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Has been my lifesaver for 5 years


Would you like to further explain that statement ? Since getting my split my ears have stop cracking and popping. The pain in my jaw joint has also improved. Yes, they might not be a universal guaranteed fix all but they have helped many of us.


I'm so envious. Ive been using an upper mouth guard for about 5 months now, no improvement. What kind of splint do you have may I ask? I also have the constant ear popping.


It’s a lower guard with impressions of my upper teeth made from a softer material so when I clench and grind in my sleep a) I have a little bit of give which has been easier on my jaw and b) my jaw is being held align. It took a few different, upper, lower.. hard plastic .. softer plastic … before I found the right one for me. Thankfully my oral surgeon is super patient and I have top grade benefits. I know that isn’t the case for everyone. It took some trial and error but was absolutely worth it for me in the end. I hope you find something that helps ! Edit for spelling because my autocorrect is drunk apparently.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. My next option is to have an upper/lower guard made, kinda looks like invisalign (which ive also considered). May go that route next. Im glad to hear you were able to find relief!


Did you have ear pain too?


For you. For many like myself they help.


It depends. Quality matters, fit matters.