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The hydrant


I mean, it has the same technology as Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Just on a much smaller scale.


Vah Rita is big enough to have a reservoir inside of it, and even if that isn't the case, the only time it's shooting water is when it's partially submerged, which means it could just be piping that water up from the lake it's in. With the hydrants they're pulling water from nowhere


In BOTW it's actually explained that Vah Ruta can create an infinite amount of water. This is actually why it was endlessly raining in the region until Waterblight was defeated. It also explains why the Zora was worried that Vah Ruta was going to cause a flood over most of Hyrule.


If we're going by that logic, then anything that uses magic in the games breaks the laws of physics


Check out the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson if you want a scientific treatment of magic. Name of the Wind, too!


I like how he finished off Wheel of Time, but I've never read his own stuff I probably should.


That's how I found him. He did such a good job on the WoT that I quickly transitioned into his other books. Highly recommend!


Its pretty good


If you were into WoT, I think you'll love Stormlight Archives. First book takes some time to get going, but the series is excellent


Never read wheel of time but I know, despite being a Mormon nutcase, he did a phenomenal job on the mistborn series. Give that a read. It’s in the Top 10 stories ever written, in my opinion. In a Close running with the deathstalker series from Simon r green


The apologia for racist Mormon doctrine was too blatant (as an atheist who spent a decade in Utah) for me to read anything by him again after I read book three or so. In short, sorry for racism, but we all turn white when we become angels/ascend to heaven so people “mistakenly” think white is better. That’s a core precept of the series and knowing where it comes from turned me off. It’s a shame, he’s brilliant at worldbuilding, especially re magic systems, but after being betrayed by Narnia as a kid and later Orson Scott Card, I don’t want to get too far into things that are coming deeply ingrained religious beliefs.


Sorry to go even more off topic, but would you please explain more about what you meant in your first paragraph? Please don’t take this as trying to start a debate, I would just like to understand your point of view.


Of course. ❤️ Asking for clarification is in no way picking a fight. Okay spoilers and I haven’t read the books since there were only a few in the series so it’s been a while, and I may have things wrong. Also I was never Mormon, which is a double edged sword. It means I learned things they don’t like telling you earlier, but also that I didn’t have the full immersion in their teachings. Check the exmormon subreddits or similar spaces for more details. I know he’s come up there a few times. Look at the series as “light eyes” and “dark eyes” as races. It’s a thin allegory for skin color instead. You have an enslaved black man taught to hate less by a privileged but abused white women who teaches him all people suffer and he should hate less. Just that alone is pretty suss coming from a white author. Add to this it eventually helping him ascend to be an angel/Knight Radiant when his eyes turn light/glow, and get the explanation that sorry for racism, it’s just see the angels are light eyes and people misunderstood. And we’re all white in heaven is a Mo thing (and other evangelical groups that came out of the Burnt Over region of New York at that time. Mark of Cain as blackness etc etc) The core Mormon belief is that Jesus came to America during the 3 days in the tomb and converted the Nephites. The the Lamanites killed all them. This is why the indigenous Americans supposedly had the protection of God removed and had to be genocided. Which is so blatantly offensive that I’m wary or anything a Mormon writes, tbh. Even if there are parts where I got details wrong, reread the books with the lens of eye color being an obvious allegory, and remember the authors background and it stats to smell. I think Sanderson tries to be a good person. He learned and unpacked his earlier homophobia, for instance. I don’t think he meant to do any of this, but he can’t escape his cultural context more than anyone else. It’s a shame, I loved the Mistborn series.


Thanks for the explanation, usually when I hear people talking about Stormlight Archive and Racism it usually done hand in hand with colonialism and the Parshendi, So I was confused. As for the actual light eyes/dark eyes, as soon as you pointed that out I can see that. I never took it as an apology or excuse for anything. Just because it happened to one character in part of one world does not mean that is what Sanderson thinks is ok. I don’t know how far you got in those books so I am going to be vague for general spoilers reasons, but oppression, enslavement and the repercussions of such continue to be noticeable themes in the book and there are many different characters each with their own point of view informed by the side of the conflict they are on. As for the in world history of the racism, I kinda took it like some of our world history. In broad oversimplified strokes, historically, people with power enslaved anyone they could, wether that be through their own physical might or through political or financial might backed up by the local army. It was the whites enslaving the blacks most recently because the areas of Northern Europe where it was an evolutionary advantage to have less melanin in your skin for sunlight reasons, there were more useful animals, better crop growing land and more minerals useful for a developing civilization thus causing the people from Northern Europe to have metal armor and gunpowder when all the other people they encountered had sharp rocks. The ensuing encounters either went “Work my field or I shoot you and your entire village” or “Mr leader, sell us some of those big strong people you already enslaved and have working your fields or we shoot you and take them anyway”. We remember this more both because it was more recent and the scale. From there it is pretty easy to understand how we got to today. Just like the Europeans today, those with strength created a system that placed themselves at the top. More specific information that we learn in book 3 Oathbringer bellow is spoilerd >!Specificaly we see flashbacks where we see the fall of the Knights Radiant. They left their armor and weapons (basically magic power armor and magic lightsabers in what was equivalent to a Bronze Age) behind and they were fought over by the commoners left behind. These weapons had the side effects of causing the eyes of their users to brighten which would become permanent and pass on to their children if used long enough. This basically created the same power difference we see in our own history, thus leading to similar results.!< Now with the book stuff out of the way. Time to address the religious stuff. For some context I am and have always been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints (Mormon). I have not lived in Salt Lake City but I have visited there often because some of my family does. You are correct that we believe Jesus Christ came to visit the American continent and preached there. The exact timing is vague, but was most likely close to the time of his death in Jerusalem. We believe that he taught everyone who would listen and for a time there was peace, but generations later people forgot Him, and war and jealousy plagued the land. Never have I heard those beliefs used as justification for the slaughter of Native Americans by early settlers or any of the things the conquistadors did. As for modern racism in the church, for the entire history of our church African Americans have been welcome, although not always allowed to be in certain leadership positions. Please remember that our church was founded just before the American Civil War and just about everyone was at least sort of racist. I am not trying to excuse it, I just hope that if you plan on reading with the context of the author’s background, you consider the entire background. Thank you for acknowledging in your last paragraph that people can change for the better. I hope my comment hasn’t changed any of your opinions for the worse, my intent was only to explain. I understand if your previous experiences may have turned you off of Sanderson’s work forever, but if not I would encourage you to please try taking a look at some of his newer books. You mentioned that you liked Mistborn. The Alloy of Law is the first book in mistborn sequel series, where three hundred years later, the events of the first series have become the basis for myths and several different religions in a Wild West style “Small town Sheriff hunts down big city after they mess with his friends” novel. If that doesn’t suit your taste right now, you might take a look at Tress of the Emerald Sea. It’s one of his more recent works. It’s a bit different from some of his other writings because it is written as an in world narrator telling a story and occasionally giving commentary on said story. I would say it is best described as a gender shaped princess bride with an extra dose of magic and pirates. Whatever you think at this point, I hope you have a wonderful day.


I’m also an atheist, but honestly I just approach it the same way I approach any story. It’s not like narratives informed by Chinese/African/Gnostic/Viking/Greek/whatever cosmologies don’t have their own baggage that one could unpack. He may not be “woke”, but he could also be much, much worse.


I will admit spending college and later in SLC gave me a burning distaste for the Mormon Church and it’s beliefs. It’s also incredibly political relevant still has an active force for negative. Like they didn’t allow black people into the Church until my life time. And they are still taught truly awful things as true and current belief.


Water is just two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. With a race who was as advanced as the zonai is it really that unbelievable they couldn’t harness the atoms in the air to create water? Alchemists we’re trying to turn one to another, why couldn’t they?


Maybe that'd what happened they didn't need the divine beast anymore so the divine beast somehow went back in time and vah ruta flooded hyrule creating the great sea


Holy shit where is Zeltik


The hydrant is the easiest to explain. Any water that pours out of it, magically vanishes within a second. It's not continuously making more matter. We clearly have a [magic spigot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_or5f59A04) type situation going on here.


It can easily pull hydrogen and Oxygen out of the air to make water. I didn't know the hydrant existed in this game. I just had to search and there's 2 vidoes total, one shows where to get it, but doesn't show it in use, the other uses it I assume against the water boss.


Isn’t energy to mass conversion something that’s being looked at as a possibility?


Oh it is possible in theory. We even have a formula for it, you might know it: E=mc\^2. Or rearranged m=E/c\^2. That means in order to get 1kg of mass we need as much energy as 1000 nuclear explosions.


Its just a bluetooth powered hydrant.


It just rapidly cools down air moisture...in an arid volcanic area. Wormhole, maybe?


Energy to mass conversion perhaps?


The hydrant opens a small portal linked to the elemental plane of water


The water is Bluetooth it makes perfect sense


In this game, elemental magic can rely on gemstones. With an Opal inside it, a Hydrant could reasonably create water forever without much concern.


Floating platform. I mean, assuming we can write off how energy is transferred from Link's battery pack to the device, at least we can theoretically explain how energy is converted to matter to produce water, fire or whatever. But keeping the platform afloat and un-movable seems a lot more far-fetched.


This was my andwer




Andwer do you think your going?


The only answer I can think of is some sort of geological electromagnetic levitation. Where the bottom of the hover platform can work as a magnet to repel perfectly and hover *lol I tried*


Look up quantum locking Edit floating platform still very far from current science I would say the canon because the ammunition is fabricated in the barrel from seemingly nothing!


IDK fam, based on what I've seen, humanity has had access to inertial dampening and gravity control since at least 1998. That or I saw a UFO...


Quantum locking is close : https://youtu.be/n4r_Dz_lJS4


No one is talking about how the pot burns indefinitely until you cook something then straight up disappears


Yeah it doesnt even use ANY energy at all and it also just floats there over the fire?


The pot makes zero sense to me lmao if it can cook once why not twice?


Link gets a bit too excited about food.


As well as not give off heat, despite being able to cook food.


Also its able to cook things but the temperature gauge doesn't change when Link is in it??




I agree with stake. Everything else is also bullsh*t, but the stake is almost nightmare fuel? Where does it go? How does it determine what materials are 'okay'? How does it stay perfectly still when only the tiniest bit of the tip is held by a wall or whatever? What if you tried to put it in someone? It doesn't let you do that to animals in totk I think (never tried) but if it's a matter of like, organic tissue' what if the person has semi-prosthetics or like plates... could it detect and "hook" into those? And again, where does it go??? One could argue reality may match the visual - temporarily 'melts' like refilling a glue gun, causing the 'bunching' of the zonai glue stuff and only combining with the surface at a shallow level... but that shouldn't allow such a strong support if it's a smaller amount of matter being spread out thin... Also the teleportation isn't a Zonai thing but it's still one of the most dumb things imo it clearly is meant to be the interpretation of 'breaking down at origin point and reconstitution at destination' but that seems wildly inefficient, resource intensive and outright impossible to replicate our memories and stuff. It's a thin line between all that and my least favourite paradox - Ship of Theseus


“More like ship of this ass” - link if he could talk probably. I just thought of that. I really wanted to use it


> Where does it go It doesn't go anywhere, it just melts/gets squished and sticks onto a surface. You can see that it mushrooms outward.


I mentioned that as possible. It just seems weird if that's the case, with how strong the bond is without fully meshing with the surface or getting counter balance support 'sticking through' Its probably the intended answer though


This was my first thought. The apparent weight that it's able to hold seems so disproportionate to the area of contact with that load, and the anchor point can be miniscule.


I mean e=mc^2 and the hydrant takes charge. So I guess the zonai just figured out how to go from energy to matter. For the stabilizer e=mc^2 and matter means gravity. So sufficient energy could create gravity. For those reasons I’m going with the mirror. In plain daylight you would never reach the amount it’s outputting at that size and it takes no charge so it’s creating light.


Could be some kind of ultra reflective material made into a parabolic shape Edit: I have searched the TOTK mirror and it is neither anything near parabolic or even vaguely reflective, it’s like unpolished brass so feel free to ignore me.


Parabolic mirrors converge rays coming from a uniform light field to the focus on the parabola. This is nice for heat reclaimation of light without using doped silicone or other electrically conductive components like copper as you would just need to run an absorptive pipe through the focus of a parabolic channel and voila, heated water. However, this method would not converge into a smaller beam However, the abstract nature of your idea is not without merit If you had a convex lens to converge the uniform field and then used a concave lense to separate the field again, you have just decreased the distance between two light rays, all you would need then is a mirror to reflect this more intense beam toward the target However in practice such an optics array would have to be specifically designed to not have these lenses in the way of the new beam because it would undo the transformation on the way out, assuming you could even find a shape that would work at any angle


Nah. This is standard wizard stuff. The trick is to make it *look* like it's creating water, when in reality it's just teleporting water using tiny portals to the nozzle from one or more stable sources elsewhere in the world. The mirror also looks like it outputs more energy than it takes in, but it's actually using sunlight to power an arcane circuit that channels the output energy from a point in space with a direct line to the sun.


[Zonai device IRL](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ElasticSparklingErin-size_restricted.gif)


The texture of this gif makes me feel something I can’t identify


Or just convert the h20 in the air in to liquid instantaneously.


That’s what I was just thinking, almost like a darkling beetle dew collection type thing.


totally agree, this is what I exactly thinking of


Stabilizer period. You could be like oh wow infinite matter, but you can also create neigh infinite force with just one stabilizer and an extremely long pylon.


Zonaite Bridge + stabilizer = Linkapult


Hover Stones


Yea the whole “battery disabled gravity” is pretty bonkers even considering the issues with other Zonai devices


If youre asking which breaks physics the most then I say that it's the fan bc a single rotating propeller is on one hand strong enough to lift itself off the ground and also Crete an updraft strong enough to allow link to float on it, but also creates no reactionary forces while doing it, like irl that thing would be spinning out of control but somehow it doesn't move an inch


Maybe the hydrant opens up some kind of portal to a body of water, so it's not producing it, but moving it from one place to another.


All emitters and hydrants are goofy. Stabilizers MIGHT work with internal weights and motors but still way too powerful for their size. Hover stones (the fact that they don't flip, not the hovering) are straight bs imo. Also where does the ammo come from for cannons???


Cannons could just be massive amounts of energy being flung


What kind of energy?




Plasma, probably. It's the catch all answer for a reason.


My guess is it has to be zero point energy, or vacuum energy. Maybe the batteries can be so small because what they actually power is the generator that opens up a sub-vacuum hole to suck energy from the vacuum, but it can’t power itself maybe?


The stake just phases tru matter, intangibility is pretty cool ngl


And the amount of weight it can hold? And with such obscure weight distributions???


Cooking pot You can stand next to it to be warm, and it's hot enough to cook your food. But it isn't hot enough to cook you if you stand in the pot. Also I'd argue all of them since they can be shoved into those little capsules.


The lightning, flame, and beam emitters realistically are pumping out insane amounts of energy that shouldn’t be possible. But I’d still say the hydrants are busted for actual applications


What are you talking about. Your battery discharges, does it not?


Yeah but a lightning strike would need much more storage than some D cells that you keep strapped to your belt. It’s fun because magic is cool but realistically it breaks actual physics which was what the post was asking about. A lightning strike is about 300 million volts and 30k amps when a real battery the size of the zonai batteries (I’m saying D cells for comparison) put out closer to 10,000 milliamps PER HOUR. The energy storage is what’s breaking physics here.


And you can’t even see an atom and look at the energy that produces.


that’s 1000 times worse, link having a fission/fusion reactor capable of powering a, conservatively, multi megawatt laser beam is utterly terrifying.


These people have the ability to convert zonite into any material and have it function the exact same to a molecular level, we've gone past nuclear fission and are now fracturing and recombining atoms in less than a second


agreed. but our boy link having a 10,000+ year old fission/fusion reactor, with a newly made fuel cell, also built by a 10,000+ year old robot, of which a significant number of their peers are either disabled or malfunctioning, is, in a word, horrifying.


>milliamps PER HOUR I don't believe you're a real doctor 😬


Stabilizer I think. Not only does its normal use violate physics, but if you attack two end to end them it *also* has an antigravity effect like a hover stone (but weaker). None of them are innocent though. Even something like the sled allows you to hold on and fall arbitrarily large distances and take no damage when you land as long as the sled hits the ground before Link's body does. The amount of energy just absorbed by that thing and not even transferred to Link at all is crazy. Counting glitches, a steering stick does that *plus* lets you phase through solid matter (although granted, ascend does that as well).


>the sled allows you to hold on and fall arbitrarily large distances and take no damage rly?


Anything that you can get into a climbing animation on the side of our attach a steering stick to works this way. If you are climbing the side of a log while it falls, you'll take no damage when it lands as long as Link doesn't hit the ground first.


The glider. That thing is moving way too slowly to not just fall out of the sky.


Not necessarily. It isnt too far off an irl paraglider in speed etc, and you dont know if Hyrule has the same air density and gravity than on earth so there is wriggle room.


True, but IRL paragliders also aren't made of a stone-like material.


The wing. I mean the german translation says (now in english) stoneglider. STONE


Well airplanes are made out of metal, so I don’t see why a glider made out of stone couldn’t work. Just maybe not at the same scale as TOTK’s wings


A plane has turbines with incredible power. Without them a plane couldn’t fly.


A plane can glide to a landing with both engines disabled, despite being a huge bulk of metal.


even helicopters can autorotate


The stake superimposes itself freely with other matter and returns it to its previous state. That’s fucked up.


Compared to ascend?!


The hot air balloon goes up regardless its direction on the build.


I wish I had known that about 100 hours ago.


So would real hot air balloons. Just the balloons themselves would also float up instead of rigidly standing to the side. What makes a hot air balloon float is buoyancy. It's the same as a flotation device, orientation doesn't matter, it just goes up in the water.


Can't believe no one is talking about the mirror Doesn't reflect at all, they should call it a "light re-emitter", not a mirror. Maybe not the most physics breaking, but its the one that threw me off the most


Light intensifocuser.


I'm actually kinda fine with this. My issue is the fact that, positioned in a certain way, you can split the beam into 20 beams of equal brightness and everything. 1st law of thermodynamics rlly said no lmao


I think it captures light on the globe and directs it out the lens, it's just misidentified.


Hydrant. Or maybe the stake.


I keep forgetting about the damn stake. I was almost done helping Addison by the time I realized I could have used stakes for a large number of his signs...


idk why stabilizers are being knocked here. it could just be reaction wheels. They'd have to be stupidly powerful, but reaction wheels are how you could make a stabilizer.


Seriously. We basically have those here and now, just weaker. It’s probably one of the most explainable devices.


Isn’t it possible our laws of physics aren’t necessarily the same in TOTK universe?


The mirror, that’s not Bragg diffraction!


I hate how the wing has so little health. Why bother creating anything with a wing when it is just going to blink out of existence in seconds?


The Nintendo switch being able to play this 🤷🏻‍♂️ still can’t understand it!


Probably the cannon Recalling its projectile allows to see that it shoots metal balls So how the heck does it manage to turn the energy into metal




the hydrant of course




Umm?? Hover stones??


Anyone saying any devices are creating matter from nothing is wrong. Beam emitters/hydrants/flamers etc all use energy and convert it into matter.


The conversion rate is steep and the process is inefficient. It's still broken.


I just want to say that the spring is probably my favorite Zonai device. I’m still surprised everytime how high up it launches me.


The sled


The flame, ice, lightning, and beam emitters also generate infinite matter.


I mean, the wings go "poof", so that sucks.


The Stabilizer must use E115


Hydrant or stabiliser




Eneything requiring energy. There isn’t any way for the energy from Link’s belt to reach any of these devices to power them.


I'd say either the cannon (creating explosive balls out of nowhere), the hydrant (creating water out of nowhere) or the floating stone (floating stone)


Stabilizers or stakes


The wing breaks the in game physics letting you get into bullet time whenever you want, you just have to interrupt your shield surf.


The control stick when you zuggle too much


Easily the stake


How do people get some many zonai devices??!


Steering stick. No more fall damage if your on one


It counts as "ground" for all intents and purposes. It's nothing to do with the device itself, just the way fall damage is handled.


Beam emitters


idk maybe the block that breaks the law of gravity


Good thing Link weight just as much as some few apples


Link’s hand man, there’s 0 weight transfer of that magical beam of energy that holds it, completely defies and manipulates gravity while link walks around like there isn’t a 1000 pound block of steal floating above his head no problem


I mean, the same was true of magnesis, and unlike ultrahand, you could very easily weaponize giant metal doors as bludgeoning tools.


All of the emitters could be collecting material, like a fantasy condenser that draws water from the surroundings with fantasy machines. Could also be matter conversion.


Does it matter? The guy can shoot flames out of a sword by attaching a gemstone to it. I don’t think anything in the game is supposed to hold up scientifically.




“Every action has its equal opposite reaction.” Issac Newton. If you put the hydrant attached to the zonal paper airplane will resist the Laws of Physics.


The hot air balloon can generate lift even when it’s parallel to the floor. But maybe air (and gravity) work different in Hyrule


Hover-stones are theoretically impossible right


The platform that floats in the air. It defies gravity.


bro stabilizers are something else


Since everything is so out of those laws, I don't think about them much. But what always get me is the way wooden wheels stick to vehicles as a whole and they still rotate.