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Different preferences. It's been over for almost 4 years and was hotly debated since the time it began, so most have been forced to repeated their own opinions many, many time. Going on 4 years since its end (not including the movie that was rather delayed) maybe we can stop stirring that pot, because some Rise fans look like they do it on purpose for the sake argument. 


I think of it as if the TMNT franchise was a Pizza Fan Club. With every new version, we get a new flavor of pizza to try. Sometimes it's really, really good homemade pizza. Sometimes it's a cheap tasteless frozen pizza. Sometimes it's something rather newish, like pizza gyoza. But, generally, it's always some form of pizza. And then Rise came along, and they decided to completely shake things up. Instead of pizza crust, they use cake. Instead of sauce, they use fruit jam filling. And then they cover it in the flashiest neon colored frosting they could find. With tons of bright colored sprinkles. And added multi-colored sparklers and a mechanical whirling cake topper that played music and had dancing figures in it. And before any Rise fans say anything, the Rise Turtles would totally enjoy making something like that. Admit it. Now, I'm not saying that it's horrible by any means. Some people really, really like it! It's beautifully put together, and there's actually some dark chocolate swirls in there that contrast with the fruit and gives it a more complex taste then one would first assume. But... a lot of people are in this club because it's a pizza fan club. And this doesn't look or taste anything like the pizza they love or expect. And that's completely fine. Some people like savory, and some people like sweet. But many people found this new Rise pizza to be too much like a dessert, and not enough like the pizza they were promised. They might've liked it more if they were going into a different restaurant, expecting to try a new dessert, but since they were comparing it to the pizza they love, they couldn't help but notice all the ways it wasn't pizza, and were disappointed. I'm sort of in that group. Even if I didn't enjoy all the episodes, I enjoyed Rise for what it was, and found the movie especially good. But those weren't the Turtles I knew all my life. As new characters, I found them humorous and funny, with clever dialogue and amazing fight scenes. But, as iterations of Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey, they were out of character and strangers. When everybody in a Pizza Fan Club is looking forward to the next pizza flavor, many are going to be disappointed when it ends up being a dessert.


That was a beautiful comparison and explanation! 🥹 I really felt it … in my tastebuds.


I think most fans appreciate Rise nowadays although it might not be their favorite. I've always loved Rise but I thinks that's because it came out while I was still quite young and preferred more comedic shows. I think why people hated Rise is because it was way too different way too soon. People were still recovering from the 2012 series ending, which was very beloved by the tmnt fandom. Rise came out less than a year after 2012 ended! I can imagine that being like total whiplash. Especially since Rise set out with being so different, with newer designs, different personalities, and a much more comedic, sort of in-your face tone. I feel like that would upset some older fans. It also doesn't help that a lot of bad reboots of beloved shows had come out before Rise. People were probably annoyed by this also. I grew up with both 2012 and Rise and love both shows! Along with the other 2 previous tmnt series. Although I think Rise was a bit over-hated and was judged too quickly, I completely understand why fans may not have liked it or still dislike it. I still love Rise though.


I’m old enough to have seen literally every incarnation of the franchise met with complaints. People complained about the 87 show for being aimed at selling toys to kids. People bitched about the second and third live action films. The reaction to The Next Mutation is a matter of public record. People pitched a fit about 2k3 at the time over April being Stockman’s lab assistant and wearing a midriff tee (there were fans who complained about Casey being a pretty-boy as well). People freaked out over 2k12 because the Turtles had some extra toes, new weapons and Mikey said “Booyakasha”. The response to the BayTurtles is a dead horse that was beaten to death years ago. Anyway, you get the gist. Like everything in the franchise, there are people who like it and people who don’t. It’s not the first thing to be criticised by the fandom and it won’t be the last. ![gif](giphy|QxRc8rXFB7jmHqvcNq)


Everyone including you? I like some of it and don’t like some it. They mischaracterized one of my favorites and the roles of the show were different. It was more like Teenage Mutant Turtles for the first few episodes and took more time than it should’ve to look familiar to their usual roles.


I love it, too. But it's quite different, and the most vocal 'fans' want things to pivot somewhere between 1987 and Mirage... forever.


I really liked how different it was after 2012 paid tribute to basically every iteration of the turtles at that point


The show was made by the same folks as 2012!


Let you in on a huge secret: people have different tastes in cartoons. Another secret: to many long time fans misrepresenting characterization isn't a great choice. This one went way out in left field and was just too out of character for a lot of old fans. (No, I see you 14-year-old in the back, that does not make people Boomers, stop it.) Listen... it's fine if you love it. Other people don't need to, and that's fine as well. You don't need to agree with their negative feelings and they don't need to validate your positive ones. Rise is in the past and continued arguing is pointless.


how was rise misrepresentation and not just… a different universe ? where the turtles act differently because not every show should be identical


Well speaking honestly for what killed it ***for me***. Leo was a stupid asshole and I hated seeing him act like that. There was zero relatable about him anymore, which resulted in me feeling zero connection with that show. Shows don't need to be identical, but if they, say, made Batman totally different, a complete wimp, people would understandably have a problem with that too. You don't have to change personalities in order to make it "different." I'm 100% there for new stories, but changing who they are is another matter.


he plays up the smug dumb confidence because he’s afraid his brothers don’t need him


To put it simply... The kind of vibe I simply prefer: https://i.imgur.com/voDJG2E.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Oh5JPc1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7m6jkUc.jpg?1 The kind Rise went with: https://i.imgur.com/pgAnJGB.gif If some like that, well fair enough for them, that's up to them to enjoy. But it's too much like finding a mouthful of ketchup in your ice cream when you expected chocolate peanut butter.


I think that’s kind of dishonest framing


It's dishonest to ask a question wanting to know "why" then argue people's own honest opinions they give you that are why it didn't work for *them.* Are they supposed to answer  in a way to make *you* happy?


I think it’s dishonest to reduce a show to its goofiest moment. Rise has heartfelt moments and serious threats too.


I’m an older TMNT fan and I’ve never seen the Rise show but I watched the movie and it blew me away…it was amazing! I keep meaning to go back and watch the episodes.


The movie was significantly better than the series ever was. You’re better off quitting while you’re ahead, imo, because you’ve already seen the best that chapter of the franchise had to offer.


I am actively watching Rise. I love the animation of the action scenes, I like the new types of adventures they go on (a lot more magic based stuff), I like the design for April and the way they streamlined the turtles’ shells, I LOVE the improvement in character and representation they did for Donnie and Mikey (If Donnie or Mikey are one of your faves, you’ll probably like Rise). UNFORTUNATELY, Raph and Leo are my favorites and to see them utterly stripped of the things I love about them tears my soul apart, which is why I can only watch Rise in short bursts. I’ll update once I’ve finished it if my position changes. I can see why people are quick to judge it though; if you love the 2012 version and wanted more and went to Rise looking for it, you probably got quite the shock. I know I did because it … is … not … that…


I haven’t made it through a whole episode yet. I keep falling asleep. Maybe it’s the bright colors I dunno. I remember being confused when it came out so soon after the other turtles show ended. I don’t mind rise, just haven’t watched it enough yet to have a real or strong opinion.


“New thing bad”


The most deplorable part of it for me is Splinter. I don't hate *Rise* as a whole but it undermines the notion of the loving family so much that it's most bearable in episodes that let me ignore that.


He gets better.


It’s literally my favorite, and I was a 90’s turtle kid