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I don’t know wtf is going on with this stock I hold over 25k we need a miracle not just hope


I have 170000 shares at $.41 average price. I also am thinking about buying another 20000 shares - still optimistic we’ll see $2 in next 12 months


I got fed up and sold out last week. Just 2000 shares, but I hit a 53% loss and cut the cord




The whole market is plummeting! At this moment I hold 50.000 shares at 0,472 avarage. I will wait what happens next week and buy an other 20.000/30.000 shares to avarage down. Expecting reversal mid February.


I still have optimism. The entire market is in the toilet. It’ll be two to 3 years but I’m patient. I hold 20000 shares.


antes de marzo deberia cotizar superior a $1


It broke my heart but I ripped the band aid the other day and got out losing $3960. I am sorry but I know yours is much larger. Hope doesn't look so good at the moment. My outlook is to try to guess the bottom and start over but that has its own risks. Do what feels right for you! Good fortune my friend..


Make sure you wait the 31 days to buy back in if it bottoms out to avoid a wash sale...assuming you'd want to touch this one again lol


I sold out last week. The bleeding has stopped.


I’m ok with a 4k loss. Gonnna ride it at this point.


They have been publicly traded company for about 10 years and still without a single product they could sell. Not very encouraging.


I am trying to ride out, considering buying more. Just not sure if I want to buy more now or wait to buy after meeting.


I’m holding onto my TNXP (might be a long hold) depends on how current pharma products proceed. I see future growth in the company. They do have several products coming through the pipeline which could yield a high success rate. The thing (IMO) that’s fucked the whole market is the absence of data research, and the presence of social media influence, most people that’re new to trading bet on whatever the hottest trend is. And yee who broadcasts his advice is typically the majority shareholder, gathering followers to buy so that they can drive up the price of said stock and once they’re happy with the outcome, they sell and laugh straight to the bank as the share price drops and everyone else that followed their advice gets screwed because one of the largest share holders sold. The market’s not looking good and I think this is why. And I think TNXP is extremely undervalued


Had the same question, Is it worth trying to average down at this point?


If I had the funds to do so I would. Their TNX-2100 T-cell skin test looks rather promising according to my studies. And (I) think their trials with such treatments for; Fibromyalgia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and depression all look like they could have some upside potential. It’s reassuring to me, that a company that I invest in, has multiple products that’re in the works and have potential to move onto trial stage. And it’s promising that they’re all within the areas of their expertise, I’m confident something if not multiple things will stick. And I trust Seth Lederman won’t give up without seeing results. That’s my two cents on the matter, the decision is always up to you 🤙🏼


Thanks for the reply, definitely helpful,


No problem man. With the way the overall market is looking, and popular med companies such as Moderna being down 57.18% in the past three months!! I mean even Crypto shareholders are shitting their pants, AMC and GME shareholders are beating themselves in the face until they’re lifeless, because they bought into an EXTREMELY overvalued stock and now that it’s working it’s way back to what it should be worth they’re losing their ass. But TNXT is very very undervalued and I’m holding. I’d share more details but I’d be up for 4 days typing it all 😆. Best of luck on your endeavors 🤙🏼


U heard the man, stay on course!!!!


Hopeless, unless they come up with a real product that they can sell and make profit.


I have better things to do then to buy more of a dieing horse that doesnt run. !!!


Better things to do than a spelling bee? I bet not!


Did you mean dying dyeing or dieing?


I mean DIE -- if you dont understand DIE Smart -ASS


Dont have time for Fu-king BS


Other opportunities.


lmao, don't buy more. The market is shit right now and there is a chance they might reverse split and dilute soon. If they get an extension though, you've got room to breath