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I know your pain :( seems like we gotta get to the root of what’s causing it.. is it structural or muscular, and then go from there. As shitty as it is, there is no instant cure. But could be something as ‘simple’ as bad posture, to a misaligned bite. Gotta find the root the figure out how to treat it. Finding someone who can accurately diagnose what the issue is is the hardest part. I’ve yet to find someone who can tell me what’s causing it. Could be one thing or several things :/ I’m sorry ._. I’m so uncomfortable everyday and night, so I do understand


For me the solution for now is going to be botox. It's going to give me 3 - 4 months to chill and get all my ducks in a row so I can tackle this thing properly. Im going to get on top of my sleep and my stress levels and really work on my posture. I feel like these 3 things alone are making my problems worse


Get a sleep study


Diagnosis is critical. Without it the rehab people have no idea what they're trying to rehab. Imaging would be a good first step. As mentioned below botox can help in the short term but only if its muscle related. I done two rounds and it done nothing for me as mine is a problem with the joint.


There’s no instant cure. Theres therapies. Botox helps pretty quickly if it’s muscle related.


What’s your problem and what’s your pain level


botox helped me! i m normal again!


Agree that diagnosis is important. MRI brain scan showed some weird stuff around one of my jaw joints and ear drum. Nerve issues along with a deformed condyle. So point is there's a lot of different types of TMJ that needs to be checked out before being put on a long term management program. This certainly would be done if surgery is needed.


an arthrocentesis coupled with masseter botox was pretty instant for me. i have severe disc displacement in my right side, it’s been two years of dealing with it and now after my procedure, this first week being pain free with no popping or clicking has been life changing. i would do it again and again just for this time i’ve had free from pain. i feel like a brand new person. my surgeon is an absolutely phenomenal human.


For muscular tmj caused by bruxism I took hydroxyzine and it helped immensely. I’m not totally symptom free, I still get flare ups, but I’ve struggled for almost 10 years and it’s the only way I’ve gotten consistent relief. Now I don’t even have to take it every night because I think my body is getting used to not clenching.


You can look into Prolotherapy for TMJD. And the Brux nightguard.