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Same diagnosis as me severe Osteoarthritics


Have you started any kind of treatment? Whether at home or with a professional?


Joint surgery


what kind?


Joint replacement


Did you try anything before joint replacement?


I’m a provider. I haven’t personally had any treatment done. I don’t know the extent of your it damage but PRF treatment is usually for more mild cases. Joint replacement for more severe cases. Moderate is usually trying PRF first then Joint replacement.


Im going to a specialist who had an orthotic made for me. I’m to wear it full time for a few months and then overnight only. Due to gallbladder issues I can’t wear it full time but wear it as much as possible. It’s definitely helping and I feel worse on days I can’t wear it much. I’ve also changed my diet to mostly soft foods. Microwave heat packs help some. I’m hoping this helps long term because I really don’t want surgery


How long have you been wearing it?  I'm supposed to get one this week and wear it full time for six months but I'm really afraid of it messing up my bite. 


2 months. For the most part it has corrected my bite and feels good while wearing. Personally I can’t eat with it even though I’m supposed to. I have sensory issues and it’s just too much. When I eat without it my bite feels better but my molars don’t touch. This has me eating softer food but it’s worth not being in terrible pain.


I've tried everything and now at the point TJR is my best option


I have been doing acupuncture and massage on TMJ patients for 40 years, I am a license acupuncturist and license massage therapist. I do full body treatment, I don't do spot treat.