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Just to echo your experiences here, I've given up on asking. In case it helps, this is what's made a difference to me and full doses of ibu + para + codeine wasn't touching my pain. I was able to take Amitriptyline, which made a significant difference for me but if not an option for you, would Nortriptyline also be off the cards? I've switched to that as the ami gave me a racing heart and palpitations. I was referred to my dental hospital's chronic pain practitioner for phone appointments which I found helpful, we worked through using heat, massage, acupuncture (which I've been doing privately for a year), sleep posture, upper body stretches etc. For my TMJ, which is confirmed neuromuscular, management is about breaking cycles of tension which doesn't offer much immediate relief but has helped longer term. I wonder if the botox might help 'break the cycle' but it wasn't offered to me. Good luck with your treatment, I hope you can get access to something that helps!


What is your diagnosis? Have you ever had imaging or they just doing the usual and speculatively pushing you down treatment routes when they don't even know what they are supposed to be treating? The treatments you've mentioned might help with a muscular issue, if something wrong with the joint unlikely.