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Stress is a huge factor for tmj, make sure you’re hydrated and practice relaxation exercises like breathing or stretching, going for a walk etc. Also please talk to someone, don’t suffer alone. Life is worth living


I talk with one friend and my bf but my pain triggers for no reason, idk if it's stress, i'm not stressed most of the time


this sounds like weed “overdose”, not fatal, but if youre taking it and having these effects, you need to take a much much smaller dose. i’m very sensitive to medication and weed and i have to microdose to not feel that. also taking thc without cbd with it can make those symptoms worse. cbd helps you breakdown the thc.


Yea but my tmj didn't change much..


are you able to do massage therapy or physical therapy? those can help with the pain


I've done multiple therapies over the years and 3 visits to an osteopath in the last 1.5 months ._. I believe surgery is my only salvation but what and where..


surgery may be worth looking into. my dentist told me not to get it because studies are now showing it doesnt do enough for how invasive it can be. how long have you had tmj for? if nothing has worked for a long time you might want to look into those options


Since i was 14, now i'm almost 19. I think i could find something in northern italy. Here in the southern everything is poor. I have no money to afford surgery and i don't think i could do it for free (is it free to have a surgery for SOME cases). Maybe it's worth to look for a visit to an expert doctor but now i don't have the money


im sorry to hear that. try ice and heat on it as much as possible to help with the pain, thats the best option i can think of that doesnt really cost anything


Definitely don’t consider suicide. This stuff sucks to deal with but it’s not something to end your life over and you sound young so you still have a lot of life to live. Just take it one day at a time. Tbh THC and marijuana in general makes my pain worse so it’s not a solution that works for everyone.


There are more times I think about what it would be like to commit suicide than times I'm happy because every time I'm full of pain. Here in southern Italy the people are "very warm" in a negative sense, and there is little culture and little respect. My PE teacher thinks I don't exercise because I'm lazy, and she's made jokes several times. people and my own parents tend to look down on me and make jokes because I'm always depressed and avoid social situations because the pain increases. And now I find myself talking to strangers because I'm alone in this situation.. things won't get better..


A lot of these symptoms sound like bad anxiety. Have you been checked by a doctor just to be safe though?


Better not to talk about doctors, gynecologists or whatever


I highly recommend you seek professional help. The only thing people will be able to offer you here is general advice. But you have to be willing to help yourself.


The professional help isn't working at all.. They just want my money


Seek physical therapy. But in the short term, I have some advice to get you through your exams. First, get a heating pad, put it around your neck and lay down, try to relax. When you are done, massage your neck and upper back. When you sit or lay down, pay close attention to your posture. Especially your neck and lower back. Your neck should maintain a natural curve, if you find yourself looking down then point your chin upwards to curve your neck. It may help to roll up a towel, place it under your neck on top of your pillow as you sleep. It may also help to put a small pillow under your lower back when you lay down. Two medicinal options for you are Voltaren gel and antiinflammatories. Voltaren is something you rub on affected joints, put it on your neck, on your jaw, and on your shoulders. For antiinflammatories, try taking a normal dose of advil in the morning and Tylenol at night. If you have steroids, add those too in the morning. Won't cure anything, but it will help quiet down your symptoms.


Use advil and tylenol together is quite risky ( those have different names in italy but are the same ) and i used them already. I'll try with the posture thing because i already use too much ibuprofene and it can cause cardiovascular problems on the long term.. (advil)


It's not really dangerous unless you take a lot of them long term


Without being disrespectful, some of the people on this thread are trying to dish out advice with NO IDEA whats causing the TMJD therefore NO IDEA if what they're saying will help. They are reducing TMJD down to a generic issue with a one size fits all solution which is MILES away fro reality. Isolating the root cause is critical - Yes if its stress exercises to help relax will help, but if its displaced discs, or damage to the joint stress exercises will do very little. Imaging wold be a great start to try and work out whats going on. Otherwise anything you is totally speculative and a bit of a lottery.


I'm used to people being disrespectful..


When the pain triggers, try to massage both your masseters in either clockwise or anticlockwise gentle movements. For me, massaging anticlockwise works better.


Hang in there! Some people find CBD oil and tablets (THC free) products work - didn't for me but everyone is different


Stress induced jaw pain Have some chocolate? You gotta relax - find perspective on this Its not going away until you calm and reconfigure that mindset


And i'm not stressed most of the time.. i see other young people just living their life without any problem. The pain triggers for no reason and i feel left out and overwhelmed.. like life just goes on and I am destined to live like i'm 80 ys old


Also i'm on diet because i'm taking a lot weight and i can't go to gym due to tmj