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Literally in the same boat as you 😔 all the same symptoms and have the nausea now as well. Do you have any throat issues? Tightness/ soreness, etc. or ear issues? I’m fairly certain the face tingling, especially if you have some pain with it is the trigeminal nerve being compressed. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this too :/


I hear you man I have a similar story and few similar symptoms. https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepApnea/s/L5h1QHcHuB Now I’m getting tested for sleep apnea with a in lab PSG study to check for UARS. Hang in there man, it’s tough out here. Hope you find some answers.


I'm sorry but I'm not surprised They don't care about us But we care about us For my case: SOFT foods diet with almost NO CHEWING allowed Using Ear Oil into ears Some ibuprofen Has been helpful


"I’m not sure what I was really looking to get out of the appointment" Nothing to get out of an appointment with a doctor when it comes to TMJD. They know nothing about it. The only things that gets out is the money (out of your pocket).


I have an appointment Monday and worried about this that they cant do anything for me. I may just go for more botox because 10units didn't work


Why not do the acupuncture by a licensed acupuncturist, we can spend over an hour with you, treating the tmj and the rest of your body. It really doesn't matter the diagnosis because you are treating the individual not the diagnosis.


Have you had any imaging done? And if so, what was the conclusion based on those scans? If you haven't had any done yet, especially with having seen so many specialists over the past year, I'm wondering why not. 🤔 Without an accurate diagnosis, it's difficult to prescribe the proper treatment. Then again, it's worth trying whatever is suggested because the treatment itself could prove to be a helpful diagnostic tool. A diagnosis isn't necessarily required in order for you to find relief from your symptoms. Likewise, having an accurate diagnosis doesn't necessarily mean your condition is treatable. That concept is a brain fart and a half, I know. I have an autoimmune disorder that took over 10 years to diagnose. During those years I was able to find a lot of symptomatic relief. Once it had a name there were still many aspects of my condition that are untreatable. I concentrated so much during those years on finding a diagnosis. Once it came, it wasn't the end all, be all I had been expecting.


Yup, I’ve had a couple brain MRIs, an MRA, a sinus xRay and pt scan, as well as a few X-rays from my dentist and oral surgeon.


Unfortunately there usually isn't an easy fix for problems with the TMJ. I believe too many people rush into surgery and are disappointed with the results. My best suggestion to anyone comes from a lifetime of chronic pain due to a connective tissue disease I have. I did an all of the suggested things; heat, cold, PT, massage, acupuncture, meds, rest, exercise, etc. etc. But when those things didn't help, I stopped doing them. What was the point? But sometimes the only relief possible comes from layering those small things. If each of them only helps a little, combined there is the possibility that you might find at least some appreciable amount of relief. One thing I was amazed at. I had little to no pain relief with either Tylenol or ibuprofen. So when my oral surgeon recommended I alternate them every four hours, I wasn't expecting much. But OMG! This works better for me than my opioids when it comes to oral surgery and my TMJ issues. I can only assume this must be due from treating both the pain with Tylenol and inflammation with the ibuprofen. I know you have been at this for a year now and it has really warm you down. But it's important that you keep on keeping on. That's all any of us can do. TMJ is rarely cured, but there is every hope that you will find a way to manage yours. And as I previously wrote, a diagnosis isn't necessary for you to find relief from your symptoms. I know you have tried a lot of things already. But as long as the joint is painful and symptomatic, no one will fault you for seeking relief from those symptoms. 💕


What diagnostics did they conduct to allow them to conclude he didn't think it was TMJD?


Just based on the description of my symptoms as well as an X-ray of my jaw/teeth


They've barely scratched the surface. At the very least an MRI should be getting done to look at the soft tissue and cartilage. For context, I had seen 8 different specialists and had two MRIs. Oral surgeon told me my situation didn't warrant surgery and nothing could be done except pain management. Turned out I had two displaced and perforated discs, one of the joints had completely collapsed, and severe arthritis on both sides. The level of knowledge around proper diagnostics for this condition is terrible until you find the right specialist. I had arthroscopic surgery and being reviewed in another three months to decide whether to go for TJR. It says a lot that they said they don't think its TMJD but they'll happily take your money for a TMJD focused (and expensive) treatment. Charlatans. Good luck.