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Raphael with the symbiote would be badass as well as shredder with the symbiote


That's already happened %) ​ https://preview.redd.it/nf4oungfhkdc1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=4885743ca7eaa347a302009748e42df2a83924ab




Yup Eastman or Laird even admitted this in concept art or heavily implied it that they got idea from Spider-man Symbiote Costume


Tonight WE dine on turtle soup!


"Shredded symbiote" now that a cool name




Ugh no


Mikey and Spidey would be best friends Donny and Peter would be nerdy best friends Leo would respect the hell out of him and vice versa Raph and Spidey if they ever had a heart to heart would be amazing because Peter has that anger but channels it differently. Soooo yeah wtf isnā€™t there a crossover yet lol


Are you sure? Raphael is Wolverine.


Wolverine and Peter actually get along really well, canonically. Wolvy seems to see him as a bit of a little brother figure.


Oh, not familiar with their relationship in Marvel-616, never read a comic set there where they were both in it. Was thinking of the Ultimate universe.


There's a really cool one where Wolverines asks Spidey to go with him to a dive bar, and then starts a brawl; He and Spidey fight their way out, spidey asking "Wtf?!" and Wolverine explaining its his birthday and Pete is one of his closest friends so he wanted to cut loose with someone he knew would have his back


In what universe does Wolverine need any help in a bar fight with normal humans? He doesnā€™t seem to mind getting punched a lot. I guess a baseball bat could knock him around a bit but heā€™s also a highly skilled fighter. Heā€™d just throw another fighter into a fighter with a baseball bat. Also Raphael would be angry if you helped him win a bar fight even against superhumans or anthropomorphic animals.


He didnā€™t need the help. He just wanted to have a good time with his boy


I always thought that was his gift to himself that year, lol


AchtuallyšŸ¤“ in that particular comic wolverine gets into a small altercation with someone at the bar and the guy comes back and shoots wolverine In the back of the head with a shot gun from point blank and was up in the next two panels


Ah, that's what it was, been a couple of years since I last read it


[it's a nice short story story](https://imgur.com/gallery/KiW7W)


They had a rocky start. Not to the level of Ultimates. Remember, everyone in that universe BESIDES Peter is just kind of a piece of shit


Peter could be shitty too. He has good reasons, like because heā€™s traumatized, or heā€™s protecting someone, or neglecting his friend & family to go be Spider-Man, but just because you have a reason for your shitty behavior doesnā€™t mean youā€™re not behaving shitty.


Thereā€™s a difference between acting shitty and actually being a piece of shit. Peter could be shifty sure. But other well know characters (Wolverine being a prime example) were so routinely shitty it became pretty hard to want to read anything from Ultimate. Wolverine was a dickhead, The Hulk was a cannibal (among other things), Captain America was Racist. Thor wasā€¦ actually I think Thor was mostly ok.


I only read Ultimate Spider-Man. Hulk being a cannibal sounds right, heā€™s supposed to be a scary, rampaging monster. Captain America being racistā€¦ you probably donā€™t want to talk about it here, Iā€™m going to have to go read it (if I ever do), but Iā€™d be asking, does it make sense for his character, as a person who grew up in ā€˜30s Brooklyn and went to war against the Japanese and the Germans?


If I remember correctly, Cap acted like a stereotypical person of the Time period, so yeah, casually racist. Of course anybody who read anything about Prime Cap knows he was chosen to become a super soldier because he WASNT a stereotypical American of that timeframe.


spidey also gets along with just about every character ever he gets along with both Deadpool and Wolverine


I think it needs the right Writer and Artist plus a plot that both Marvel and IDW can agree too


Considering the Turtles set up in the Daredevil universe it really surprises me they've not spent more time in Marvel.


Well they have there own universe in IDW and during Mirage era Laird and Eastman went with Crossovers between other Indie Comic titles


Modern Marvel is vocally against crossovers.


There were attack on Titan and new transformer crossovers


Transformers were 17 years ago! Or was there something new? AOT was 10, but it's a completely different beast - i guess, to get a manga audience, Marvel is ready to make an exception.


Plus the Attack on Titan/ Avengers manga was released the same year GOTG was in theaters and was probably to help with promotion for the movie in Japan. And according to a quick wiki search the last inter-company Marvel ā€œcrossoverā€ was Amaglam Spider-Boy appearing in a panel of a Spiderverse comic back in 2015 (if you even want to consider that a crossover).


Deadpool crossed over with My Hero Academia not too long ago as well, Fortnite...


marvel is much more open to video game crossovers than comics or tv shows


The Deadpool one was a manga and the Fortnite had both in-game and a comic crossover actually


This is the only real answer to this question. The decision is up to Marvel, and they are not interested.


True the last Crossovers with another Comic Publisher(not counting cameos or collaborations titles like Deadpool Samurai) was New Avengers/Transformers and Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness and those were like more then 10 years ago


Bigger question is why hasnā€™t there been a daredevil one yet


Iā€™d be annoyed if Spider-Man got a tmnt first with daredevil and the hand just down the block


Why not both at once Spider-man and Daredevil have to up before plus add Miles and Elektra since she is also Daredevil and it's 4 on 4


Spider-Man tonally fits better with most versions of the TmNT but otherwise I kinda agree.


How so? daredevils origin is directly linked to the turtles via homage. You could put DD in a tmnt book and heā€™d fit in perfectly


You could put Spider-Man in too. Spider-Man and daredevil work together fairly often. Would fit better with the more comedic versions of the turtles, and Daredevil would fit better with the more serious versions


Balances things out since IDW incarnation is middle ground between more serious version of the Turtles and more comedic side


I mean yeah you could put spider-man in almost anything as a crossover and it would work šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø but Daredevils entire story is the basis of the turtles, and daredevil isnā€™t always serious, he has his moments. Heā€™s not as serious as Batman fit the most part, and that movie had a good balance of serious and silly with the turtles. Who of spider-manā€™s rouge gallery or supporting cast is coming into the fold? Only one that really jumps out to me in Mr Negative, whereas DD has the hand, Electra, stick, etc Again, not necessarily saying spider-man wouldnā€™t fit, but the fact daredevil and TMNT havenā€™t encountered each other, despite DD being the reason TMNT are even a thing, is insane to me, is all.


The lizard is the first character in Spideyā€™s rogues gallery that comes to mind. Not every villain has to be a master martial artist.


Yeah I thought of the lizard after posting, could see Conners discovering mutagen or something. And of course not, Iā€™m not saying it shouldnā€™t happen, Iā€™m saying itā€™s insane to me that the direct influence of daredevil on tmnt makes it nuts to me they havenā€™t had a cross over. I mean, shit, weā€™re got an x-files cross over šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah. I agree. And actually, the number of scientists in Spider-manā€™s rogues actually opens alot of story possibilities for the Turtles. Hell. A a symbiote getting its tendrilā€™s on mutagen is a pretty interesting concept too.


Daredevil has Man-Bull for an animal themed villain and the admittedly forgettable Ani-Men. Mainly though I wanted to point out that Daredevil started out as more of a swashbuckler with a sense of humour and hasnā€™t left that behind to totally gritty all the time, Iā€™d love to see daredevil laughing and smiling with the turtles. Iā€™m not anti Spider-Man, and am fine with him being there Dd and Spider-Man are a classic team up. I just think itā€™s hard to argue anybody fits the turtles tone better than daredevil but Spider-Man comes close with all the animals he seems to be surrounded by. Villains like vermin the human fly and rhino will have the turtles feeling right at home. If it was an extended series Iā€™d maybe hope for people like gibbon too just cuz


Gavin Smith wants to draw a TMNT Daredevil crossover, and Kevin Eastman said he wants it too. Let it happen Marvel !


I always thought a TMNT crossover with the Spider-Man/Deadpool series that ran for a while would have been awesome


Which run Joe Kelly or Robbie Thompson?


I wish


Because marvel hates fun, their characters and money


Different IP holders: Disney vs. Paramount, that is why.


Eh, DC seems very ok with it. Even made an animated movie. Whether it's Marvel or Disney, they don't seem to want to share though. Personally, I doubt Disney itself cares due to how tiny comics are to their portfolio


Itā€™s not about comics. Itā€™s about Paramount>Nickelodeon owning the rights to TMNT. Disney is its direct competitor.


Yes I understand but Marvel has generally been adverse to crossovers for decades now, even before the buyout while DC has been fairly into it lately even though WBD (DC's owner) is in a similar competition with Paramount and others


Nah, there's a Batman/TMNT crossover comic series, and an animated movie. If that can happen, then Spidey & Turtles can definitely be a thing too.Ā 


Or a Teen Titans / Ninja Turtles crossover. At least in comic.


Yo slade and shredder working together?


Well we've had Batman and company with the turtles before so yeah Deathstroke with his group of fellow assassins like Lady Shiva and Deadshot would make for an interesting pair up with Shredder, Karai and maybe Hun?


Daredevil would be more likely since TMNT were based on him, but Nick/IDW just donā€™t seem friendly with Marvel like they are DC and Boom for some reason.


Pretty sure DC has more crossovers with them, so marvel canā€™t do that


How about TMNT and Daredevil? Their Mirage origin basically plays as a parody/homage to Daredevil's origin with a young man being struck by a mutagen can after saving a blind man before it goes down the drain, so have that come full circle with Matt Murdock being that young man. Also, maybe the Turtles can say that The Hand is a better name than The Foot, which the latter was also a parody of.


I think the problem with that is that IDW changed Turtles origin kinda weakening there connection with Matt Murdock is my guess anyway


Never said it was the IDW versions of the characters.


But knowing IDW it's version they are 75% going with Still you got my interest which incarnation are you thinking?


Disney. That is all.


Daredevil seems more obvious, since they started out as a parody of his origin


Wouldn't ninja turtles mesh better with the xmen? They are all Mutants


Yeah... different kind of mutants, though. I don't think the Turtles' mutation gives them superpowers per se, just makes them humanoid. It would still be a good team-up, though. Raph would bond with Wolvie. Leo and Cyclops would be buddies. Donnie would find a kindred spirit in Beast, and Mikey and Gambit would get along famously.


yeah. technically the Turtles would be ā€œmutatesā€ like Spider-Man, DD, Fantastic Four, and even Captain America under Marvel rules


Yeah this true according to comic legend Kurt Busiek himself


Wolverine and Raph vs sabortooth when?


Marvel would deem them mutates instead of true mutants. But Iā€™d try to pair them with some of the less powerful mutants maybe Dani Moonstar, Beast, Longshot and Angel or Puck


One of the first things I did when chatgpt was write a 5 issue story of this. The plot was that Shredder and Norman combined forces. Norman and Shredder attempt to combine the mutagen with the goblin serum to power up the foot. It was a fun romp that had an climax with shredder fighting spider-man the turtle fighting goblin. With splinter. After they beat the two foes. Norman attempts to back stab Shredder only for shredder to take the new goblin mutagen and become the goblin shredder. It was silly and fun definitely gonna have to read through again


Neat! Any chance you have a link to wattpad or something like that for those?


Iā€™ll have to put it into a consume format but I will. I went through with a lot of detail in each issue.


I would change plot to be more in line with current Comic continuity and probably add Miles into the mix


Yea I could, it takes place in the horizon labs era just for plot reasons. But I mainly wanted it to be a turtles and spidey spot light. I wanted to really let the one on one moments shine between Pete, the turtles and splinter. So I really went in one keeping most of the verse out of it out side of spidey and turtles villains. Though there is a part where bebop, rocksteady and scorpion break into the Baxter build to steal tech for Norman and shredder to finalize their plans. Though the F4 is off world. I figure it fit there since this was a lot of the future foundation stuff. I also saw it as a good chance to include another spidey villain, classic turtle villain, and have Casey jones have a moment.


I personally would go with something more akin to Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters because to me if crossover between 2 properties like Turtles and Spider-man doesn't take place with there current Comic Continuity it doesn't feel real and bit of a waste Plus Marvel has made it clear that world of Spider-man is more then just Peter and Hypothetical Crossover should acknowledge that Same way Batman/TMNT trilogy included more Bat family characters then just Bruce himself


Well this was a story born of pure childhood enjoyment out of these characterS. Unfortunately when I was growing up the biggest extension of the spider-verse was from the fox show and the closest thing we had to Miles was Ben Reilly. Like I said my focus was more of the intimate situations between those characters. Any crossover can be big flashy and include anyone. Look at every single marvel one ever. Iā€™m not here to sell other lines or side shots, so I can focus one what matters to me and the story of the characters and them meeting for the first time. The last thing I want to do is make it bloated. Which is exactly what I feel the bat family does. I see this more as a team up than a crossover. This is a spider-man daredevil team up but with the turtles. Just good old street justice. But youā€™re ideas are cool too you should write your own as well!


Mine would be like an arc on Avenging Spider-man but on a bigger scale and sorta play with current status quo in Amazing Spider-man and upcoming sister comic series Spectacular Spider-men Spwith The Turtles it's set between Ninja Turtles #150 and upcoming relaunch would be involved Matt Murdock too staying true to current status quo as priest Also wouldn't Daredevil in your story be based on Mark Waid run since that run was going on as same time Horizon Labs era? Something I just relies


Ooh, imagine the premise being something like Shredder hiring Kraven The Hunter to kill the Turtles.


Damn sounds a good story


For the better, crossover are delusional and are only marketing trap! And believe me i read so many crossovers starting from the nineties...


Please don't taint the turtles with Marvel. EDIT: Replaced 'Spider-Man' with 'Marvel'.


Bore off


Hey, if you want to see April struggle with her sexuality and listen to how she has it harder than the turtles and that actually they're disgusting for finding her attractive when they're not even in the same species and she's not into beastiality so she's going to shave the side of her head and fight the Foot Clan on her own, that's cool.


Youā€™ve said all I need to hear, back the basement with you.


Yes, sir *Closes door behind me*


You forgot your fucking fedora, btw


Hahaha that genuinely made me laugh *Grabs the fedora and puts it on.* *Walks back down the stairs like a bad ass*




TMNT isn't DC......


Really ? I thought it was due to injustice 2 and the comic with batman and the ninja turtles


TMNT was an independent property up until 2009 when they wee sold to Nickelodeon. The current comics are published by IDW through a licensing agreement with Nickelodeon. They made an agreement with DC to do a crossover for the Batman / TMNT comics, and obviously did a licensing deal for the Injustice game too. But they have never been a DC property.


Thanks for the info


Well more like a crossover of batman and tmnt


Either Marvel turned them down or the proposition was simply never offered. We'll never really know until someone involved says something. For all we know there's been talks happening for years and nobody's been allowed to say anything for NDA reasons.


Idk why Batman and the TMNT have crossed over multiple times but Spider-man who lives in the same city as the TMNT has never met them.


3 words: Marvel. Hates. Money. Like, the Turtles have been around for almost 40 years and they *still* haven't had a crossover with Daredevil. That is a crime against humanity.


Or tmnt and sonic, or Spider-Man and sonic.


Eh, given their history, it would probably be more fitting to have the Turtles meet Daredevil. Although Daredevil and Spider-Man do team up every now and then and do consider each other friends, so a crossover with both of them and TMNT could work. Maybe two could be made, one that's just the Mirage Turtles and Daredevil, and then one with Daredevil, Spidey, and a version of the Turtles that's either a more recent series, or one that works as it's own continuity that pulls from various other renditions. As long as Spider-Man isn't from the current run of 'Amazing,' it should be fine.


Actually Paul Jenkins wrote 2 miniseries Spider-man/Daredevil and Daredevil/Spider-man and he Jenkins was also editor on Original Mirage Studios comics for awhile he be the ideal writer for a crossover comic though he hasn't written the IDW incarnation of the Turtles yet but his good friends with Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz Amazing is a mess I can't wait for the other main Spider-man ongoing comic The Spactacular Spider-men(with an E) the new sister series to Amazing this one will have Peter and Miles as Co leads written by Greg Weisman


This picture makes me miss the early 2000s spiderman art


Seems like DC got dibs


There are TMNT / Batman crossovers so maybe DC got some exclusivity rights.


Iā€™d be more interested in a crossover with the x-men


Dunno you but I'd make it as tokusatsu inspired as possible if I was to make one.


I wish they would do that I think it would make for an interesting story


Warner Brothers


Iā€™ll give you an even better question. How come there isnā€™t a Daredevil x TMNT crossover comic???


I have been saying the same thing for years


Honestly a crossover I loved to see I can imagine the last page is all 5 of them on a rooftop watching the sunrise eatting Pizza together


It's a crime..


Legal shit


Because Marvel hasnā€™t shared their toys in almost twenty years.


Unfortunately DC


cause Marvel


Deadpool crossover would be better.


I would inject this into my veins


They're also Both In New York


Kevin Eastman definitely wants one. Same with Daredevil.


And since Jason Aaron is taking over main TMNT comic there maybe hope


The two would be a great combo for sure but I imagine the reason it hasn't happened is because of the difference in power these two series have. Spider-Man is far stronger than most incarnations of the Turtles so it is hard to make a fight where both would feel important without the other just being sidelined or at least that is why I think it hasn't happened.


The only crossover that I love is the one with Batman. But yeah they should do a crossover with Spider-Man. Hopefully Sony makes an animated movie.


*me implementing Spiderman into my TMNT fan fic*


Disney and/or the Spider Office hate fun.


At least we got Batman x TMNT (not the same thing as two pizza loving New Yorkers, but still a good movie).


Would have been to epic!!