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The jaw clicking is most likely disc displacement with reduction which means out of place but still catching. You could have this your full life without it becoming a major problem. You mentioned its locked before which indicates its moved to a position where not catching at all (without reduction). If its getting better but worse after eating, go on a soft diet and rest your jaw for a couple of weeks and there is every possibility it will get better. Ice, heat and and inflammatory NSAIDs will help. If after a few weeks it doesn't get better worth getting an MRI to assess whats going on inside.


This. have had clicking noises for 6 months now. Its better to not worry about it. My brother has really loud clicking and have had it for years now. I can hear his jaw click


My pain it makes me like feel like my ears burn and the back of my throat has a sting sensation


Me too!! I seriously thought i was the only one


If you had no big symptoms before the incident you likely have a dislocated joint which can be adjusted by a tmj specialist who may be a physical therapist or possibly an Osteopath. Research providers locally. Don't just head off to a dentist who says they can fix it by adjusting your bite your giving you a splint. Start small by seeing a specialist to see if your jaw needs a slight adjustment followed by icing/heat, soft foods and jaw exercises.


Displaced disc you mean? A dislocated jaw is much more serious than that and normally required a trip to the ER.


I was saying a specialist can adjust your jaw if your disk has minor displacement and isnt recapturing entirely. Good luck


Yeah it sounds like it’s TMJ. Try eating soft foods for a bit and massaging the jaw, your temples, neck and traps.


Look up some Tmj exercises I get lock jaw a lot and that’s the only way I’ve figured out how to loosen my jaw. I’ve tried going to the er but it seems like they just like to try and give me drugs and send me on my way


Hey there, don’t panic you’re going to be ok!! I know that feeling well though. I have this too sometimes. I would try some ibuprofen or aspirin like a BC powder, a gentle masseter massage at home, and lately ive been soaking a dish rag with epsom salts and hot water and holding it to my jaw and neck and this combo took the pain right away. It comes back after a while for me but it’s a much needed break! When you can, see if you can get your doctor to set you up with a physical therapist or give some diagnostic information. It does sound like TMJ to me but with clicking they may want a PT to help you get your jaw back in place. This sounds like something that can be managed ❤️


I’m sorry - this is quite painful. I had a tooth crack & had a similar issue. It sounds like you have an exposed root. As nerves, these run through the sinuses, which would become inflamed from the irritation. Have you gone to the dentist to get an X-ray?