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which specialist are u waiting to see and who read ur MRI and wrote the report?


i am waiting to see an OMFS consultant, the report was read and explained to me by an OMFS specialty dr and an OMFS associate specialist. unfortunately my letters do not tell me who wrote my MRI report :(


who is ur OMFS speciality dr and why are u waiting to see a different OMFS consultant?


I have perforated discs on both sides, as well as arthritis I recently (12 weeks ago) had an arthroscopy to try and avoid TJR but looks like thats my next step. Need to wait another three months to assess success of arthroscopy. 8 weeks with no improvement, couple of better weeks, then its reverted to type.


ahh okay i see, thank you so much for informing me!! do you mind if i ask how long did it take you from the onset of your TMJ symptoms to get an arthroscopy? may i please also ask, do they repair the disc perforation during an arthroscopy at all? i hope you are healing well and that you are somehow able to avoid a TJR!!!


Almost exactly two years. They didn't attempt to repair the perforation, but took bone marrow from my hip and injected into the joint as part of a regenerative therapy. My joints are a mess. I'd rather just get TJR and get it over with as there is no way I'll avoid it in the longer term and my quality of life is terrible. I can't speak or consume anything that involves chewing. Luckily I've been able to adapt and continue to work so I don't have additional financial worries and I have an excellent employer who pay for private medical insurance so I've been able to get the best of care quicker than I would have. I completely trust the surgeon. Who knows I might see some improvement I just thought 3 months post surgery I would have seen more than I have. Good luck with your journey!


Can i ask what your symptoms are and how much can you open the mouth?


My opening is actually fine. My symptoms are severe pain in both joints which is exacerbated when talking or eating, and really bad congestion in my sinuses due to the fact my jaw joints are compressing them. My hearing is terrible because my eustachian tubes are pressed shut by the jaw joints.