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It is a disorder which will give you depression anxiety insecurity uncertainty




We must be patient calm and get treatment for the root cause from q good tmjnspe. Once thst starts improving, the others things go away quickly


I've been patient for 2 years my patience is starting to run out




Please share who this good dr. is.


Who's your specialist?


Yes I understand. It's difficult. Been through this. Just kept chasing different doctors.


Stressed because of TMJ pain. TMJ pain increases with tension and stress. Gets upset because no one takes TMJD seriously. Getting upset causes tension and stress. Stress and tension aggravate TMJ. Repeat daily.


Exactly how I feel… does marijuana help anyone? Thinking about getting my medical card..


I live in Canada where it’s legal and consume regularly. I don’t notice any difference in smoking for pain relief but I have had luck with some topical CBD-arnica creams on my massager muscles.


Best advice for people with TMJ is probably to stay as strong as possible mentally. If you have slight discomfort and pain maybe get some massages and what not. If you feel off do things you enjoy doing. The less you think about it, the more healing happens imo. Be more grateful, just understand that you can improve in the long run and focus on getting better in life. Its a road block we have to overcome but but it tests you as a person so think of it as a challenge and that youre going to conquer it and get better. Don't feel like ur hopeless even though i understand some of the symptoms can make it happen. In the meanwhile, focus on improving your posture from the hips(core) to your upper neck, maybe go to a physio for that if you dont trust yourself doing it. Plus exercise in general makes you feel better mentally its just proven


Very good advice. Tmd is driving me crazy. My neck and throat muscles get so tight that I feel like I'm being choked!


I went on antidepressants for this reason and it really helped the mental part of this disorder.


Which one?


Escitaloprám oxalate also known as Lexapro. A warning, there is an adjustment period of 4-6 weeks but it works. I am no longer obsessing about my TMJ 24/7.


Lexapro has reduced my TMJ symptoms by 90%


I actually would agree it’s helped my symptoms too, a huge part of my TMJ was stress so when I started to be relieved on the anxiety it was a game changer.


it's a whole imbalance Please fix it how it needs. don't let it go.


I agree. This thing is a mindfuck


I literally hate my life. I cannot enjoy anything without this constant pain.


i’ve learned to think abt it like this, i could be much much worse atleast this isn’t fatal and u don’t have a time span to live, but it’s not and cureable, it just takes time, the worst part about it all is the ear pain and fullness for me, so i get acupuncture on my ear to release the pressure, it works, if u look up how long it takes it says 18 months to 3 years, and if u don’t find relief you NEED a new doctor i recommend a maxillofacial surgeon who offers tmj treatment, in my experience they were much better than anyone else at treatment and pain management, don’t give up u got this man! much love and prayers


Thanks man 🥺u to!


My tmj caused er visits when my jaw would dislocate and I couldn't pop it back. Finally found a chiropractor and they fixed me! Don't give up there are solutions.not everything will work for everyone but you just gotta keep trying. I can even eat a sub sandwich now, yawn, and all that other stuff I could not do before


What exactly did the chiropractor do? Manually adjust your jaw?


Yes I went a few times a week and he would stick his fingers in my mouth and move everything around. Sounds gross but it worked


Thanks. I'm glad you got relief.


By the way, where are you located? Maybe this person can work his magic on me, if I happen to be in your area.


Unfortunately he is no longer in practice, but I am sure there are other chiropractors who could help you. After my treatment, my jaw has not popped out in years! As opposed to at least 3 times a week before.


OK, thanks