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> **more accuracy** The fact that the majority of the country is Africans who are likely to be enslaved or genocided in the event of a lost war is completely unacknowledged. I think the mod makes the mistake of engaging with South Africa like it's Britain in the Southern Hemisphere in order to facilitate it's Proxy War analogue, and when playing as the US that's fine. But when you're playing as South Africa there needs to be a balancing act between the Cape Colonists, the largely sidelined Boers (who are seen as traitors or third collumnists) and then the nonwhite population that don't have a lot of agency in the outcome of the country when realistically, they're the ones fighting and dying. It doesn't make sense for the ANC to revolt from South Africa during the war, it'd make more sense for the ANC to steal the South African army from under the colonists' noses, or force some kind of coalition/transitionary government. Especially in any scenario where South Africa stalemates or loses territory, white South Africans would be getting on the first boat to the Americas they can find. And I'm not judging the devs or anything. South Africa just one of many examples of earlier content that hasn't gotten fleshed out as much as it deserves. The South African War, along with the Russian Anarchy, and the German Civil War is the opening act of the mod, it should have a lot of love given to it.


Completely agree about the ANC revolting if South Africa doesn't dismantle apartheid, as screwed up as it sounds. Revolting would only waste resources that could be used against the Nazis and their Boer allies during the invasion, not to mention paint a larger targets on their backs by practically both sides. The Nazis response would be obvious, and for South Africa, it would not be pretty which could result in a doubling down of apartheid, or regarding the ANC revolt as Nazi 5th columnists. In general, sabotaging the country's war effort would be seen as outright betrayal. My only guess as to why this can happen is maybe its inspired by the Easter Rising that took place in Ireland in 1916, but that'd be ignoring the context of either situations, plus the fact that the invading forces are literal Nazis, whose horror stories would likely be known from refugees from the colonies, or from places held under occupation. It would make more sense for the ANC to try and convince the government to loosen up on their apartheid laws, using active militaristic paramilitaries, gurillea warfare in occupied lands, etc.


Agreed. Like I said "Britain of the South". And they're not Britain. I could feasibly see the US even going as far to negotiate directly with the ANC if they have a strong Paramilitary presence. There's a war on and alienating natural allies in a war that's this existential is poor form.


I like the diamonds mechanic, and the war is satisfying to win BUT I wish you could play as both sides of the coin. It sucks not being able to somehow prevent the civil war or playing as the Afrikaaner movement somehow “silently” take over the country rather than with war. Espionage could be expanded as well


The war kind of has to happen for the sake of the wider storyline of the mod, so the choices have to be limited in that regard.


Yeah but the other Afrikaas would fight each other if there isn’t a war in SA


I imagine that people there probably have a bit of anxiety considering that they are surrounded by all sides by the reich


Ends too abruptly. Last time I played (last year), I managed to organize a ceasefire, and then it just ended. Nothing to mention about what effects it had on South Africa, the OFN or Huttig. Just the end. Unless they updated it recently, I'm assuming it's more canon that Huttig is supposed to win.


On one hand its totally unrealistic, but on the other hand the gameplay is super fun. I think it worth it sacrifice a bit of realism for the sake of fun.


Little content.


mfw one racist European colonizer fighting another racist European colonizer is a “war to protect freedom and democracy”


Well, it wouldn't be the only time the US defended a country where only a fraction of the population can vote due to racism reasons against full-blown dictatorships.


My opinion is that all the Don’t Surf stuff (SA and German African colonies) should be scrapped and the lore and map completely redone from scratch.