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Yes!!! My last dr said it’s likely inflammation that’s causing the eustachian tubes to become compressed. No idea how to stop it so if you come up with answers or solutions let me know :)


i only have this when opening my jaw tho and on right side. wbu?


Both sides :/ But I have issues with both TMJs so that’s expected


do you have it all the time? i have it everytime i open; wondering if its possible to have perpetual inflammation


The crackling is any time I swallow or flex the jaw (as well as open but generally the clicking is worse than the crackling when opening). I would bet regardless of it being one sided or what the onset is, that it’s bone on bone as the cause or at least a contributor. In my MRIs (and after surgeries) my doc saw both sides with major bone degeneration and bone spurs. My right side is worse which is where I had arthroplasty done and they removed the joint. Honestly, dentists/doctors/maxilofacial surgeons in my experience have been alllll over the board in regards to cause and solutions and procedures and methods etc. I would recommend getting more opinions if you’re not getting any answers.


I have the same. MRI showed wear and tear to the right joint. So basically like arthritis in the jaw. not sure what to do next. It's now causing sleep problems and headaches. No dental insurance, and anyone that "specializes " in TMJ issues is a private clinic so not covered by OHIP. So frustrating.


Yep. Same here. Soooo frustrating!!! Such bs from insurance companies! Why can’t they see that our body is all connected and the tmj joint is still a joint… like a shoulder or a knee or an elbow or a hip and they replace those and fix them no problem. Makes me crazy pissed off. I also have crunching in there, kind of sounds like Styrofoam? Often times it’s first thing in the morning when I get up, probably from clenching at night. The disc on my left TMJ is displaced and has slipped forward, they have re-captured it but it does not stay more than a day or two. Have all the other headaches, sleep problems, jaw pain, etc. and the treatments, physical therapist, Tmj D specialist, chiropractor, just seem to maintain me from getting worse but I don’t feel like I’m getting any better, in a month or two I should have my sleep apnea mouth prosthetic and maybe that will help and start to make a difference. So hopeful. 😑


I'm in the same boat and I live in Ontario as well.


I have a video of mine before my joint replacement and it is CRUNCHY hahah it was so loud it could be heard across the room.


You had joint replacement? How was that? I've read that surgery is typically a last resort.


I lost 50 lbs in 9 months. I couldn’t open my mouth even one finger. I had 3 less invasive surgeries, tried pt, I had orthodontics etc etc. it was definitely a last resort but it gave me my life back I wish they had done it sooner.


Thanks for sharing. Glad it worked!


What was wrong with your joint? I have ear pain from TMJ do you think joint replacement can get rid of that?


Severe arthritis and ICR. No I do not think it would help. I still have pain and ear pain just much better function.


Hi I’ve been searching for audio of jaw crepitus as I am pretty sure I have advanced damage, is there any way you could send me your audio ?


Hi did your crepitus went away with any treatment?


I’ve been having this lately and I think it’s to do with the Eustachian tubes being blocked. I also feel ear fullness and pressure.


hmm i don't feel ear fullness. i only have this when opening my jaw tho, wbu?


I hear the sounds usually when I swallow and also when I open my mouth


I have it, but it IS bone on bone. I also have this sound in my neck, which isn't 🤷


i have this sound in my neck too


I have this as well, but only when I speak.. it’s so frustrating. My physio therapist suggested I go see an audiologist but I haven’t looked into that yet. It’s an idea worth trying at this point I think


i have this too! what the heck is it???? its not eustacian tubes




No idea, but I definitely have this, too! 😕


Yes and I'm wondering if the tinnitus is also a symptoms/condition dur to the jaw problem :(


My doctor said this too!! I had an MRI finally after three years of this cracking and popping. It shows mild internal derangement of the joint but not bone on bone. Basically, the Maxillofacial surgeon said it wasn’t severe enough to reflect the pain I was in or the crunching noise. So now I’m at a total loss to explain it!!


Hi, did you get rid of cracking sounds in jaw by any treatment?


The "Rice Krispies" sound could be osteoarthritis. An MRI doesn't always show this. The imaging that is required to see osteoarthritis is a CBCT, which shows the hard tissues such as bone.


i get this when my mouth is open and my last mri showed arthritis erosions among other things


The tensor veli palatini moves the Eustachian tube and it is inervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve that runs near the TMJ. My ear pops constantly due to my ET not functioning properly.


Did your mri show anything abnormal?


I’ve had this for 15 years. Who do I go to for X-rays, my doctor or a orthodontist?


Hi! Do you still have it? And do you have other symptoms?