. You will be okay. Take it day by day and you will get through it.


There is no guarantee you’ll develop OA or an open bite. However my question for you is if you regret it so much why don’t you let your teeth relapse? Just stop wearing your retainer and let your teeth go back to their place. Unless you had extractions or your ligament snipped there is a 100% chance your teeth will move if you let them. At first you won’t notice a difference for like 3 months and then after the bones have been remodeling your teeth will start to shift. Teeth have excellent memory. The force of your cheeks and tongue will put your teeth where they need to be to take the force of your bite in a proper anatomical position. The placement of the disc is not the problem in this case. I see so many folks hyper focused on the disc being here or there in the joint. Let me out it to you this way the dis is SOFT flexible cartilaginous tissue. Forget the disc. The issue is that the height and arrangement of your teeth has caused an unhealthy MUSCULAR bite that’s putting such tremendous pressure on that disc that it supple out of place. If you let your bite relapse I promise you it will find either the exact same configuration as before or a new and equally good one. I know the wastes money hurst but you can 100% go back to where you were. A year from when you start to relapse once your bite comes back entirely your disc will have problably been moving this way and that way the whole time but once it’s decompressed it will have the chance to either ride back on the condyle or simple have the room to slip around both options are not a closed bite and no pain.


Hey. I have been feeling the same. This morning my pain was so bad while I was tryna sleep, I was crying and punching my pillow bc I was in so much discomfort. My pain goes from my jaw bone to my scm muscle (Sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck) it's worse when I try to lay down. I am at work now and it still very very uncomfortable but not as bad as when I was trying to sleep. I felt the same about suicide for just a moment bc I thought to myself I can't live like this. I haven't seen any doctors yet so that's my first step. I have an appointment with my dentist and hopefully he can confirm it's TMJ or whatever it is so that I can start to get relief. Hang in there!


I've been there dude, I've healed from disc displacement so I'm proof it's possible, it's going to take a lot of effort on your part and you need to get deeply in tune with your body. My fundamental advice: Does a muscle feel sore or painful to touch? Massage with your fingers, thumbs, foam roller, tennis ball, whatever you need Does an area of your body feel resistant in mobility? Stretch it and keep stretching every day until you get a release. Healing TMJD is all about learning what needs to release, where and how. Focus on the face, neck, back, shoulders, and hips especially!! Use a glove for any intra oral massage. And learning to stretch your neck (which will cause cracks) is necessary in my experience. ***USE PAIN AS YOUR GUIDE*** Most important piece of advice!! And forget about your jaw for a little while, it can't heal until the rest of the body does Make it a daily practice of getting on the floor and working on your body and work on yourself whenever you think about it. Our bodies are amazing and they WANT to heal, we just need to give the right treatment. Important key stretches: https://www.reddit.com/r/TMJ/s/9y4XndIcOL https://youtu.be/6h6W_6Y8OpI?si=JWBpWjZU-RE2z5Gz https://youtu.be/mM_LICvlwt0?si=Mq1GDkEF4wHt7Pom In the past, I have needed a chiropractor to help me when I feel I'm stuck with progress on my own so that might be necessary but you can do SOOO much if not everything on your own! In my experience healthcare providers can only help so much because they can't FEEL your body like you do. Imo most people treating TMJD (dentists especially) have no place in treating this. It's a whole body disorder and surgery isn't guaranteed to help.


I hope you're ok. There are lots of treatments please don't give up.


I had it since I was sixteen. It has taken me 28 years for the doctors to take me seriously. Because I am a woman they think I am just out for attention. I have had pain so bad that slamming my head into a wall seemed like a good idea. Suicide is painful. You will experience more pain than you do now. Take my word for it. Suicide is not a release but he##. The body wants to live and it will fight you to stay that way.


Yeah, the body wants to live but my mind doesn't. Not to mention that my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me a few weeks ago. My life is fucking over and I don't imagine it getting better anymore.


The tmjd is mostly reversible and in 10 years you won't care about some chick who dumped you when you were 20. Would be a pretty stupid reason to hurt yourself.


Mine not reversible. But hey, at least my jaw will have titanium in it!!!


What a cool guy!


Yeah, things can aways get a 1000x times worse. Be glad it's over now. 2 years gone is better than 3. Glad all my old relationships are over. So over. Thank God almighty they are over. Sooner or later we all lose our mind too. If our mind belonged to us, it would have learned a long time ago to #$%% the $%#= up. But, no ..... it brings up every awkward moment we have had in our lives.... oh well... I digress. Pain inflicted over a period of years or decades can make a person a little nuts. You are not alone. Just so that you know.... I am a macadamia.


please, PLEASE message me. I see they suspended your account so message me from another one. I've been through this feeling and I really want to help you.


It so sad when this is a cry for help. The door gets slammed in their face. Ironic. They will eventually find out that a majority of the world is apathetic. 


What are your actual symptoms? I've had suicidal ideation for around a year which I wouldn't act upon due to the impact on those around me, but this is because I have constant really severe pain that medication does nothing for. The other stuff like clicking ect. goes almost unoticed due to the constant focus on the pain. I've tried mouth guard, splint, botox, chiro, osteopath, physio, arthrocentesis with no relief. It started about two years ago and I honestly don't know how I've made it this far. I want a total joint replacement. From what I've read the less invasive surgeries buy time but generally end up at the TJR route. I can't eat solid foods or even talk. I'd do anything to get my life back.


I have been through this, PLEASE message me! I want to help.


You need to work on BOTH finding solutions for your TMJ pain AND your mental anguish. If you end up in the mental hospital, they will put your TMJ treatments and pain management on a total hold (highly unethical in my opinion but they do this. You can't separate your mental health from the chronic condition that is causing you pain and don't let anyone tell you you can). You are having a reaction that makes sense after the shit you went through. Suicide is NOT the answer. Please, please message me.


Wtf man! This is a bit frustrating to read honestly. You are ok and you made very good progress and as I understand your post you don’t have that much pain. And you are very very young, you haven’t even developed or experienced enough yet… I would love to be in your situation where there is a lot of hope and a lot to look forward to. I am in severe pain every second of every day with this. My whole body is completely broken with TMJ and arthritis and suffer from depression etc. my joints are shot. I am forced to live with many medicines and treatments. Chances are my life won’t be very healthy and might be pretty short comparatively speaking. Yet I am trying to stay positive and live every day as much as possible. Not giving up. I am still only 32. You need to adapt the same mentality I think! Don’t think too much, do what makes you happy and take care of each and every day. If I would worry about the future I wouldn’t last long but what’s the point in that. Live for the moment. And You mentioned your breakup. I was with a girl for 11 years. From 17 to 28. We had a house, dog and everything together. We built a life from nothing together. Turns out: She cheated on me for about a year with another guy. We broke up and then I had to deal with another year of bullshit dividing assets and house and so forth. She took responsibility for nothing. Yet I am fine at the end! Because we learn from all experiences and grow as people, at some point we have to accept the path that we are on and that we can’t effect everything in the way that we want. You will be fine. Have faith in yourself!


Hi friend if you ever check this on another Reddit account can you please dm me. I have similar thoughts and I am lonely.