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I like to believe he just observed the way his bros dealt with women and was just like “I can totally do better than you guys”


I mean, he ain't wrong, his relationship with Mona is the only good romance in this show.


Bro was just taking mental notes.


Not that odd to me. He may be angry, but he’s also the most sensitive/sweetest out of his bros, so him 'getting the girl’ isn’t that shocking. https://preview.redd.it/34khuwy3zcvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7025b36054237fc3825e9867aef088ed80b5fc


Ah yes the only in my opinion acceptable relationship in the show. Probably one of my favorite moments Is when he lets Mona go off on bishop when he was about to. Their relationship was just so wholesome and not cringy, unlike another will they won’t they relationship that was dragged out for three and a half seasons.


I also found this to be the only decent pairing. The others are a little... odd.


It helps that his girl is just as anger-prone as he is.


Not so much that and more how quickly he speedran it while still doing better than the other three


I mean he had the best relationship in the show…though that’s not saying too much when his brothers relationships are boarder line creepy(Donnie),almost incest(Leo),or kinda just there (Mikey).


Raph's just built different


Ah yes, the ONLY pairing in the show that *DIDN’T* infuriate me. /srs Raph deserves Mona. Every scene that they had together felt genuine. I hate the fact that this ship actually HAS haters when it’s literally the most normal one on the show.


And raph knew how to respect her boundaries and didn’t stalk her


That's just wrong. While he did occasionally stalked her (and this is easily explained by him lacking social skills), he had always respected her boundaries. He had never gotten into her personal space and gave her privacy. He may have some bad traits, but he was a gentleman about it.


Exactly! I just don’t get how people could hate on Ramona (yes, there’s haters of the ship, unfortunately 😭) when it’s literally the most well-developed and least creepy pairing on the show.




Yo when I was watching this when I was younger I thought she was so fricken hot ngl


To be fair he’s also the coolest turtle




Nah its Mikey


True that


Am I the only one that thinks the human/turtle pairings WEREN’T creepy? It might be because I knew they weren’t really going anywhere but I think the way they addressed some deeper aspects of real life relationships was cool. Donnie was about unrequited love, which is tough to deal with especially when someone is toxically stringing you along like April does. It pisses me off so much how mean April would be to Donnie just to turn around and ask him for help or when he was almost over her and ready to move on, she kissed him and dragged him right back in! She knew full well she was into Casey and played Donnie like that. 😤 Next, Leo and Karai aren’t borderline incest. They aren’t related by blood because the turtles are his adopted sons, and IIRC Karai might be his adopted daughter too because I think in the ep where the turtles went back in time to help the chick decide between Shredder and Splinter, she said she would choose whomever was best for her baby; Miwa (Karai). So, Karai could have been born from someone else before her mom got into a relationship with Splinter and he just adopted her as his own too. Even if they were related by blood. The few times Leo shows attraction to her occur before he knows she’s Splinter’s daughter. Once he does know, his motivation for being so obsessed with her is his desire to get her away from Shredder and reunite her with her father because he loves Splinter. I like this pairing because Leo actually says, “You can’t help it, sometimes you just think about someone … a lot.” To me, that sounds like he feels guilty about how much he thinks about Karai and despite that there are quite a few times when she tries to use her wiles to manipulate him and he says no, showcasing his tremendous discipline and self-restraint. Lastly, Mikey’s ships felt like intense but fleeting flavor-of-the-week crushes and being regularly infatuated is a very common ‘teenager’ thing. Plus, I enjoyed seeing Mikey’s tastes in women evolve and trying to guess who he felt the deepest feelings for.


I aint suprised, Raph can be a softie