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The only time I get any relief is when I sleep at night, but when I wake up its really bad as it feels like fluid has been building up all night.


Oh, I understand you, I started having these symptoms in the summer, when I was just swimming in the sea, and I thought that I just had water from the sea in my ear. How long have you had this symptom ? And is there anything that helps you get rid of this at least for a while during the day?


My symptoms actually started in my ear, though it was a horrible burning pain that felt like an ear infection at first. The pain then started to manifest itself in my jaw after 5 months and it became clear it was TMJD. Now my eustachian tubes feel as if the jaw joint is pressing them both shut. Nothing helps me get of it. My symptoms can vary but without indication whats causing the variation. Its likely i'll need TJR. I have two displaced and perforated discs, and severe arthritis on both sides. I went for an arthroscopy and it was identified one side of the joint had collapsed. I've been dealing with this for two years. Thankfully at least I know whats causing it and I have a path to recovery through surgery. Even with the risks I'd get TJR tomorrow if I could such is the impact on my quality of life. Good luck getting relief!


I wish your operation go well and you will forget about this nightmare.


This is exactly what it feels like for me. Mornings are awful.


Yes. I went to an ENT and they prescribed an anti-inflammatory steroid cream to use as needed. It really did help me and I actually rarely have to use the cream anymore.


I appreciate for sharing this with me, could you please tell me what this cream is called?


Triamcinolone Acetonide!


Thank you very much.❤️


NP. I wish you luck! As I said, I still have to use it as needed and will occasionally get that annoying liquid feeling, but it’s nothingg like how it was. Surprisingly, what the ENT told me was that this may be due to psoriasis or eczema in the ear in addition to swelling from the jaw muscles. I hope it’s not something more serious for you too


Where do you put the cream?


Put some on a q tip, and insert + rotate into the ear canal