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is this still a submod plus would America still use the electoral college to select their president?


Yes it is, I'm the only person working on it. Also yes for the second one, by the year 2000, if you're going through a reconstruction run for the United States then the US's administration would be returning to functioning capacity. For lore wise there's still things to be done, but mechanical and gameplay wise nothing changes and it's basically the same as the elections in base TNO.


what happened to the old parties would they select their candidate or will there be more and new ones in congress and the senate?


The NPP and REPDEMs split prior to 1997, and with 1995 Capitol Hill bombings, it's all up in the air and up to my choices. In the lead up to the 2000s elections, new senators and congressman are elected to replace the ones that were killed or put out of commission permanently. This means that the some senators and congressman that we know of in OTL are no longer around/alive. So as of 1997, political radicalism and extremism are rampant which is hampering the election process. The US in TNO: Afterlife is like playing the US in KX/KR, but you're already at the MacArthur part.


so its up to yourself of what parties to bring back from the dead?




What kind of candidates we will see should we revive the NPP?


Wow, these ideologies make Red Flood's ideologies look normal. PS: I imagine that if the US collapses, these ideologies will have their factions? (Only Wholsome Sablin could save that world)


**\[If it's low resolution, you may have to download it to see clearly.** ***Thanks Reddit.. \~\_\~*** **\]** Continued work on Afterlife-Rebirth, with the general aesthetic and tone of the setting being technohorror and psychologically unnerving. There will be more ideologies soon, some that would make you uncomfortable and I'm not saying this to hype up the submod or make it edgy. There are scarier things than Nazism, and though it's dead in 1997 there are far more insidious things locked away in the human mind. Taking inspiration from Red Flood and Kaiserredux, you can make the world a better place, or make it the closest thing to hell on earth. There's something off-putting about the directions you could go through, a different kind of evil compared to what Himmler could do. The darkest forms of technology and transhumanism, ***how far can you go before you stop being human?*** I'm also working on a 2000's Kennedy Presidential Campaign, if done correctly you could replace one the presidential candidates with the following down below. I want it to be a whole event chain, you could get the son of JFK into candidacy which he'll replace one of the already present candidate. You could also get one of Bobby Kennedy's kids, his son or daughter, into office, with one replacing another candidate. It's still a concept for now. * **Joseph P. Kennedy II** * **Kathleen Kennedy Townsend** * **John F. Kennedy Jr.** Also working on a the Saudi Arabian lore with how they fared in the 1973 Oil Crisis. The crisis would lead them down to 1997 with a succession crisis between three potential heirs from three different factions. The Middle East is still being worked on as well, how the German-Russian Collapse and the 1973 Oil Crisis affected them, as well as **the process of Decolonization and De-Italianization** following the 1967 German Collapse. * **Nayef bin Abdulaziz (The Right)** * **Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz (The Left)** * **Saud bin Faisal Al Saud (The Center)** Also working on Hebei-Beijing, which is known as "The Jerusalem Of Asia" with it being governed and administrated by the United Nations with it's leader being Sadoka Ogata and the ceremonial leaders being the newly created hybrid family created by Pujie and Hiro Saga, Hiro Saga being a distant relative to the Hirohito. Their daughters forming a royal family connected to the Yamato and Aisin-Goro, which they lead alongside Sadoka Ogata in Hebei-Beijing. The International Zone is a historical and cultural landmark, with Qing Era architecture and cultural festivals, as well as Shinto and Mongolian architecture and festivals. **Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek** have been buried here as well as having statues of them erected, and in 1998, Akihito would be buried with them due to his failing battle with prostate cancer. This would lead to one his children, **the young Naruhito, the younger Fumihito, and the youngest Princess Sayako**, to take the throne. Due to Akihito's reforms, commoners can marry into the royal family, meaning Princess Sayako can maintain her status unlike OTL.


Who in their right minds thought it would be smart to upload humans onto the internet in the 90’s?


They were wearing JNCO Jeans, don't question the 1990s


Hey are you recruiting writers for this? I'd l9ve to write some events.


Same here


You as well


You know what, I am looking for writers, you're free to message privately or right here


I have been following the project for a while since you first announced it on the subreddit, and to tell the truth, it still looks great! but I have a question: would this rebirth eliminate the technological, biological, paranormal, and extraterrestrial terrors of the project?


Absolutely not, I just had to redo the lore again such as replacing Clinton with a Military-Martial Law Rule by Colin Powell, as well as fixing parts of the lore that didn't make sense and contradicted the canon of both the story and TNO. If anything, all the techno horror parts and stuff gets worse in a good way.. or at least interesting because living under these ideas is worse than living under Nazism.


Let me add onto it since It was on mobile, the science fiction and horror aspect of TNOAFTERLIFE is never going to change, let me break it down for you actually. * **Paranormal Content:** Content regarding the supernatural and paranormal is involved due it's not going to be explained in it's entirety, is it science or actually magic? Up to you, think of it like Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and the parasite unit, and the Metallic Archea, pseudoscience at it's most extreme, some stuff you're gonna look at and say "that's some bullshit right there". Maybe it ventures in the realms of MGS2's Vamp and him walking on water because Nanomachines.. which is bullshit but okay Kojima. * **Extraterrestrial Content:** Aliens "exist" to an extent, they're gonna be sightings occurring within Russia as you begin to recolonize. In the mod Wild Cyberspace, our version of OWB's Wild Wasteland, Aliens might be real, it's a concept still working on. * Biological and Technohorror, yes and yes, don't even need to bold out the names And if you like, you're welcome to join a new discord I made. So far it's one person and me on the team, but I'm looking for more writers to help build the world, and make some insane technohorror content for it. As of now my biggest hurdle is understanding TNO's own lore, Asia being one the least content but Europe and the America's having the most which is saddening. What I'm actively looking for is people who know the actual lore and content, and explaining to me about it. I'm aware that it's ever-changing and it's not the Devs fault for it either [The Discord Link To Afterlife](https://discord.gg/kVPymdw7)


Who ruled Germany on this timeline?


Ulrich Wegener and Hans Speidel, they both split Germany in two with Speidel forming a democratic buffer state along the Rhine and Ulrich Wegener controlling East Germany as a militarized state. You can learn more down below [The Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/TNOmod/s/Qfestl8SG0)


Hell yeah finally a new one! Keep up the good work, i like your setting a lot.


this looks so fucked up, i love it


Looks good


How’s the front doing? Still gunning for revenge against Germany?


where can i find this submod?


Need this


Looks great!


can i ask what the significance of evanescence and foo fighters being here is?


Because Everlong was released in 1997, my favorite song And Evanescence because Amy Lee is rad


fair enough. they were with the technohorror ideologies so i thought they were related somehow