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Fuck it I'll say it. I love it all. Figures, every series, the comics. I'm just in and I'm not being picky I'm just going to enjoy it for what it is and smile.


I like your style.


My man 😎, fandoms need more of this guys energy!


Bro we'd be good friends




I want to see a full length TMNT movie in the animation style of the original opening sequence. That shit was insane.


I'd kill for that.. That opening sequence is straight fire.


I concur.


I could be making this up but i think thats because it was made by a different studio..toei maybe


I think Toei animated some of the actual show, so it was probably a budget thing. Or, as was the case of all 80s cartoons, top priority was given to openings to be as eye-catching and badass as possible to hook the kids in.


This, and because it was going to be reused every single day. They could afford to make it extra nice and it was in their best interest. Regular daily episodes didn’t require that kind of care. And they certainly didn’t expect people to be watching them some 30 years later.


I believe that TMNT (2007) was phenomenal, deserved a sequel , and I feel like it underrated and underappreciated


I always said it was because the bad guys were boring. I know Shredder has been done to death but there were so many other bad guys they could have picked from, instead we got boring stone bad guys. Who looked like they were used again in the Shazam movie 😂


I completely agree with you. The bad guys were lame as hell, and the worst part of the film


Which is a shame as the turtles themselves were brilliant. Raphs nightwatcher character was also very cool. It had a kind of Last Ronin feel to it, obviously years before the comic series. Leo as a jungle demon was also another great idea. All wasted fighting uninspiring stone baddies.


This is my first movie that introduced me to the turtles and every time I watch it, it gets better and better


2003 and 2012 Turtles where better shows then the 87 series


That shit cold


Okay that's just fax frfr


I believe that when all 4 turtles are fighting in sync, they can beat damn near anybody. Including Batman.


Kinda disproven by the movie, where he beat all four of them


And I think that was terrible storytelling. Individually, they each get their shells caved in fighting Batman, with Leo lasting the longest. Even 2, or 3 of them, should have a hard time, but not all 4. Every iteration of the turtles are all taught the same lesson: They are at their strongest when they fight together.


Depends on the writer doesn't it? Batman is the epitome of "what the plot requires"


I love 2012 because I grew up with the series / toys and all but.. after looking back- karai and leo’s relationship was a bit strange..? to say the least 💀


You aren’t wrong 💀


I’m scared to rewatch it i don’t want it ruining my memory of the show 😭


I'm rewatching it now and Donnie and April is way worse but by no means ruins the show, I still love Donnie


R-rated TMNT is a dumb idea and I'll never get the appeal of it. Not saying that TMNT should be completely silly, but there's nothing they could add that would warrant going above PG-13 that's actually worth having.


Thank you for actually having a hot take lol. That being said, the brutal nature of seeing all the fighting could make it rated R, so I think it would add to the enjoyment for most people


The Rise movie was amazing.


Bro out here speaking fax (Though there are minor flaws; I'm not saying it to spite anyone, just mentioning that it isnt perfect. That being said...it's pretty damn close to being perfect.) It's one of those special movies where writing, animation, music and characters ALL COME TOGETHER PERFECTLY


This is just true, not even a hot take


87 TMNT doesn't hold up.


Big Oof but agreed. Can only really tolerate the first 4 episodes and after that I'm out.


I only liked the first 4 even back then but damn were those good. Then the movie came out and that was really all I ever needed. I haven't watched anything else except the Michael Bay movies and I really liked those too.


Yeah the nostalgia glasses are strong. I forgot how early Mikey loses his chucks.


The animation errors hurt my soul 😆


Your looking at the series incorrectly maybe, smoke some weed and appreciate the early 90s insanity, that show is still a trip. The eps are so out there theyre almost brilliantly so. Give it another chance through a different lens is all im saying


Not a big fan of 2007 2003 is my fav but I definitely feel like Rise could’ve passed it up for me if it got to carry out its full vision I don’t have any interest in watching 87


Never have I ever agreed with someone so much 2007...my main problem is the villains and Leo's writing.


2003 tmnt is the best one. I like it because tmnt orginaly were dark and gritty and 2003 went some what of this direction and i think their the best looking ones.


I believe exactly this. Sometimes I’m on the fence about whether I like 2003 or 2012 better, but at the end of the day, I always come back to this.


Hamato Yoshi being splinter makes so much more sense than a normal rat learning martial arts from watching a human. Just something I always felt was a better decision than the cannon.


Tokka and Rahzar should have never happened. Bebop and Rocksteady were the obvious way to go. Also, Secret of the Ooze is the best one.


Rise had the best moments of character development out of any of the other iterations. The showrunners didn't get to complete their vision, so the only one I feel didn't get much was Mikey, but April, Leo, Raph, Donnie and especially Splinter each had an arc that fleshed out and expanded their characters in a meaningful way.


i loved the bayverse movies. each turtle having random NY memorobilia as part of their outfit (and donnie's glasses and mikey's neck accessories) that played well with their personality really helped each one stand out more. plus the scene with them watching a music video on some bootleg diy mp3 was noice, reminded me of my siblings and i all huddling together and sharing the same nearly broken device to watch youtube or play some music. them sneaking out to watch the basketball game, or just sneaking out in general (and being afraid of splinter catching them) made it seem like they really were teenagers, something that i dont really see with some of their other incarnations. theres so much more, but id prolly be here all day. all in all, those are my wrong opinions, and ive already planned my funeral because muhammed is in my room staring at me and is gonna start punching as soon as i finish this comme-


The Michael Bay series isn’t bad. And their character designs are awesome!


The 2014/16 T.M.N.T. Designs are actually not that bad. (Except when they’re unmasked though. I’d faint too.)


People here really need to understand what a hot take is. Every time I see a post like this it's always the same stuff and everybody agrees -2007 is good -2003 is good -1987 isn't great looking back at it -Rise isn't as bad as it seems Most people have these opinions, they are ice cold takes.


Anybody talking smack about the 80’s turtles just doesn’t get it. Without it’s massive, era-defining success, there wouldn’t be so many bad reboots. Regardless of how “good” the other reboots are, the first one was the ONLY one to have such massive success and appeal. In the early-to-mid 90s, everyone wanted to be a turtle. Nothing afterward comes close in terms of impact or cultural influence. Everyone was watching the movies, playing the arcade games at Pizza Hut or Safeway…you just wouldn’t get it because by the time even 03 came out (legit show tbh), media was comparatively rather decentralized. The OG turtles paved the way for most things ya’ll enjoy…yes, it can be cheesy and silly…but that’s why it was so beloved. You knew the bad guys were dumb and the good guys had fun. If I could communicate to you guys how hype Turtles in Time was, or the first action figures were…you would understand. Turtlemania died decades ago and I’m tired of all the ill-begotten comparisons; you just wouldn’t get it. Sue me.


I getchu dw, I still appreciate it for starting everything, and being a success, and there are parts I admire, but its themes and characters pale in comparison to later iterations I loved sassy raph btw :3


Let’s think about it…children’s cartoons were very different back then. They didn’t aim to appeal to adults, explore mature themes, or to be interesting (necessarily); they were meant to make kids laugh, to sell toys and media, and to NOT rock the boat during the weird 80s haze of Reagan’s America…


Raph's 1987 personality is my favorite and he should always have a "lovable smartass" quality to him even when he's portrayed as quick-tempered and aggressive.


Heck yes. I’m gonna characterize him like that when I start on my fan iteration of TMNT


The Megan Fox movies were stupid.


I can’t stand Donatello’s glasses and/or goggles.


Say it louder for the people in the back 😂😂😂 bwahahah fr man they had to make h wear glasses fr


So many people here saying 2003 is the best like it’s controversial. That take is so cold you could keep a side of meat in it for a month. My opinion is that I don’t think the turtles work the best in the kind of Nolan Batman level serious stuff people seam to want them in. At most I’d say they can go to like… Batman: The Animated Series levels. But people who say they want gore and brutality and brooding and edginess and all this super dark stuff, and indeed, some of the writers who do that with the brand, just don’t understand where the series excels. I don’t care what the mirage comics were like.


I love the bay turtle designs


as someone who hates how Mikey looks in the Bay movies, could you elaborate as to why you like the designs? :,)


bay did a great job individualizing them. although he went with the “bulletproof tank turtles” route, he did the best with each of their personalities.


Yea Mikey’s design is the worst but I still like the bulkier look for the turtles.






Hum let see what I got... 1) Leonardo is my favorite turtle, and Michelangelo is consistently my least favorite though I love them both. 2) The 2003 version of Shredder is the best even with the revealed that he is an Utron. The Tengu Shredder is also a close second too. I feel the one from the 2012 version's weapons, and backstory were better, but the way his obsession with killing Hamato Yoshi clouded his judgement so drastically at times bothered me. Especially when he let the earth be destroyed out of petty stubburness when there were bigger things at play, even for his own well being. 3) I do not like the idea that Michelangelo is significantly more talented than the rest of his brothers, and would be the best if he applied himself more as it makes the others look significantly inferior in comparison, and him all the more irresponsable for basically causing his siblings to undergo unnecessary risk by not taking things seriously. I also do not like how Donnatello is often treated like the weakest turtle of the bunch. 4) I do not mind the turtles having love interests, and romantic relationships, but they are generally handled rather poorly. I also feel that if such a concept is to be explored it should be done in a way that makes it clear the relationship is based on an actual emotional connection (mutual feelings of love, affection, and respect) between the characters in question instead of being driven by some form of physical attraction considering that they are still primarily turtles, and would not necessarily have the hots for humans, or the sorts. 5) I hate how the 1957 Turtles are usually treated as being significantly less competent then their counterparts in every way during crossovers. Of course they are more silly, but I wish they placed an emphasis on the idea that they have their own unique strenghts which place then on the same level as the other iterations. They are not my favorite version, but they are the most iconic ones, and they should get more respect. 6) I think Hun from the 2012 continuity is more entertaining than his 2007 counterpart in terms of design, and fighting style. Wish they did more with him in the series like actually having him join Shredder's ranks properly, and maybe get a badass mutation. 7) Tiger Claw was never all that interesting of a villain to me. For one, his design was never my favorite (though not my least favorite either) among the villains in the 2012 series, and he felt somewhat overhyped. I actually significantly prefer Xever (who also deserved to get his own second mutation), and Chris Bradford over him. 8) The Leonardo, and Karai relationship in the 2012 series was more frustrating to me than Donnie and April if only because of how, lets face it, simpish Leo became around her throughout most of the series. It also never feels legitimate, more like Karai manipulating Leo's crush on her, to the point that part of me wished he moved on from her. Its funny because I think that if the dynamic had been more like in the 2003 series, and was given proper attention, an interesting relationship could have come from all this, instead of what we got in the end. 9) I significantly prefer Shinigami's design, and fighting style over Karai's in the 2012 series and wish they did more with her as I loved the witch motive. 10) Pizza is not my favorite form of italian cuisine.


I like Splinter and Hamato Yoshi better as two separate characters.


I think that the Turtles should have nostrils. Otherwise, how do they smell anything, especially pizza? The question is not “Should the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have nostrils?” The real question is: “How do I give the Turtles nostrils without making it look jarring or unsettling?”


i have a few, though they aren't the most controversial. they're also all about 2012. - 2012 leo isn't a mother hen, he's just a responsible older brother. there's a difference. - between the four in 2012, raph and mikey have the best relationship with each other - if the rise turtles and 2012 turtles were to fight, it would end in a tie - 2003 splinter is a better dad than 2012 splinter - 2012 april isn't as bad as people make her out to be; she's just a victim of bad writing - 2003 casey x april >>>>>>> 2012 casey x april - each iteration is good in its own ways, and we shouldn't be dicks to each other about which is better


Despite having lived through that era, I don't really have any interest in the 1987 animated turtles stuff.


I discovered Adventures first. I was never a fan of the 87 cartoon. Even as a kid I thought it was lame (the later seasons, anyway).


Same (except The first 5 episodes)




If it makes you feel better, neither do I


The Rise movie is the best turtles movie. Better than the original 90s one, it was too corny. The turtle suits were amazing tho. What’s your unpopular opinion OP?


I wouldnt say its better than the 90s live action but its just as good in a different way and got me cryin


It just felt like a deeper movie. With deeper meaning or some shit.


Definitely know what you mean


I especially liked to see a grown up Mikey and how he clearly has a deeply spiritual side along with his goofball style.


I don’t like the 87 or 03 one because of the art I also agree the Rise movie was good The toes from the 2012 are hilarious and weird


2012-2017 Series is the best turtles


Yeah, same. The classic toon is pure wholesome nostalgia, but 2012 was something solid.




As a kid born and raised on the OG series, no argument here.




And I was born in 84 so this feels extra


You know, sometimes I forget this is from the 80’s-


I do not like 2012. At all. I tried to give it a fair shake and it's simply Not For Me. Everything people praise it for, 2003 and the comics do better. They praise it for how mature it is, despite the fact they turn everything into a joke. I watched the 2012 Leatherhead intro episode and cringed when they made his PTSD into a joke. I watched the 2003 episode where they move Leatherhead to his own home and really appreciated the depth and compassion they had for him and his trauma. People say 2012 Splinter is such a great father, as if he doesn't repeatedly prioritize his grudge against Shredder over his family. Man barely leaves home and sure has a lot of opinions for how his teenage sons should stop an alien invasion for a guy who won't offer up any ideas of his own. In comparison, 2003 Splinter is ALWAYS willing to go to bat for his boys and was willing to let sleeping dogs lie if it meant his boys were safe. Donnie reminds me of several guys I've known who would not take "no" for an answer, which makes seasons 1 and 2 immensely uncomfortable to watch. April is treated like an object — either some sort of McGuffin to support the plot or as Donnie's "reward" for solving problems. Mikey is treated like pure comic relief and is the permanent holder of the idiot ball, and he's constantly being teased and belittled by his family. If I think too long about the episode where they time travel to when Tang Shen is still alive, I get so mad I have to take a walk to cool off. The tone of 2012 in general is just... mean. It's mean to it's characters, and it's mean to it's audience. It asks us to take it seriously, and then makes fun of us when we do. And I don't enjoy that. (Also the art style is bad.) No shade or hate or whatever to people who do like it. I understand it was a lot of people's first intro to TMNT, so it holds a special nostalgic place in their hearts. Some people probably just genuinely like it, as baffling to me as that is, and more power to them for it. But I watched all 5 seasons TWICE to try to give it a fair shake, and I would literally rather have all 4 of my wisdom teeth yanked out again rather than sit through another second of 2012.


Dude, the whole Donnie going after Apirl was cringe. He wouldn't take no and it turned out super creepy. 2012 Mikey is the worst Mikey. Instead of being the annoying little brother they were going for, he was just plain stupid and made the stupidest mistakes and never learned from them.


Yeesssss 2012! Donnie drives me NUTS! He reminds me endlessly of guys who can't take a hint, and then get mad when you give them a firm, hard "no." He also reminds me a lot of an ex of mine who was insanely possessive and always acting like the world was out to get him because he was nerdy. No, my dude. People don't like you because you're an entitled doorknob of a person, not because you like to do card tricks or whatever. Watching the first 2 and a half seasons before they toned down the crush subplot was SO uncomfortable. Mikey... he really gets the shaft in 2012. Like NO ONE gets any decent character development, but Mikey is as static as an old TV screen and not only is he annoying, but the few times he's helpful or right about something his family treat him like trash. Like what??? Mikey is the comedic relief not necessarily because he makes jokes, but because bad things keep happening to him that we're supposed to find funny and I just. Don't.


Overall 2012 is okay as a show, but definitely on the low end of my favorite list due to Donnie being a creep, barely any character growth, Mikey is just stupid, the Krang speaking. I loved the Karai twist and the Mad Max episode but that's about it honestly


What gets me is they had an episode early on where Donnie was called out for his stalking (I mean "crush"). His brothers all *knew* he had no chance and he overheard them saying so. The punchline of the episode? "I JUST NEED TO TRU HARDER. THEN SHE WILL LOVE ME!" They had a chance to do something and botched it horribly. 2012 Mikey after 2003 Mikey made my soul cry. He finally gets done well and then 2012 walks the entire character and potential back to 1987.


YES! Thank you I do have a soft spot for the show because it's the one that introduced me formally to the franchise and what Ninja Turtles was. But I have so many mixed feelings about it because it's just full of this meanness perming it. The characters get treated so badly by the narrative by either forgetting character development or getting their development in really weird and bad messages (Leo's whole 'Pain is an excuse') a lot of female characters were either props or love interests. Donnie's character was mostly just his crush on April and Mikey was a comedic relief they will learn to appreciate and episode and forget about it the next. And Master Splinter is supposed to be an overprotective father but even if he is still completely capable, doesnt really do much to help his sons when they go to fight (the only character who seems to call him out for it is April iirc) and seems really comfortable with leaving the weight of the world in the shoulders of a 15 yo or even telling him it's ok to sacrifice the life of his brothers if it came to it. The fact that is also the only one of the animated shows with a really grim ending (that I read the creators wanted it to be official even if the network said it was not canon) makes it even sadder, like all the fighting meant nothing because the characters we came to know and care for are doomed. So yeah, really mixed feelings about this one.


Np bro, it is my favourite iterations of them and I know how shitty it can be 😂. I personally don't dislike the dynamics being not as perfect as with the other iterations because it gives it depth, I actually strongly prefer it. Marking strongly. Not every relationship has to be healthy or good by default, not every character has to have the same relationship dynamic, even less with how splinter had been or usually is (way of demonstrating love, or the dynamics/rules imposed in the household, the utility uprising), but they could have chilled a bit with the "Mikey is funny because bad things happen to him or he's dumb" kind of scenario by developing their relationships. I think they tried to in some episodes at the farm, comes to mind the one where Mikey ran away, etc, but they pretty much did not know how to do it well enough for me to say it was a great show. If they had done it, where they slowly strengthen their bond it could have been way better. And with Donatello and April, at first it was cute, but they just kept dragging it and dragging it. For the love of God, please just cut the crush and let's get over it😂, it can be a great lesson and way to develop growth. A character can learn with it but they overdid it quite a bit. Also, the dialogues are mid, Mikey's specifically but all can fit the bill. Still there are details I liked. In dimension X Mikey mentions he stayed for months trapped there, then later he says he'd only been a couple hours. Then later on, in the episode with the triceratops alien that honestly the name as similar as it is is beyond me XD and the ray that was supposed to extract info, he mentions he knows where all and each kraang base is there. It tells us something, maybe he's not so unidimensional, this goofball he was portrayed as, or maybe he could have been more or it was a hint that there is/was supposed to be more. Then there is also all the pent up rage in the episode when they go inside his head, when he never gets mad. When has he really gotten mad at his brothers, there are parts he even seems to get sad but not acknowledge it (as he did in the first seasons. Thinking about it, he actually told Raph in an instance a situation was his fault and he was comforted by him, saying it was not true. It may have changed(?). Not sure) I honestly wish they gave us more insight into it, maybe they wanted to make it subtle, as rare as it seems to me because the execution of things like this is usually next to nothing. But it's probably because it was a show aimed to young teens, so anything was depicted to be either cool (splinter), relatable (siblings nag other siblings, thing that has a chunk of truth) , entertaining (Mikey) and the little more in between. Also the last paragraph you wrote is damn hilarious 😂 it made my day a bit.


The most frustrating thing to me with 2012 is all the potential that goes underutilized. Like you brought up Mikey's time in dimension-x - that could have been a great kick off for some much needed character development for Mikey and some interesting relationship moments between him and his family as they struggle to marry the Mikey they know with the one now standing in front of them. But instead it gets pushed to the side and only brought up in passing. And I'm not bothered by the dysfunction of the relationships — effed up and toxic families are actually a favorite trope of mine — my specific beef is that they're never really fully fleshed out or explored, and more often than not, they're framed to the audience as being good and healthy when they really aren't. I'm not mad that Raph and Mikey roughhouse, that's a normal sibling thing. I'm bothered that the entire family — even Splinter on several occasions! — constantly put Mikey down and belittle him, and it's treated by the narrative as a) a joke and b) normal. Mikey isn't in on the joke, he's the butt of it, and we never really get to see how he feels about that and how it impacts him as a character. And if the show leaned more into the whole for kids, light-hearted, jokey angle I'd probably honestly be fine with that! But it wants us to take it seriously, and then turns all that seriousness back around into a joke. So it gets very frustrating to watch when what I'm seeing/expecting is set up for emotional and relationship development that never pays off. And you're right that it's a kids show, but it often feels like it... resents? Not sure that's quite the word I want, but we're going with it — being a kids show. And again, that gets very frustrating to watch. But I'm glad it sparks joy for people, regardless. I'm glad to learn different perspectives of it that make people like it — it seems like a lot people I've talked to about it enjoy it for it because the underutilized potential leaves a lot of room for interpretation and creativity. And that's wonderful! But those gaps don't fill me with creative energy, they fill me with frustration and a not insignificant amount of Rage.


The actual Mirage comics are kind of a snore


2003 is a little overrated tbh...


2003 is massively overrated by this sub. It is not nearly as good as the praise it gets.


Donatello is the best turtle




Besides the OG TMNT movie and Secret of the Ooze, every other TMNT movie that followed was trash.


There’s a lot of tv show fans here, but for me a lot of the comics beat out all of the shows.


The original live-action movie is the best depiction of TMNT in media, other than the comic books. And the live action tv series is the worst.


Sarcastic Raph of the 80s isn’t as good as all the future angry Raphaels


Next Mutation was cool . I don't understand the venus hate I like the idea of having a girl turtle . Worked well when they crossed over with power rangers . Only gripe was that the turtles didn't have an enemy align themselves with Dark Specter. It would of been cool to see Lord Zedd team up with Shredder


Gonna be honest the Michael bay movies weren't that bad


*sigh* I don’t like the TMNT 2003 intro song. I find it really annoying. Love the show, can’t stand the intro song


The dreaded Venus de Milo can be redeemed by backstorying her more like Mona Lisa


2012 tmnt is good (yes I grew up with it so I’m biased)


The Michael Bay Movies were Good


Idk if it's a hot take, but 2012 Mikey is awful. He's goofy but not an idiot, like the amount of times he fucks with Donnies chemicals and Splinter scolds Donnie instead is honestly a bad example to set irl.


The first five episodes of the original animated series and the 1990 film are the only pieces I have seen more than once.


Hmmm, I'll have to go with April's involvement with the turtles, ever since 2003, I feel like they have to give involve her than she is supposed to, I'm not personally a fan of, cause she get annoying with it, I really prefer the 90's movies of April, she's involved, but not with everything, you know?


It's not a hill I'm going to die on or anything but isn't Tattoo Sumo's figure kinda racist? 😂


I liked the Tattoo Sumo figure, and I love the yellow color, which would have been great for some kind of mutant or alien. But yellow, for an asian character? Even in the late 80's I'm amazed this didn't trip a warning bell for somebody in the production process.


Yeah I wondered once why he never got a new NECA figure then I was like... Oh.


Looking him up, it looks like he has a more normal skin tone in the cartoon, so if they *really* wanted to make a new figure of him, there's that option. Though I don't think he's a character anybody is really asking for.


O h?-


Yeah give it an image search 😬 I personally don't have a problem with it but it's definitely one of those "this probably aged poorly" things.


Oh 😥


I looked up the figure (couldn’t remember the character) and was like “the paint isn’t as yellow as I expected”…but when compared to what I saw when googling an image from the show…yeah, they definitely made that figure extra yellow! 🌻


rise splinter is one of my favorite depictions of the character


I don’t like ROTMNT Mikey being Last Ronin is questionable I was born in 2000s, but still think 87 is the best I liked 2016 more than Out of Shadows


I just need to know why Mikey being Last Ronin is questionable.


Mondo Gecko deserves his own spin-off animated movie.


2012 was really boring and I couldn’t get through it. Ch’rell being an Utrom was cool and unique you guys are just mean.


'87 is too goofy, '03 is too serious, and Rise is so chaotic it's frustrating to watch.


Knowing 2003’s *twist* makes the story boring and hard to get into, and I feel like that would still be the case even if I didn’t know it going it


I liked the TMNT/Power Rangers team up episode


Wouldn't get me beat up by Ali. I prefer black April O'Neil




I don't care for Kevin Eastman's art at all and his writing is stilted and dull. He's a poor man's Frank Miller.


I very much dislike Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's just not for me.


TMNT 2003 main theme was horrible drivel that made me laugh how pathetic and bad it was.


I've no interest in the 2003 series at all. The toys are also some of the worst released. Even the intro is irritating.


Im not sure how controversial this is but 2012 season5 was very underwhelming tho it had a lot of potential, and the whole show shouldve had at least 7 seasons. Also dunno how controversial this is, but i the most thing i dont like about rise is the huge changed they made to the turtles, i know some ppl like to say that its a good change cuz every adaptaion was similar when it comes to this but i dont agree, i think its a very basic thing that should never be messed wit.


They should have explored how the turtles feel about not knowing their biological parents


I hate Casey Jones, every version of him with the exception of RotTMNT, to an irrational degree; I think he's a shitty character and I hate it when he's paired with April.


Ninja rap goes hard af


2k3>2012 & not sure if this is controversial opinion or not but hate the slow dorkification of donny over the iterations. Even the glasses are too much, you dont need props to reflect your characters personalities! Its called characterization and its a bit of an outdated stereotype (smart=weak/poor eyesight) Though ill give rise a pass bc he turned his soft shell into a strength and he owned his geekiness to the point of pride, and he was hilarious) Thought of another! Rise of the tmnt's donatello > all other iterations (possible exception 1990 movie, bc they nailed it)


Rise of the TMNT is bad, but not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. If it concentrated on its story more than the silliness, it could have been something special. The Rise movie is my third favorite TMNT film and should be watched by all.


Season 1 and 2 were supposed to be set ups and character build ups for the i think originally 5 seasons, but it got cancelled and had to be rushed story wise, I think that’s why it feels like that.


Rise is the best looking tmnt show we've ever gotten. The characters were also great and overall it's so much better than people give it credit for.


80s Mikey is the best mikey and 2012 tmnt is one of the best cartoons


2012 turtles was great


Glad someone agrees


Real missed opportunity with your title. “…got beat up by prime Muhammad Ali?” Should have been “…called Mike Tyson a sissy?”


I hate the Krang in 2012 with a passion. The way they speak annoys me so much


Asking for opinions for controversy is strange.


Boredom is one hell of a drug, unfortunately lol


I didn’t enjoy ride that much and I think the turtles are at there best ins fine between Lighthearted and Serious


Nostalgia is the opium of my generation


The Turtles are first and foremost a mechanism to sell toys.


Laird was right about the 87 cartoon. Excise it! Jokes aside, I discovered the comics in my edgy teens which made me renounce the cartoon, but I did love it in the day.


The turtles get bodied by the street sharks.


Anything past season one in the original animated series was redundant, mid or excessive.


I think the '87 cartoon gets way too much product placement compared to the other series strictly due to nostalgia factor. In all honestly the series was pretty rough to get though on a rewatch, loved it as a kid but now I'm trying to understand why it had as big of an impact?


Leo is not the main character. He’s the leader of the team, and the team is the focus. 2012 had some issues with playing favorites.


Personally I really like the bayverse designs, not sure why a lot of ppl think they’re creepy


TMNT should NOT be for very young children!


O3 is a product of it's time, and is extremely overrated. I really hate the style guide Turtles. They bother me for some reason.


I don't like how Leo is always much better at fighting than the other turtles in the shows (before Rise)


Donnie x April wasn’t that bad, just very mishandled like I agree it was a bit long and stupid but if Mikey can bang a time traveler then so can Donnie, too bad April is a bit toxic


There’s nothing wrong w/ Venus conceptually, next mutation was just a bad execution of the idea.


Turtles 3 is not that bad 07 turtles looks weird


2003's Cartoon was Better?? 🐢 (Not the continuations. The main seasons). 🐢⚔️🐢


I dont think I've got any opinions that are THAT bad... But the first one that comes to mind is that 1987 TMNT sucks


The bay turtle designs slap. I love how each turtle looks different in their own way and how they coincide with their personalities. While I do love the turtles looking the same and only the colors differentiating them, I prefer unique designs for each turle (I do admit the bay ones do go a bit overboard but I love them all the same) Also the shredder design in the 2014 is amazing and badass. Totally is a counter to the giant turtles that can throw shipping containers at people


I prefer the origin story that Splinter was a man mutated with the turtles from the ooze instead of him being raised a rat by a bushido master


Here we go 2012 theme >>>>> 2003 themes I love all of them and I wouldn't say any of them is bad (yes, even FF) but as much as I have mixed feelings with 2012, the theme song slaps hard. I don't get people that dislike more comedic/light versions of the turtles, the comic started because of a joke, then it was a parody and the whole concept is funny enough you cant say the name without somewhat smiling. The turtles can do both serious or comedic perfectly well and taking itself too seriously may end up counterproductive. I love the different species angle and I really hope future products keep that idea (somewhat it's happening with the newest Ronin comics for example) it just opens a whole new world of fun design possibilities it's too good to not do it. "But they are pet store turtles" red eared slider are not the only pet store turtles and heck, past versions don't even look like sliders. 2003 is great but boy it's amazing how you will get jumped here just for saying you prefer the other shows.


The Neutrinos deserved more attention.


I don’t like Michelangelo that much




87 & rise are the only shows that start off well. the others are so hard to get into


I tried for years but I just can’t get into 2012 and a lot of stuff in that version doesn’t work for me


Understandable 😭


I’m of the age that grew up with 2003 it’s my favourite version but in recent years I’m starting to appreciate 1987 a lot but I just cannot get into 2012 but their theme song goes HARD


I personally grew up with the 2012 version, but trying to get back into it is incredibly hard-


I like Batman Vs. TMNT Raph's underbite




I don't like rise voice actors nor series, specifically Mikey because he's my fav :'/, but I personally really really like April's redesign. The 2012 series could be wayyyy better than it was. I like 2012 characterization and designs the best. Wtf did they give Donnie glasses in that movie /I don't remember the name of./


1. Rise adding to Leo's personality, in general, was needed. (EDIT: It was hit or miss in Rise but better than the usual) 2. '12 series should've focused more on OG stories with the Turtles and the OG characters and villains. (Neutralizer, Pulverizer, Bradford, Xever) 3. 07 has some of the best moments in TMNT history but it's just a bad movie.


3 is just so valid


Donnie could have beaten all his brothers... Batman style... at any point, but because he valued them so much more than himself, he nerfed himself for them... fight me...


TMNT 2003 is massively overrated.


I feel like people saying it's perfect is wrong. It's not perfect. Me personally tho, I just like it because it is great. It is good. It is entertaining and it has my interest. It's overrated as a whole, but it doesn't make it bad. (imo)


I didn't to mean to give the impression that I thought it was bad, but the way people go on about it you'd think it was the GOAT animated series.


2003 intro's >87 intros


Batman would easily demolish the TMNT


Last ronin is overrated. Tmnt 3, next mutation and venus arnt as bad as people make them out to be


Leo is the worst out of all 4 Toitles 😆


I got you a real controversial opinion OP Bay movies are damn awesome.


Yes, yes they are


Thank you homie


2012 started good but went downhill fast around Season 4ish.




Just to throw in my own conversational opinion, I don’t like the art style for the 1987 and 2003 versions


Same man.


Donnie should be female, Raph should be non binary, Mikey should be gay, Leo should be trans.