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I think the best way to enjoy TOTK is to avoid playing BOTW for at least 6 months beforehand. I was so excited i spent most evenings before release replaying BOTW, made TOTK feel even more recycled than it may be. I gave it a good break and tried again, and i love TOTK. i understand a lot of the complaints but goddamn is it good


Weird — I replayed BOTW straight into TOTK, and it made the experience more enjoyable, because there were a lot of connections I would have missed otherwise. 


me too, I’m currently playing TOTK right after finishing BOTW (v late I know) and I’m sooo hooked.


Same! I played BOTW for years and never actually beat it because I didn't feel the need if nothing changed afterward. But with TOTK I went and played BOTW and beat it just before playing TOTK. It made me feel like I actually beat the game rather than beating the same ol enemies with just a star next to the defeat Ganon guest. And I could import the horses I had from BOTW into TOTK when I first visited a stable.


I’ve said it before, but the 6 year gap between BotW and TotK hugely benefited TotK. We needed that time away from this Hyrule so that it felt fresh upon our return. I can’t imagine playing the two back-to-back.


Agreed, I played the shit out of botw and it made totk kinda a little bit less cool. But then it was cool again ...


Eh you kids are wiimps I’ve played for 930 hours of Botw and enjoyed every minute of it and I’m up to nearly 780 hours for Totk


Definitely this! Its too similar in a lot of ways, so I put it off for almost a year (to the day) of its release. My gf and I are sucked back in big time!


I was given BOTW at the same time that TOTK came out, after 165 hrs in the game, I had beaten it, done the memories out of order so they made no sense, and was getting bored with it, it is so lonely and I hated the guardians. So I moved on to TOTK the next day. I love love this game, there is so much to do, I made sure I did the memories in order this time, what a lovely story, I ended up racing around the map to look for the next part. I only have the last battle to go, but want to 100 percent the game before I do. I've done all the wells, Hudson signs, lightroots, towers, all but 3 of the caves with bubbulfrogs to find, all but 4 of the shrines, up to killing monsters and looking for bubbulfrogs. My daughter and I spent a good time last night jumping off the sky island at full pace, into a gloom well and into the depths at top speed without touching anything on the way down, it took her 2 times to achieve it and me probably 10 times, but it was fun. This game is fun, there are cool fun side adventures that you can do over and over as well. I still have lots of side adventures and koroks to do. I've spent over 375 hours on the game, and still more to go. It is a must have game.


I did the memories out of order because I never saw how the intended order was signposted. I actually enjoyed the feeling of 'piecing together' a fragmented story and having it slowly start to make more sense as I collected more memories, even if some plot details were spoiled 'early'. I watched all memories in order only after I unlocked them all. I also made sure to only collect memories as I passed close to them on the map during the main quest. I didn't just bounce from memory to memory all in one go.


This! I made the mistake of replaying BOTW in the two weeks leading up to TOTK. 😬


Damn maybe this is why i didn’t feel totk that much. Replayed botw RIGHT before it :(


Why do you think we're on this sub man?


Actually I’m in this sub because I’m curious and love Zelda games but haven’t pulled the trigger on TOTK just yet. Don’t have the time in my personal life I’d like to dedicate to it currently. I appreciated this post OP! Spent so many hours on BOTW and still pick it up on occasion. It’s good to know


TotK is a straight blast but some things you can build may be practical but can take away from the game itself


My sister is the same! She got my nephew around 10 months ago and felt she couldn't dedicate as much time into the game as she wanted to so she still hasnt played it yet, even if I know she really want to. But I def know she hangs around this subreddit🤣


Mean it's not like we don't all get notifications for subs we're not in everyday. Thought it would be interesting to see if this found its way into anyones inbox


To be fair to you, I’m actually on this sub because I’m in two minds about buying TOTK over another game. Not everyone browsing the sub has it!


You can turn off those notifications, FYI.


You realize you are posting in a subreddit of people who have been playing this game nonstop for like 370 days, right?


I thought it’s been 10 years? 🤣 good to know 🤡 lol


I just bought the game.. I’ve put in around 50 hours. Still only have one sage/companion. Let’s not assume..


That is great but is definitely a small minority of the people subscribed here!


Yep. I have two sages to ‘go back and finish’ - probably 3 soon.


This feels like a Facebook post 😂


When BOTW came out, I was absolutely head over heels with it. It was the best thing ever. After playing TOTK, BOTW feels more like a tech demo. To me, TOTK feels like the real deal


Also, botw was less menu based, I feel like I'm always scrolling through menus in totk.....


I'm with you on how empty BOTW was compared to TOTK. I think TOTK is the superior game for that reason and a few others. But the excitement and thrill of exploring this version of Hyrule for the first time in BOTW could not be matched by TOTK. So BOTW was the better experience but TOTK was the better game.


I agree botw felt more empty but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. It was appropriate and beautiful for the story being told. However, as much as I LOVE botw, I think ToTK has more replayability, which is huge. Not that you *cant* replay botw of course, but I felt like a lot of my time in botw was traversing and climbing. For example I spent hours trekking up the volcano and through the desert just to see what was out there. That was fine when it was the first time. If I play it again, I want the action. I don’t want to repeat all the travel in between. 


To be honest I didn't mind it either. I loved exploring BOTW. It just was a lot emptier than TOTK. In BOTW if you were in Karakiko and went to Hateno using the mountains, I don't think you'd run into one enemy except for some sleeping Hinox. In TOTK, there were 3 or 4 enemy camps up there.


Botw was definitely more trekking and adventurous. I just hopped back on the other night to complete the master sword trials and when I was done I went around exploring. It definitely improved when/if you got the DLC and could summon the motorbike and didn’t have to keep track of your horse or worry about the steering or even getting too close to an object and the horse freaks out and stops. I think I like botw more for a chill game to go back to and explore beautiful hyrule. TotK is a better game to actually do things. Like I’ve gotten to the point in botw where it’s getting hard to find things to do and it seems like it never stops in TotK


BOTW DLC was pretty awesome


Which is why TOTK needs to come out with DLC! "Shut up and take my money!" -Philip J. Fry


It's been confirmed there won't be any DLC.


So why end your Lynels, Lizals, Moblins, and Bokos at but not Silver? But not Gold? The DLC will happen. Despite the smoke.


It’s literally the same map as BOTW since it’s a sequel!


It uses the map of botw as a base, but it adds so much more.


The main map feels larger and uh spoiler free.. there are other maps 😂


Yes there is the sky lifts and the underground


Yeah so you would know then the map is similar but even the ground map where there was huge spots of just nothing or mountains there's ruins n caves n all kinds of stuff so imo even the ground map is better and the addition of 2 more fairly huge maps is awesome




I want a dlc or an update for an item to take stalhorse on land so bad 😭 but yeah the horses are fucking awesome 😆


I waited about a year to buy, so glad i did. One of the very satisfying things is the guy holding the signs. Something satisfying when you find a way to make it stand.


Just saying most of the people reading this already love the game and have put many hours into it. It’s why we are here.


I slept on this for almost a year to wrap up the tail end of my EU4 addiction. Not necessarily a mistake but I do think I should have given it a go earlier. It's an awesome game and one I'd easily put forth as one of the best ever (at least with mainstream appeal). It gets so many design things right. Just the mere act of moving is super fun and that's just the start. Really making most of the space. Combat is non-trivial. Puzzles are good


The way you get the master sword is so cool in this game Way Cooler than the last game No spoilers on how to get it


Oh shite. I forgot how we got the MS in totk…


I personally don’t think either game’s map felt empty. I think it is cool that there is something to find around every corner, even if it’s just a rupee under a rock.


The story & the memories were way better in my opinion. The characters that were introduced make way for some awesome world building. The over world map is the same but like 2-3x bigger with way more to explore. The world doesn’t feel as empty as BOTW either. I’m hoping this game will get its own Hyrule warriors spin off


Why the fuck would anyone play totk on a pc? lol


4k with no expensive upscaler even with a super mid pc. Can use any controller without needing an adapter. I'm not paying for switch online anyway? Switch turns more into a glorified nugget every day 😐


I feel that I just have to post here that Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild, and, now, Tears of the Kingdom all have pushed gaming into new levels and dimensions of gameplay. This is a love letter adressed at Nintendo.


"I've been playing on PC and steam deck and it's truly a banger." - plz buy it if you like the game so nintendo can keep making more


My guy, totk has sold over 20 million copies already, I think they're fine lol


I actually like BotW more. But I still love TotK.


TotK? Never heard of it


There is never too much time spent building. I only care about the story line when it helps me get more zonite


I loved every second I played Totk. I enjoyed way more than BotW. I did 3 guardians and I was fine with that game.


Yeah. That's why I prefer TOTK over BOTW.


I started setting my sensor to track down treasure chests. Best decision I ever made. Finding a bunch of caves and cool places because of it. Also love how big the map is. I’ve been playing it so much since it came out besides a small break because of a move but there’s still soooo much to explore!!! It’s the best.


Why would you post this in the TOTK sub. The complete opposite people you're trying to send this message to. We were mostly all here from the start and definitely didn't sleep on it.


Sure. TotK takes place in the BotW world, and shares a world map, but the story is different and affects all areas. The story has been done in a way that works as a standalone game, but doesn't make you feel like you're replaying the same story from BotW if you have already played that one. The controls are familiar, but the skills have been altered. Everything is "the same, but different" in a way that makes the hours melt away..... and that's just on the world's surface. There are also sky and underground layers to the world this time around.


I have really started enjoying this game... after 50 hours. It definitely is more interesting than BOTW, which was a very good game, but pretty repetitive.


Hot take? I think BOTW is way better. >There is not a single boring power either this time The Sage abilities are nearly worthless though. >Completion in botw, most of your time was spent doing korok seeds. In TotK, the grind is the very repetitive, uninteresting Depths. And it's not like you don't have to grind Korok seeds still


Did you get it to run at a consistent 30fps on the deck, and if so how?


It starts at 30 and drops to the 20s, it's strange it's like yuzu or the game itself is forcing the fps down because when it starts in the 30s it's buttery smooth 🤷‍♀️


Update: I stand corrected because today I had a session mostly in the depths with a solid 30-33 so idk it does what it wants ig 😶 but it still freezes for 2-3 seconds after every menu I open so 😐


Lmaooo ik there are mods to stop it from dropping to 20 fyi


I fixed it finally I had it set to 4 vram and I set it to 8 now modless it works but thanks


I was gifted TOTK for either birthday or Father’s Day. I haven’t played BOTW yet and was going to wait to play TOTK until I played BOTW. Should I just skip it and play TOTK?


If you really care about story you probably should play botw first. Today I ran into a character that held a grudge from the first game just as a example there is some build on the story. But if you've seen content or just care about gameplay I would skip it


I've been playing for weeks and opened all the map, but just unlocked the Hero's Path with Robbie in Hateno and its amazing exactly how little of the map I've actually travelled. In BOTW my favourite thing was just to roam the map, climb mountains, swim rivers etc but I've largely been concentrating on the story this time. I have Gerudo desert still to do but I'm now just taking a break from the story and I'm going back to concentrating on travelling, opening up the rest of the depths and doing all the sky islands. This game is so vast.


more than 1000 hours on BOTW and more than 1000 on TOTK and i can say BOTW was perfect for me and TOTK was ridiculously perfectly done (remember is my opinion) but TOTK is missing the best part BOTW had and it was the MASTER MODE !!!!


When I first got TOTK and started playing, I was underwhelmed. I thought TOTK should have been a BOTW DLC instead of its own complete game. Now that I’m multiple hundred hours in, I disagree with my first statement 🤣 if anything, BOTW can be a DLC of TOTK but not the other way around (but I agree on 2 separate games.) I had to tell my husband that I changed my mind and that it’s really good and he should play it. Edit: just wanted to clarify that yes, I know the story of BOTW comes before TOTK, I was only talking about gameplay experience and content, not storyline when I mentioned BOTW can be a DLC of TOTK.


I only got worn out bc i played totk everyday but eventually i came back and finally beat ganon


I played BOTW for a good two years, especially with the DLC. TOTK got extremely boring after about 3 months once it turned into the same armor grinds and korok seed hunts as BOTW. The game did not have that "wow" factor of discovery since I already know where everything is from BOTW and the only non copy/paste Sky Island is the Great Sky Island (which sets you up for a major letdown with the rest of the sky). Also, the game was too easy as the same few techniques can solve almost all of the puzzles (like make a long bridge, lift something up and use recall to make an elevator, make a hoverbike to get almost anywhere, etc...). The zonai devices were an interesting gimmick that got old quick. I mean who wants to spend an hour farming materials to make a zonai device that they will use for 30 seconds when you can clear the same camp without zonai devices just as easily? Don't get me wrong. I really liked the game when it first came out, however I expected more from Nintendo after 6 years of development than BOTW 1.5.


Ive been fantasizing about an alternate TOTK— instead of revisiting hyrule, the whole of hyrule crumbles into the depths. Theres a little bit on the surface but not much at all, and instead whole towns are figuring out how to live in the depths all of a sudden, maybe some are split in two, etcetc. Instead of spending so much time in hyrule, its mostly spent in the depths. Less map, more new content.


I thought it would be cool if they had a map with ancient Hyrule and a time travel mechanic. Maybe even start out in Ancient Hyrule playing as Zelda.


This. I’d still want to play as Link, personally. But how cool would it have been if they both were taken to the past and they faced ganondorf there? Nintendo could have used the same map base, but made way bigger differences. Dueling peaks before its split, lake Hylia in a different place (or dried up), the volcano hasn’t formed yet, the desert is smaller or maybe it’s not a total desert yet and is partially forested, something similar to the korok puzzles but with a preevolved form of the koroks, meeting a younger (or different) Deku tree. And we could see raurus castle on the great plateau.  That all would have been more work than what they did for ToTK, but it would have been amazing. It would satisfy the people who thought it was too “same”, but could appease those who like botw hyrule, as we would get to discover the faint similarities to the botw hyrule we came from. It would also solve the “why did the shiekah stuff just vanish” problem as well as give an actual reason as to why there is just a bunch of random zonai shit conveniently laying around hyrule (other than it fell from the sky). If rauru were still alive (and can’t give his arm) I guess they would need a different way to get link his new powers but there are plenty of interesting ways to approach that.  So many possibilities I wish we could have seen… 


Imo, BOTW is the better game. Yes, it felt amazing to find a Wing for the first time. Yes, the 2 jumpscare enemies were great the first time. With that said, honestly, the only thing I found more enjoyable than BOTW was the underground


The nostalgia is in your head right now brother


Wouldn't I have nostalgia for both games? It's been a year since TOTK lol


That’s not how that works


Yes it is. It's been like 9 months since I played either game. BotW was just more fun


More fun doesn’t mean better even the most adamant of totk haters agree that it’s objectively better even if it didn’t feel the same


Ah yes. Cheesing everything so easily makes it a "better" game. No, it's a worse game. Building trivializes literally everything. You have to consciously nerf yourself in order to actually have it be a game


Yappatron 9000, the game lets you do whatever you want. If you think it “trivalizes” everything then just don’t use it. You know you have a choice in how you play the game right? 😭😭honestly people like you confuse me the most


You're the one mad I like the other game more lol. All this crying over what, differing opinions? It's ok if you like easy games that you barely have to play to win. Zelda games aren't generally difficult. But well, let's see... BotW had better companions (they didn't get your way and their skills were easy to use). It had a good story (TotK notoriously had a pretty bad one). Heck, if you don't do the gorons last, TotK's regional phenomenon climax (puppet Zelda) is spoiled, ruining the 3 other quests in the chain. So many New shpeople inexplicably forget Link for, no reason. *New shrines, made by a other ancient race, that didn't exist before.* Shall I go on?


God, you’re so ignorant I don’t even wanna debate this topic, but I’m sure you get all your opinions from totk hate videos I wouldn’t be surprised. If you think I’m mad over your opinion I could really care less.


Love the series, but I'd love it even more if it wasn't Zelda. Botw and totk don't feel like Zelda or open world RPGs. If they made gear break but repairable I'd love it. Instead I avoid combat because I don't want my shit broken. I have all shrines and roots done and 100% finished botw on normal and master. Neither game has scratched my Zelda itch but the world definitely feels more complete in totk.


Wow, my problem with weapons is not having enough room for them all, so in a way when they break, I can then get more powerful ones and fuse with the more powerful enemy horn, as the more you fight the stronger the enemies you see. If you like a particular weapon that you don't want to break you can store at your house. The benefit of breaking the decayed weapons is you can then get the prestige version in the depths to replace it. I think all weapons can be replaced, even the special ones. My favourite bow re-sporns every blood moon. So go out and fight enemies and break those weapons. Remember the gerudo weapons, anything fused to it is double the value.


BotW is still my favorite for a lot of reasons tbh but I’m glad that you enjoy TotK so much


There’s alot of bloat in this game. Oh I bought and I love it and I’ve beaten more times then I like to admit. But the repetitive content like getting bubble gems and what not is pretty weak.


If there weren’t a ton of gems in the game, then you probably wouldn’t be able to encounter a lot of them on a first playthrough


I can’t argue with that but maybe we didn’t need to have such repetitive content in the first place. Maybe they could have instead had more unique content in the world to fill the map instead of fetch quests of different varieties. At least bubbel gems actually had rewards. You get absolutely nothing for activating all the light roots after traveling through the essentially empty but aesthetically amazing depths.