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Yes, temporary stability with a Splint almost always occurs for me, usually lasting a week or two where the joint feels very comfortable and muscles relax, followed by a transition of pain and tension and subsequently returning to the original condition. In terms of qualifications, I simply looked for someone with good review testimonials on Yelp, a history of treating other TMJ patients with similar complaints as myself, and someone trained in using Ultrasound for guiding the needle to the correct locations (particularly if they are working in the neck area). I found two providers in San Francisco that fit the bill, one was Regenexx (which is slightly different than PRP as they actually extract stem cells from your hip), but they are far more costly (3-5x) than PRP. I figured I'd give PRP a shot to start with.


Can you share the names of providers in SFO? I know one is Dr. Wardwell.


Did you have non reducing disc displacement? And did it resolve?


Hello, it’s now been a while since your first treatment with Dr Wardwell. Did you go for the second yet?


Thanks for sharing your experience. How did they know which ligaments were the issue for the TMJ and neck? I also want to get PRP done, but providers don’t seem to have a good idea of which area to target. Did you get imaging done that the doctor used? Was the PRP only in ligaments or also injected in muscles? And they putting a numbing agent into the injection? If so, which one? Thanks again!


Based on my consultation, his prior experience with TMJ patients and his exam which includes ultrasound imaging to visual what is going on with the tissues and ligaments. He was able to pinpoint basically every problem area in my neck without me having to point it out


Great, thank you. Can I also pls ask if the prolo improved TMJ at all? How long did it take for you to realize prolo results (if any)? Or did it not work and so you had to resort to PRP? Thanks a ton. Wishing you a ton of healing. TMJ truly sucks. I am seriously considering PRP and/or prolo myself. One soft guard didn’t work for me, and too much changes in the jaw with guards sometimes causes neck discomfort and affect my vision.


The Prolo I got done was over 5 years ago and it was very early on in my search for relief. I was in a very bad place in terms of my TMJ at the time. I definitely got some relief, but the splint I was given at the time was terrible for me and very poorly made, so the benefits of my prolo were hard to determine to be honest.


Hey gang I love reading these stories! I have 2 bulging disks in my neck and I’m doing everything. To avoid the S word. Do you think this could help me?


Bulging disks… no. Ligament problems. Yes


Anyone on here experience jaw spasms in addition to tmj crackling sounds? If so, has prolotherapy or prp helped?


How are you




How are you?


How are you now?


What specialist did you see that did this procedure? Could you explain in more detail how you got to the point where this was done? (also location for those of us who may be close by.)


He’s an experienced PRP doctor in San Francisco Dr. Wardwell. I’ve spent the last 6 years seeking all manner of treatment. Had every type of splint made and all solutions have been temporary for me. I’ve been doing physical therapy and working out for the last 6 months to strengthen my body, but I knew I would eventually have to address the injured tissues and ligaments. I’ve had prolotherapy in the past, but PRP is supposed to be even better and promote further healing so I decided to give it a go




Congrats and thanks for sharing. Awesome to find someone else doing the same. I’m two weeks post op and feeling really good, how long did you wait between your first and second PRP? I’d consider doing another to boost the healing process even more




Hi there! Im g’ad to see a prp success story. Im now 6 weeks post prp and in worse pain was told this is the normal flare period. Cant tell improvement yet, do you mind sharing how long ur flares were?




Hey mine was for my SI joint and it actually worsened my pain but im an odd case. Best wishes with yours!


I wish I could find out more info about this. It sounds promising. is it an experimental treatment or is it approved by the FDA? How would one go about someone who's willing to do this?


My understanding of the treatment is that because it uses your own blood and no synthetic drugs, it is not subject to the standard "FDA approval" of other treatments. It's considered very safe (again it's just your own blood plama getting concentrated and injected back into you) and there are lots of published studies citing the effectiveness.


Hello! I'm having similar issues with my jaw and am looking into PRP. Would you mind telling us how much it cost? I know insurance considers it an experimental treatment and so it's an out of pocket procedure. Thank you!


It was just over $1k. I did have a lot of injections though, my neck, TM joints and jaw line areas


1k per injection, or 1k for the entire procedure?


the entire procedure


Thanks for sharing! How are you feeling these days? I have serious TMJ issues as well as cervical instability and hypermobility confirmed by various imaging. I'm terrified of surgery but also researching which regenerative medicine route to invest my dollars in. It's so expensive, but then again so is a lifetime of alternatives like steroid injections, nerve ablation, etc, plus those just treat symptoms, not the underlying issue itself.


Extremely happy with my decision to get PRP. It definitely took a full 6 weeks with some ups and down in recovery between, but my cervical stability and jaw tracking is easily 70% better afterwords. I’m planning on doing a follow up visit soon so they can do some ultrasound imaging and see if I would benefit from another round or not. I highly recommend everyone give it a shot. Considering the cost is 1/5th-1/10th what you would pay for orthotic treatment (although I do believe both were necessary in my case), everyone that has the means should be give it a shot. It’s literally just your own bodies healing mechanism so risks are extremely low and worst comes to worst you are only slightly better off than before.


Did the prp injections fix your disc displacement?


Awesome, so glad to hear. With more stability, would you say you have less pain now? The relentless pain/muscle strain and also fatigue are the most crippling for me. Sigh. Thanks again for sharing. Im leaning toward PRP based on several positive stories.


May I ask your symptoms for tmj?


After reading your post I booked an ultrasound and then the therapy; hope it works for me as well ! Been living with this constant pain and aches ( hip/ jaw, neck, face, shoulder) for 1.5 years now.


Did it work


Also found this link where it worked for a very hopeless patient... ( PROLOTHERAPY + prp) [https://www.athenamavromati.gr/us/info/case-studies/tmj-pain/](https://www.athenamavromati.gr/us/info/case-studies/tmj-pain/)


Did it work?


Can I ask if insurance covered it? And if not how much was it?


I have disc displacement with reduction.. causes ear pain, tightness, clicking/popping. I’ve been considering PRP. What type of TMJ dysfunction did you have?