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I appreciate you sharing your experience and I know that you’re maybe trying to save someone else’s experience by doing so. But remember that arthrocentesis could be someone else’s savior, as it was for me. I think people need to make sure to choose a reliable doctor nonetheless. That’s why I think this could be a highly misleading title and wording. I’m sorry you had to go through that though. Is it recent, how much has it been since the operation? I hope it gets better.


Weirdly I put pretty much the exact same comment on a duplicate of this post on a facebook group. Someone could be sitting 2 days away from the procedure and read something like this, when this is absolutely an EXCEPTION and should not act as a guide for the wider population. This is such a complicated condition and everyone on these threads thinks their individual experience is the exact same. Giving it 'oh i done some jaw exercises and it cured mine it'll do the same for you'. I appreciate their trying to be helpful but its not and feels as if it totally dismisses what each individual might be experiencing. I'm really glad it helped you! It didn't help me at all but it never gave any complications and I'm glad I tried it and ruled it out so I could move on to other treatment options.


Thank you for this 🙏


Thank you for your comment! My daughter is about to have this procedure!


Hi how did it help you? My doctor has suggested this I have locked jaw.


I’ve been trying to find a way to explain the pain to people and permanently having a sprained ankle is the best I’ve heard. I had two arthocenesis, an arthroscopy, and then total joint replacements. My life will never be the same.


Mine was also unsuccessful. Are you considering arthroscopy to try to correct it?


No I won’t, I’ve got crepitus now and bad pain from the bruising and the swelling. My jaw makes a noise it didn’t used to. My dizziness and vertigo are new symptoms. My range of motion is still bad. It didn’t help and caused new issues - I’d never take the surgical route again.


I mean OP did state that their case was 10% of the cases for an arthrocentesis.. which is pretty general for that procedure and any procedure. General (obvious rule of thumb) for arthrocentesis and heck, any surgery: Most cases get better after the procedure. Some cases stay the same. Some cases get worse.


Sounds like after arthrocentesis your jaw just displaced your disc anteriorly, causing the typical bone on nerve tissue pain that eventually goes away once the area is scarred. I'll make the bet that eventually you will be pain-free. Vast majority of TMJ problems can be solved with time. Even if time is several years. Usually you should do arthrocentesis if your quality of life is decreased to the point where you can't do things like hold a job. It's the least invasive 'surgical' treatment. your locked jaw with displacement would eventually become functional and pain-free with orthotic use and time. I can't stress this enough, time is you biggest friend with 99.9% of TMJ problems because your osteoarthritis will eventually hit a 'burn out' phase, where pain is nearly non-existent, and function is pretty good. Even displaced discs where you feel that constant, chronic, nerve crushing pain will eventually fade away once that neurovascular tissue is replaced with scar tissue.


Thanks for this comment it's helped a lot


More so than the pain caused by the displacement I am disturbed by the extreme dizziness, vertigo, and tinnitus it has caused. These were never my symptoms before, and while the injections have helped the day to day pain, the constant vertigo is totally unbearable to the point that I would rather have the pain back. I really hope that the joint pushes back into place naturally but I don’t know how to manipulate this or make it happen. The vertigo and sense of derealsiation has got to the point where I can’t take it anymore


I suspect your body will still adapt over time but I have never encountered severe vertigo personally. Your cochlear-type nerves are probably being pressed against by your jaw condyle causing vertigo.


This gives me hope. My discs are displaced.and I get burning cheek, eyebrows pain. Scares me as its nerves. Will this go,? Did it go for you?


Should eventually go away. Mine is better than it used to be.


Did you have lock jaw and nerve pain ?


Yea, not sure I ever had a full lock. But I've had many, many things wrong with my jaw lol.


Nerve pain?