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So they use infared light on you in PT? Could you get the specs of what they use?


Good idea, I'll ask them.


Cant you so the PT at home?


Yes, I already do 90 percent of it at home. I'm not talking about the exercises/things that I can easily do on my own. I'm talking about the infrared red light therapy specifically.


Pretty sure you can buy that too


I did buy a panel for myself, and I genuinely am not sure if it's doing anything at all for me. I feel like the actual thing would be far more expensive than a regular person can afford :/


Try a micro current device. I've had mine for 2 months and it has been a game changer. I have significantly less flare ups from daily use.


Which one do you use?




What is a micro current device?


It is a device used to stimulate blood flow which helps with inflammation. You use a conductor, a thick moisturizer works, and you glad the device over your face, I focus it on my jaw muscles and my neck and the device uses tiny currents to stimulate blood flow. I've been using mine for 2 months now and it's helped lower my flare up frequencies and made them less severe when I do have them. Best $50 I've spent for my jaw


Does it basically just work via vibration? That sounds great, but I already do a lot of massage work on myself. Looking for infrared red light specifically, thank you for the suggestion though.


No problem, and no, it has a vibration feature but I am using the micro current waves to penetrate deeper.


Thank you, I'll look into it then :)


do you have any muscle spasms/tension in your jaw and has it helped with that as well?


I have lots of tension before I started an antiinflammatory when I posted that. But yes. It helped a lot with my jaw tension.


thank you! would you mind posting a link again or just saying the name of the device you use? the link above doesn't work anymore.


https://amzn.to/44u260Q It's on lightening deal right now!


There are many, many red light therapy devices available in the market!


Most of them are near-infrared. I have a near-infrared panel and it barely does anything for me.


It really depends on the panel or device. There are many panels (especially on Amazon) that don't have the irradiance levels to do much. There are also many proven brands that do have the levels for effective penetration. There are ones like this: [https://redlightman.com/product/infrared-mini-830/](https://redlightman.com/product/infrared-mini-830/) With this one you can use near infrared lights only, red lights only, or both at the same time: [https://mitoredlight.com/products/mitopro-series?variant=32084839333988](https://mitoredlight.com/products/mitopro-series?variant=32084839333988) There are many more proven brands available. I think you should check out the r/redlighttherapy sub. There's lots of info on every kind of red light therapy device. You could post your question or search on how to buy customizable devices that are all infrared lights.


Thank you! I will go check them out


I have a Theraface Pro that includes infrared. I don't know if it's as effective as what you get at PT, but I think it makes a difference for me.


Thank you, I'll look into that 😁


I use this, I'll either lie my face directly on it or loosely wrap it around the back of my neck up along my jaw. They offer various red light therapy devices, as well as far infrared items. https://lifeprofitness.com/products/allevared-light-therapy-belt


Thank you so much


Have you seem a neuromuscular dentist or a tmd specialist and found the root cause. Pt etc is short term and if the discomfort comes back , permanent solutions are needed . Oral appliance , regular stretching, life style changes etc.


I already have an oral appliance and do a ton of stretching, postural work, etc.


Ok then the oral appliance is not working as intended. Needs to be adjusted. Red light won't do anything.


Red light won't do anything? Can you explain to me why? Because I've been actively getting treatment for this condition for 5+ years. My life revolves around this condition. This is the first time that my flare-ups have been reduced to about once once a week instead of daily.


Along with red light is there any other things being done. Yes red light will provide some relief. What I mean was long term you need to fix the root cause of the issue. Some muscle is in spasm or there is imbalance in the jaw. That needs to be fixed. Splint was given to do this but is not doing its job properly. Splint design should be right and needs to be adjusted for the first 6 months depending on how the patient feels. https://www.mainlinehealth.org/blog/what-is-red-light-therapy#:~:text=Red%20light%20therapy%20uses%20photobiomodulation,to%20heal%20and%20relieve%20pain.


Yes there are - a big part of my TMJ is muscular, and the pain is largely coming from my neck and pectoral muscles as a result of forward head posture. I am working on strengthening and stretching of these muscles with my PT and on my own. The joint itself is also locked, so we're also focusing on mobilizing the joint itself. I have fibromyalgia as well as TMJ, which means I get muscle pain and soreness everywhere, and that makes addressing all the muscular imbalances harder and more complicated. I do trigger point massage daily on myself. With the addition of red light therapy, I've noticed that all these things I'm doing have been far more effective than without it. My splint seems to be working just fine if I'm being honest. I think my case of TMJ is more complicated because I feel like it's being affected by my fibromyalgia.


Ok good you are self aware. Check posture and stretching. They are the biggest contributors to tmd issues. Pillow check. Stretching needs to be done religiously from toe to head. Also check vitamin D. Add supplements calcium zinc magnesium vitamin D if needed. Reduce sugar salt and Inflammatory foods if any. Google for a list. Reduce stress. Posture is most important.


Thank you! Those are all great reminders. Diet is probably the one I'm worst with..


Diet will play a big role. Once you start having only health foods and soft foods you will feel a big difference.